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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the port of the day that the potatoes of the territories bottex, both those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards the ukraine, where, according to the preliminary data, the window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side to process. the state for ross as president put in, condemns the terrorist attack as a murder, as tact of intimidation. it says that the suspect we're trying to leave the trade when the report, the death to rise is to $153.00 optic service, like compact concept bowl and the russian capital. for the 140 people had been wounded. later in the program we hear from
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a woman who was kind of bother your statements. as shots, brian galsen knew i q this lisa by selling druggists. what did you do yesterday? watching the are you doing progress? one, shooting? yes. who people? what for? for him, i'll police for money for money. yes, that's for how much money about a half a 1000000 feet killed for cash. why don't they detain? the suspects in the master carries interrogated by ross in security services and some assessment that used to on the tethered robin messaging app. and as washington binds the spot, why the knife is it in the face that there are no signs of ukraine being involved? moscow says, unless the us has a reliable intelligence, it's no place to come in. the
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novel is, is, are to international reaching your lives of moscow. welcome to the latest update this alex i, a mike dowel, russian president vladimir put in has address to the nation, expressing his condolences to the victims and all those who have lost their loved ones. he said of the suspects were moving towards the ukrainian border, trying to escape, and an old thing had been for pad on that side for them to cross over. just say to see the, it's a little bit all 4 of the data perpetrators of the terrorist attacks. the issue. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service. so for us, you know,
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an older law enforcement agencies are working to identify and cover the entire that always support base. those who provided them with transport, planet escape route is from the crime scene. union prepared cashiers to see caches of weapons and ammunition at the speech of a, i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are facing not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful, defenceless people. to the criminals with cold blooded and purposefully going to kill, shoot us citizens and our children at point blank range. like the nazis who once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they plan to arrange a demonstrative execution, a bloody act of intimidation. all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this
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crime is that you will be justly ending, evidently punished. well will now have confirmation from let him have present it himself that those who did the shooting and killing on friday nights were apprehended. they are currently being transported to moscow from what we understand, let them know if we can also confirm that they had at safe haven waiting for them in ukraine. so this is a major development of course, and let's not forget that this comes after ortiz, editor in chief, migrate this morning on post the videos of the immediate interrogations, of 2 out of the 4 suspects of pay. the pays in france region. they were trying to flee the country on their way to the fray and apparently where they have complex or who are supposed to help them out. more from these video interrogations, that, of course, migrate the small yards from her sources. we got to see a little bit about the plan and find out more details as to how this all happened
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at potentially who was behind that and how they go for the sewing druggists. what did you do yesterday? shooting was where you doing progress? shooting, watson, shooting. yes. who? people, what for? pull him up, police for money, for money. yes, that's for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar, what familiar with rubles? who do you see with from i haven't received it yet and i've received half of it. where did you get it? on my card? did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the card? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. well, based on these testimonies, we know that this was an elaborate, highly organized and very well throughout the attack. and from what we can see. and also we heard that there were planning this for quite some time. and they even had lessons hidden in the secret location. let's hear some more from that for a suspect. where they didn't get the weapons. they delivered the weapons themselves . who are they?
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i don't know. they rolled on tele drums without a name without anything. and how, when you found the look for them yourself, or did they find, you know, they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there, but it was. and how is it possible? did it go to you? compose for you to kill people just like that. they don't just suggest to kill people to anyone. know i studied do telegram less than one and telegram less and i did the lessons. i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes. and he wrote to you on his assistant wrote to me, she told us to go to the place where they would provide everything. do they say specifically, who is it? kill people of this once kind of people and it doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing, just go in and kill us. all sorts is, of course, currently working on a stablish and who they are, who that preacher is, as well as who was waiting for them on the other side. any phrase in that safe
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haven, but of course in the meantime, we also heard from the 2nd suspect, who apparently is the leader, all of the killer group. and he's talking about how this was started uh, where they lived in fact and the whole. so apparently this is the part where he explains where he lived, he was communicating with and how it all ended up on friday nights in the hospital. what is the hospitals address? demitria where exactly demetrius get district. what's the street name near the highway? who did you live there with mohammed? how long did you live with mohammed? mohammed said 10 to 15 days. we lived together for about a month, 15 to $20.00 days. for about a month. what were you to doing? we bought a call, want you to walk? who bought the car, abdullah and my friend voted car. he wants to work with this car. what kind of car? taxi or cargo transportation? a small call a taxi. who is abdulla?
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how did you get to know him telegraph? did you meet on tell with grams? yes, telegraph on which phone on my side. okay. when, when exactly did you meet up to uh, about 10 to 12 days ago. $10.00 to $12.00 days. yes, i've been out of work for a long time. i wants to work. who is up to. i got acquainted on telegraph. have you met him? he was with us abdul a him? yes. where and when did you meet him? where did you meet him? when we bought the culture? where did you buy the car? on the demitra of highway from home. i've told his relatives prior to of course, right now for us as an investigative committee, is to establish the identities of everyone who facilitated this killer group, as well as those who are waiting for them. and we are expecting to hear what the rain had to do with all this, what they knew just how much they were involved in this terrorist attack. the new,
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while the inter administrator has denied reports that the detained, the suspects was supposed to be russian citizens. terrorist attack as moscow's biggest concept, whole killed $153.00 people, including children, and left more than a $140.00 others wounded. at the masika was caught on camera as people inside the venue filled with the on folding situation. a warning, the following footage contains disturbing images from the deadly around page. on
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the look on saturday, if were to come sit in, craig, the city hall, there's some kind of shooting going on. people are running, everyone's screaming their notes. they're shooting from a gun. the shooting of the crowd, some people shooting the whole was set on fire. we was set on fire, particularly just just where we're live, we're safe now. it was very hard to escape from that issue, things with, from a size. there are many wounded in our opinion that they were people killed, people who was shot when lying on the 4 shots with 5 boys in the hole and in the car door we were waiting for them. i meant to run out when we were able to run out into the street,
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going into the front as though we sold and drive away so that the of the the right balance of the charge of the us national security advisor john cabby claim that there is no side of ukrainian involvement in the attack. there is no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting.
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but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to print savvy as president has lashed out at the western intelligence agencies for being aware that something was about to happen. alexander, of which it says that the warnings not too vivid shopping malls in moscow, exposes the fact of american and british agencies. had into some communications meeting them to know what was ahead. now for me on this, let's cross live to also and political analyst and me call on medical, which is nice to have you join me right now up. i believe you been following this develop and, and as it is the subbing president has accused western intelligent services off of being aware of something that was going on. what is your thoughts on this accusation, with the thoughts that they should of shed some information with the russian intelligence to? well,
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we do know that the us embassy in russia in moscow actually published on its own website early march and announcements saying that there was some threats in russia in moscow and the war citizens. i mean, this is, it's a for us citizens. the one us citizens not to attend gatherings, not to go to concert. so this was written on the us embassy portal. so definitely if the us is going to go, he's going to write this on his portal. it does mean that it has some type of information. now, we don't know exactly what russia has shared or has not shared with the russian authorities, but definitely they were, was some sort of chat or some sort of information on some devious activity. some terrorist activity which could have or would for being prepared for it in a to be this. the probably didn't rush to so it's going to be reach me interesting to know what the us has should or has not shared. because if it had information in russia about such activities and it didn't share anything,
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this is everything is the major breach in uh, in uh, in a very tedious and a very tight relationship between master and us. but not disclosing information on a, on a, a terrorist attack to rush or could be something which would be extremely badly proceed. normally most of it around the world. now what do you see as the general sentiments towards the tragedy, the balkan region, then for europeans as a whole? to listen, we have been the balconies tomorrow, will be remembering the 25th anniversary of the illegal bombings of nato in serbia, which has brought the dismay, which has destroyed a survey which has made me. i mean, many, a civilian uh facilities were destroyed. it increase the number of que into war between obedience and serbians. and this could have been managed in other ways so that both people can live in peace and they do brought this headache to the balcony and it destroyed you to solve. you be completely destroyed. yugoslavia during the ninety's, again,
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we know that the fingerprints of nato are all or over ukraine or from the could it uh, the 1st step at orange revolution in 2004, then to cut it off in 2014. the fact that they do a military were a training the ukraine. you know, i mean, the fact that people from the c, i a built a 12 basis along the russian border at to spied on russia to recuperate, confidential information to train commandos in the que ukrainian army. so this is before 2022, to train ukrainian commanders to go on the other side of the border to russia. i think let us not forget that in this very tight situation, nato has brought a lot of have a lot of disorder. a lot of the deaths to europe these past these past 30 years, and it has the responsibility. now if nato members at the same time, are aware of a terrorist activities which can be uh, organized on european soil and do not denounce it,
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did not inform the administrations of the country or whatever the country. that means that they can even be completed. so they can be a slip, some sort of a partner in crime. it isn't just something which is quite terrible. they have brought natal has brought a lot of disorder and a lot of blood to your console these past 30 years. and we should not forget that me. now, why do you think the western intelligence service has been try to fully prevent the attack? and if it were directed to have to western partners, and you think they would have had different tactics to this it also, i mean of course this a matter that the us really did have accurate information on what these terrace were organizing. and they didn't share that, that means that they're, they're just spending that happened there that we know that there was some narrative in the west today among western leaders that had the objective of the word ukraine is to damage is to hurt russia. and that would mean, if this analysis is correct,
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that even the allowing terrorism would be something would be a means which would be tolerated and they would prefer again, we must be cautious. the words we use, they would prefer rush of being attacked by terrorists, or they would prefer this rather than disclosing that information and, and, and, and, and helping. the rest of friday gets there was because who were the victims civilians of families, children. this is not, this is not enough. this is not war, this is not soldiers, this has something else. is that terrorism. so i, this would be, i think, really bad the perceived, even in the west. if it was known that western governments were hiding information or using terrorist, i mean, cuz we don't know exactly who's putting the string so far to damage to hurt another country to attack civilians to, to kill children. to this is something, this is a extremely startling, and i'm very curious to see what the, the analysis and what the investigation is going to give and who has read, who's really pulling the strings because after the 1st interrogations,
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it definitely does not seem that that is one or 2 of these people were trying to regulate were active members of a, a vice system, or at least to be, seem to be very recent. or they could be, can be, could be perfect myers as well. so this way we must be very cautious. but why would the west be paying with terrorism is something which would be extremely disturbing if this were uh, if this were to be true at the end. oh that nothing has been speculation that ice is maybe behind the attack, the best a met the for suspect. if we still need to call them that were arrested while the were making an escape to you, great enough to the of the time. what is your, what is your thoughts regarding this? we must be extremely cautious about this in the 1st hours. of course, anybody could say that they were behind this service attack. we know that apparently on now, it's saying that it was from isis in afghanistan. if i'm correct, said that they were responsible, we don't know if this is true. the us says that the information on it was accurate,
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posted on that quote. in a, on a twitter, on a tweet said that he was he convinced this attacked and blamed as well. i just, i think we must be cautious. i mean, this is going to be a lot of finger pointing pointing. we know also from the past that i is, this is sometimes an ideal suspect. i think with this we must let the investigators do their job and they will find out it is possible that it is, i suspect, still think that it's destiny to, to worry, to say that this was definitely a nicest attack. let's let the investigators do their jobs and find out again again, who is at the origin and who really crowded this, this diabolical attack on civilians and, and who really organized this. and this is, this is, will be the job of the russian investigators into following ours, following days, to find this out as quickly as possible. all right, well, we have to leave you here. now nicole, our medical venture author and political analysts, thank you so much for your insight on this. thank you. you have a good,
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a yard romito, a daughter of a down russian cost. my daughter is a live after being wrongly listed as dead, as she was in the corner in this video where the towers was shooting. she was the she has explained that she was mistakenly identified as dead as the documents had fallen out of her bag. amid the ted situation, the fact that my, my details are on the list of the deadly. i think when you can you lost your document, your passport. yes. as i understand it, well, documents passport. driving license is please tell me what you saw and how you escaped, because there's information that in that terrible video where people are simply shot in a group. you were one of these people in miraculously escaped. yes, i'm one of these people and it was just lucky. we're sending at the entrance to crocus at the security gate and heard gunfire from behind. we thought it was fireworks or some kind of crank at 1st. then everyone just ran in all directions. so the shooting started from the street. no,
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not from the street. we were already inside. standing at the entrance inside the building, the shooting started. they approached and shot. when i opened my eyes, there were 3 people walking silently in a row with the machine guns. when they turned around, i saw that there were 3 of them, then it turned out from the video that there were more of them. how far? where are they from the view when it all happened? i don't know how far, how can explain it to how far they came at us. they say something, shouts something. no, they were silent. so they just did terrible things in silence. they just shot people in silence. you weren't hurt, no injuries, nothing, no recording. at the last, the aftermath of the temporary attack on the kirkwood city complex has been laid buried in harling footage, the building has been reduced. the todd rec, firefighters of extinguish the blaze, or you can see emergency services, carefully combing through the rumble, looking for evidence. personnel have continued to discover even more bodies of the
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deceased and the desk told is increasing on the rise continually being on the rise of the head of this search and rescue unit sides of the fi. it has left the destructor and the delegate speed and the dismantlement. what can only be performed manually emergency work for removing the rubble is currently underway. the central records after fire is always very difficult. and in this case, to basically consists entirely of randomly scattered metal. metal trust is of varying size, are being kept manually with a guest bird saw with a handheld to no heavy machinery can work on this side. the work is being carried out completely manually and we do it until it is fully completed. the i'm in the cottage acts of citizen bravery have the most. while one of the gunmen was reloading his gun, a man seized the bell paternity 2 in tampa, sedate him and was joined by her now brother in arms, it's set to have saved over
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a 100 lives by allowing people to escape. he's now going to receive an award from federal authorities. a bullshit assisted living, 3 of them walked along the mezzanine and a 4th appeared just before the stairs. i saw him near the partition. he had just shot, some people in cold blood. i looked at my wife and realized that i saw a wild horror in her eyes. i realized that i had to do something at that moment when he caught up with us to begin to reload his weapon. i had a 2nd to think i assess the movements i pushed my wife and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down with my right hand. i'd be get to strike him on the head. he began to go down, i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike at the moment. another man ran up to me. he also dealt a couple of powerful blows, more powerful and we knocked out the gunman. a security guard, the concept venue also showed exceptional call rates during the chaos that'd be
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attack these swiftly evacuated, hundreds of people from the smoke field building. his knowledge of the evacuation procedures proved instrumental as the saved those made live. now 4000 volunteers have shown up a blog bangs in moscow to make donations, has more than 100 victims of the tragedy are currently being treated in hospitals. deputy prime minister auction of a good callback visited on intensive care unit where doctors are fighting for the lives of this valley. when did just 107 patients are currently undergoing treatment in health care facilities. 3 of them are children. one child is in critical condition, 2 are in serious condition. among the adults 15 are in critical condition. 42 are in serious condition. we are actively working with all the medical facilities. there is enough medicine blood in bandages, but we are grateful to all residents of russia who have responded to the situation
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and assisted the blood donations enters the treasury that hit moscow last night has left over 100 people, one to know some of those. when did with severe injuries and they're being treated in the hospital right behind me. of course, the atmosphere is quite 10, says medical professionals are doing whatever it takes to provide the essentially necessary care to the victims and hospitals throughout moscow are really working as quickly as they can as hard as they can to help the insurance. now on top of that, there's also blood donations and this saturday morning hospitals throughout most people have seen huge lines of people waiting to donate their blood. and you know, the cold weather is not really stop them from doing so. and we have actually heard from people there since we've been here since this morning. we're helping out the blog known as with the health z and food to keep them warm, to facilitate to the nation process. we know from our own experience,
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before these people feel comfortable, they need to be taking care at all. i've been here since this morning to donate blood. a lot of people have come every one feels sorry about this irreparable loss, and we are willing to help. thanks to the volunteers who are assisting and feeding everyone. we are note a different, a blood donation location and the just earlier there was a huge line behind me but now the place is closing. therefore people have left, but you can actually see behind the sun where they give a juice and water to people who have donated their blood just in order to help them a little bit through the big. but this whole thing is not just the of the owners, it's also about volunteers. and we did talk to some volunteers earlier, who have mentioned that after the tragedy happened, they see it as their duty to help. unfortunately, a huge tragedy has taken place. all the volunteers, people who wanted to help in some way were ready to offer a helping hand and be here. we just couldn't refuse or turn away any calls to help
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. requests for volunteering and chat rooms were taken up very quickly, literally and 10 minutes. officials did emphasize that thanks to blood donations, there is enough blood to treat everybody and medicine as well. we have also heard that 19 medical organizations are involved in treating the victims, but unfortunately not everyone that night found themselves in the hospital getting treated because we have heard from a man whose brother is still missing from the night of the attack. i'm looking for my brother, he was with his wife at the concert. she is now in intensive care, but we still can't find my brother. we have no information about him. he's not on the list of victims. medical professionals and emergency services continue to supply as much as they can here. and you can really tell that moscow right now, and specifically the hospitals here are working with and now the search and rescue operation of the side has been declared over while authorities now was still
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set for people on the rumble. it has now been colder recovery operation. hundreds of people have brought flowers in other symbols to pay respects at the make shift memorial, not the concept old, where at least a 153 people were killed. and about 150, where wooded. now, russian citizens from the moscow region to the far east and city of law, they both stopped to roches new territories. morning for the victims of the tragedy at crow close to the hole in their memory candles where lived in the former jim of the best land school for the largest territories to attack in rochester, history to place nearly 2 decades ago. taking the lives of more than 300 people of the morning continued outside of russia as well. in china had been the ruse. people have been bringing flowers to the grounds of the russian embassies. the same across europe, asia and africa with those in germany, india and booking
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a fossil off of the sign of condolence. 2 of his victims of the attack. not did the white house, no. busy of any pending camera attack in moscow, it seems it did of a national security council, the spokesperson issue, the spot warning for americans in moscow have it listed earlier this month. the u. s. government received information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans in russia. if the united states, as well as other countries, have or had reliable data on this matter, it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. as washington says, he had entail about terrorist activities in russia. high ranking us diploma to victoria a new and then said exactly one month before the moscow attack. that platinum and put in should expect a nasty surprise. with this money, ukraine will be able to fight back in the east,
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but it will also be able to accelerate the asymmetric warfare that has been most effective on the battlefield. and as i said in keys 3 weeks ago, this supplemental funding will ensure food and faces some nasty surprises on the battlefield. now we've heard from joe political analyst and john list, patrick having saying who says that he's convinced that it's not to, to easy to jump to conclusions that key of his likely behind the attack. there is a lot of real data points with extremists in ukraine. a lot of different fighters have cycled through their in the last couple of years. so there's plenty of evidence to suggest that there are people exactly like this who have either been fighting ukraine or involved in some way, shape or form with the various militant factions and soldiers of fortune mercenaries, whenever you want to call them. all these people who've been fighting in that


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