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tv   Documentary  RT  March 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the crime is for almost 3 centuries, it's been a stronghold of russian culture, 10 years ago of the events that divided the peninsula as history and to before and after. it became part of russia for good the because the voice is sort of the. so we took 2 minutes to see the students, the superficial, and it's a boy at the different chest here it was more or less to but that will jeff has to do some with you the, with the station committee for the full just cause that'll work. i think within those that, that the mr. village is the listing of what the quote was pretty cross,
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the person says gets it was a seduce as little as a floor that as daniel, only just the internet to the what the spit i didn't, i suppose by us then probably with other things, but little simple stories, chip vehicle, because then you're going to move in, you are see the so that good you should see it. yeah. but you studies just give me, i'll come with a new stores. no muller has to be a little bit that could be a couple of stall. could i use the images? i think we 3 shows on teach. they put me on mean a cream me still see the quick are you still been able to go on? you, is it possible you can use it? yep. so what you will, but not solely for the rest of the boat. you're gonna have to look through is a fairly easily. so let me just see. so that's the most popular we have assist you with that could have something to increase and we'll be able to put both those. so
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the ones will show you how the cost of the yeah, the bunk bottles layout, which i really do. yes, little was fine with it, got the origin photos for cream or not part of the fiesta. the ceiling fan food now cuz you went to them but a sub just to a full but a degree, month for the seats. this long issue, the 1st lesson go here to see what seems to be told the slaves and it will give you quite selected the somewhere. but suddenly i'm with what's the zip code? let us go state of georgia, florida, and then those sheets safe and the item to do a practical approach, the general se prefer to mention a little note. just let me see, let me show because fully folks, i just sort of way just to put it in the south coast,
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but it's always as low as the cut off now. but on the hook, the problem, the you, what was the most of more than you to talk to major reconstruction, but a club will have a more than the altering center. they will be cleansed and deepened on the merino will accommodate up to $600.00 vessels. all buildings will be restored on the waterfront, the area will get a facelift, public beach, the restaurants and shops will open the
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to the little bit more about associate agreement, asbestos divided by the the balaclava underground. you see, during the cold war it was a top secret facility. in the 1990s, the former military base was broken off a scrap metal. what was left was turned into a museum. today its thing to the featuring interactive areas in multi media zones. lots put on grabs all really much. we were comfortable with. yeah. one of those colors was somebody to show, shoot me to the new charges on the, the many years the museum resign to main exhibit a submarine. after all, this facility was built a service and how submarines. if i give you the look, the 2nd a new for you so much for the most come floor to. so we we wife, which one would show us the shooting. so should this at the definitive met, some go additional blue or did you with the 3 months universe,
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you put those customers in next by next lesson with them? come fix it. so i'm up. i don't know what's going. you're going the same store and that's the way to court. the field weighs $3.00. going to need to set me up, but it gets the conflicts on the show. so you want me to where the courts will be like this just sorta can get through with z o v as a start most get the device. so because of the way to moist vehicle the so that's the daughter portion of scott. and i'm going to flip sides of it with you and yet that i'm going to go to if i was so do you like a girl and they put them in the complex category both got already. you show margaret, when you see it set up. i told them a lot to get currently is code non single aircraft carrier due to at strategic location. there's no alternative to sylvester post deep water base. the blank c fleet base is always being rushes southern stronghold, but under ukraine it's future remained a matter of political speculation. i'm blackmail
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the or even which was broken, leaving human wave. i'm gonna choose the will store, looks the muse disengaging pdf of that and you from we've got a couple we replace the stay and it will still at some point the voice of just sort of the subject unit was still sheila still still go to supervisor? sure. do you know when it, when you go in the store, this is for joseph when the was developed, familiar with the new store, know the boys that i need to join us fairly near the cushion jeep. we'll get into the machine. you the mac symbol. i'm assuming motors are started just about 10 minutes. ok the to do before the 3rd is to proceed in the morning is presented to
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the boys get sticky. the product is still going to do is they need somebody to visit the procedures or they'll go. so what is the, what should we want? what is the system in which their store for the fish to the go? so why need a procedure to go to the you are in the service, so you have to, yes, i will do that. and that's gonna get you to where to go. the ticket to me to the order for the most ridiculous. but then we'll just put in that and we'll do it for the sort of course, the extra one, of course, thank you. you know the computer because nothing much as far as what really, you know, the pretty good performed with the items actually slip to complete all. so grants can rest and she said there's nothing. there's no impulse any, you know what the case that we give them politically we get for those. many of them are new for us. they've been going to the ceiling in the case of who i'm still feeling that was going back sooner. so when you minus the, just keep up with just a 2nd off the one us of an approval for what with this it is that for you, what was it to some officials for the shipping that pretty much even the message is
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for elizabeth elizabeth leslie anastasia, hey, what's up? what is the good to know? what does it we literally just disagree or that it was just because it gives us over that usually which we used. it was so those are pretty rustic visits, that it has to what was the touch of so that i'm on the cornerstone personally. see somebody give this clue, you know, the class and he will, this is going out. the rest is more sort of the of each of them symbol of the punch in the school. we must go to the associate, she'd be because i have to show them up or i guess they go for for, you know, as you mentioned when he gets closer to say the same thing at the initial level and probably would. but he can physically be inconvenience me, but then we have also both ways and all afraid. yeah. we had an incident that took the less to prevent that personally and some new or less to for the nation. pollution full absolutely can training, but you're at the machine in the city school, you know you could do it. yes ma'am. yes. and i need somebody to display the book and those are the appeal value because i'm not
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supposed to move the stuff. what is the amount of the for the food it doesn't, it doesn't like was that the florida major go because they have for going in for our community to see if the from that but she was talking with the phone all special committee and were useless to show it in the book, the some gus, in the please give which chairs to receive, sold specials on the choose the most orders the the road soon appeared no, just any road, a large scale transport infrastructure, connecting crime near with mainland russia. the crimean bridge, a unique piece of engineering connected the mainland with the peninsula, but its own down to be something more than that to become a symbol of the re unifications. for many years,
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millions of people had been wasting full. concurrently construction of the mountain top read the highway was progressing. it runs through the until i have an ensued up today. here's a 2 tiring 5 to 6 hour trips can be completed in half the time. the new road connect service still put with cash through some federal bypassing settlements. independence was large cities during construction. a scientific discovery was my other than you wrote here, the village of the uh, the longest caving find me is. 17 range was discovered at 6 full of passages alone . extend 2000 meters. what are those who were, you know, of course, did you remember what your wife's colored went for a new proposal? why stolen 96 for it? bill stops real briefly for students. really the court room that'd be on the courses in the district. so when you kind of pictures, pictures in your notes history because they're no longer be sure to move or somebody else is currently about an exclusive program. boy is doing or introduce or
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send you a particular section. you have a shuttle, people's life, just a slight delay and it's not in the course of most visitors, the newest, the best way for us to should just to meet him as i've done. if i'm not coming up on time, if you want us to send the truck or if i'm looking to move somebody up a flight, never where did not put them in. that particular solution is north of school, but they gave us some if you have to push the push to come on to visit the systems . we found that we did a flyer for the region and the soviet era crummy was considered energy deficient, has to be on the account with about 30 percent of the peninsula is power russians aligned with in 2014, everything changed, completed in reco, breaking time since a robust reach has got a t p p and see if i still post by the class collect c p. a key to crime is new energy system. and now the peninsula is energy independence. eric crime is
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perennial problem supplies of fresh water that was aggravated in 2014, when ukraine belongs to north crimea and canal underwater blockade and see is strategically important facilities of being built in the a simpler offer, a service built in the future. you won't have sources will be thoughts, piece of a nation fonts will be built in water supply system. this will be more than nice from this down to the crime in spring incorporation with russia to focus as being on the destroyed health care system to benefit from more than surgery, people used to have to go to the capital. today there's a comprehensive patient support system for more than room medical posts to multi purpose health center. i think within those of let them use to go just to put the book, teach us because of the last bullet and then go the full of what's the quote pretty cross like
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a person. it says get sent the, unless the computer is come over for the wrong. if that is a non split some over for some of pacific there, or that the possible it which will boost the pseudo. it's because of the cause of its form which but it needs so strongly trustworthy of it for but other than, you know, coming through and besides this proposal in a rush, i supposed to have a phone call for the most of us, the contributor was a conditional leakage thing as a full commercial controller, but does that sound the sound skills for, for an official veteran or for publishing this as i feel for this was sort of we want to schedule some trick or some interest shut up, shut assures, or the total issue or procedures to uh, what i would like at least uh, what do you mean, you know, but the daughter this interested us to go to do a beautiful daughter, see,
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participate, precludes, or whatever was assessed. i've gotta see, what's my job as a co signer because we need to, i think use this was one of the deputy provide me with a sense of most it shows me the phone. you see it was mostly what it would you just get that. so you can keep going and will enjoy for some of need today, mulling buzz, you will need to log into stuff like that. so does that as it is a for so it is from a percent. if i were to most mean. sure. can you just uh, what do you mean you posted it that he was with right now? i was like most likely when did you the, the russian states. never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community best. most all sense set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will bend in the european union.
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the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full net, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the real progress is impossible without developing science and higher education? in 2020 to rush, you announced the decade of science and technology in crime. it hasn't been sidelined. the bar chaise of the peninsula is reading. universities have already received development grounds from the ministry of education,
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the science students from the mainland, being attracted to local educational centers. the days of, of bands as funds have gone from is developing not only through major federal projects, talented people that are reviving education science and supports the young chest. blair said good kind of, yak in the think that his skills right here today and his hometown since the robot to celebrate at grand mazda is causing the bathroom to future champions. and you know, this and let you know. so you could have shopping with us and i'm good with a realtor because i'm, you know, sort of going to be official in united states to participate. so i'm just supposed to have my dismissal with him so, so i want to include phone professional forcing you to it's a little also still kind of through. it's a book of real simple city. monta looks good, which is next to suggest or did you to the board should, was morning, steve. tim will only, yeah, there's a couple of things to learn more fluidly,
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teeth and responses and you know, to use some of the ways that the printer, someone moves that us up and just put something on the phone with you to any mileage. use them when you read it, to me just read some questions on so we did team was doing and we don't deals with you. i think it was a way to go to the school that they should do. i'm going to let me know at the book, so please just talk to them. you're most welcomed him. a do music. and you told him the main thing to do afternoon just this little slip it is. i was wondering if supposed to pursue him coming my you still get out of the pretty. i think i'm fort nissan up there. right? my already to the goal. so any way for them to me most here and only last i see me, but just really that are showing up as an in goodness. what's interesting to you about this? what do you think the last lots from assume though. oh must be a city was a me is $21.00. those are part of it and you do it. if you do on the computer syncs, it hopefully it will show up so little because the car below the function that it is on the water. do it pretty well. just have to put us down to another crazy night . and when did you live up?
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you need to click the duck and you haven't, you should, you know, nobody's in yet, but i'm a good solid. was this you to divide? yeah. go us divided by your some of the list of all is the will say didn't use that . i see you did all the really for the ones that the book the well that's just stuff with the stupid in yes of them and then was the you do most do you think the look through most of the government for them or the various ethnic groups have lived for centuries on the peninsula, including the largest, the great russians, the russian empires to read a province, finding an autonomous socialist republic in the ussr. and finally, the crime in region after the great patrick building was conditional, significant, and of much office, which we have any way to communicate. so i don't profess essentially show progress single actual interest such as like the percent over preventive where anyone who's turned in the morning was movie to do some vehicle. what kind of what goes on will
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show show more skill. so what i'm able to duplicate. so when you're going to go to any way, shape, or for example, if anything simpler, she suddenly winters lose your shirts. until 1954 crimea wasn't considered part of ukraine and civil stobel, a symbol of rush. as jewelry was an independent unit subordinate to most go, so it didn't prevent casteel from hunting the peninsula over to the ukraine and saw . you can find this royal gift on the 300 anniversary is the periods love, randa. it was celebrated on over the us as a and brotherly love between the 2. still having peoples was proclaimed brought to you. it's the reason, look, we wouldn't be able to pull in as well. so those below the, let me just me stuck a little him to let you know that the issue you for sure,
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we didn't do with them. the post agreeable books. you just pull out of the window computer. so what do you mean little because i slowed ownership to the queue of you. so can we finish a scheme? what on this most old book don't come, but think of something else. opinion that share the motion, then you can win the piece, the shifts, and just one of the rooms came square. come with the mailing address on my phone as well. that's no problem or just go over some sort of thing in here. i don't know if it doesn't allow for any post the postcolonial for dinner and then we'll go over those of some sort of any field. you know, so you know what the cause of them being listening. i'm going to postpone all those things. that was something you can scared fulfill guards from your friends, which is interesting. and the worry social 0 is the perfect opportunity to their
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fullest thinking. kind of the same with, you know, some of the legs significantly less the model of the internet. we just went through some of the most of the leading we didn't use the 2 of them with the wheels edition. well, i see you seem to be listed on using the numbers. you said to the, to some live. i'm sure you saw it. that was not on the printer sitting under maybe the fundamental pond to the soviet. here it was without doubt the tech stomach him again. the 2nd life with rushes were to lift the floor of total energy and i need you to get these insured and that's the good college for the ticket. the i think i'm willing to be searching for something
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that is good the, the performed with as a sort of the picture that i did send it still watching the video. i think as much of data that i see the wish. don't you see a slight, easy to say to disagree with that? i'm see, they don't go out much for joke with you'll collab tech tech and not not glad those are the way the usually in the cause of them with that the and then with him. but usually with e, let me check the energy because the length of occlusal is unable to to fill up the retail. i'm what that's what to expect from what i see. so you see the, i did have 3 photos this to me. i have so i don't have good on, you know, if i was on your wireless axes can be so you have to continue with the see what i see. and the flow was kind of been slow and i was i some interest to pick it off.
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but if i was looking for it, that's and you, good i have, i guess that's when you're gardening, some of you know what, the reason why i'm cut daughter. what's the last for you, you know, go from somebody reflects what i'm having to do. so somewhere in city of plant yeah . but of course it puts me, the rest is clothes and i feel is this is the child. and that's probably the best. that's the most of the way you some idea of what you feel as if he slaps. i'm going to with your issue with somebody to come get them. are we still going to be? are we same fellow as seems successful to subject thought? uh, if you're not gonna have new cups if i could, but i'm assuming you on the sort of the emotive as a particular view, we thought of that, but that was some way i'd be to go more to you, but it's not a fault with others. when you supposedly jasmine, can you the professionally apprise wants to realize automatically just keep getting off the assumption that people might tell you honestly, which kind of people that you must be able to, i suppose on us. but you know, it's funny and loved patch unless the phone was pretty nice and you know, the mca is just created, the allow me could been less so than you on video. but if i connect to you,
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i mean some of them out and we just keep my background check. find me my upper level over the course of elizabeth throwing in the thought proposal for it is too much due to you out of the school. simple. but besides about missed his lesson the 1st time i remember some of the single yeah, good. i am few my really quick questions. i don't know if you had any book yet. so i'm willing enough cuz i ship where for the question of they've heard about the matter. sit jealousy across me, the 9, the only for was too much. it is left for about the order for slots to fine. it's a pretty was 0 earlier bushek. can you see if i'm planning? keep for a simulator, a stupid logic of bush. let us take the luxury ways to fiddle sample for multiple devices. do you want me to look into the excel or you might have for the last one, you're not going to proceed with it all. but on last you might start up on a half package. did you see that we did most of the progress through about us doing? yeah, of course you have. do you need your cash to be fulfilled already? it's the platinum for steel. brought you to mind. yeah. missionary from up in there
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for, for me to for believes that the best way to do it for trish label appraisal, and the price of these kids are definitely post because then i mean, as we move in the spirit, ideally since by us. and i will probably know if it's a good, but i thought of this 320 for very simple forwarding you on a sandwich though, which and then he wished to filling the problem. the other side even put is one cream live of shop one to 5. it's a car. you're still not all know why the percent of both lucky me. it's like somebody give me a call back for my son both by as i'm looking at the united use that condition. i deal in bay shore at same time. yes. based on the fact that you got food, i grew up kind. i kinda know this thing that pg enough tiffany stuff got the 4 digits, almost 5 with the show of the cabinet. the crew part as chris can finish the voice of media of ease of use to see what's stopping the single slip. let's get through. i looked at it sent to you. so would you put the i to you, but it should just me if you like you to look it up to most of your lives. that's
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of think this was pretty good for us to put in the remember i think continue. but as we have yet to get them uh, to spend on the money to this thing. and so i'm just like, i'm booked at the $50000.00 that would open and they've got say that will be on the trips the books. i'm not sure it was quite enough money to live out of things that would seem to put your trust to it for the night, but i think i'm going to get them. so let's start with the. another iconic journey is one through crime. he is on palaces these with this is the history of kept the secrets for centuries. you can't imagine opinions so without understood or something like that. it will put additional conduct task or i certainly understand why do you have to deal with the ideas? there's the newest photos, kirkwood told him a thicker toner. is this time? what is? what's your order for? can you just send me an to yes. what's the zip code of the discontinue ticket?
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the technician of course jr. cisco for the suspicion garage, the photos and the theme store, present pretty smoothly and she could have bought for it goes through too soon for the sort of florida couldn't scruple. who was the zip codes that are new to the toner for the perfect filtering of what i'm supposed to do it for me use of start go there, wasn't sure because i couldn't do is not i'm going to see what's stopping to finish . lift the keep them have to figure it out and if they are low, which was on this is split across the would be just the park at the cost of the musical to start. and if you have to look everybody up, i didn't know if you just gave me a local dentist and then was a, somebody, me a me via the goes through. i spoke with him with the i typically the class that are by some of the middle school park. it was middle. it's not a gift that i put in for the summer with something because right now, so it was still pretty simple to figure out what was on the train. yeah. at the facility to place the companion moves up with so many of the by the station was to finish the. so what's popular is i do most of them. i bet you move into this movie play at fay's. nowhere to be just,
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it is about letting you use it. do you happen to boast that it was deal and the just reason the ocean ocean love the video is using everything graphically about but i should know pretty soon so i see if guar those who the slightest c upset issue to you through it. and i'm glad to good, i'm showing you. you've got a notice before i lose the evidence. so you're not moving. so he is upset at the stella some go up to augusta leslie or if she's still on the
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the public sentence. and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department? c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the, the,
10:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the, the old for of the data rate, those of the terrorist attacks, both those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move toward the prison, where, according to the preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state for the man who was in condemns the terrorist attack in moscow as a murder, some of intimidation. besides the suspects so cause they were trying to feed the the desk to why is it 233,


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