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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the, all 4 of the data, clipping, the resources of the terrorist attacks, all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move toward the prison, where according to the preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state port rosters. president vladimir putin condemning the tire with a type as a motorist, active intimidation, he says the suspects were trying to flee to you, prayed when they what's called the the full arises through a 133 off the terrorist strike of the talking to the concert hole in the russian capital among the victims 3 children while at 121 people over
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the sewing crocuses. what did you do yesterday? watching the are you doing progress once in shooting to rebuild? what for? for money? for money. yes. that's for how much money a lot of half a 1000000 the kills become one of the detain suspects in the mask or is interrogated by russian security services and confesses, he was recruited 3 a telegraph time. does washington points to the spotlight on the ice? this isn't, it didn't fit. there are no signs of ukraine being involved. moscow says, unless to washington has reliable intelligence fits in no place to the company. yet if the united states, as well as other countries have or had reliable data on this matter, it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data, the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to anyone
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the live on worldwide from moscow, with the one youth front and center and built it as always on. ok. so the russian president, vladimir putin has to address the nation, expressing his condolences to the victims and others who have lost their loved ones . he said the suspects were moving towards the crating and bought a trying to escape. and an opening had been prepared on that side for them to cross the sticker, say to see the new to basically all 4 of the data, but bit rate, those of the terrorist, the tax and the state issue. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. a total of 11 people were detained. then you see the federal security service. so for us, you know,
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an older law enforcement agencies are working to identify and cover the entire that or support base those who provided them with transport, planet escape route is from the crime scene. union prepare, gosh, as you see, caches of weapons and ammunition, maybe speech of a. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared, an organized mass, murder, of peaceful, defenceless people. to the criminals with cold blooded and purposefully going to kill less shoot us citizens and our children at point blank range like the nazis who once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. where they planned to arrange a demonstrative execution,
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a bloody act of intimidation. but he should have put on all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime will be justly and evidently punished. well will now have confirmation from latimer presenting himself that those visit the shooting and killing on friday nights were apprehended. there are currently being transported to moscow from what we understand, let them know if we can also confirm that they had at safe haven waiting for them in ukraine. so this is a major development of course, and let's not forget, but this comes after ortiz, editor in chief margaret this morning on post the videos of the immediate interrogations of 2 out of the 4 suspects that made the tase in brands region. there were trying to flee the country on their way to the fray and apparently where they have contracts there who are supposed to help them out more from these video interrogations. that, of course, migrate this one. yeah, i got from her sources. we got to see a little bit about the plan and find out more details as to how this all happened
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at potentially who was behind that and how they've got to do so we druggists, what did you do yesterday shooting what were you doing? progress shooting. what? shooting? yes. who people? what 4th and pull him up, police for money, for money. yes, that's for how much money i bought a half a 1000000. how familiar, what familiar with rubles? who do you see with from i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money? put in a card? yes. where's the cards? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. well, based on these testimonies were, know that this was an elaborate, a highly organized and very soft throughout the attack. and from what we can see. and also we heard that they were planning this for quite some time. and they even had lessons hidden in the secret location. let's hear some more from that for a suspect. they're willing to get the weapons. they delivered the weapons
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themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how, when you found the look for them yourself, what did they find? you know they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there, but it was a different how is it possible? did it go to you a post for you to kill people just like that? they don't just just to kill people to anyone. know i study do telegram less than one and telegram less and i did the lessons. i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes, and he wrote to you on his assistant wrote to me that she told us to go to the place where they would provide everything or did they say specifically who is a kill people? what's kind of people and it doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill us. all sorts is, of course, surely orthodontics stablish, and who they are, who that preachers as well as who was waiting for them on the other side,
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any freights in that safe haven. but of course, in the meantime, we also heard from the 2nd suspect to apparently he is the leader of the killer group. and he's talking about how this was started uh, where they lived in fact, in the whole. so apparently this is the part where he explains where he lived, he was communicating with and how it all ended up on friday nights to the hospital. what is the hospitals address? dimitri advocate, where exactly demetrius a district. what's the street name near the highway? who did you live there with mohammed? how long did you live with mohammed? mohammed said 10 to 15 days. we lived together for about a month, 15 to $20.00 days for about a month. what were you to doing? we bought a call once to walk, who bought the car. abdullah and my friend voted car. he wants to work with this car. what kind of car? taxi or cargo transportation?
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a small call a taxi. who is abdul? uh, how did you get to know him? telegraph, did you meet on telegram? yes. telegraph. on which phone? oh my fine. okay. when? when exactly did you meet up to? about 10 to 12 days ago. $10.00 to $12.00 days. yes, i've been out of work for a long time. i wants to work. who is abdulla i got acquainted on telegraph? have you met him? he was with us abdul la him. yes. where and when did you meet him? where did you meet him? when we bought the culture? where did you buy the car? on the demetrius highway from home, i've told his relatives, or the power and so forth right now for us as an investigative committee, is to establish the identities of everyone who facilitated this killer group, as well as those who are waiting for them. and we are expecting to hear what you frame has to do with all this, what they knew, and just how much they were involved in this terrorist attack. meanwhile,
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the interior ministry has denied reports to the detained suspects was supposedly russian citizens. the terrorist attack of moscow's biggest concert, whole killed a $133.00, including children, had left more than a $120.00 wounded. and the moscow was caught on camera as people inside even fell onto the unfolding situation. i should warn you what you're about to see is disturbing. and
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the produce was on saturday. if were to come, sit in, craig, a city hole, there's some kind of shooting going on and people are running. everyone's screaming, they're not, they're shooting from a gun. the shooting of the crowd. some people are shooting the whole was set on finance. we were set on fire, particularly just just we're, we're live, we're safe now. it was very hard to escape from that issue. things with, from a size. there are many wounded in our opinion. they were people killed people who was shot relying on the 4 shots of a 5 by 7, the whole end in the car door. we've been waiting for them. i mean, to run out. we've able to run out into the street,
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going into the pass code. we sold and drive away now off the tragedy us national security advisor, john coby claimed as no signs of all of ukrainian involvement in the attack. there is no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you with this early hour of any connection to you. on this course we'll have now to the most good bureau chief of saw the radio in iceland headquarter hawks. and now joining us here live in ology international and a very well welcome to you in a very good evening as well. what, what do you think of food and as come out confirming the 1st piece finding that there was a ukrainian links to this terrorist attack washington. however, exactly the opposite. saying we see no evidence at all that ukraine was involved. how for your thoughts as well? i think it's the digital us off the west of the main stream of the you with southern decision to try me don't ices because the rest of it has no connection
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with sizes the judge and wars over 20 years ago. and it's of course 99.9 percent to clear less. this is to the ukrainian as they will, the new law for dolphin to all the absolutely 6 people and this dispersion now going on from the west. the who didn't want this. well, it really on the election has been doing what include interviews with local and so what advice on the instructor 1000, locally as a one foot the this is just the offer to hear this from the people in washington on from, from the mainstream press. and so i want to to say, to predict this with al cape and to drop the crew of often the slice. let me zoom in so long as they are trying to the, the rock the both in russia to use this to cut or for me could dispute off for, on 0 some feelings against the most things where which or 15 percent and more insight to us. yeah. so this is pretty clear and of course the notification will
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take place. it will be in a qualified to and good manner. they would bring the resources to gradually, they wouldn't dare not screaming this straight on and immediately went with some the, some resources and the reporting as you said or they they yeah. what are the timing is? so i'm ukrainian fingerprints use those people wanted to, to be able to a sent westgate 3 print territory. so it's been pretty clear, but the, we've made the f as b. we made the police and to the, the original thirty's, with a horrible investigation. and i was qualified to research which the rest of our was the restroom style is like, well, i mean that the investigation is already getting, getting on the way they've detained the left button. the suspects certainly for or shooters as well. but i, i do say, how cold, i mean, it was just hours after this tragedy occurred. washington came out very quickly saying it's got nothing to do with your credit. it must be,
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it must be isis. i mean, just just think back exactly a month ago, the outgoing the for my deputy undersecretary of foreign affairs victoria noon and victoria newland actually said she was basically resigning. we'd be hunting and noticed, put in this, got some nasty surprises coming his way. should we read into that at all? do you think? absolutely, absolutely. i did. was your thoughts although also read into the warning the officer avoiding the center full of mos. it's 20 or so 15 years ago or 15 days ago with one to 2 weeks ago. where they were warning americans and the 1st, what is the concept towards the concept and gathering the use of the water, you use it to avoid to the galleries and they, they would use these words, you know? but as i said, people previously, you know, the, the american style, the one, the, i made sill 17, most of the time of reprint in the summer of offer to us and 14, in july they came in immediately like 3 hours or something like that. promotion fun
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and everybody was sleeping better because 5 o'clock in the morning or something. it wasn't some time. and cnn made so many ridiculous claim as this is saying, stayed on as with poles and so on. but the rest and separate says, yeah, for this did it. so this is american said a game against the russian side, which i was also. that's me. yeah, that's what he said. i think great, bring up a really good point. how co and make 70 and of course 2014. when that was brought down of the eastern ukraine with an hours hillary clinton hit the national network saying, the russians did this, the russian separatist did this. we know this because we have the flight track on read off to show whether missed all came from. but we're not going to show you that we're not going to show you what i'm going to publish that information. so it is just, i'm glad you, but i'm glad you brought that up. let me ask you if i may have called, i mean look clearly this is a massive terror attack in real sure. and it's good to see so much of the world of activity upon from america, but it's so good to say so much of the world offering condolences and well wishing . but the fact of the matter is, on a smaller scale,
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there are similar attacks happening up and down. russia is western border where russian suffering territory is being attacked almost on a daily basis. look at the, the bill, good old region, for example, quarter as well, with civilians and the reason presidential election. we're going out to the polls, the cost, the vote, and t f was showing civilians who was simply trying to be a part of the presidential election. we have these terror attacks happening on a very regular basis. why is it the western states are only showing attention to this one and turning a blind eye essentially, to over the other numerous attacks over the russian border on so for interruption, territory a yeah with this is it were interesting in front of you. what is your bring weapons and the well the they, they bought to make dispute inside dresser. they want to make some ethnic printing thing as most sites inside the dresser. you know, and they also, they didn't, did pay any attention. it was the, the abs before the simple as will and 10,
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yes. now rather than that, you can use their bombing and selling both territories, killing 14000 people. they did not show any interest or sympathy towards this, and they're trying to use these terrible just, you know, is it so, you know, cowardly done. you know, feeling people, family, people come in to send him a shopping concert. children, you know, and disrupt the group off picnic in using those, you know, with low level and low, educated to the poor. of course, people, it's such as the i size, you know, and i might fix these lots excluded. and what they did, you know, in doing this or getting 2002000000 companies in the seventy's in the sixty's. what that did, you know, the problem is to invest what you give out of to so many people. and in such a, you know, it's just a, i don't know, it's awkward, you know, it adds it to the so using this cowardly method, using those swearing for people who has several destiny, lorenzo war and,
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and the find the rock, the boat. and i would still like to say about the excess of desperation and the rest as just guessing, strength, stronger, and so on. but the, they're trying to use every method of the every method and your opinion is industry . and so you know this, mr. any on comments? yeah. it's in human, you know in or mind. yeah. the 24 minutes a thing. let's not lose focus. let's not lose. no. can don't assist to the victims . none of that. he said let's not in fluids focus. let me, i'm going to be asking to brock obama 4 days ago, made a little secret meeting a little secret trip to downing street in london. i wonder, i'm just wondering what they were talking about obama and who, you know, originally so, and i can learn about, you know, it doesn't surprise me that they're involved in all sorts of scale, doug, or how code. let me ask you, if i may, your in most go the most go bureau chief of saw that radio in iceland. when this kicked off last night, i guess you were getting ready for bed. maybe you were already in bed, but what was the 1st thing that hit your mind when you heard this news about the
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attack? of course it was just short cause and the i was the or the twenty's or from us on the tourist. there might be 2 missed most going to some through the trouble and tours and i will say are walking around with my wife and the making business contacts because i work also in the tourist industry. i'm a general, i'm my own to owner of agency tours. agency and we are previously, but it was the rest of it successfully, but it was your of his posts. so we are doing business with india is iran and so on, you know, and we were changing business card starting to leave around and switch. i need to order all the people, the picture of the cross and suppresses. but i will set just 3 as a 2 days ago and, and the 20th and the 22nd. this happens. i'd be working around the whole day there . but now i see the where i saw a fault photograph of all of this, where the one with the so the toner, concrete, the floor. and now of this where, where the floor all around. we have to fix black,
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a rubber or plastic books with the dead bodies. and people are being invited by choose by the media set by the police and by a special services in order to recognize the bodies off of the dead bolt of the children. that the youngster young people on this worried floor. i was walking 40 years 42 hours ago. yeah. changing business costs and doing the business. the relationship with the you see a lot in america for just because of the west is lots to on those. the tories 5th, so this is just so and it's, it's the, uh i was, i guess the, i, i can't describe my feelings. yeah, that's the question. well, i appreciate, i appreciate you being so forthright with us. so harcourt hawks, and it is the most good bureau chief of us saw got radio in iceland, also a must go resident, great to get you on the program. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate that. thank you. thank you. the meantime you have done you who mean it is
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a daughter over now and russian cosmonaut should be that should be the found the alive and well off to being wrong, listed as deceased. she was in the corner of that video, right? the terrace, which you think she's explained that she was mistaken. we identified as deceased when documents of folding out of a bag and she fled a hi. last week of my details are on the list of the deadline. i think we can you lost your document, your passport? yes. as i understand it. well, documents past bird driving license. please tell me what you saw and how you escaped. because there's information that in that terrible video where people are simply shot in a group, you were one of these people in miraculously escaped. yes, i'm one of these people and it was just lucky. we're sending at the entrance to crocus at the security gate and heard gunfire from behind. we thought it was fireworks or some kind of prank at 1st. then everyone just ran in all directions. so the shooting started from the street. no, not from the street. we were over the inside,
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standing at the entrance inside the building, the shooting started. they approached and shot. when i opened my eyes, there were 3 people walking silently in a row with the machine guns. when they turned around, i saw that there were 3 of them. then they turned out from the video that there were more of them. how far? where are they from the you when it all happened? i don't know how far, how can explain it to how far they came at us. did they say something? shout something? no, they were silent. so they just did terrible things in silence. they just shot people in silence. you wouldn't hurt no injuries and nothing, no corn you have to work. well, they all come off of a terror attack on the croaker, said he called black's. well, you can see it right there. the building is basically reduce to that of child revel . 55 is contained, the blaze that we understand it's still loading and some small areas and emergency services are still looking for evidence across that saying a personal have continued to discover even more bodies of the deceased tents. but
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that's all accordingly, as on the wrong well, the white house warned of a possible tire talking to moscow earlier in the month. here's what the white house national security council spokes person said at the time. earlier this month, the u. s. government received information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans and russia. if the united states, as well as other countries, have all had reliable data on this matter, it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. well, off of the tragedy of the white house was quick to express his condolences. however, the us national security advisor, john coby, took to the podium to suggest president food and it has people all over the country that object to his leadership. and it took about to clarify, washington would need more time to establish such a as clearly as you know, there are people in the,
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in las gone and russia that object to the way mister pool is governing the country . but i don't think we're at this early hour, we can make a link between the, the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations. i think we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. if there is no such data. the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to anyone. one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the competent authority. so i can honestly tell you it's not just questions. a huge question. so the reaction of the office of the secretary general left the un, which said, i mean the office, it's representative that they are stopping by the reports of the shooting will adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to this kind of thing. the woods with the same of hara shock. she comes to nation unequivocal condemnation, right? just and compassion for the victims, the united nations. it's secretary general and it's member. countries are obliged to see what the whole world is now seeing
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a bloody terrorist attack and condemn it. unequivocally, she said she slowly or we were talking with a pair of guests regarding this terror attack here in moscow and both suggest it's crystal clear through the perpetrators on of course uh, you know, it was the former president of the ryan who is that everywhere where you see terrorism, the us is behind that. and of course uh for, for, for me to look at this and to realize that just in early march, the united states had issue a travel advisory and a warning to its citizens. that they had some information that they did not share, which of course shows the level of care and diplomacy that the united states of course, has in terms of a relation with the russian federation of it is deeply disturbing. the fact that they might have known something is, is all but certain that they knew something, but that they didn't care. it of course, indicates and implicates them in this crime. and i think that's a, that's the real,
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deeper investigation that needs to be done. what did the united states know, who was talking to, and of course, towards proxies. of course, we look back at the history of gladto and many of these operations over the past decades, especially in the cold war, the united states was by any of these atrocities in europe and elsewhere. trying to for med discords and trying to enact through human change, we know the playbook, the fact that they do something, and only one of their citizens, to escape unscathed indicates the level of depravity and barbarism that we're entering now. and i'm deeply concerned about the future of the peace and stability of the world order this isis growing brand is used as a possible deniability of the actors. so and when they get involved with this kind of general real estate activity because they usually carry sanctions and voting sequences. of course, the key of as being involved in of the activities,
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either russians of civilians and other acts of terrorism such as a beginner and so forth. so going for the friday and what i would suggest that is 7 find the time i have was driving enough hourly. and the fact that, like strict was denied is, doesn't mean this is the size of the kid bridge was the tags here nationally divide the found out that by actually what i'm supposed to be involved the next year, right? so it's perhaps a repetition will limit the cottage acts of citizen bravery have a much well one of the gunmen was reportedly re loading his gun. a man seized the opportunity to incapacitate him and was joined by a now brother and on. it said they saved over a 100 lives by allowing people to escape. you're not going to receive an award from
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federal authorities. bullshit, it's just to to, to look at 3 of them. walked along the mezzanine and a 4th appear just before the stairs. i saw him near the partition he had just shot some people in cold blood. i looked at my wife and realized that i saw wild horror in her eyes. i realized that i had to do something at that moment when he caught up with us to begin to reload his weapon. i had a 2nd to think i assess the movements i pushed to my wife and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down with my right hand. i'd be get to strike him on the head. he began to go down, i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike. at the moment, another man ran up to me. he also dealt a couple of powerful blows, more powerful and we knocked out the gunman. while we were discussing the whole scenario with international affairs and security, unless maxwell bowed, i must have to go to say, he says this was, well,
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a well planned attack calculated the cause maximum con, it is undoubtedly a active terrorism. what's more, it is a military or military style active tear, it is, and this was organized. this was planned. the gunmen are heavily armed with assault rifles. uh, according to some reports body armor. uh and throwing grenades. they obviously had some type of explosive device or accelerate. there would have been very light rent a cop type security at the entrance and some incredibly soft target. they opened fire from the reports at point blank range on anyone who came within view. so their goal was to kill as many russians as possible as we are right helpless alice program here on our to our website has
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a full the latest moment by moment of updates on this tire attack is got the information on the detain suspects. also the stipends coming out of the criminal mount, the messages pouring in from the pole around the work, the oh, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape house because of the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will


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