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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 25, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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is because we know us as one of the strong power. okay. so it's vital fortunate for such on a few days. so we're does hope they're come out of this strong golf. anything they already know the phone going anyway to watch these africa, asia, america. anyway. it is very unfortunate, especially as talk is against civilian targets. people that you know, in the data, we're not what they're on business, not even what do we know that collect? she's a distracted you and them, but it's really level you'd expect to see. i've talked to individual filled with an i've tx 3 and enter into the mental it just went a little unfortunate. may sounds like maybe i am synagogue joined for these condolences now, maybe as president, and i'm going to bump that describes but killing a senseless while. he's send me the least counterpart microsoft's voice slowly
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starting with the gospel names and people of ross. yeah. because our latest updates about friday's terror attack, which we know so fall, took the lives of at least 137 people headed over to our website or to dot com and will not it is to buy from us just for the ssl. we hope to see you soon though, and have a good week the . the hello and welcome to cross that boulevard in peter live out here. we discussed some real news must go. they separate the worst terrorist attack in 20 years. many are
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blaming ukraine and it's western patrons also in american sponsored un security council resolution on gaza failed to pass this marks the other failure of american policy. but it is a betty genocide to discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess, alexander a tom in st. petersburg. he is a senior lecture at st. petersburg state institute of technology and kia in moscow . we have to meet 3, bob, but she's an analyst at school. make international right? gentleman cross type rules and the fact that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate it. all right, let's start out with the theme of the here in moscow. it's been 2 days now since this a really good, odd terrorist attack on moscow. what are your thoughts? what do you been thinking over the last 2 days? because of course there's a lot of things are pointing. obviously. a many people here, as you well know, are blaming somehow the ukrainians for what happened here. there's a lot of unanswered questions, a 133 people in counting are dead more than a 150 injured a lot of questions. your thoughts, my friend?
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well right now, as we are talking at the desk toll raise to 154 people at and it will be unfortunately, most likely the number will be wouldn't be a school choir. so it's a huge misfortune, really terrible theory, stats. and i think we're going to excuse some people who are being too emotional and suggesting simple solutions that uh well remember how in the united states, up to 911 people were saying all kinds of things. and then it will was easy to blame them, you know, later all the years off the, uh, what the hell, let me see is these with the stage right now, but okay, let's be on this. let's, let's just stick to the facts of the terrorist. we're trying to flee to create the united states. and the west in general said there from some ice is group is
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just for us on the few people covered the floor uh that they were acting on their role. uh well, here are the facts that just don't jive with that. you know, 1st they were not suicide. give us that way. they, us directly, they flat, right that, that down to the white crisis. then also, why did they lead to create, why didn't base lead to some, most of them regional russia or central asia? what political cause us, why do they, they will try and see to, to create. and they were arrested not far from the bringing bully and the band squeegee support is. uh then also uh you can ask, uh wow, know why are you suspecting grain? why it was just spectrum to night states? well, the ukrainian president says you have a sky was the only one who did not express. uh, any kind of condolences for restaurants. you just blamed it us usually one press.
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the bull jim jean saw the president wondering if his short speech quoted him all sorts of names. that speech was not human, but he to go. it sounded like a, you know, at least they didn't, to be fair. like, i'm the real fan of the ukrainian president. i mean, what, what would, what else would you expect from him? you know, you're in an emotional reaction like, but let me, let me go to alexander alexander deem is been doing a very good job here. kind of giving the chronology here out, where do you want to pick it up and where do you want to add? well, i would say that blaming isis is not necessarily better than blaming ukraine. because we know it's the open secret that ice as has connections to the c i a isis has connections to massage. so if we're saying that it was isis while we kind of are pointing fingers in the same direction anyway. now we can't forget how in 2017 when isis strep is really positions, they apologized to is real. what kind of an islamic terror organization is this?
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that apologizes to israel. it's very odd and there's been reports that applies to this. asians were arrested and they turned out to be, is railey. so this is, this is not some kind of, uh, own grown terrorist organization. so to say that it's isis is just a very convenient way to build money into these bills out. no doubt that and they were terrorist, i mean they've been captured all 4 of of them. and now in total there's 11 people been detained. but um that looks under, i mean the from the initial interviews and maybe they're under duress. we. we have to find out more, but i mean, there was a financial load of obviously, you know, i mean they're saying how much money they were paid to do this. so, um, we have to buy that, how they got into the country. one of them said he will, he basically had been in turkey. so, i mean, there's a lot of very strange things here and alexander, i'll throw in here. um,
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the initial american response is that ukraine didn't do it. that's rather strange and mocking mind. okay. coming out with a negative instead of something affirmative. alexander, continue. well, what i found interesting with the interrogations of these detained individuals is that they honestly just seemed very unintelligent. whether they were speaking of russian or a native language, they just seem them to me. and this really reminds me of something that we in america are very used to at this point, which this comes straight out of the f b, i play book. so what the f b i likes to do is they somehow through some chat rooms through the internet connect with some unintelligent person and start feeding them. id is about, oh, maybe you should go commit some kind of violence and they link them up with somebody who gives them some weapons or trains them and how to make some kind of
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bomb. and then the f, b, i sweeps in and says, how we got these terrorists. so to then see the way these guys are acting, it's, you know, it really reminds me of the things that the us and government does to its own population. and here we have the same sort of the play book being used with these terrorists. so it seems to be, you know, the same guys perhaps coming up with the same ideas whether they're his name or i am more tech americans were russians. but they, moving into some of the footage, i've seen it, and i'm sure it's not exhaustive here. but one thing i have to say that really surprised me even kind of shocked me that these guys just waltz dried into the forum. i mean with no resistance whatsoever. that's extraordinary demon as well, of course. so there are programs with security p a b scroll with cd call. but uh, you know, it's fall from the law school center. yes, it has been
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a very trained you place for rich people for, for many years. so nothing happened that just because it is so far from the more dangerous cortex, you know, it's like in any country, you know, you don't expect terrible things to happen somewhere where people are so used to the cravings from, you know, you just don't collect it. so i understand why that security would bill actually specially up to the next. so where you know, which in one way they just 70 percent of the gold, the nation has shown its unity. so people, i think just kind of relapse but for beauty, love a bunch of brought that up. even this is that part of the timing of all this because of course we, we all are going away. i don't want to waste time on western coverage. i brushes presidential election, that'd be a waste of our time here. but it seems that this is kind of an, um, uh, trying to spoil the moment of unity that the russians out after the election. i
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mean, they do think that's part of the timing there. have a good camp vehicle incident steamer. it could be, i mean, it could be, uh, well, i mean, i'm not going to say some of them that i haven't seen myself. you know, i left where i use the conspiracy theories just left me that we have a few things about the united states as they are ready to lease or miss that i have seen myself. you know, from my going to this experience. you know, i was just entrust later with several less than a newspaper and then it was in teams during the warning changed or they were all extremely, i'm not doing approaches, you know, brought a slip because in the end of the ninety's, you know, off to the 1st phase of the war, the so called church and resistance. what was done and aided by the slums. and as of western media was completely in bed with, you know this, it was not like, uh, uh, you know, even 90 to 10 percent. it was 99 percent full last how different besides maybe one
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percent seemed but the for some before rations you know, local people. but the, that was very, very clear terms that you, that's what the, the west, despite differences tonight, what would you support of the slips? the same story in syria. i mean, us as go, whatever you say about it was your and the said what and whom do night the space as your be union, by the way, who do they support you there? these ones, if you tell me that it's just only just some co sprint up in the vandals, but thousands so team, you know, when the around the, a bomb adjust the, was to probably to both of the syrian positions i can be with, you know, organizations like that because it all we have to do is read your generally clinton's emails and we have a very clear picture of the release actually the, uh,
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the. so there are so many faces. uh, when you don't have to look at the documents, you just have to look at the west. the media will side. was it all in all of these compensations? it was on the side. oh these for me. several sides. a 2nd with their own. the same story lead the well of way, but we have another kind of a alexander, we have a bit of a smoking gun and it was something that i able to actually had predicted a not obviously this terrific event. but i mean, is victoria new and goes out the door? i'm paraphrasing here. she has some nasty surprises for the russians. i mean, or, you know, take it the, i would face value, i guess, alexander, well, sure. it's like, uh when buy it and let slip that one way or another. we'll stop the nord stream pipeline. so yeah, these folks in the us government are and to have said this before, i don't think they're the brightest people and they're very, very arrogant. they're very arrogant,
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so they feel that they have total power and can do anything they want. and so they sometimes just say what they're going to do, even though they really shouldn't, as they're beings more strategic about it. so yeah, i agree with you there's, there's really not a lot of surprise here. and then of course we had the us apparently warning the russian government about terrorist threats. well, what are these threats? where did this information come from? how do you have details, or what details do you have? the russian side says they were given no specifics, but i don't know, it's just on behavior odd in the way that the united states says who did it or who didn't do it. so it's, it's just odd rhetoric when it's just the rhetoric we get from these leaders. and it also kind of matches a pattern. i mean, if we can uh, focus our attention on ukraine as all of us know, what are our viewers now? the war is going very badly for the ukrainian side. nato is panicking and we see
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more and more assaults on civilians inside of russia. by i'm probably, i'm targeting about a western, you've got troops and technicians and firing into rush. i mean, this is getting to a point of desperation, so that kind of dovetails into this kind of prologic. if you can't wait on the battlefield, then you will go a symmetrical, as victoria knew and suggested while the line her during her last trip us to take care of before we heard that she will be leaving her position for a gentleman. i'm going to jump in here, we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our dispatch to them. so mail is say, with our team, the russian states never as tight as one of the most sense community invest, not getting hold of all sense and up the same assistance
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must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on process to day and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you fix the request, which is the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the welcome back to grow side boulevard in peter leveled. here we are discussing some real news or a gentleman. i would like to change gears or i want to go back to alexander another fiasco. but the diplomatic nature of the end of last week, we have the night of the united states proposed a, a resolution to the security council. remarkably 6 months after the whole world has been calling for a ceasefire, the united states called for a cease fire. except for wasn't to cease fire and then end up being a complete
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b s. go. so i will uh to that while this was going on, the secretary of state anthony blake and was on his 6th tour of the middle east. what he's doing, nobody really particularly know is because there's no results. and if i'm not mistaken, he was leaving going back to the united states and he was informed by the media that 2000 acres of westbank land territory under occupation by the israeli government. was seized from palestinians and he's being told this, i think it'd be, he wasn't even aware of at least his body language tells us that. i mean, it's it, 0 one more thing that we had before. i'll throw back to you. i was under the secretary of the speaker of the house. johnson is inviting. nothing. yeah. who to speak to congress? i mean all of this together. so what was this rest of the whole about except for trying to pull roll over everyone's eyes. alexander. yeah,
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the influence of the is really government and you knighted states government is massive and we see that constantly. so congress which can't agree on anything. they'll then have a vote on should we support pass the resolution on supporting israel and that always passes with 99 percent of the votes. a couple of people maybe will just not vote. so what kind of a divided political system? what left? right. you know, system is this when it's 100 percent support of a 4 in state. and when you look at the composition, the united states government, many of these people are jewish and then go out on tv and talk about how they are very loyal to israel. they go in front of a pack and declare that their purpose is to support israel. but what about the people of the united states? so we have government officials openly declaring their allegiance to the state of
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israel and not to the interest of the united states. people to the american people, so many of them are working for the interest of israel, and that's when you get these kinds of deranged debacles, like jared cushion years plan for peace in the middle east. which arguably has led to this situation. well, get out, you know, i saw his a part of his interview that he was at the kennedy school of government. i mean a very official venue. okay. team a and jared cushion who is talking about real estate on the golf coast. i mean, it doesn't get more more bid than that. that's more rugs. the ma, well, unfortunately, clinton is noticing it for a very simple reason of you know, decent your maybe maybe even less speech to that me the least uh before watching
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the deal or south boats elected usage squash. but the problem was that the juices your work was more or less free in kias woman's and decisions. you know, she called cut the deals, you know, blink and e, as is tied by these uh, you know, with the bro globalist ultra liberal ideology as a matter of gifts, which i suggest that uh by the u. s. b. yet they are very predictable. i mean, like, you know, the last few weeks the narrative was like, yes, we support israel, but some problem you have any offers back, you know, a bite and he's losing his patients with their time. yeah. yeah. as on the average spoke to cool, you know, if it hadn't been following up on yahoo, people wouldn't have been additionally g. so i think i'm just, i've been following this circus as well. let me throw it back to alexander. i mean, yeah, they all of this criticism, but you know, this the way, particularly the united states and again, the europeans, more and more so they personalized so be it was this person goes,
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everything will be fine. well no, this, that's not fine. we had a chuck shuler of very publicly criticizing benjamin netanyahu, but you didn't. what is the result? there's no result. the same thing continues here. this is a, this is a, um, my card's theater that's being played out here. and then public center. you have the bibles peer idea, which of course came from the israelis to get a in to gaza. know, the idea is to get thousands sold through in this peer to do, we have them dispelled. i mean, most people in american media won't even address the most simple fundamental issues of this. okay. um, chaotic situation, alexander? yeah, well this is the problem of democracy in the west. so the media pretends that it matters who is the president, and they pretend that, oh, if we change the wallpaper, changed the president in an election,
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which may or may not be rigs, then everything will be different. but every time we have an election, new president's same policies, and i think they're also pretty relaxed on what the rhetoric can be in some cases. so it's ok to criticize and that's in yahoo because there will be no action. it's always just words. they feel pressure from the international community. they maybe even feel pressure from some of the protests that have been happening in the united states on campuses and then some cities against the slaughter in gaza. and so there is some pushback. there is some pressure so that they relieve the pressure with some of this rhetoric, but everyone knows that there will not be any action in the system is designed to personally, generally, i guess it's so blatantly obvious that you had the highest selected jewish official american history chuck schumer, in the senate, and he has is what many would say kind of blistering,
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the critique of benjamin netanyahu, and then within 2 or 3 be new cycles. he says, oh yes, we should welcome to speak to congress. i mean, what i mean, what are we supposed to print and coming close and who is who, who's calling the shelter d. my so i use the lap and go ahead. so i mean it's not the well the limit to, to user. oh, that story about good gauntlet and bad personally, that though, you know, during the live the uh, since it was absolutely impossible to hide the suitcase policeman was deal, you know, during these peaceful, coldest, you know, that's actually it was a not cool. you remember the narrative was like, oh, these old nice people on that square, but there is a good hold, right? sex, step, the bat, you know, but the mind, you don't pay attention to that same story. it was with that there is the, cham dolman, on the bus called, you know, much further, was the president, and he's, by me just the, what's time you will by side who several times the me that she knows that respects,
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you know, they didn't thousands of course, to just and the matter to from that west suprised was it's a nice go. it's independent judge, not just, you know, these day besides, somehow back jerry, they know how to put you. they always kind of betrayed them. is a selves and it's in with the class and they call for something exactly. i don't know or all been cooled with that with that with a bazooka that that was the same. unfortunately, it came from a russian person from all in the world. but anyway, so i'm kind of tied to these narrative like either it was good. yes. and you up was bad. i mean, i remember i saw what you have to summit meetings with you. so if we talk about changing the wallpaper, some felt yet on the apple space at the tool, what was the rate of 4 digits for more than more than 2720 years? and they just say he was a robot level. why wouldn't patient patients? but if you've ever been losing the patients for over 60 years young, this is
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a bit too long, you know, to what was your nerve about somebody? well, i mean, his longevity, alexander it is because of designed is, i mean it, it, it has, it's, it has only one direction. you know, what's happening and gaza is it's destroying all of our humanity, even by being witnesses to it. we are losing all i are q, manatee, but there is the use of the powers that be, are so powerless because they've been captured by this ideology for design is what's happening and gaza is called an opportunity. it is a so the final solution. and we and they know that they can get the west to be complicity. or, i mean, when i looked at the anthony blake and i came up with a, i call him the undertaker because he is the undertaker of what any kind of western values the west believes that you can give to the world. it is being, this is
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a and this is a funeral for western values, even though we, we, we, by, we know, mock them is, you know, p r and, you know, talking points. but i mean, what 4 values are being destroyed right now. well, design this in the united states and the zionist and is real. they all perfectly understand the game they're playing. so they may pretend to disagree on certain issues, but they all agree on the one important thing of supporting israel, no matter what it does, no matter what horrors it carries out against the palestinians. and you see this playing out in the american media and very interesting ways, for example, been shapiro who is rabbit, into support as israel, and says really on in these things about how many, how they should kill people to use in a feud with candace owens. because she's criticizing this design and those i'm a, she's criticizing this model listed, the policy of supporting is real and never admitting to the fact that this is wrong
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. so one problem we have this really big problem in the united states is that organizations like a pack and the anti defamation league, they go around bullying. people, organizations just trying to instill a sense of terror in organizations and people. so they will not speak out, will not question anything is real does, will not question design us and the american government at risk of having their livelihoods destroyed at risk of being the platform. there's so many people who have lost access to banking, who have had all of their social media turned off. who so many people are living outside of the united states because it's impossible for them to make a living impossible for them to live in the u. s. or they'll just be sued into a bolivia and that's another extra legal way of handling things. so the government may not officially take away your freedom of speech, but will just sue you into
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a bolivian so you are financially unable to do anything. well, use the private companies that the government orders to silence you, but it's not the government. so for some reason, the 1st amendment has now been redefined, it doesn't apply to every, but it only applies to the government. so the government will use tools like facebook, twitter, and so on to silence people that way. or, well, one of the other casualties is that conservatives spoke out for freedom of speech, up until october 7 or a gentleman. that's all the time we have one, i think, my guess in saint petersburg and here in moscow. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our d. c. next time. remember across the books,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, to all the full suspects and fridays consider whole mastercard and must go paid until said to tara charges. what else demand will be held in custody while the investigation continued the move footage of the tragedy and most imagined, but amid some of the darkest of our tales of true heroism and much from the cottage of those pushing that own lives on the line to save on l borneo,


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