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tv   News  RT  March 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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the, the hundreds of people who have been deeply moved by the tragedy of a terror attack in moscow gather outside the concert full to honor those who lost their lives. the aerial footage reveals the sheer scale of devastation following the fight in my chair. i typed in moscow's and left a 137 people dead. good want for you doing drugs, us shooting want, shooting? yes. who people? what for for money, for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. murder for hire. one of the total risk says that he was paid to kill
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innocent civilians as well as far we do have discovered to assault rifles and more than the $500.00 pull the pacing, that'd be fine. see also in the per pound the, the as more footage of the cottage comes to light, we reviewed moments of citizens coverage and a hero is in, during the faithful events. i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting. kinda was boring people to run to the ex post center. i saw one terrorist with a beard, dressed in green, come a flag with a gun. she was heading towards the concert hall, the head of the welcome to watch international reaching. you live for my new center with moscow. i am, michael pushed you up with the updates. and now people have gathered outside the
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tragedy stricken concert. they need to pay their respects to the victims. the victim on the ration began with a famous song by the soviet single for whom the concept phone was established. most of them, margot might have wide bugs specifically trains assembling piece how incoming show and flying into the disciplines and the large screen. many was a disadvantage said that he is in confidence one another. the gathering was illuminated by candles the rush as president clinton has also paid his respects to the victims of the tragedy in a seldom set of money at the church in the moscow region. he laid the candle in trade for those who lost their lives and that's as low star.
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these have recovered the 157 bodies from the slide to 5 is terrorist attack of the crowd as a moscow concept hold. 3 of the deceased are children. of the scale of the destruction is clear to see here in this area of footage whitfield building have that's home to the caucus. the city concept for has been completely destroyed. you can see why the roof had collapsed, revealing the burnout remains inside. art is married, not concerned about 5 this report from the top of our under any other circumstances . this would be a very exciting an interesting opportunity to. but of course we are guard on the helicopter. ride out about a 100 meters heights to take a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction. okay
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on the cloud. so let's protect shows the aftermath of the tie right tack on the truck list for the complex. they heavy missionaries of a c, emergency services all dismantling the severely damaged destruction, tearing away debris. before we give you any more updates the lights trays, how the charge of the on folded wanting a graphic images. adjust the head, the
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vertical. i'm sitting for the city list, some kind of shoes and going on. people are running. everyone's screaming, the shooting from accounting, the shooting of the crowd, some people shooting the whole set on fire. we were set on fire, the mob mama hurry up. the
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of the
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rush, as president put in has said that the terrorists were trying to flee to ukraine through the crossing. that had been passed from the other side of the border. he vowed to polish the perpetrators of a massacre, as well as any of their accomplices, the sticker say to see the new to look at all 4 of the data, but bit rate, those of the rest of the tax. so all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. these they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state, the board. a total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service,
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so for us, you get to an older law enforcement agencies are working to identify and cover the entire that or support base to get into those who provided them with transporting the planet escape notice from the crime scene that will you prevent gashes creek and dashes of weapons and ammunition gift to be speechless. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are faced not just with a carefully, cynically planned terrorist attack. but with a prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful, defenceless people in the nation is pulling you into the criminals with cold blooded and purposefully going to kill and shoot us citizens. and our children at this point blank range like the nazis who, who once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. the, they planned to arrange a demonstrative execution. and that should be
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a bloody act of intimidation. that the nazi, all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime would be justly and evidently punished especially of the full terrorists now in moscow custody awaiting the trial r t. a don't know court has more. the brushes investigative committee is still working hard at the scene of the crocus city hall terrorist attack to get all the details of what exactly happened there. so far, investigators have recovered to assault rifles and over $500.00 bullet casings that were left behind at the crime scene. and they also say that there were no traces of minds left behind there. in spite of earlier reports that there were, they also found additional weapons and ammunition in russia's border region of brianne square. all 4 suspects were arrested and their vehicle seized. those suspects are now in moscow awaiting trial, through russia's criminal system. now at the identification of the victims actually
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continues as we speak. and as of now 62 of the 137 bodies recovered from the crime scene have been identified with 3 children. among the total number of bodies that have been recovered, work is also under way to return the belongings to people that were at the concert on that tragic night that were lucky enough to make it out with their lives. as for those that were not as fortunate, we're looking at current casualties, statistics of over $130.00 people killed and over $180.00 wounded. but russian authorities have continues to say that these numbers are likely to rise. unfortunately, as the investigation continues and bodies continued to recover, shortly after that where detained a video was released, showing the entire legation of some of them. one claim that they had simply been paid to kill for the selling druggist. what did you do? yes, did a food things work for you? doing progress? shooting, watson, shooting? yes. who people? what for?
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pull him up. police, for money, for money. yes. for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar awards? half a 1000000 roubles? who did you receive it from? i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. where did you get it? on my card. did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the card? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. what did he get the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how were you found? do you look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you? propose for you to kill people just like that. they don't just just to kill people to anyone. know i studied the telegram less than one and telegram. less than i did the lesson i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher?
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yes. and he wrote to you on his assistant wrote to me, she told us to go to the place they would provide everything. do they say specifically, who is a kill people? what's kind of people? and it doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. in the initial hours after the deadly shooting at the moscow music hole, the us was quick to blame islamic state and insisted that the train had nothing to do with it. later and now the western power. busy me echoed washington's claims. russia as foreign ministry responded by the questioning how bullying could have come to such conclusion so quickly. while it's still failed to present any evidence over they sabotaged at the north stream pipeline. based on everything that we know so far, it can be assumed that as law mach state correspond, is responsible for the deadly terrorist attack near moscow. such a deep analysis, the power of thought, the power of intelligence. i wonder when this,
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when will say something about the terrorist attacks and north stream with the same confidence for a year and a half, no official version regarding the damage to the old property has been put forward in germany. not even this lennox state completed. it has been suggested that after the shooting form a u. s. navy intelligence officer invited jock also back said that he had anticipated the use of a symmetrical rule, fed tactics against russia by ukraine. i think that the behavior of the terrorists doesn't resemble on these lon beach states file of attack. i believe that ukraine is moving into a period of a new phase of the war, the insurgency phase. and i said specifically that we're going to see the terrorist attacks and in surgeon attacks using false flag, provocations, blame them on somebody else. blamed to say, this was an honest, we don't have the fingerprints on this end. victoria nolan's, in her exit interview from the us state department,
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came out and went to see saw. yeah, she was at the cesar summit saying, with this money is just a couple of weeks ago with this money. ukraine will be able to accelerate be a symmetric warfare that has been the most effective. there's a couple of things that are striking out me and i say this is a guy who did a tour down at guantanamo bay, in the interrogation cell as an intelligence officer that these number one you don't usually see is this, do you, how do you use uh, fleeting from the scene of a terror attack, usually they want to go down as martyrs that we had from calling strong. you key todd joe, strategic expert todd to get the festive maliah. he said that the weight of the shooting and the musket region took place is much different from a typical attack by the terrorist group, islamic state, the us, the b one b, b. that is defined by the convention on the are these attacks, right. there's no you not see side, you know,
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for me to start off that right now. so, um these, these kind of new rim regulations here, and they're being paid to do so. and this is all like the, the substantial, no fundamental aspect of the boat. you know, do you have this actually spell that for now? it's lost. we have seen the deep ocean west to be doing that and see if it's been to, to talk yet. i see. so, i mean, but the truth is, of course, but now it is might change. but uh, from, from, from washington. do we need to make sure that the tv is, is from scanning to a, from, from the back end of the people fits the budget. and we'll see all the support from the washington also give us, we're going to be true. but while a near for to is found, the attacks has been posted on line of people that seems to be turning over the tables and hiding behind the pillows of the building. as the terrace close in, the
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hail of gunfire can be heard in the footage with this mold and admitted lawn of the passing filming the video is attempting to lead to safety and managed to make his way to the 2nd floor. at silvan, we attacked and that's a bravery was displayed by a 15 year old boy who was working as a club room attendant. a. he led more than a 100 people to safety via an emergency exit the the, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the chicago. i work at o'clock in the basement. it was a normal working day to me. well, no one expected such a tragedy to happen at 8 p. m. that was the last call for the show. good. an 8 o'clock sharp. dfacs started for flight. they had a special plan to the starting exactly and aging group catch. we had a message that there was a terrorist attack and where basically all was ready for that. we had training on what to do to a hundreds of people. so i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting, and i was ordering people to run to the expo center. i saw one terrorist with a beard, resting gloom. come a flag with a gun. yeah, he was heading towards the concert hall. he was 30 meters for, i mean is it didn't see me in front of me. the man had been shot and it was a mess and everyone was shot. no one knew what to do, but i tried to help everyone in almost all followed my instructions and i did my
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job. honestly. i don't think i'm here with you as part of my job advocate. lead is have expressed their condolences to russia in the aftermath of the tragedy, the condemned to the terrorist attack, which targeted innocent civilians not. let's discuss this further. we've narrow be bay has been dependent on the list. can that both series can is good. you have you enjoyed me right now. first of all, let me ask you, what was your initial reaction to the tragedy when you heard it? i thank you very much for helping me. i was already expired. most of the weeks i always a see do that time. we did that twice and i am very familiar with big cynthia. i know it's a discipline, see that most of the shutter, everybody else and i those very, very shepherd. so i just want to say they just need to pass my contact lenses on the spells feelings before they see
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a muscle on the beach into my heart goes out to the all those sides or just having them in or send me the vendor has dropped. please, it's our fault. somebody bought some plans that we 3 communities and the victims that go go the best. and for me as an editor, i was living a 6 events of the as an experienced a little types. i know we're ready to meet the trauma. they can see the city, but about was i so resilience i so people really main them both and say you know, i just had thought that the 2 year old boy was looking to my the person that they've been looking for to deposit was the response. i think it was that being was, let's say that something for him, that's something that you never have to really see by society. well,
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right now we've heard some so the call reactions from the us and you trained about the terrorist attack. why doesn't africa? she? yeah, there's fitness is in my western powers about this incident. susie, this festival is a the, the, i think i has bought the bronze and it's to betting the front west tear up me. it's a for, as is the reality, these last 2 low it's, we're living in the countertops and we know to, well that's the thing is, is it is we need coil. and uh the do you mind as it can be? this is, this is the last thing that can happen, then you might think, keep, despite your defenses ideological possible, you can never reach anybody. it's not enough. it can wanted even your what's the end, if they come, they meet outside to be used. look by the input that is to them. it's very, very,
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up and down the city. if you don't mind, i see why that some of these multi people trying to be city for that and trying to justify as see the bloating over the pain of other people. this thing comes around very, very fast. and remember, this is something that breezes photos of any time in one box inside the body. velocity got especially 10. yeah. yeah. types too many of them. you remember the last one that was that was to be 8 and then another one last biddy. no 2nd is not a joke, it's not something to get on top of one b, you might before you begin to talk about it so that i think it's all right. now the us has said that the terrorist group is on the stage was behind the a tide, but he was on the street side bombing of the perpetrators flagged in a car and tried to reach the ukrainian border. do you think is not make states could have done this a whole this, this be
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a semblance of the way that is let me state carries out. and so an operation i saw from each box for me, this is that for me, one of those, what i had being patient is once in a gorilla, kind of tactics taking and the other day the sites. one of the is that makes people as much as the come the one today, and the, you know, it will be they, they usually not as a site bonus. so this people team, i'm, after the couple should i have a stuff said the address i. so those were people who are number different to me. sure. this one before they do today. that's why people are heading out of what's important enough time for them to send people as they want to leave. they had no cause to find in multiple people. they keep because this is the i 6 types. nobody enforces the, it's much of the but this thing for me to send, you know, that is that is that they have, but they've just been possible. i and they're good. so nice is that this must be
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a new ground devices that wants to be somebody. and they go back and see what they find most the most. or brenda events, hey, themselves, wonder to be. they themselves know like they've been watch. they care about their lives. but they did. capitol, the lives, the just kind of shooting into pro. i'm just setting up the plan because one of their computers watching us, they kill us, but not isis. they have no clothes that the whole price. this for me, it was the, this was this a prison, not tax it visual decatur name and for the people. all right, we have to leave you here now is thank you so much. can both see right here the find a donald. thank you very much. thank you very much. the
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smell of these 4 civilians were when did the new cranes latest attack on the russians? belgrade region authorities say the rockets made in the czech republic, we need at least 20 to protect towels where in deceptive it happened as russia was observing, a period of mourning for those killed. and the recent terrorist attack in moscow id correspondent the goes down of has details here. so once again, the town of belgrade has been sporadically shown here. you can see the debris, what's left of people's ca see the midst of it. hit the very top floor of this residential apartment block building and the balcony. well rather you can see what used to be a balcony. it completely crashed and collapsed on people's cause. you can see breaks and parts of this building right behind me on the really do. you can see the scene has being taped off on the wheel not being allowed anywhere close to. but even here,
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you can see the scale over the showing basically the damage that it's cause then it's still not being clear the, well, it is in the process of being cleared, but there's still a lot of work. a lot of work is to be done. there's a lot of jo list here because this building right here is the headquarters of the local t v station and the local governments building is just a few dozen meters that way. so again, this is the very city center. normally this time a day, it's a very, very busy street and a very busy area altogether. again, this is not the 1st time that the town of belgrade is being shelled. this is not the only site that was hit during the latest showing. uh, the russian defense ministry has already said that the defense is the city. the defense is did manage to shoot down move in 20 minutes. so i was, that was north enough. another site that we show that is the do all the local
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university, the missile hit, the rooftop. the just tool could be for many, this is it was for the city at defense is the did shoot down the majority of themselves. the us military field and north eastern syria is reportedly hit by a missile strike. a several strongly explosions were heard, had this big crowd of smoke billowed out of a side of the attack was as should be to, to the used lot make resistance of his rock movement area. the facility was attacked by a common cause of drugs. there is no information about potential casualties. but meanwhile, the us has said it's striking facilities controlled by who would be fighters in yemen. at the us said that it's in response to the could be group firing id ship ballistic missiles to watch the right see the who these have been targeting cargo ships. legs duties are all as an expression of full authority with all his pinions in gaza. a representative of all the ebony,
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dost brian syria about bill adela head that i found the 2 young men is not violating international law with its support for pol us by the majority of that human is decided to join the fight called the alex offline. and it was welcomed by the entirety of any society including various political forces. this position is the position of a human being who considers it his duty to speak out on the side of those impressed in palestine. therefore, this decision was made to fully support and join the fight regardless of the policies of error. countries which unfortunately have largely discredited the image of the errands and who are only able to express condemnation and sadness even without showing their strength in any way. therefore, humans decision to directly join the fight does not go beyond its legitimate rights . on the contrary to state only use it, that's right. it does not violate international law. it's only banned the passage
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of ships of those countries that carry out genocide against the palestinian people . if we approach this issue from the other side, why did you ever decide the band is really ships from passing through the stream today? let's look at the situation for the american ship. sometimes interfere with the move. no ships of countries that according to their laws, the united states considers road countries. and the americans interfere with their movements in international waters. despite this, the american administration and the armed forces detain, confiscate ships and co sanctions on them. why does america consider itself entitled to do this? but at the same time, the error of state is deprived of its right to support the error brothers by taking a position demanded to go beyond statements of condemnation and exert real pressure that i believe the government has the right to act in this manner and make such a decision, exhibiting real pressure on the international community. most of israel's commercial cargo arrive spicy israel has no open land borders. if the vaudeville
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men deb street is closed, it means the rupture of one of its economic arteries. this is what human seeks to achieve in order to form the will of the international community, which would participate in exerting pressure to end the war and bloodshed and aggressions, and least against the palestinians in gaza. this is what you have been striving for you for, for that day i'll be at this hour. thanks for watching us. see you again the


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