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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 25, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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was slim, but surrounded by a security fence. it is a turbulent place. classes with israeli forces often end up violent. but on the day of romney's desk, there were no riots in the camp. no warnings or anything that could have alerted the troops. israel's national security agency longstanding investigation into the shooting the officer that's pull the trigger with someone for questioning. the country's national security administer personally came to the hearing breaking protocol to praise the officers actions. we had a big step. say you guys are saying he's a 12 year old boy. stop it. what is this? this is a 12 year old terrorist. it was a 12 year old boy, queen, dangers out of fighter and 12 year old boy who throws fireworks and they throw molotov cocktails. this is why i am back in our fighters also in for a flash. in the ramos, in anywhere, it is very good that he acted the way he did. the palestinians couldn't disagree more local mosques announced from his desk for loudspeakers, calling him
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a martyr. people were furious, fearing that funeral, turning to mass protest, israel returned from his body 6 days later, almost in secret. requiring the burial was carried out the night at the nearest cemetery. denying access to the one near jerusalem's old city where all around these relatives are buried with a maximum of 50 people are allowed to attend. according to the palestinian health ministry in the 5 months of escalation triggered by the war in gaza is really forces killed more than 400 palestinians from east jerusalem and the west bank. and is really human rights group reports. a quarter of them were miners, including more than a half killed without being classified as an immediate threat. some now, after the family received the romney's body and buried, they loved one. they prepare for a legal battle with these rarely authorities. they say fighting for just as is the least they can do for their boy who can not be brought back from the dead race in
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ocean r t reporting from palestine of the on fine. if this, our cost of a well nasa willing need between from supp. yeah. i was the vile with the sub and president as he spoke kind of collaboration event marching the 25th on of us or of nato bombing campaign against peoplesoft. the city physically to 25 years have passed and we're still not giving up. we still do not accept this amendment to savvy. obviously this is a small nation in europe. the still stands, brown and dignified, refusing orders and occupation for many have tried to extinguish. soviets, but they've never succeeded. this rain is assign, assigned up, they re, but all the hundreds of people gathered on sunday in belgrade to pay tribute to the victims alternate telephone megs. so it'd be a estimates more than 2500 civilians were killed back in 1999 when the military
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alliance carried out 900 sorties during the 78 day campaign. some of the demonstrators also signed to russia. fritz continued support of the is what we sat down with a john list who was on the ground in, you can solve here for forcing at the time and full with his very own eyes. those strikes that lead to hundreds of thousands of displaced on of pools to a crisis, which still takes the region to the states that is coming off special brain. the water is a part of it that the employee would post good. isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it
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something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without please, is that spelled out of the or the russian states never as tight as one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin. yep. mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the services for the question, did you say it would twist,
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which is the, with the end of world war one? the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march, 1919 at the call of law hotmail, guntee. a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people
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on the day of the sea bass. at t festivals, a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start in northern india seeing base as an outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announce the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous star massacre wind down in
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history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the oh, what else? seemed wrong? just the safe house. an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds of parts, we choose to look for common ground, the the thing that would inform you to with them for the gifts for through the state of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care. to get a car through the new year. oh for g. like teach. so i know for me teaching the
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scores that should thoughtful and you have to go to some go to left. i look forward to you with that. the flushing, it's a washing machine and then you must move them on the status of enforcement seamlessly. putting them on the move. let me look into the most i did i use one for so the lowest quality and i wanted someone to study to progress in. right. and you say you're shy, finish, this is just all just for good news. i'm a veteran and for them to come thing to do friday. you know, through the power of people for over the for sure. sure. me and the 10 most of the the when you're doing you're pushing them. uh for reasons unknown to me. we did not have
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a news crew on the ground when the bombing of yugoslavia began. more precisely the correspondent who was there and whose film crew left on the last flight from belgrade after which all the airports in yugoslavia were closed. when all of the airports closed management passed, me was somehow finding another way to get there. i flew to budapest with the help of the russian embassy a day later, the field crew and i found ourselves in a small town on the border of hungry and yugoslavia. we managed to cross the border checkpoint early in the morning, around 5, a lose so interesting. the border check point was completely empty except for the guards. when i handed over my passport to the goose lab, border guard, i heard someone come up behind me. i turned around and saw yourself took a russian rock musicians and yearly cost free on from the band quino, as well as 2 or 3 other people who are catching up to us. it turns out that they were also going to belgrade, and were planning to participate in a rock concert called for peace or something like that. we cross the border and
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accepted the offer to travel together. we drove to the nearest town by bus, but after that, we decided not to go on because we were warned that it was very dangerous. very intense bombardments had already begun. at that point. i had to find a small hugo car as i remember, it looked just like a little box. we all crammed ourselves into it. this one courageous yugoslav man drove us, but at some point we also stopped and said that we should not go any further because they were bombing all the time. we took a break somewhere nearby and some local village. at night we moved to the area of nova side city crossing the bridge over the new river early in the morning. as 5 or 6 am, we made it into belgrade. on the way, our driver who was listening to the radio said that we were lucky to have managed to cross the bridge, which as far as i remember was named after marshal burrows tito. this bridge had been bought that very morning. on april, 1st, all the bridges in belgrade were bombed. it was, i think,
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the 8 days since the bombing started, and all the bridge over the nude were destroyed. these were my 1st impressions. and then my work as a reporter began, i worked for the news program, b, g, t, r k, and all russian radio and tv company. i stayed there for 3 weeks before another news crew replaced us. but after a while, our return to yugoslavia, again, was more than a 1000 nato airplanes participated in the bombing of bell great. we heard the explosions and went out on the ground to documented. we came to this one place and saw destroyed houses, ruined buildings. they made sure to bomb all the infrastructure 1st. over the 70 plus days, these $1008.00 of where plains bombed almost all of yugoslavia. they destroyed the entire countries infrastructure, bridges, power plants, military facilities, all civilian infrastructure. we heard all of it after a while, we would go over with the fires, were there were firefighters, people running around absolutely distraught and unsettled across i since get tired
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of the serbs react, we really have to give the service credit here. this wasn't new to them. before that, there was the war in bosnia and herzegovina. many of them were a part of it, or had family there. that is, the war had already been cemented in the serbian cultural code. i can't say there was any confusion, but yes, there was bewilderment and disappointment. disappointment might not be the right word here. they thought yes, with god's help, we will win or we will survive. that's what the serbs said to us. and by the way, the attitude towards russians was good, but not the service realize that they were being bon, that their country, their sovereign state, had been attacked by such a fierce coalition. the north atlantic alliance. they understood that they were being squeezed, but they were putting the pressure on them and see before that there was a long period a long time when they were just cots and threats like we will start bombing, you and people apparently just got used to everything. and then when it happens when it actually starts, what are you going to do?
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we either leave the country or you stay and hold on one another and i ended up in pristina in kosovo, in january of 1998. that is 2 months before active hostilities began, i was there because my friends and colleagues from re and over student bell grade told me that western countries, newspapers, magazines, were all call in pristina in kosovo, the last hot spot in europe. they said something could happen there. western journalist wrote that there was some kind of genocide of ethnic albanians. there was generally a terrible situation there, and that's how i imagined it. but when i got there, that's not what i found. i arrived in sony, christina, a beautiful town with valleys and hills and albanian houses around it, albanian boys hunk portraits of some municipal politicians on street tables. probably serbian politicians. here's a very important detail that i remember. this place was painted as the diabolical scene of the extermination of the albany and population. had serbian traffic cops
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on the streets of students standing there without any service weapons. not only did they not have machine guns, they didn't even have pistols or tons. they were wearing white arm bands, the serbian police officers regulating all the traffic in the super hot spots. as western journalists put it, we're wearing white arm bands. i think this says that the law enforcement forces of serbia, yugoslavia did not feel any danger. and if there was no danger, what was there to talk about? here's another example with abraham rules, a right or a member of the western pen club. she was the ethnic albanian and coast of our spiritual leader. his office was located in the center of christina press conferences were constantly being held there. it was widely known that he was the head of the civilian unit of the k, a, the kosovo liberation army. how can we talk about some kind of genocide if the leader of the kosovar, albanians is sitting in the center of christina, with serbian policemen, nearby wearing white arm bands without any service weapons?
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not feeling any danger and simply regulating traffic. when albanian boys are plastering portraits of some municipal politicians and officials over their bedside tables was an absolutely peaceful situation in was to put all that changed abruptly . i flew there to yugoslavia 2 months later in march of 1998. and the situation had changed dramatically. what happened there was the following. there was a village where a famous yugoslav mafioso lived. everyone knew about them a big gun barren. they said that there was a lot of drug sales coming from albania and macedonia. he and his relatives lived in the village along with hundreds of other people in security. albanians generally have large families. he lived in a place where there were impregnable walls, a real fortified area. and then at some point in march of 1998 the serbian police, at that time the only police in kosovo were serbian. there were no special forces,
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no troops, there was nothing. the serbian police said that something that happened after which they were told that within 24 hours he must surrender to the authorities. hanover's weapons, he had automatic weapons or the police would go and confiscate them and choose. and so there was a sweep she would not give up. the authorities brought in more shots were fired, and then a special task for storm to compound. and these people were arrested, there was a shoot out and several people were killed. after that, all of a sudden, 12 camera crews, from the american associated press agency and 8 reuters cameras appeared out of nowhere in pristina. i talked to one of the reuters correspondence back, then god rest his soul. his name was terrace prostitute who was killed in a rack, a very famous photographer. he said to me then the dean, this is not a war between the cost of ours and the serbs. this is our fight. it's a media of war between the americans and the anglo saxons. that is between reuters and ape. well then the task was to prove who was more successful,
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a spreading these images of ethnic cleansing. but there was no ethnic cleansing, so everyone was exhausting themselves and doing as much as they could for. for example, a reuters correspondence shared a video with me. we watched it and i saw it myself, of some kind of countryside with a large crowd of albanians, mostly women and old man holding children in their arms, dragging them along and running and running and running somewhere. i asked, while i was watching the footage, why don't they have any belongings or anything at all? the rotors correspondent laughed and said, do you know they were actually running to watch some tv show. the lights had gone out and they ran over to a nearby village to watch the latest episode of some albanian tv series. and of course, the story they broadcasted was disturbing and special forces have carried out a sweep. albanians are fleeing in horror from this village, somewhere towards greater albania. that's one of the examples. i'm sure, i remember very clearly when nato bond, the chinese embassy. i cannot speak to how deliberate that attack was. but i do not
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think they deliberately struck the tv center in belgrade. i friends working there with whom i collaborated during satellite broadcasts. the entire crew died at the bell. great tv center, 15 or 16 people, as well as our colleagues at the chinese embassy to after 25 years, i can say that western journalist clearly took it at face value that there serves these terrible serves. and that that place is evil. and there are also these poor, innocent albanians, but you see our colleagues lived at the christina hotel, a huge serbian hotel that was located downtown, and also at the park hotel which was smaller. the reuters news crew lived there. he used to be a serbian hotel, they dined at serbian restaurants, got their hair cut by serves drink, wine, and serbian coffee's. they saw that there were not even any troops there. they understood the coast of all of my talk here in tokyo, which by the way translates as church land is the home of serbian coast of ours. in general that church land has 300 orthodox monasteries on it. 300 orthodox
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monasteries, didn't they realize that they understood all of this and handled it rather cynically 0 in, in on their agenda. i was there when reuters was editing their material. i saw how people indicated that there was a producer there. glen, this, when you would go to the pristine, the hotel, you would see him there was 6 or 7 phones in front of him. he was always writing something down, responding to someone, and then he would go out and get the pictures or video. this of course was done for money so that the cost of ours could film some sort of exclusive, some hors d'oeuvres, austin, nicole, the agenda was handled very cynically. this probably sounds terrible in light of what happened, but this was an information more between 2 agencies. the british reuters and the american ape to see who could get more exclusives and more shocking material that painted the serbs as demons who will demonize them better. who will be more successful at showing that obedience are wonderful guys in general,
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because the serbs are demonic and they tried to destroy them altogether. they kept st genocide ethnic cleansing. but as soon as we arrived, we saw a press conference for the spiritual leader of the obedience with his own pen club in the center of christina, where this assembly of journalists were always gathered, listening to him speak. by the way, i was surprised by the patience of the yugoslav authorities and slow, but i'm the last of which at the time who allowed all this? honestly, it's hard for me to imagine that when the tv center in belgrade was here, i was in moscow. i returned in early may in the very night when the chinese embassy was bombed. what can i say? i knew 2 or 3 of the people who were killed there. they had previously helped us by sending news material. what did they have to do with anything? but nato's logic is understandable, it's necessary to destroy everything. all the words that do not correlate with the western agenda. they had to destroy everything, not just the bridges, but also the metaphysical spiritual principles. it was necessary to destroy it,
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to make it easier to take on the serbs popular circuitry. lab rav constantly talks about this, who came up with these rules that we need to follow. who is the author of these rules? a few days before the bombing began, there was a meeting in paris. negotiations were held with the participation of yugoslavia, and they offered to withdraw all law enforcement from kosovo. the police who stood in white arm bins. then they were ordered to allow natal forces to move freely throughout yugoslavia. what do you think? sure, there is the sovereign state in a foreign army. what should the reaction be? the bombing began without the approval of the un security council. it was a legal. it was in line with the rules that someone in the anglo saxon world came up with. i don't really want to think about it against the background of what happened. there was an official figure quoted by the west of some 200000 serves who fled the region where they have 300 ancient monasteries. as far as i know,
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300000 refugees left, they were forced to leave this place where as they say, their ancestors also lived and came from. it turned out that there was this whole region of kosovo and the tow here, which everyone understood to be orthodox are being land. and for some reason they took it and pushed them aside for albania, albania is in toronto. officially. consider this to be their enclave. that this is their territory, it's uncomfortable to remember. and how about libya? do you remember iraq much? they also try to forget the afghans the west clearly handled. it's passed through the media. it's task of demonizing, the service across the front line, several times wellbeing there. i had a film crew, we repeatedly crossover to the i'll be in the inside. talked with these guys in green bandanas. communication was so, so because one day we were taken to the mountains and we were detained. how do we get detained? we were filming something in standing up on the mountain side. then these guys jumped out at us with weapons and machine guns. they put us in the car and told us
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to follow them. one of their cars was in front of me. the 2nd one was behind me. unfortunately, we were not moving in the direction from which we came from. that is the only road which led towards pristina, but they took us up to the mountains. there were these sugs up there. all of them armed. they stood in front of my car and pointed at me with their automatic rifles pushing me to park at the very edge of the cliff. what was i supposed to do? i parked on the very edge of the best and the correspondence of radio, russia, your usher pole of asked me magic. what do you think? i said, what can i think were finished? they stood in front of us. it was clear that they were going to shoot and the car would fall down the cliffs and we would just have gone missing the 2. we heard a lot of similar stories had happened in many wars, but then at some point a car drove up. a kid jumped out of an old mercedes, some very young kid and began to explain something to them and i'll be in in. and then they changed their mind, their headquarters had changed its mind before that we had been interrogated their
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headquarters for 2 hours. they looked at our passports in their documents and accused us of being spies and so on. we drove back, they even gave us back our camera and told us we don't want to see you anymore. one word and you'll be finished with. that was just one of our encounters later when i would go over to the other side. i took different roads. i invited the dean of the faculty of russian language and literature and asked me to call being in professor shop on hold to you from the university of christina, shaun holt. he was one of the leading academics and teachers at the university of christine at the time, and he was an ethnic albany and he worked with us as a translator and a guide. we went a lot of places with him. we went to his house, we went to albany and restaurants. he told us all about it, i'll be in eons. unfortunately, on one of the trips after left, the next news crew were detained together was shot on hold to you. my colleagues were released after interrogations, but he was executed. a criminal case was opened by interpol,
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but he was never found to insurance. i visited his family later on and brought them some financial help from us. but in general, they still don't know what happened to him. they knew that he had been executed by the close of all liberation army. i'm talking about this because when they asked me about the obedience that were allegedly killed there, so i can only speak about now benny and who's killed by albany and slugs just for working with russian journalist and speaking russian. he was executed at the beginning of june on the 11th or 12th of june of 1999. everyone already knew that the k for forces were coming. that is the forces for kosovo. these were international forces controlled by nato. we were told about it the night before at our hotel by the waiters and cleaners who works there. somebody at reception also warned us they showed us this, meaning that we were finished. and when we left the hotel immediately to stay at a different place. but i return to the hotel in the morning. i told myself i had work to do. it was crazy. it reminds me of what we recently saw on the road sides
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here in armenia. the roads were full of cars, tractors, and all kinds of old vehicles. people were trying to get to serbia to lead kosovo. there you could seek refuge of one of the school gymnasiums. there were hundreds of people with children who were there trying to spend the night because they left their villages. they settled down there to spend the night and to try to figure out where to go and how to move forward. it was an absolute horror. of course, this actually looked like ethnic cleansing, only was ethnic cleansing by the international k for forces under natal control against the serbian population. when i think about that time, i remember shopping hotels drinking at in albany and restaurant dancing there with our camera man and with the local women and his friend who was the boss of the cafe . i remember the people there wonderful opinions, wonderful people. as we say, they got caught in the cross hairs of the west agenda. it said they needed to fight to mess everything up on this little bluer. they'll come across the ocean and
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destroy everything here. i think about that and it seems it makes me very sad for me the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the number you need use visa, stupid loyce law here. nancy, nancy, what comes in the book this is just me very the, it's the only showcase is use the sounds good to the boys at the boys. the
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probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of us to florida doesn't want that. let's look it up. next them put the notes up under that the
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the the, to all the full sauce faxed and fridays concert, whole months and months go paid field said to tower charges. what else demand will be held in cost to be wealthy investigation printed the new footage of the tragedy and most gun notches put amid some of the dogs, 2 hours tales of true heroism and much from the pontiff. others putting that life on the line to save others decided to do a hundreds of people. i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting and it was boarding people to run to the expo center point. when the shot


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