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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  March 25, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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city of sanctions cools the number of our knowledge base companies to increase from several 100 companies to several 1000. we found that the most important possibility that the sanctions provided is the 10s of thousands of university graduates were employed in these companies. the government agencies of the organizations and companies could not import from abroad because their economy was crippled at hyatt . so they became interested in buying these products. and now a very good share of a wrong needs is provided by these knowledge base companies. now, it is not us who are losing profits, it is the west and european companies who lost the iranian market restaurant in china, our airlines main partners when it comes to politics, economy and even science and technology. how does cooperation with russia and china work in padded these technology park and have there been any joint projects with these 2 countries chain that we'll see in china and russia are a wrong strategic partners in terms of technology cooperation. the biggest history
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of technological cooperation is between iran and russia, which goes back about 40 years ago. joint high tech companies between iran and russia were formed in the wrong and then vice versa. this experience happened in russia. this was formed in the field of medicine. and several joint companies are located in the parties technology park. this experience led to this technology partnership with some companies in other countries as well. we now have more than 10 companies in part is technology pockets as that are ronnie and with foreign partners in the field of various high tech products. next, this happened with china with the shared experience of nano technology between iranian and chinese organizations that the campus technology park. we now have co operation agreements with several technology parks in russia. we exchange offices with each other. and the same thing will happen that the next level with china, so that we can continue to develop cooperation between our companies. well, last whole from me for the as always is very to have a company,
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including such good service will be with you at the top of the. so i be deal as in the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in the hello, i'm in noah chan. you're tuned into modus operandi. and just before the coven pandemic hit the world in 2020, the european union suffered a loss. a divorce that was debated and hotly contested for years. we all know that now to be called for exit. but
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this year 2024. the you is looking to expand its family ties by starting next session talks with ukraine and montalvo, but several issues plague this courtship and one family member stands in the way. so far, so we'll discuss it. all right, let's get into the m o the for decades turkey had been chasing the dream of joining the european union. as of now, there seems to be little interest by most existing members to really open accession talks for them. despite flirting with the idea of this long term, nato member and ally, but suddenly in the fall of 2023 or so of andre in the current president of the european commission announced that formal accession talks were under way for
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ukraine and mold over. now for some you might chalk it up too well yeah. okay. you crate in moldova are considered eastern. europe makes sense. there are a lot closer to the block than turkey. sure. but when you start examining the purpose of this block in rules for membership, suddenly turkey seems to be more in line, victor or bon, the prime minister of hungry, loudly standing in the way of you create a m all dove as entry and potentially with new leadership in slovakia or bon may not be the lone voice of objection for long joining us to break this all down. guest who has had political experience in europe himself is the mid time he is a former swiss m p. he's a, he was a journalist and author of several books including receipt oxy debt and europe's
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existential dilemma to be or not to be an american vassal gaze. so good to see you . thank you for being with us. thank you. thank you. i am happy to be with you again today to so we entered 2024 with the news that european commission president or slum under land wishes to expedite the accession of. you create a mold over to the block. but according to the use tree article to it, states that countries wishing to join must share the values of human rights freedom, democracy, a whole host of other major principles and values including protecting the rights of minorities within their respective borders. and when it comes to ukraine, many of these principles i would say have not been met, especially in the way of minority rights. the ukraine government under zalinski, has actually moved to ban the russian language, found the russian orthodox church. and there was nearly a decade of this indiscriminate showing and war in the dawn mass region where the
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majority of residents are russian speaking or of russian ethnic origins. so long before the february 24 of 2022. before that conflict even began. how do you see this? how will are slow bonder land justify if these conditions really can't be met? yes, i, so i show your analogies because if you look at all the spines uh required, is that tribute to become a member of new york and union. luckily because the points you mention, i like to do respect of the mine already do use of the wash. i'm off the docs of jobs and, and so on. but also because of the topics like corruption, lack of that governance. and for instance, the council of elections, nobody requirements should uh, have uh lets you start using an extra them last year and presidential elections do
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so it was cancelled because of the situation because of drawbridge, it's just a pretext. it's not the respect of democracy which should be applied, which should be respected, the courting, encouraging to do so. i could come to you, you have mention so at, if you look on the situation, not on the stand up point of view as it is the case with mr. wilson, i from de la, but teach you new portfolio called into drawers and drawers. and the constitutional time walk of do your opinion, nobody else. grand is no possibility to become a member. but you know, we all know our custom here and especially with you all, can you do these kind of go by stop out to these kind of, uh, uh, you know, uh,
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equally, uh, uh, weight of texas during quade. uh, and i think you know, this, this is the 2nd point from being offered off of the land really, if uh, the presidency of the permission at the end of the. sure. so for her, she's looking for a new job. she's got the dates, start up to sure. i've got to ski out to become to a new secretary general today to show sees, drink ever being to give to the united states credentials to become, to, to, to replace mistrusted 10 bucks at the stones. that's why she is ready to do anything she can in favor of grand in order to get the approval of for the united states. so
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a thirty's. that's why we cannot, i think our d. subjugation was just for the cavalry. and it's not very serious in my point of view. yes, her term coming to an end is worth highlighting here. very good point you made. now the, the copenhagen agreement of 1993 that actually set forth more specific criteria for joining the block. it basically says that a country must have a stable and functioning democratic institutions and have functioning market economies. again, looking at it at ukraine, a nation at war over nato expansion. his dreams was designated the most corrupt state in europe by major international bodies such as the u. n. and i am as their economy was in shambles for the last decade. it doesn't appear that they will even have an election this year. i guess we'll see. and then model,
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but they've seen their government collapse in february of 2023, a number of high ranking officials residing immediately following, you know, this economic spiral spiral down and this mass inflation, they're now under these criteria neither moldova nor ukraine can actually meet who do you suspect might object to these countries joining n y? yeah, probably countries like a guy you and gary we do most because the, the, the guy on the president of the, to all them as was, as already said, he's a poor was to be the membership of my going by andrew grant. because down not because he does these countries, i'm not able to do to become a member. that's the 1st type of position. but right now,
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because of the, you know, or the events a new claim, the or if you show support for was or lensky and go check for g m. i think there is a kind of for, let's see, a parent apo and simple a parent. and i need the d for and quinn, but when the negotiations read the recording and what it does not really, really take place. i think probably the many countries read or pause to these admission to dismember sheets of the, to the membership of the 2 countries. more devices, small countries, so it's not to compete. gauge is not important, but let's look at the quin the credit for it says just look at agriculture. do the main uh, projection of required users. do you land make?
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i don't going just train but also agriculture. we to so yeah, so yeah, beans and i'm just kind of project. so direct competition and let's say i don't think the competition i dumped the conditions of the traditional western europe in agriculture between vehicle a direct competition for the french part uses a fleet for the french dairy. a jerry product also produces, for instance, or the cheese and so, but especially for wheat falls for you all for all these kinds of stuff. it to be a problem. and as you can see for also for the german 4 do for each. now you have or to use a police or uh,
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the body shop depot party. so you could, uh yes, i agree could show cold yourself, well, very dissatisfied with the impulse of cranium. products and dumping prices because it's the 3 destroyer, the i p t a from portland to funds. and i think when or this country, we have to speak a 5 to, to negotiate. we do plan and definitely get much of a position coming from the agriculture and agri coach on 2nd to is looking for assessing gemini now is the, is there how you want to demonstration or for presence or wrong, very angry against the government?
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because the doors inc, i'm taught chasing power because of the price of the, of the toilets already already the have to pay bob. they have to pay more for gas because of the new york and sanctions against russia and sold out these people are very angry. and let's you much, i'm what would be the case used to have to compete with dumped prices coming from the equation to just an example of the difficulties which i expect to reach. uh yes or on the where you, you read the negotiation. busy and also we do plan for grant in membership to do you up and you and you know, coming up next summer, 2023 found the stunning announcement by bricks, nations that they had many countries applying for exception could be you
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announcement, be a tit for tat we'll discuss it when we return with the team. it's all on sit tight . the m o will be right back. the the garage of business services with us can do. i just need to be with key at the washington state, the bruce, the dealer money computer full of guys has to phone up, send that to professional the city and to keep the list of over, but huge because they used the
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hello and welcome to the cost of full board. here we discuss the wheel in the welcome back to the m l. i'm manila chan game is hon, former switch m, p, and author of the book. your ups, existential dilemma to be or not to be an american vassal, is back to continue the conversation. so get back in 2020. just before the cobit pandemic hit the world, the u. k. divorced the union after years of debate breaks that leaders successfully campaign to the public. that being a member of the effectively removed great britain's independence,
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that membership often interfered with doing what was best for britain. they said, as i've heard the critics of the you say that this is kind of a failed experiment. how do you view the european union? is this block and joint currency of, of the euro? is this effective and creating a more stable european continent? i think if you look at the past the past it was purchased success for me because the european union was able to bring you up and countries are kind of stability and gold. so uh, pretty effective that the kind of need could be dropped event in the last the gates . and that's a big benefit. and we must recognize that the damage the york in union was able to bring to uh, just been boss. uh, even though it was to the house critics,
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and there were in dallas to ask reduce against do you will. but if you look the europe and let's see what's but the successful didn't corrupt as some forecast. those had said the issue joseph or judy gates are good when you was in prevented books. busy so it was pretty successful, but i mean, in the trimming yellows of difficulties or yes, the 2 countries really, really go. why? because of the deck. there is a huge step now in for the countries. that's a problem. so you rock, we have to face an issue means that's new or so it means a weakening of the provide c and it is the case for and says, look,
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i have been divided suites about. busy at the beginning and go through your the, the, the, the, the change between the you and let's just find it was one frank, 50 cents one year old was one time $0.56. now it's only $0.95. so it was a 30 percent off. he's a. busy you know, a capacity, let's say the you and you 3. so do you want, we've got to do to collapse. i mean, the 3 not be a strong, correct? see a strong money. and it's the 3 b also bring some problems for do you all do, do you up in new york in union compared to something you know, i'm doing well back. it just kind of problem. so i think the
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do to the clouds. we look at the be a more docile doctor doctor in the coming years or for this for the it going to be capacity most do your opinion, but let's say it was practice except for it. and i'm to now i probably your pin is we get the capacity to or to get to do to bring a novice up to this problem. but you come to really go in the coming zeros. yeah. and also just a dimension or so you're uh, if you look the took, i think, to solve the problem of domestic product of, to europe in union use. also using the mca chairs on to go by
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stage and do the part of europe is diminishing. and d, 3 is not uh, be, uh, it will continue in the future because of the suffering and capacity, the incapacity of the, of your plan. the color needs to be projects or the last big projects work and projects was the you up in space. agend. see, was the address of planes, you know, but it was very old projects, but there is nor your projects you even in the oxygen setting pages nor, and then you it kind of a challenge. you cut that you cannot see or type a c, d, even for the defense industrial. though for the play, the 5th generation play, it was or most are bound on general because of incapacity of germany,
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france and demand play y'all's. a to define coming projects come on economic projects and that's also diminishing the campus economic capacity of for you up and so that it couldn't be source of capacity because you know, it can be capacity. you have less money, less social. uh but you, yes, but just to, to pay this for some expenses like for the agriculture phones that's yeah, let's not forget that with the expansion of brooks and the conversation about developing its own currency. you know, perhaps steven town or bricks, currency and brooks expansion. so i mean, it makes a lot of sense. um, currently, as the, the rules we have it, it requires unanimous agreement for a major issues such as funding and loans to sister states,
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accession and so forth. it's already been group of over 2 dozen countries, finding unit enmity is proving extremely difficult. so longer land is now suggesting changing the rules to be something like simple majority on major votes within the council. the french and germans are not happy about this. what do you think? yes, i think i think the lead to small countries would be happy with the the, the end of the new media wars up inside the decision making process your decision making process. because they can see advantage. they're not big enough to wait. you know inside to you up in the decision process. so that would be happy because they can see the direct advantage to have as soon as my jewelry d or the books for the big plus deals like german,
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the tribes. you guys, you tell me the, uh, uh, the, uh, the uh, countries reach account change, you know, on the front of me and the final show, as you know, we not be so happy. uh uh, because the we lose the rest of the food stamp view, especially if you are strong, then we color me, which is a our investment, which is the case of germany or in the finance, which is fine. so the case of the long, because you read the luxury to your, you can be impose, you can be applied for an stance to follow a decisions made by the quantity sort of smaller country. that's been if you sent a and then if you survey countries for instance,
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for contribution finance or contribution. but what will happen if you have a better deal, small country, asking to or deciding against the, let's say for 5 or can be go countries. that they were not asking them to pay the bulk of the contribution to them. a detox or barbara for germany? because joe mean though, he's a poverty you're off to find german. these financing, get your domain, is a bank, contribute to net country? good. talk to your bank track the much that we struggle. kraidish. i'm a small country asking ball, but i need to jump to this. oh, we have decided to do better already to your so you're all not obliged to respect the decision of the majority. i am sure germany or france on that hold on to re not to be very that's very happy with. and that's, that's
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a possibility. if you have a match or 2 on. now last week, the intensive issue was indeed to form a stronger block together to help one another stand economically and really to be a part from the us. did this kind of unofficial goal proved to be true to the block become successful in, in breaking free of us influence? i think if you look at the last 2 years, is this prospect to be an independent block to, to, to be organized or you know, to dis, trenton a. do you all can in dependence on the world's stage as completely paid under contract. we can see that during this last uh,
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25 months since the beginning of the really it's already a door washer military operation in the, in the quiet. and now we do more in palestine. it's so kind of for the event to reach is you also reconvene you rock. i think the capacity of you ought to be in dependent to, to be a subway is completely vanished a because you're up as being for the best allies by the united states. that's the case, insight to nate to but also for the new york and union. because who use deciding of those york and parties, you know, and then you also, you know, frontier, okay. the foreign policy, that's the, that's the united states. nobody has, and your printer to look at the,
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the shows the shots you was unable to ask for the tools for the notice to the adult stream subject agent in the september of 22. so it was a direct sheet against job the investment in this pipeline the above got. so let's say they choose the pipeline, you choose gas like and it was separate gauge and germany was unable to. ready to demand a real inquiry and we know that it was the sabotage was organized by uh, let's say review claim. yeah, no, i don't know. we're booked on the let's read to reduce the size of united states or more of age on the west of the countries and the way because it was sort of the do quite then they cannot down the table to organize such or such
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show. and i talked to, so if even the power of food shows law for germany is not the embers to get another so or boxes or a laptop or again it's food, product g. what kind of independence or serenity can you walk in you and then have you visited the united states? all right, unfortunately we have to make that the last word de ms. hall on former swiss m. p. an author of the book, europe's existential dilemma to be, or not to be an american vassal. thank you so much for your insight. i always appreciate having you on all right, that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi. the show that takes deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chan. thank you so much for tuning and we'll see you again next time and figure out the m. o,
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the, to all the full suspects and fridays consider a whole lot to come in. most co pay to guilty to tower charges. last demand will be held in cost to the wall. the investigation, continue the move footage of the tragedy and much as we had hiring tales of the old deal and some of this device, my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they were detouring somewhere very nearby and we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corridor. apparently it was somehow missed those.


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