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tv   News  RT  March 25, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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of the man, 2 of the full suspects and friday's considerable mastercard. it must go page to see, to tower charges. one of the men will be held in custody while the investigation continued. the more footage of the tragedy and most go and much is but a mid som, over the dog could still bowers tales of true heroism and much from the college of those pushing that own lives on the line to save others the california. when the shots started, i realize that we had to run away and get people out. i tried to stay calm and help
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everyone, the with the terrorist housing being detained on the way towards the ukraine volta washington made to attend immediate priority to absolve with allies. i need killed instead, and then the blame on a tried and tested enemy islamic state, the 11 am here in moscow, real life warranties, age cube. thank you for joining us. this monday. to of the full suspects and fridays concept who masika in moscow have pled guilty to terrorism charges during the court hearing on sunday evening. now the full will remain in custody until the 22nd of may. the detainees have been,
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it's charged with committing an act of terror. a crime that in russia carries a maximum penalty of life behind falls. now the full suspects were transported to the port on sunday. they were detained some morning off to the attack by special services in the south western region of france as they fled, tools, few quite in boulder during the search investigators found so automatic rifles and hundreds of rounds of life and the issue. meanwhile, more footage from the attacks has surfaced online. people can be seen quite literally running for that lives and hiding behind anything. what that's of time tables, pillows, the,
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when this video gone, fly can be pretty hard ringing out, and it continues to move in a minute. the pos and filming was attempting to flee, and managed to make his way up to the 2nd floor. and ultimately suffice the attack . but amid all the horizontal con, it's tails of true heroism has a much extraordinary colorado shown by a group of teenagers who walked part time. this coat, prim attendance. they helped more than a 100 people to safety by an emergency exit of the the
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chicago. i work at o'clock room in the basement. it was a normal working day. no one expected such a tragedy to happen at 8 p. m. that was the last call for the show, an 8 o'clock sharp. the attack started like they had a special plan starting exactly at age group catch. we had a message that there was a terrorist attack. and well, basically all was ready for that. we had training on what to do, there were hundreds of people i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting and i was ordering people to run to the expo center. i saw one terrorist with a beer dressed in green camouflage, with a gun. he was heading towards the concert hall. he was 30 meters from meat. he didn't see me in front of me. a man had been shot. there was a mess and everyone was shocked. no one knew what to do, but i tried to help everyone in almost all followed my instructions. i did my job honestly. i don't think i'm a hero. you was part of my job property in their credentials and to set it up at the time when the truck started, we together without our employee, some visitors had a series of gunshots and around towards the office. when the shots started,
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i realize that we had to run away and get people out. i tried to stay calm and help everyone. we shouted to people where to go to the emergency exits so that everyone would get away. we show them where to go. i'm classmates with his them. we have been friends for several years. we worked together that night and saving people who took people for a service do. and i, to be honest for the emergency exit, says one of the act to pray for you was performed by a concert. the su pounced on one of the gunmen as he was reloading his weapon. and it sold his coverage and off many to escape to safety. he's now set to receive a special award. boucher, 3 of them walked along the mezzanine, and a 4th appeared just before the stairs. i saw him near the partition he had just shot some people in cold blood. i looked at my wife and realized that i saw wild horror in her eyes. i realized that i had to do something at that moment when he caught up with us to begin to reload his weapon. i had
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a 2nd to think i assess the movement. i pushed my wife and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down. come with my right hand, i'd be get to strike him on the head. he began to go down. i grabbed him by the neck with my left hand and also continued to strike. at that moment, another man ran up to me. he also dealt a couple of powerful blows, more powerful, and we knocked out the gunman, city over the composer of a secure sink. all this i knew has also been acknowledged. he said to have kept a cool head admits the tales, helping to quickly evacuate a launch portion of the crowd from the smoked smoked building and the optimal sold for the atrocities survivors have been recounting the horrific or deals that they enjoyed on that fateful night. the most of the seats were in cross city hall at a concert of the ben picnics we heard pops that sounded like gunfire. a very large
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number of spectators, including us, thought that perhaps these were some kind of special effects before the concert. people said that there is no need to panic, there's no need to rush somewhere. let's go out slowly, but in them they finally succumb to general panic and begin to run out of those the story. i'm the 1st exit. there was a crowd there. we couldn't get out, so were returned to approximately ro, my friend pushed me to the floor and we crawled in the other direction. and that's when they started shooting inside. they were detour him somewhere very nearby. and we ran out through the 2nd exit into the corridor emergency services housing working to improve access to the scene of devastation. heavy machinery has been built in to cut through 5th, some of the wreckage aerial footage, like the one behind me reveals the scale of the destruction. a building that's home to the crow coast city concert who has been completely destroyed on teams where the
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costs are about took to the skies to survey the damage myself. under any other circumstances, this would be a very exciting and interesting opportunity. but of course, we are going on a helicopter ride out about a 100 meters heights to take a look at the sides of the massacre and see the level of destruction the
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wire over all throughout sunday long lines for the site of the tragedy with people wishing to
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pay that respect, the little collaboration began with the phone by the same associates saying, i didn't know who it was named off to images of white cranes, a symbol of charity in terms of projected on the bill that it was. and i've shown my one of many of those of you as a come by to russian president also paid tribute to the fixed ends at a solemn ceremony inside a charge documents, which admits a candle and prayed for those who knows to live for most go has not been alone in its morning with the procession pulled the cranes taking place nationwide on these remonde costs rep reports from the don units for popular the march 24th as
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a day of national mourning for the victims with terrorist attacks. in most schools, all across the country and various events are being held. this particular one is the cold cranes where a crane is a symbol of selfless support for all the victims that i didn't 3rd subject, the mask is no exception, no sense. so in my heart, there was more tragedy and panic. i was watching the news on social media. my whole family was watching and sympathizing with those people who are there and people were shot at point blank range. i live in genetic republic, i faced ukrainian terrorism. constantly, shells are territory, but what was happening there? what people experienced it was just impossible for me. the pain resonates in our hearts and in our souls and all the guys who came today, they share this collective pain. and that's how they make a gesture of remembrance. this gesture of ours also happens in not very safe conditions. most of these young people are about 18 to 20 years old. that means that said 10 years ago have just started on the crate integration. i guess that
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people have done boss. they were barely hand elementary school and they know full well what in sarah's and feels like, you know, more about terrorism than anyone else. you know the words are russ was feeling. is the extra, is it all those responsibility on the finest? over the last couple of days, at least city civilians were wounded by you creating our children's showing here in the next group. public private infrastructure was destroyed as well. the terrorism that began 10 years ago continues to this day, despite old, as the people here morning for the victims and moscow, vermont girlfriend margie the next group. on the meanwhile, the u. s. has once again saw many denied any ukrainian involvement to mutual city with a vice president tomlin, harris quinn's doormats flattery, who in his already trying to link this to your brain and say that the printer's
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responsible does the us have any evidence to back that up. no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happened, it took the american government and the hours to reach its compares notarized as k was responsible. that was the full, the tire group itself. and even claimed it was behind it, the speed of which that judgment was made was very different. how back in 2001, it took washington nearly a month to figure out the song of a launch and have most minus the $911.00 attacks sauce wireless being with 2. yes. and it's an old stream, pipelines would flow not. washington still says that it doesn't know what happened was use of this. how going to just filtering out on friday evening, washington, assuming he made a priority right off the bat to absolve ukraine if any possible involvement on teased on a quote to has been digging into that story as
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a raging inferno. the crackling of assault rifles, innocent people who expected to enjoy themselves at a concert at crockett's city hall and moscow region were abruptly met with a blood bath. and the west seemed to have known who was to blame from the very beginning, before any official information was available, prudent strider mobilized people and sent them to the front room. and so there's a lot going on there, but this has all the hallmarks advisors, you can, i think this is clear that isis carried out this attack. uh, there was some discussion natalie this morning in terms of was the full flag. or was it something like isis is clear now? spices. i'm avoiding gunman going round, trying to kill as many civilians as possible. that is the kind of thing we've seen the ice is doing in the past. for instance, we sort of had a concert in paris in 2015 at the plastic land theater, something very similar. at the same time, the white house had the nerve to say, well, we were due. earlier this month, the u. s. government received information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings,
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including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans in russia. sure, the us embassy in moscow earlier released a cryptic warning of an impending attack in moscow, but there was no talk of vices. perhaps washington knew more than it's letting on, and renee done the duty of it's intelligent services to warn potential targets of terrorist activity is the shot of the united states as well as other countries have had reliable data on this matter. it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data, then neither the white house nor any one else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership headset will be identified by the competent authorities. its been again, washington had also previously promised that the money its sons to ukraine would mean some nasty surprises for russia. and there are those in the west who are able
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to put $2.00 and $2.00 together with this money. ukraine will be able to fight back in the east, but it will also be able to accelerate the asymmetric warfare that has been most effective on the battlefield. and as i said in keys 3 weeks ago, this supplemental funding will ensure food and faces some nasty surprises on the battlefield. this year, i believe that ukraine is moving into a period of a new phase of the war, the insurgency phase. and i said specifically that we're going to see terrorist attacks and surgeon attacks using false flag provocations, blame them on somebody else, blamed to say, this was an honest, we don't have the fingerprints on this. here's where things get even more strange. the terrorist who carried out this attack were not ideologically motivated, as is usually the case with isis. they admitted to carrying out this massacre for money, a measly $500000.00 roubles, which is just
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a little bit more than $5000.00 for you know who she was. what are you doing? progress, shooting watts, shooting. yes. who people? what for? pull him up. police for money, for money. yes. for how much money. how about a half a 1000000? how familiar, what familiar with rubles? who do you see with from i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the card? the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. on top of that, they were apparently heading to ukraine, where a metaphorical red carpet was rolled out for them to shoot you, you pass the phone sort of the direct, typically those of the terrorist attacks. all those who shot and killed people were found and detained. they tried to hide and move towards ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the ukrainian side across the state border. a
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total of 11 people were detained. the federal security service of russia and other law enforcement agencies are working to identify and uncover the entire terrorist support base since begun to shield key of from any blane, a government that russia is actively fighting a war with and has its own history of terrorist attacks there's no indication at this time that you green, or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it. but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to ukraine, hired killers, fingers pointed that isis and western government seemingly not telling the whole story. it all looks like a classic story of puppets having their strings polled from behind the scenes. isis, or i'll tell you the are other tears to groups rather group. so i'm curious groups, they are a, what pin and they are mercenaries for the americans and the american secret service . they are the ones who funded them, train them, made them,
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and gives them the orders. and they use them is celia and libya, all over the world. any country who's against united states and the against the united states policies they used to and there was a military export. the research in celia said that there was ukraine officials met a kurdish officials in l should. does the military base and east of syria, which the americans and there was a deal uh between them to get out there. i was just curious, who are the, the roots, who are from chechnya was back as you can spend all those countries and who speak crushing to get them out and send them to ukraine. so yes, there is, it might be, i suspect, under the orders of the united states and the order. so they not united states secret service. i spoke to john less than a host of info was. that's alex jones. now he's questioned, washington is washed to blame islamic state a. p
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d and the russian government came out 10 hours or so after the attack and said, when they say isis, we believe that's a cut out for ukraine. i was saying that because i have a jerusalem post right here and all the other mainstream media admitting that i suppose was created by obama and that isis was actually funded by the west in the attacks on syria. and we have clubs of obama saying he was funding isis, so i, so this is just a cut out term that years. then they go western intelligence one, i believe, hire these people to go in and do this and then ices takes the blame. and then the west can have plausible deniability. well, in this case uh, western intelligence, other groups, ukraine, i believe, cuz that's where they were trying to flip back to go out and advertise, come here will bring you to rush you. i will give you weapons a launch this attack you'll be able to escape will blame ice is kinda like they blamed the nord stream pipeline on russia. why would roger blow pets on pipeline
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when it's one of its main funding mechanisms? and that's where all the evidence points to we've had zalinski launch. all these mass have brought attacks inside russia. we've had cross border attacks that haven't gotten a lot of attention with parent military inside rush or killing people. they see journalist darya do get and others blown up and, and, and so victoria knew him set a month ago, were about to give russia nasty surprises. maybe i'll put in charge of both the military operations and intelligent shaves and to the expert on terror. and so operating louder, yeah, it was a nato plan from the fifty's to the eighty's was partially classified that it rush ever starts winning any type of conflict in europe. whether it's often something in the rush or the other way around that. stay behind networks under operation, claudio, within stage tara tags, and actually blame the russians for it as a pretext, to turn public opinion against themselves. before putting came out upset, he believe it was ukraine and an age of
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a high. and as i had already said that because i've been researching nato and it's policies and an under nato's military doctrine, when it loses a war which this has data arises friday when it loses a war. it then ships to a symmetrical warfare and terrorism. so i believe all the evidence points towards that with no evidence dw. com and then the germans and others are saying please stage this with no evidence, but clearly you, you see them catching the terrorist trying to get back to the border into your brain. there, there are targeted live on the spot and just say, i know nothing. i was given me to do this. that's exactly what the western or level as intelligence will do is as have useful idiots been paid money out of carry this out, believing they had a way to escape. but job if i really speculating which i'm speculating now, i would imagine ukrainian intelligence probably burned them and told the russians
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or to grab them. so they could set them up and say it was ices. all those our latest updates about friday's tara attack, which took the live so far. we know at least 137 people headed over to our website or to help calm the oh, to central garza now. wow, an overnight is where a new strike has reportedly killed at least 9 of palestinians in the city of the umbrella, with many store full to be trapped onto the russell. the ideas destroyed a house in a president, residential area. 2 children and 5 women were among those killed and not local officials claim that the total death toll inc also, since the subject of october, has now passed such a $2200.00. but according to the united nations children's fund,
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moves of 13002000 children have fully and fixed into the will. it comes in mid report that has really sold his view. the youngsters as non humans who will eventually grow up to become homeless. scientists, security camera footage, kept at one such moment, seeming a which happened in a shop in the westbank city of java. and is there any soldier force as a boy to remove his shot before slapping him in the face? the boy's mother then steps and moves him away from the see the one all the story had a more tragic ending, a 12 year old palestinian. busy was killed off to being shot in the chest in east jerusalem. now his grieving family plans to soothe his radio. socrates accusing. c open complicit in the death with more details, his all minis bureau chief more ethanol to
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a palestinian boy lightens if i work tomorrow, another day of the muslim holy month of ramadan. a gunshot is heard, the boy falls dead. the shell shoots up into the sky, painting it red. the boy in the clip is 12 year old rami how, who leads from the show thoughts, refugee camp in east jerusalem. the pull that that's killed him was fired by and is really policeman overlooking the area from a nearby watch tower. to late to explain, he took the boy as a threat. as his melissa had position, there was no confrontation or anything she not. mikey was coming as a warrior or someone big doing something significant. he was just holding a firework. and in any case, they could throw gas, sound bombs. i always hear them telling small kids from the tower. go back, boy. go back to your homes. the idea have many ways to scare them, warm them. i feel like the soldiers did it intentionally otherwise, why would the bullet go straight to his heart?
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the whole family was home after breaking their fast when they heard the shots and the screaming many dramas. father holly was standing by the window from where he could see the tower. he ran outside, fearing the worst. he found rami line on the ground with a hoe in his chest. the officer who fired the shortly to testified that he was aiming for the lower part of the boy's body. yes, you would say i know the fact that he was shot with a rubber boot or something. so he checked, his brother must move and i lifted the shirt to find out his chest as a whole. i mean the whole is almost the same as the size of a water model lid. and in a bit larger, where you can put a finger inside the thank god, there was no blood coming out. i was surprised by that. and people rami was struck less than 50 steps from his home on the road near the parking lot. some local kids now speed up when crossing this area, they say in c or hope being shot. this is where the deadly incident happened. the
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officer who shots rami was on that to watch tower heads right in the run, the families backyard. minutes later, the father grabbed the body of rami and rushed to hospital, hoping for a miracle. no miracle happened. doctor was pronounced rami dead. they gave only a moment to say good bye to his son. a candidate with the movement of that was the moment when the blood started coming out from his mouth from his chest, from where the hole is blood started coming out. naturally, someone told me this wasn't an ordinary bullet. it's a rubber metal bullet. it's a hollow point bullet, it explodes inside the body. the blood was running from his mouth, his heart, his ears while i was standing there and covering my son and talking to him. these really forces came to the hospital and to chrome, his body, the claim to all tipsy has the protocol in this case, required. police treated what happened as a security incident. the family wasn't told when the body will be returned. the
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headlights of it an officer entered whose name was a mere, it was written on his name tag. he asked me, what was i doing inside? i told him, this is my son. i asked the doctor to give me 5 minutes. he told me, i'm the law. i have the law in my hands. i told him, my dear, you know, i'm an error of just like you just be a little sensitive. this is my dead son. he refused to talk to me, not a word in arabic and all. in hebrew he said no one hit me against the wall. started pushing me out and threw me outside. has it been here for him to keep the palestinians show a fault camp was the last refuge built to house palestinians displaced after the 19481967 wars. it is a municipal part of jerusalem, but surrounded by a security fence. it is a turbulent place. clashes with israeli forces often end up filing. but on the day of romney's desk, there were no riots in the camp. no warnings or anything that could have alerted the troops. israel's national security agency longstanding investigation into the
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shooting the officer that pulled the trigger with someone for questioning the country's national security administer personally came to the hearing breaking protocol to praise the officers actions the instead of separate. i think you guys are saying he's a 12 year old boy. stop it. what is this? this is a 12 year old terrorist. it was a 12 year old boy queen, dangers out of fighter and 12 year old boy who throws fireworks and they throw molotov cocktails. this is why i am back in our fighters also in 4 or 5 in the ramos and anywhere it is very good that he acted the way he did. 2 palestinians couldn't disagree more. local mosques announced from his desk through loudspeakers, calling him a martyr. people were furious, tearing that funeral, turning to mass protest. israel returned from his body 6 days later, almost in secret, requiring the burial was carried out at night at the nearest cemetery,
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denying access to the one near to settings all the city where all around these relatives are buried. with a maximum of 50 people allowed to attend, according to the palestinian health ministry in the 5 months of escalation triggered by the war in gaz is really forces killed to more than 400 palestinians from east jerusalem and the west bank. and is really human rights group reports, a cool 2 of them were miners, including more than a half killed without being classified as an immediate threat. some now after the family received the ronnie's body and buried, they loved one. they prepare for a legal battle with these really authorities. they say fighting for just as is the least they can do for their boy who can not be brought back from the dead reef. an ocean, a r t reporting from the palace times. well those are the stories that we are covering . stay so fall for them much, much more. take a look. ok, you don't come to ceasing.


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