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tv   News  RT  March 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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on the border of the data, typically this hope that there was but the old, those who show and cute people were found and they tried to hide and move towards your printer. where according to the preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state for a paul barrick has a lot of my parents and condemns friday's, tara tap on a package concept, who and most though saying the suspect was late to bring towards the premium. so we draw post. what did you do yesterday? shooting, what were you doing? progress food jim wants shooting. yes. who people? what for? pull him up. police for money, for money. yes. for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. turning to test,
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one of the suspects interrogated by russians, security services, claims they were paid to carry out as to the on while the death toll from the tragedy rises to 133, the true heroism of sob, enjoying the cottage comes to life. i realized that i had to do something and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down with my right hand. i'd be get to strike him on the head. at that moment. another man ran up to me and we knocked up the gunman. the 10 am here in moscow with this is on to international. thank you for choosing us
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sunday. the 24th of march, or set itself as investigations into fridays terror attack. and most of the wass, in the russian capital, in any 2 decades continue, sunday has been declared a national day of mourning. well, we know that 133 people on i'll confirm to being killed. when gunman went on shooting rampage, a packed concert venue in the city, the russian president addressed the nation and sat today and extended condolences to the families of the victims. flooded with boots and said that the perpetrators had been captured as they fled, pulls from ukrainian folder to the states. i see the new to look at all 4 of the data accepted rate. those of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. a
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total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service, so for us, the, an older law enforcement agencies looking to identify and wouldn't cover the entire that or support base to get those who provided them with transport. planet escape route is from the crime scene. prevent gushes, creating caches of weapons, and ammunition gift. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attacked, but with a prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful defenceless people. the criminal's what cold blooded and purposefully going to kill, shoot us citizens and our children as point blank range, like the nazis. so once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they planned to arrange a demonstrative execution, much of
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a bloody act of intimidation. all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime would be justly and inevitably punished. she was only off to the suspects, were detained. the video was when he's showing the interrogation of some of them. one came that they had some keys being paid to co for the sewing druggist. what did you do yesterday? shooting was what are you doing? progress, shooting watts, shooting? yes. who people? what for? pull him up. police for money, for money. yes. for how much money about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar? one half a 1000000 roubles. who do you see with from i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the cards? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost? it's yes. what did you get the weapons?
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they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how, when you found, do you look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you? propose for you to kill people just like that? they don't just suggest to kill people to anyone. know i studied do telegram less than one and telegram. less than i did the lesson, i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes. and he wrote to you. she's assistant wrote to me. she told us to go to the place they would provide everything. did they say specifically who is a kill people? what's kind of people doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. and this latest footage shows the optimal solve the tower tackle on the crocus such
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a complex. you can see how the machinery has arrived at the scene, emergency services, all dismantling. finally, damage structures and tiring day breed to help with access to the building. the concept who is some p unrecognizable from the thriving music, so i knew it had been just a matter of hours before the deputy terra top. meanwhile, a steady name of people continues to gather near the scene of the terror attack and make ship memorial. you can see is now packed with 1000 candles as people pay their respects to pull those killed in the tragedy. well, that's close to i've now to all, to correspondence shape those who is out the, we're not far from the crow. kosicki who's i knew. i me say it's been a long uh, so to 6 hours since the news 1st broke. i imagine that there is an immense amount of walk to a physical walk. i'm away from the tools about the psychological impact that needs
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to be done. what are the latest developments that you're hearing on the ground of the well assessed? yeah, you know, i think the sense here's one of the adrenals of the adrenalin of the initial attack that carries everybody through at the rescue workers. the investigators indeed the whole public. everybody watching this and fold, i think today this morning as people stream here to this makes shift trying if you like to lay flowers, people coming from across russia. i actually met a pensioner who travel for 4 hours before dawn to come here to the flowers. there's a sense of the realization daunting here of the gravity of what's happened. you can see uh behind me, uh, in the car parts you know, a lot of heavy lifting material, crane's coding equipment that's going to be needed. and sadly, there's still a possibility that a human remains and people are still inside the, you know,
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because the, the scale of the destruction caused by this fire that was by cynically set by these attackers to distract and confuse people. the smoke has caused a lot of injuries, we believe as well. a lot of smoke, inhalation people are treated here at the scene and people in the hospital. so the sense of the ground here from a sort of an operational point of view is securing the building is a security evidence and there's still a huge security presence here. a lot of investigators, a lot of forensic people here, the weapons, a bullet casings, all of these inter intricate pieces of evidence which are so essential in the criminal investigation have to be gather. but meanwhile, here behind me a, there's a huge sense of grief loss. and i'd also suggest ask you, there's also a sense of anger. there's a sense of anger emerging here as people realize, uh,
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the extent of what has occurred. the extent of, of, of who these victims where a huge amount of children's toys being left behind me. a lot of the children coming with their parents and families here looks like the findings who came here on friday to witness the pop show. basically they've returned here and we've also seen some of the families, tragically, of victims here as well. so it's a very emotional place is a very somber mood. and the police and volunteers are here and respecting that sense of somber uh, respect. as people are allowed. com and place their flowers and children's toys to remember the victims this horrendous, active kind of stuff. while i think that's a song baton, that is also saying abroad i was speaking out to you to a friend of mine in london and she's gone to mesa was outside the russian embassy. so they were quite a few people quite a lot of flowers. so clearly this is
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a tragedy that has struck many, not just in russia, but the forward. that was that all to you correspondence shape. as my cute shave of quoting from crocus. meanwhile, the russian interior ministry has rejected reports at the suspects was russian. ringback since an affiliate links to islamic state has claimed it was behind the atrocity. now as the rustic events unfolded on friday night, people actually kept to the chaos on camera. a warning following footage does contain very disturbing images of the
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look on certain kind of where to come sit in, craig, a city who lives some kind of shoes and going on. people are running, everyone's screaming their notes, they're shooting from a gun. the shooting of the crowd, some people shooting the whole was set on fire. we was set on fire, particularly just just where we're live, we're safe now. it was very hard to escape from that issue. things from all sides are many wounded. in our opinion, they were people killed people who was shot relying on the full show for 5 bucks in
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the hole. and in the car door we've been waiting for them. i mean, to run out, we've able to run out into the street, going into the pass code. we sold and drive away of the new york, the pool following the tragedy. the us national security advisor john copy also to questions at a press conference suggesting that anyone who believes ukraine was involved is
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mistaken. there is no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to you. great. so be, as president, has criticized western intelligence agencies also from not being more open about what because a new now washington had tipped off mosca about the potential attack while the us a new cape folks want their own systems to avoid crowded areas on specifically concept findings the host of direct direct impact. rick sanchez says the american response to the masa raises a number of questions. here's what i think. as a journalist and as an american that we should be asking questions about on this day. here's what i think is really relentlessly important, and that is the original reaction yesterday, when all of this happened, you know, back when the united states of america was attract during 911. the 1st thing that
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happened was, i think it was a mom that put out a headlines and said, today we are all americans. i'm not sure joined in that. i'm sort of most of the world as a matter of fact. it seems like yesterday the day when rush it was attacked, the reaction from the leaders here in my country was ukraine didn't do it. that was literally their response. ukraine didn't do it. don't you think? just from a sensibility standpoint, that the 1st thing that should come out of your mouth is our condolences to the people of russia. in fact, i'll even go a little bit further. i want any of your viewers to take a look at john kirby's statements yesterday when he finally had a chance to speak on behalf of us as americans after this heinous attack. and he seemed to be so troubled in finding the right words to say, we feel terrible about what has happened in russia. and we offer our condolences in our son as for the people of russia. instead,
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he was very cheerful and very picking you and his crafting of words like, oh, we feel bad for victims. there is an uncle on on to may have lost a loved one. instead of being specific and talking about the country, almost as if he felt that he would be castigated if he came out and did something as decent, i think, as just saying, we feel bad on this day for russia. maybe. all right, i mean, we may not agree with russia, but you know, what, on this day we're with russia. why is it so hard to do that? and i'm, i'm, i'm very like, you know, as an american and i, and as a journalist, i'm just saying what i sensed in the moment when i was hearing the comments was that was the wrong tax. it was the wrong approach. it was a wrong thing to say, and maybe it says a lot about our leadership at this point. as well as the scale of death and destruction came to light, ukraine's president said that the kremlin only had itself to blame the terrorist attack side of mister lansky, as well as through the wrath of the russian foreign ministry. this just thought of
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this of what happened yesterday and must go obviously, both put in another scar. i'm just trying to blame someone else. they always have the same methods. it already happened and they were blown up houses you and shootings and explosions. and they always blame others. they came to ukraine, they are burning cities, and they are trying to blame ukraine. they torture and rape or people. and. and they are being blamed. they drove hundreds of thousands of the towers here on ukrainian land. they are fighting against us, and they don't care what happens inside their own country to the head of state who was smart enough to blame russia for the terrorist attack. is the landscape a guilty mind is never to use no car screwed up, destroyed him as powerfully as his own self for viewing statement, for the sake of those who did not return home yesterday. for the sake of all those on the front line and for the sake of the l. u. of angels, do not forget. when i go reaction to the story from which i'm going to any peak on
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a back on here, a continent president get money lifetime on. this is not a sense because the was the interest of the russian presidency older. nice. george, that talks it gives useful the poor when the, the just won the elections. we did, they were huge thoughts on the population. i just need the addition to base rush shot is we need to crises the goods crate of the ukrainian t auto and to restore the culture. are we? yes, we would like to switch russia and to open a new front 13 to distort. i'm not talking to russia, we just opened territory, but also around the russia and the question piece or behind the so
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to reset, talk to yes day went and saw dated october of from the or the west of support. also, washington, and the number of books, that's the question used to produce neither evidence for the view that russia was orchestrating batch attack. no, it was a producing any evidence to show that the russian authorities were different to the desk toe. and patrick reached at tre, cuz concert, told that, wondering why the americans could be so show off that ukraine had no hand in it. is that the russian intelligence report that it has to be assess, let's be clear. russia is saying that they have certain indications that ukraine may be involved, the americans saying that sure ukraine wasn't involved. it seems to me that it's
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a far more far reaching statement to suggest when it's sure that someone has nothing to do with age. they just say that someone may be involved. therefore, the american statement is overblown and inflated to say the least part of painstaking such continuous of what remains of the cro constituency. concepts i knew with investigators. like she said out at combing through the shaw wreckage, now smooth bodies are discovered. the official death toll continues to for a minute to the horrors and the cottage. tales of true heroism have a much encouraging of a concept. go who pounced on one of the gunmen as it was, reloading his weapon and it's full to his car. it's allowed many to escape to safety. his now set to receive a special award. bullshit,
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3 of them walked along the mezzanine and a 4th appeared just before the stairs. i saw him near the partition. he had just shot, some people in cold blood. and i looked at my wife and realized that i saw wild horror in her eyes. i realized that i had to do something at that moment when he caught up with us to begin to reload his weapon. i had a 2nd to think i assess the movement. i pushed my wife and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down with my right hand. i begin to strike him on the head. he began to go down. i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike. at that moment, another man ran up to me. he also delta a couple of powerful blows, more powerful and we knocked out the gunman, sliver while and all the act afraid who was shown by 15 year old boy who was part time as a type from attendant that he helped move in a 100 people. the safety violin, mon emergency exit the the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the composure of the security guard at the new houses. so acknowledge, he said, to have kept up who had a long details, helping to put to evacuate a large portion of the crowd from the smoked smoked building. across the whole vast expanse of russia from most go to the far east tributes have been pouring in. and by some candles were left at the full last school, whether largest terrace attack in russian history a card, any 2 decades ago,
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cannot time over 300 people. the grief extended outside of the country to with people in china, and by the us, like silas russian embassies the let's look at some of the stories of the weeks set a goal heads to the polls today to select a new president. following weeks of political tales, the vote had been jeep to take place in february, but at the last minute incumbent need to postpone that the move trick a deadly protests on claims that the present was trying to ping onto power and all the details has all t's not really a con, for decades, a single goal has been loaded for its exception that lives in a beacon of freedom, new turbulent region. but
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a 7000000 people take part in the presidential elections. the risk off electoral vitamins has gave a present postponement. fluffy, mixes by the president provoked. one of the most serious political press sees in the country in take a prison. matthew saw political voting weeks before close open, plunging the country into chaos. the critics accused of building a police state this war and he may take his cue from neighbors the states by pulling on the ministry to back him. the leader has also refused to apologize for the dates until morning that followed his decision to postpone the licks is saying she has no record of that. so i'm going to put it in the law and do that. all. estrogen shows unity. would you just say edition,
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i go not with me or cause only on the less sensitive like something like that. was it now with the election finding the should be absolutely perfectly upfront, right, enough and uncertainties regarding the electoral procedures and different elements of unpredictability into the race, solves 12. your 10? yes. has been marked by contradictions and despite the probing economy voters all concerned about an equal walter distribution use, unemployment is also a major issue with thousands of young people seeking the fortunes approved seeing the leak prospectives at home. richard 19 to the same, this re speaking to v shape the countries future. those candidates. so can you imagine vol, handpicked by the president himself, mac yourself and this month, sancho pops you. not among young voters and well known forces and defense with the laptop was indicted on serious charges, and only recently released from prison. sancho has also expressed a direct c with the pen after 10 expirations of neighboring countries,
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and called to defend cynical independence. the challenge of the 2024 presidential election will be to make the choice between keeping send a goal under the current subjugation and mismanagement, or recovering a full sovereignty to build and develop a country. this fight for sovereignty goes beyond senegal and is carried out by several african patriots. and we also take this opportunity to salute the determination of the molly and people and pay tribute to them because they have already made the right choice for the destiny of molly. sancho has branded a module, got a feeling, the civil service questioning which is wolf came from and the late things would be a president for foreign countries if elected. but these accusations are denied and boss is said to be more focus of domestic politics. often having benefited from the clemency of president mackey sol, and once again inhaling the error of freedom. here he is again devoting an entire
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press conference to the defamation and tasteless slander of president. i'm a do, but it was hoped that isolation would have allowed him to acquire a minimum of maturity and wisdom, thus distancing him from the verbal and physical violence. that is, the only program of his political movement. i, let's say if the results favor either the presidential parts of candidates or position is done off, keep the secret estimate going to use go to the polls. the country stands out across the room. so which could mean not only made a shift at home, but fundamental changes in the cause for and policy direction. meanwhile, african countries page and active part and last week's presidential elections, white hair and russia, along with thousands of absolves from other nations. they helped monitor to the searching process relations between russia and the continued have the course expanded significantly in recent years, as the multi poto wild notches for for to tennessee or b. s who is in the niger and capital of
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a boucher discussed. the development with department of guest has achieved a much diverse i'm the important one in international affairs office. particularly with the ascendancy of the presidency of platinum and putting in russia has become more important in africa. does that as to our piece for this sense in the central africa for the 1st time, i've taught sues of free meals by the united nations, french for my mazda, the job is cetera, et cetera, and disagree, independence i cheated about african countries, is beginning to be questioned when that was true, independence or feeling independence and the from all indications becomes clear that there was truly never i independent as on back for come come because you can be free when the set top boxes to manage by someone in the oh,
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you can be free where you do not have freedom of you. i nice. you can be free when you are bored. as i said, the challenges managed by someone somewhere in this it, a guy, russia comes time to be like, um it big brother. so to see that has clearly showing that the imperial tendencies of the western world isn't with them. they are clear on this matter. they do not seem to share necessarily in the internal electricity countries. i'm so they're coming looks much more friendship then colonization. russia us looks like he's got most interesting support system. we tell you what to do, but you know what to do to look at his extension to say so part of the team we came from determining exactly what to do with that. so that's the simple question. of russia has these 2 selections,
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the popular packet that was successful. so initial impressions of this to master upset this interactions, however, to the us citizens of asking students to participate in the voting process with all the countries. when the concept, the observers seems to be came on the scene, i've been left right side of it. if electronic i typically insist on observing such a election. i've never been the 1st to make comments on such outcomes or so as i was looking at that comment sometimes isn't best value judgment. what has happened? similar, some cartoons are selected as a sensor citizens to,
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to pop as of service interruption, passenger makes sense. that was such a reaction and why are interested in having people mentoring the process? so we, i think is, i mean to ask when it comes 1st on this shipment, i turn to the types that mission and then equivalent to verify this. so i just want to say just for some of i'm bad at all. so for me, for speech issues, go as far as that. so it's in terms of democracy in terms of understanding where we should try to create someone abuse ever since that would come
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a process. i have russians. okay. what, okay, was that i should, i mean that's,


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