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tv   News  RT  March 24, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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a desktop part of the aerial revealing just basically the sheer scale looks devastating. should the following friday's terror? it's like a month ago that left 133 people want for you doing progress, fruits in watts shooting? yes. who people, what ford for money, for how much money about us not familiar motoring for money? one of the suspects interrogated by the russian securities of this, claiming they will pay you to carry out their slaughter. the russian president has condemned the attack, saying such a crime will not go under the
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and as more rig footage comes to light, we reveal moments of true heroism. during the con i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting and it was forwarding people to run to the expo center. i saw one terrorist with a beard, invest in green camouflage. would have gotten to us heading towards the concert hall. and it makes it memorial, it, the scene is arranged with flowers and candles, and people pay their way. that's as rupture observes a national day of moving that sense of anger emerging here as people realize, uh, the extent of what has occurred. the extent of, of who these victims where the arrival of the headlines updates on the analysis standing by for you. so straight to your top storage we go right now here are not to,
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you intend is updating the numbers 133 people and i'll confirm to have been killed following fridays terror attack that a packet must go consume whole the shift scale of the devastation is clear to save and this aerial footage, we found the huge building of the crow custodial complex is basically being completely destroyed. you can see the roof is collapsed. well, how does report over to watch these at marina cost? right, but she filed this report from the trauma under any other circumstances, this would be a very exciting an interesting opportunity. but of course we are going on a helicopter ride out about a 100 meters heights to take a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction. okay,
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the okay . yeah, so the latest phase will show you right now, the off them off of the tire attack on the croaker city complex. you can see right that the headed machinery is the same. basically, they're all dismantling the damage, structure and infrastructure, and tearing away debris to help improve access to that area. before we give you any more updates, let's trace how the tragedy unfolded. i should warn you, there's some graphic images coming your way on the
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board of constituting for the city list, some kind of shoes and going on. people are running, everyone's screaming, the shooting from a gun, the shooting of the crowd, somebody be servicing the whole settled bias we will set on file. the mom, mom a hurry up. the the,
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the, the
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precious presidents, not in my position, has meantime promised to punish the perpetrators of the massacre as well as any accomplices saves it. i see the new you too old for of the data perpetrators of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained capacity. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side. across the state board, a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service, so for us, you get to an older law enforcement agencies are working to identify and cover the entire that or support base those who provided them with transport an
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e planet escape notice from the crime scene will you prevent, crushes creating caches of weapons and ammunition, i'd be speech of a, i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack, but with the prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful defenceless people in the nation is pulling the criminal's what cold blooded and purposefully going to kill and shoot us citizens and our children as point blank range, like the nazis or the once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they plan to arrange a demonstrative execution must be a bloody act of intimidation. not all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime would be justly and evidently punished. especially this. i'll show you
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the scene outside the criminal court right here in moscow. that's where the full suspects from friday's terror attack are expected to be brought just a bit later. today, you can see right, the security services are on the ground around that building. shortly after the suspects were detained, video was released showing the interrogation of some of them, one claim they had simply being paid to kill. for the sewing druggist, what did you do yesterday searching for what are you doing? progress, shooting watts, shooting? yes. who people? what for? pull him up. police for money, for money. yes. that's for how much money i bought a. how familiar, how familiar awards? how familiar with rubles, who do you see with from i haven't received it yet and i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the cards? the card was thrown out with all the clothes you lost. it's yes. what did you get
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the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they've rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how, when you found the look for them yourself, or did they find, you know, the world to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you a post for you to give people just like that? they don't just suggest to kill people to anyone. know i studied the telegram less than one and telegram a little less than i did the lesson. i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preachers? yes. and he wrote to you, she's assistant wrote to me because she told us to go to the place where they would provide everything. when did they say specifically, who is a kill people? what's kind of people and that doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. well that's love, all right. now person will have to call it and strong. you kids are for an a fast
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strategy and the security expert joining us now from university of maliah. very warm welcome to you. thank you so much for joining us here on the program. what. what do you think of the top of your head? i appreciate that the, the western world is, is pushing the narrative that it was as well. i'm, it states behind the type of the cro course means a cold. i want to ask you the comments. i mean, to what extent does this shooting resemble? a typical attack by that terrorist group as well. the do so still be the $10000.00 plus on this. this is out of the evidence pointing sickness to any, you know, but the, treat this as quickly as the ocean narratives. now i'd be glad you don't get that because i see is p, and i suppose so they're being still ukraine, but we just do not sure. but now we'll see. we'll have more private deal to deal with incoming decent weeks. but of course, you know, that is the end of what we have also seen, how the, the congress and by the assigned to the, that the new bill that was cost read off the dual credit $8.00 time. but by looking at all these speak just, i suppose i, i can see that this know, you know,
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i'm probably needs for the don't speak to 2 of us to initiate this panel. it will start to do so. you notice that that's what's cool. knowing that you asked me, you know, you will be a curbside to it because she is like 5, you can give the cation for you, as it does, as long as you get the more heat from washington. therefore, you will get off the boss and knowing that, you know, for example, the rule. so read the atlas. so as part of this, you know, retaliatory moves with the inside ne, i, you know, i text the most go, gives screwed up. you know that s b s and you said that this was the cost the narrative given that steve was involved. and you can see that the, the d d, that was the bag as being, you know, planned well the needs and the timing of the at that just coming days after the election seats. moscow annual studies all meant to do the. so this is scott, these are, you know, if i'd be student funding headaches, and those who have these kind of, these set the most of these for us and this, you know, affecting bobby coffee does at the higher level of costs of affecting president
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south. so we can see that south for us is b and also d d s. patient obviously appreciates in russia and the how this last impact the not i'm your boss you but also you what was the impact on the west of pol, especially the u. s. and so we do means to be see the level that they just be just seeing how invested the thought on best as i do that. so there's no concrete issue of being shipped by washington themself. so the day for weekly the, you talk about and those concrete details, i mean, clearly they reached out to moscow. what about march, 7th or so they want to moscow this, some kind of a tech company they didn't give most go any details. they just said heads up. now as we know, we're not, you know, washington is pushing this isis k narrative. what we know is what makes they did talk, is it usually usually that religious fanatics, they by suicide, best during their attack, stuff that obviously ready to be monitored, so to speak. however, the government, to crow coast, they, they flight the scene. they were trying to flee across the ukrainian border. it does seem to be the some sort of difference between a typical islamic state attack and this one,
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but one of the detained suspects. collins as claims he was to receive around $5000.00, also for committing the attack. and she's thinking his law makes state minutes and what would commit such a crime for money? it's a, it's a tough question, comments. this is a tough question of cause. this is a, is, is different from compassion always. so as we have seen, what happens in a couple of these, i don't get that you guys gave us a couple of, can you send it to us of what happened to them. i was doing the withdrawal of the problem as well as all of this estimates and that's the generally the time you ron and the seed, also the bus for you one years have been given by washington. and that done a has to be self as well. that i know different advance. bye bye. no. just the way i see the moscow indifferent to use the pressure is fun to do it. plus the tax and then the defects seen about russians. so all these find us do a different obviously, as i mentioned, i did use us do we,
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we still don't have concrete evidence to either both ways, all of the different narratives, but soft costs um the, the previous slide washington has come up very strongly saying that it's closed this, you're going to try it one and you have to, so i, you know, given i full time to and then the d must be pulled on on the bus, go into some need of these, not even these warnings and the started. so here's the thing, the plane, so you put on mass got caught in sort of jumping. i mean that the plane is being put on moscow for what is what the biggest terrorist attack in 2 decades in the russian federation. it reminds me when, well, no, it's stream pipelines was sabotage and they blamed out on moscow as well. caught in the strong u. p. does a foreign affairs strategic, a security expert at the university of my lie. i wish we had more time to tools, but next time we will thank you very much for drawing. thank you. thank you. we've all the new footage, all of the attacks has been posted on line. the pricing people have seen running away is basically the terrorists close in
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the computer is right there. basically non stop gun fire can be heard on the photos you went on for more than a minute. person filming the video was attempting to flee for safety. he did manage as we understand, so make it up to the 2nd floor on notice. i'm survive the, the video surgery i was at the entrance zone with the main entrances located. i was talking to one of the photographers who by the way, died 2 minutes before all this started. we were speaking with him. i leaned back a little in the center of the room. that's was basically saves me a 1st. i thought maybe it was some kind of performance by the bands. they loved to organize all sorts of performances, but then i heard the fees were real gunshots. they haven't entered yet. they were
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shooting outside the entrance. and then as i was somehow realizing and evaluating the situation, the right thing to do was to run to the service entrance. but i knew i couldn't make it. so the only way out was to lie down on the escalator as i started to squat down, they opened fire at me. they shot at me and broke off this little ledge of the escalator . here's the only injuries i actually suffered for cuts on my fingers. so after a little while of crawling, i realized that my camera was still operable. i crawled out again and started assuming those people in the video who were trying to take cover behind the columns and tables are now all gone. a gray haired man with a camera around his neck. i could see them when they were hiding behind the column . this gray haired man, he died. many people were really in a state of shock. furnishings, colorado. there wasn't active bravery showing by a 15 year old boy who was part time with a quote from
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a tendon. it helped more than a 100 people to safety via an emergency exit the the the chicago. i work at o'clock room in the basement. it wasn't normal working days. no one expected such a tragedy to happen at 8 p. m. that was the last call for the show, an 8 o'clock sharp. the attack started flanked they had a special plan, different starting exactly an age group catch. we had a message that there was a terrorist attack and well, basically all was ready for that. we had training on what to do, do a hundreds of people. i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting and i was ordering people to run to the expo center. i saw one terrorist
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with a beard, dressed in green camouflage, would have gotten, he was heading towards the concert hall. he was 30 meters for me because he didn't see me in front of me. a man had been shot. there was a mess and everyone was shocked. no one knew what to do, but i tried to help everyone in almost all followed my instructions. i did my job, honestly. i don't think i'm a hero. you was part of my job. and what across the whole, vast expanse of russia for a must go to the far east tribute. i've been pouring in, in best land kindles related the former school where the largest terrorist attack and russian, the history of code, nearly 2 decades ago, killing more than 300 people. now the grief extended outside of the country as well . people in china and believers sling file was russian, and meanwhile, a steady stream of people continuing to gather near the scene of the deadly attack . a that's a make shift memorial right there is just packed with flowers and candles as people pay their respects. we have this report now from the scene with axis shape, but i think this sense here's one of the adrenals of the adrenalin of
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the initial attack that carries everybody through it. the rescue workers, the investigators, indeed the whole public. everybody watching this and fold, i think today this morning as people stream here to this make shift trying if you like to lay flowers, people coming from across russia. i actually met the pensioner who travel for 4 hours the before going to come here today. first, is a sense of the realization daunting here of the gravity of what's happened. you can see uh behind me, uh, in the car park, you know, a lot of heavy lifting material, crane's coding equipment that's going to be needed. and sadly, there's still a possibility that a human remains and people are still inside the, you know, because the, the scale of the destruction caused by this fire. that was a syndic,
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he said, why these attackers the to distract and confuse people. the smoke has caused a lot of injuries, we believe as well. a lot of smoke, inhalation people are treated here at the scene and people in the hospital. so the sense on the ground here from a sort of an operational point of view is securing the building. there is a security evidence and there's still a huge security for, as is here. a lot of investigators, a lot of forensic uh people here, the weapons, a bullet casings, all of these inter intricate pieces of evidence which are so essential in the criminal investigation have to be gather. but meanwhile, here, behind me the, there's a huge sense of grief loss. it is also a sense of anger. there's a sense of anger emerging here as people realize, uh, the extent of what has occurred. the extent of, of who these victims were. we were very upset about it. it is
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a terrible strategy. we sympathize with the victims and their relatives. it's hard to lift or something like this. how can someone take another person's life? such scoundrel should not walk the earth. they're just not human beings. because was for some of the housing money, they would killing people for money. it is impossible to stand aside. i share this pain, this loss. i want to help people. this is a common grief, a grief of the whole country, the grief of the people. my soul hurts my heart hurts my conscience does not allow me just to sit at home. i came here to support the people of all those who want to do good in this world and to make sure that such horrors never happen again. huge about the children's toys uh, being left behind me. a lot of children coming with their parents and families here looks like the find these who came here on friday to witness the pop show.
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basically. they've returned here. and we've also seen some of the families, tragically, of victims here as well. so it's a very emotional place because they're very somber mood. and the police and volunteers are here and respecting that sense of somber of respect. because people are allowed. com and place their flowers on children's toys to remember the victims this horrendous, active current. it's the now as the scale of death and destruction come to life or ukraine's president said, the kremlin only has itself to blame for the terrorist attack. as advanced as was through the roof of the russian foreign minister. this just thought of this of what happened yesterday and must go obviously, we'll put in another gum just trying to blame someone else. they always have the same methods. it already happened and they were blown up houses you and shootings and explosions. and they always blame others. they came to ukraine,
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they are burning cities and they are trying to blame ukraine. they torture and rape people. and, and they are being blamed. they drove hundreds of thousands of their towers here on ukrainian land. they are fighting against us and they don't care what happens inside their own country to the head of state. what's smart enough to blame, rush for the terrorist attack? is the landscape a guilty mind is never to use no curse going to be destroyed him as powerfully as his own self for viewing statement, for the sake of those who did not return home yesterday for the sake of all those on the front line and for the sake of the alley of angels do not forget. while we are gazed, reaction with the head of the euro, called in a think tank, pierre and manuel tom on that. he says, claims about russian complicity are upset. this is not a sense because there was the interest of the russian presidency graduate. oh,
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nice of george sucks. it gives his full before when. uh actually he just won the elections. we did, they reuse support of the population. under addition to base rush shot is we need to crises to get some crate of the you putting in seattle and to restore the culture. are we? yes, we would like to switch russia and to open the front 13 to this is not on the russia. we just over jerry story, but also who are russia on the question piece or behind the so terry stop talking to yes day when to saw oh, just a box number of from the or the west of chicago to see what west suite on the run
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the but that's the question the, this is the international 25 years ago, the territory of serbia montenegro, an cause of a was subjected to a massive nato bombing campaign. the effects of stripes is still being felt today, especially with depleted uranium shows where use now. we've made a documentary film about those tragic events and the former yugoslavia and the full we joined all a guest. is a pre, a good the position i was suggesting fell great. was suggesting that we send americans in the bridges on
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the drain. it moves down in the now and they'll want to let us don't want it see it. all the owners will tell you that it will save you from a supply so she knows i am going through the so what i need to file a past closeness was always does the guy know source or feeling emotional or i knew you know, a lot less radioactive and then something was active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it has toxins in the music on see so many of us here again, let's see if we can get i don't was suggesting we bomb belgrade bill because what was
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the square side now? the independent journalist to do shown up brokovich, he's joining us here on off the international market. it's on a verse reduce, john, great to have you on the program. thanks for sharing your sunday with us here at on . so you international 20, you thank you very much. made the anniversary now 25 years since the start of the nato bombing campaign against yugoslavia. it did last 78 days. i mean, do you, do you recall this day to sean way? where are you, what were you doing? what was your reaction to this? the event that's going to say, i remember everything be but the not the surprise, you know, not the see the, the bomb, the bombing as an option, as early as october of 1998 before that the need to run. so it'd be on position
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simple thing, it's a glowing $99095.00 the day before the start of the funding, heavier so hot and that each of the whole go back to me on now. so the 8, so despite the, the nation of that event event, that will be there some of the site to be prepared for a psychological prepared for. but how did you feel when the bombing actually started through sean, how cielo, um, how does to explain it? you see there are some back on the line that you have to fight, even though you con, between them. we all knew all the weekly is not a disease nato, but we also know that we have to divide, that means and always be, has no, not for those $78.00. today's be able to show me in the by the so my 1st uh impression i need to your family, your so your,
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your nation. but it's very, very hard to explain why the us and nathan launch to a broad number of a waves of air attacks at the time. i mean, american cruise missiles are flying through the sky is um, i mean, look off the 25 units. how to subset of subs, feel about what century was natives aggression against the country? i imagine some painful memories still remain. yes, there are some painful memories, but it seems absurd to day jewelers so so the main thing declaration then in the 1999, the 1999 named the guy that was made or usps usps of uses, said that the day with mazda to view the stuffs bought the lot of used to be honest with each so of course the, the, all the.


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