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tv   News  RT  March 24, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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of the each man, the hundreds of people who had been deeply moved by the tragedy of the terror attack in moscow gather outside the concert or to honor those the loss of your lives. the aerial footage reveals the sheer scale of devastation following the fight. in my terror attack in moscow, the left a 137 people were dead. what are you doing? draws shooting watts, shooting? yes. who people? what for for money, for how much money. how about a half a 1000000 murder for hire?
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one of the towers says that he was paid to kill a m, as in civic civilians with the wall and farmers he has discovered to a sold blindfold in more than $500.00. when the case exhibit crimes out filled with the program has no real cause. these are the more footage of the crime age comes to light. we reveal moments of citizens probably getting here or even during the faithful event, i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting. and i was ordering people to run through the expos center. i saw one terrorist with a beard, dressed in green, come a flag with a gun. he was heading towards the concert hall, the head of the welcome to arch international reaching. you live for my new center in moscow. why a, mike, what you now the suspect to terrace of the truckload city you full,
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the sponsored massacre, which claims the life of a 137 are the best by the court in moscow, where a judge will decide on preventative measures for them. they were arrested to saturday morning after seeing the scene of the crime and trying to cross into your train. the 1st man, the face, the court, that's on your screen right now is married with 4 kids. here's charged with committing a terrorist act, and that carries a maximum penalty in russia of live in prison. the crowds has gathered outside the tragedy stricken concept value to pay their respects to the victims all the attack. the other come on the ration began with a famous song by the soviet cigna for whom the concept or will the stablished
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mostly model my of images of the fly. but specifically, cranes are a symbol of purity, peace and tranquility, which the show and the flying up board on the buildings wall and into the sky above . it was an emotional moment for those at the memorial while sunset t, as in confidence one another, while the gathering was eliminated by red candle lights. i spelled out the day of tragedy. russia as president, has also paid his respects to the victims of the tragedy of a solemn ceremony inside the church. like them to put in the candle and prayed for those who lost their lives by rushes. new territories of also joined in mourning for the victims have a procession cold creams, is taking place on level russia. our d 0 money costs are visited. one such event and they didn't ask for public and 5
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bits of port. a russian president vladimir published and declares from march 24th and has it's a whole national morning for the victims with terrorist attacks in most schools, all across the country, various events are being held. this particular one is a whole grains where a crane is a symbol of selfless support for all the victims that i didn't thirst attack. the mask is no exception. no save. so in my heart there was more tragedy and panic. i was watching the news on social media. my whole family was watching and sympathizing with those people who were there. people were shot at point blank range. i live in genetic republic, i faced ukrainian terrorism. constantly shells are territory, but what was happening there? what people experienced it was just impossible for me. the pain resonates in our hearts and in our souls and all the guys who came today, they share this collective pain. and that's how they make a gesture of remembrance. this gesture of ours also happens in not very safe
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conditions. most of these young people are about 18 to 20 years old. that means that said 10 years ago, have this start of the crate in aggression against that people have done boss. they were barely hand elementary school and they know full well what and sarah's and feels like right now. the city of the mask is under shutting, despite all that, they came out here in support on the people who died and that service attack in moscow. g is the people's republic runs the resumes over the trend sick on to of much, you know more about stories and then anyone else in our boards or ross was feeling is the extra is it was those responsibility on the finest just prize effects to that to be subject edition every day we came out to, to support the people in most cool. over the last couple of days, at least this is really as were wanted by you creating our children's showing here
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in the next group, public private infrastructure was destroyed as well. that terrorism that began 10 years ago, continues to this day, despite old, as the people here morning for the victims of moscow. vermont calls for a party. the next group on with ortiz of recom, at a 137 bodies on the side of the attack. and 3 of those who lost their lives were children of the scale of the destruction is clear to see here in this aerial footage of the building, and that's home to the progress city. concert hall has been completely destroyed. you can see where the roof had collapsed, revealing the burnt owls remains inside. archie is mary now of course i filed this report as she prepared to board had a comp to, to solve a bassy under any other circumstances. this would be a very exciting and interesting opportunity to, but of course we are good on a helicopter ride out about a 100 meters heights to take
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a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction the wire. all
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the specialized 4 hours. okay . that is for tate shows, the aftermath, emergency services dismantling this valley damage structure. in clearing the debris, heavy missionary has been brought to the scene outside looking back 2 days. let's remember how the charge of the on folded wanting the graphic images. adjust the
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head, the vertical. i'm sitting for the city list, some kind of shoes and going on. here. people are running, everyone's screaming, the or shooting from a gun, the shooting of the crowd. some people shooting the whole settle bias. we were set on fire, the mob mama hurry up, the the
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largest president put in his step of the terrorists, which trying to fleet the trading through a crossing that had been prepared for them from the other side of the border. he vowed to punish the perpetrators as well as any of their accomplices to this is the city of the media. it's a little bit small for of the data, but bit rate. those of the terrorist attacks hold those who shot and cube people were found and detained. they tried to hide and moved towards ukraine, where,
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according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state board. a total of 11 people were detained in the federal security service. so for us, you get to an older law enforcement agencies are working to identify and wouldn't cover the entire that or support base those who provided them with transport, planet escape route is from the crime scene. prevent gushes, creating caches of weapons and ammunition. i repeat, the investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime. but it is already obvious that we are face not just with a carefully cynically planned terrorist attack, but with a prepared and organized mass, murder of peaceful defenceless people. the criminal's what cold blooded and purposefully going to kill, shoot us citizens and children as point blank range,
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like the nazis to once carried up massacres in the occupied territories. they plan to arrange a demonstrative execution, less of a bloody act of intimidation. all the perpetrators organizes and customers of this crime would be justly and inevitably punished especially and also for terrorists are now in moscow custody. and the way the judicial fade are these don't, all court has more details here. the process investigative committee is still working hard at the scene of the crocus city hall terrorist attacks to get all the details of what exactly happened there. so far, investigators have recovered to assault rifles and over $500.00 bullet casings that were left behind at the crime scene. and they also say that there were no traces of mines left behind there. in spite of earlier reports that there were, they also found additional weapons and ammunition in russia's border region of
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brand square. all 4 suspects were arrested and their vehicle seized. those suspects are now in moscow awaiting trial, through russia's criminal system. now, at the identification of the victims actually continues as we speak. and as of now, 62 of the 137 bodies recovered from the crime scene have been identified with 3 children. among the total number of bodies that have been recovered, work is also under way to return the belongings to people that were at the concert on that tragic night that were lucky enough to make it out with their lives. as for those that were not as fortunate, we're looking at current casualties, statistics of over $130.00 people killed and over $180.00 wounded. but russian authorities have continued to say that these numbers are likely to rise. unfortunately, as the investigation continues and bodies continued to be recovered. shortly after the where apprehended video was released, showing some of them being interrogated. one came the he had simply been page the
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co for the sewing druggist. what did you do? yes. did a shooting? was what are you doing progress, shooting watts, shooting? yes. who people, what for? pull him up please. for money, for money. yes. for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar with want half a 1000000 roubles? who do you see with from i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the card? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. what did he get the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how were you found? do you look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you?
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propose for you to kill people just like that. they don't just suggest to kill people to anyone. know i studied the telegram less than one and telegram. less than i did the lesson i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes. and he wrote to you, she is assistant wrote to me, she told us to go to the place they would provide everything. do they say specifically who to kill people? what kind of people doesn't matter? he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes to in the initial now is after the deadly shooting at the moscow music hole. us was quick to pin the blame on his lum expect tara group and assess that the great and had nothing to do with it. but later on now the west and upon that journey echoed america's claims from across the atlantic roster. as foreign ministry responded by questioning how buddy could have come decides conclusions so quickly while it still fails to find the amy answers over the north stream pipeline,
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sabotage. based on everything that we know so far, it can be assumed that as long as state correspond is responsible for the deadly terrorist attack near moscow. such a deep analysis, the power of thought, the power of intelligence. i wonder when this, when will say something about the terrorist attacks of north stream with the same confidence for a year and a half, no official version regarding the damage to their own property has been put forward in germany. not even as lubbock state completed, it has been suggested that we've heard some, a political and foreign policy expert who says that even if these law makes babies come tested, there was a big a power behind it. the fact that some of the me look at is after the 19 the whole building and going to dump, lifting the car maintenance to do the demo vision. 15 minutes i've been running deluxe the rest and bothered grab, trying to lead to us. you train to matters,
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it actually points to me a lot of people as to you know, who couldn't bring them off to mind behind this. and also it seems to that it must have been some kind of death on softball from across the board. it cannot be wound out, even though this is a very nice young group. i don't want to go to any part of the uh, absolution on base. but i do understand from the old associations, which we have seen in the international media, as well as with the pulse which i'm from bets you in my understanding. i do understand that to you as of now try me on because a, it seems to be on the chat about the car makes up to go packed up. the ice is by, you know, a lot of the same thoughts on in bolivar. but while new footage from the attacks has been posted on line of people, i see sliding turning over tables and hiding behind the pillows of the building as a terrace closing the
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hey loved on the fly. i came to the. busy in the footage, which is more than the minutes long of the passing filming the video is attempting to lead to safety and managed to make his way to the 2nd floor and survive to be attacked. on active bravery was displayed by a 15 year old boy who was working as a cloak room attended. he led more than a 100 people to safety vine emergency exits the the
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chicago. i work at o'clock room in the basement was a normal working day. no one expected such a tragedy to happen at 8 p. m. the was the last call for the show, an 8 o'clock sharp. the effects started like they had a special plans starting exactly an 8 in group catch. we had a message that there was a terrorist attack and well, basically all was ready for that. we had training on what to do. the hundreds of people started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting. and i was ordering people to run to the ex post center. i saw one terrorist with a beard dressed in green camouflage, with a gun he was heading towards the concert hall. he was 30 meters for meat. he didn't see me in front of me. a man had been shot. there was a mess and everyone was shocked. no one knew what to do, but i tried to help everyone and almost all followed my instructions. i did my job honestly. i don't think i'm a here. you was part of my job. what i, in the aftermath of the tragedy, shocking with collections of survivors have been most it got serena who's still in
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a hospital bed, spoke about what she enjoyed. not night. most of the seats were in crocuses to call it a concert of the been picnics wherever early checked their jackets and about drove and went up to the auditorium to take our seats. soon after we heard pops that sounded like gunfire. a very large number of spectators, including us, thought that perhaps these were some kind of special offence before the concert. although it was not clear why they started. after that, we heard more gunfire and smelled gunpowder. and it became obvious that this was a terrorist attack. people said that there is no need to panic, there is no need to rush somewhere. let's go out slowly, but in them they finally succumb to the general panic and begin to run out of their own story. i'm the 1st eggs and there was a crowd there we couldn't get out. so we returned to approximately ro, my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they were detour him somewhere very nearby and
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we ran out through the 2nd exit into the cord. or apparently we somehow missed those who were shooting because they were coming in. they were shooting around the corner and we were and further, somehow we ran forward, then went back and accidentally saw a boss at all. then a certain number of people crammed into the room. all of us remembered the teachings about anti terrorism, etc. student in the corner along the wall so that at least from the door we could not be shot all at once. and as far as i know, people in the other bathroom were much less fortunate. the either supplicate or were killed. we were a little bit luckier, my friend and i tried twice to leave and find the stairs, or escalator. unfortunately, we did not remember from memory where it was and our attempts did not produce any results. we took off some of our clothes with them and tried to breathe through them. after that, we walked along the wall to get back to her a bathroom and we were lucky. we came across the disable stalls where there was a large number of people. there were several things turned out from the counter
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tops. then my girlfriend said that it was the young man who took us out. we did it . he explained that there were still some air left in the sewer. and it could be very useful when we saw that she had a severe asthma that the inhaler did not help her. and he directly faced her there as well as if he dipped her to was this pipes and said breeze. after that he said something like, let's go, i'll take you out of the bathroom with a lot of people with his girlfriend the night with my friends since there was no visibility. if you're showing a flashlight from your phone, you could eliminate the maximum distance. the length of my out stretched arm practically these flashlights were meaningless. at some point, he walked straight and came across an escalator. we walked down the escalator in a single file. he stepped on broken glass on the escalator and there was a sound, a crunch of the glass. naturally everyone crouched down and then down but moved on because there was no point in staying. there were marks on the glass hand rails from where they had been shot so that they were broken. we went down the escalator and the head. well downstairs on the 1st floor we saw an open door. and so we just
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ran out of this open door. we took over the african leaders of express their condolences to russia in the aftermath and condemns the attack, which targeted innocent civilians by jerry and john. less than once. he will be easily has more on this a deadly terror acts of the moscow concert venue on friday. press past wide spread contamination and reactions from africa, the content which knows all too well the heart of terrorism, hence the compassion as many people visit a russian embassies in their respective countries to pay respect to the slain victims also gonna lead us for many years have been actively united the front against acts of terror and often retracted was against radical groups. this a how it has become the epi center of terrorism. globally, accounting for 43 percent of terrorism, death in 2022 vomited streams and spreading across the continents after the alarm
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and ranked including from daisies affiliates on saturday, new jersey national council for the safeguard of the homes on or cnsp issued a statement on x condemning the killings and flags to enhance cooperation with russia to fight terrorism in the house. it's good on 3 steps into help or does because uh, i would say one cause you kind of followed by themselves. so i believe is that work on my idea is quite unfortunate that the terrorism has become the did as we can see, it's happening almost every part of the world. you weren't enough or you got an idea. i was offering the same thing on this one, particularly in russia. it's a bit surprising because we know rush as one of the strong powers. okay, so is why don't fortunate for such on these 2 days. so we're just pop there. come
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out of this strong golf. anything that already game should not be funded anywhere into was. he's africa, asia, america. anyway. it was very unfortunate, especially let's talk is i do have a civilian targets. well let you know, and then let's yetta, we never dealt with business. now even when we know that collect, she's a distracted you and them, but it's really what you'd expect to see. i've talked to individual filled with an i've tx 3 and enter into the mentor. i just want to very unfortunate, very sounds like maybe i am synagogue joined these condolences now maybe as presidents not going to describe but killing a senseless while. he's to leave the least counterpart. microsoft's voice is slowly starting with the government and people of rush. yeah. the uh website, the audience i want you to come has up to the minute deb updates how the terry tag,
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the page suspects and the latest statements coming out of moscow. but the message is for again, from around the world, the at least 4 civilians have been wounded in ukraine. latest attacks on the rocks as belgrade region far would you say rockets made and the check for publicly used adding that at least $22.00 projectiles. where intercepted it happened as russia was observing a day of mourning for those killed and the recent terrorist attack in moscow. archie correspondent e goes down the past details. so once again, the town of belle grove has been sporadically shown here. you can see the debris, what's left of people's ca see the miss. so it hits the very top floor of this
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residential apartment, the building and the balcony. well, right. but you can see what used to be a balcony. it completely crashed and collapsed on people's cause. you can see brakes and parts of this building right behind me on the really easy you can see the scene has being taped off on the wheel not being allowed anywhere close to. but even here, you can see the scale over the showing basically the damage that it's cool is then it's still not being clear the, well, it is in the process of being cleared, but there's still a lot of work. a lot of workers to be done. there's a lot of jo list here because this building right here is the headquarters of the local t v station and the local governments building is just a few dozen meters that way. so again, this is the very city center. normally this time a day, it's a very, very busy street and a very busy area altogether. again, this is not the 1st time that the town of belgrade is being showed. this is not the
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only site that was hits during the latest shilling. uh, the russian defense ministry has already said that the defense is the cities. the defense is did manage to shoot down more than 20 minutes. so i was, that was not enough. uh, another site that we show that is the doom of uh, the local university. the mess, so hit the rooftop. the just tool could be tremendous if it wasn't for the city i defenses that takes you down the majority of themselves. a military field by, by us forces in north east and syria has been reported, they hit and the methyl strike a several strong explosions were heard, and the fate cloud of smoke billowed from the side of the attack was attributed to the islam make resistance. i mean, a rock movement area, the facility was attacked by a common cause of drove as of now, washington has not released data information on casualties. as a may have all,
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the us has said it's a, has a stopped on the ground. the storage facility is controlled by who the fight is in the m and the us as a, it's in response to be of who the group are firing for and to ship ballistic missiles towards the right seat. they who these have been targeting ships, links to each roll, which they say is an expression of solidarity with palestinians that are on the boardman. now we've heard from a representative all the young lady dice. bar i in syria adel had died who said, who laid out clearly that you haven't is not validating international law, but the way it's showing support for palestine. the majority of that need, human is decided to join the fight called the alex off flood, and it was welcomed by the entire year. many society including various political forces. this position is the position of the human need who considers it his do.


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