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tv   News  RT  March 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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or illusions, going underground can the headlines on off you international past 2 of the full suspects and fridays concert old mastercard, most of which play in the lives of a 137 people plead guilty to charges of terrorism. all of it was the mean time of remaining and custody for the investigation concerned. the, as more footage of the tragedy in moscow continues to emerge. those who survive recount how they basically supply the point blank rate for the terrorist and the rain gotten filed in the direction i was pressed against the wall. i could just see how those monsters were moving around and they were michelle degree shooting. they
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didn't tool, they didn't scream, they just killed. and there was nothing we could do with a terrorist, the pain that they made a mad dash for the ukraine board of washington and made it an immediate priority to absolve with ally of any possible guilt. instead heading the blame on a tried on tested enemy, south obamacare states, the russian authorities say that's been a surgeon text messages from ukraine, seeking to recruit teenagers for the terrorist attacks with a promise of sizeable payment the arise we're going to use for the on center alive for most go, it's time for your headlines without the predictable mainstream narratives. this is 2 so 2 of the full of suspects and fridays concert old mastercard, moscow, which now has claimed the lives of a 137. they have pled guilty to terrorism charges of his during
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a court hearing on sunday evening. all 4 of the suspects had to be kept in custody, pending trial. they've been charged with committing an active tyra, a crime back in russia. car is a maximum penalty of life behind boss are now minutes before a rock concert was supposed to stop. the terrorists arrived at the main entrance on the far side of the screen. and from that they started to make their way towards the venue they got into the hole. they started targeting innocent civilians in that pause. then they entered the performance hold where the full on mexico really kicked off. they also said that comfortable on file with the buildings roof eventually collapsing, basically nothing left. you can see here roughly a 1000 emergency workers are still at the side coming through the wreckage of this building here. and also that of a victim as remains as still being found at the own side. rescue operation has been extended until tuesday evening and made the chaos of the attack. ordinary people bravely stepped up to make a difference for the
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i realized that i had to do something and i ran around him to the left, grab the machine gun with my left hand and pulled it down with my right hand. i began to strike him on the head. at that moment. another man ran up to me and we knocked out the gunman, the, the, the,
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the gum. i work at a cloak room in the basement. it was a normal working day, an 8 o'clock sharp. the attack started, i started shouting all over the city hall that there was shooting, and it was boring people to run through the expos center. there was a mess and everyone shopped. no one knew what to do, but i tried to help everyone to be in the dentist and to set it up at the time when the truck started. we together without our employee, some visitors had a series of gunshots and around towards the office. when the shots started, i realize that we had to wait and get people out. i tried to stay calm and help everyone who shouted to people where to go to the emergency exits so that everyone would get away. we show them where to go. the
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i think the to the terrace of police are being inside the building for 20 minutes. but let's assume out for you right here from crocus city. whole because the terrace fled.
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they went around bosco and headed directly, south west, where they were heading with ukrainian border there. and he got as far as a russian pretty and region ride here before special services management the catch them. but that being said, i should add that somewhere down here along the ukrainian border with a team waiting for the terrorist to give them safe and easy passage over the ukrainian florida. as you will know by now, this attack has been the deadliest in russia. in decades, a 137 lives claimed 3 children as well. a 182 people warranted with some still in hospital. and the death toll is expected to rise as rescue workers continued to find body pots. now, as we said previously, many of the victims died not from bullets, but from the smoke inhalation. around the fire was one woman who was at the concert, whole on that fateful night has explained how she and her husband managed to supply . so wish led to the we go out of the call. it was around 7 50 pm,
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maybe $752.00. i also told my husband that we are late, let's hurry up, and we sort of move towards the main entrance. we entered the main entrance. there was several queues. it was probably 4 or 5, and it so happened that i saw that the left most q, which is close to, to the gloss will, was moving foster. we joined this to the cues, moved quickly enough. i can't even tell you exactly how much time has passed. maybe 2 or 3 minutes. we were already approaching the gate where they was scanning tickets when we heard something loud, not like gunshots. it was more like some kids fire crackers. and already when there was a rapid bust of continuous fire, then people heard screaming, they realized that something bad was going on next to us just to our left, there was the opening in the doorway, not even in the doorway, but in this gloss rules, we quickly dropped in may, my husband was in the back. next to me there was a really big, muscular man. he tried to knock out the gloss with his feet,
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hands and elbows. but i realized wanting to way that we would not knock it out because there was quite sick last day. people began to crowd into this new very quickly and pressed us very hard. i was pressed against the wall. i could just see how those monsters were moving around and they were missile degree shooting. they didn't talk, they didn't scream, they just killed. and there was nothing we could do. and we was standing in the small area. and i understand that those people who were behind us, they cover dusk. they just gave us a chance to live. but i am grateful to the man who stood next to us on when a burst of gunfire knocked out the glass wall in front of us. he grasped me onto my arms and just threw me out of the snow, and my husband was already running off to me. he picked me up and we have, i think it was a transform, a bucks, a large square structure. we looked around, didn't realize that we had no injuries, and quickly walked along the highway to all call. it was really shocking for us.
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but all throughout the weekend, the crowd some and gathering at the side of the tragedy. steady stream. continuing to gather that makes shift memorial right at the location of the attack. sa, packed with flowers and candles, as people pay the respects the suspects, the title that way to him. cray, where an opening had been prepared for them to cross the border. that's according to russia, as president putin in commons following the f s. b operation. however, the u. s. has firmly denied any ukraine involvement in the atrocity. the vice president come on a higher as recently, reaffirming that position lateral, who in his already trying to link this to ukraine and say that ukraine is responsible, does the us have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually on by all accounts
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responsible for what happens to the american government only hours to reach his conclusion that a split into a cell of islamic state was responsible for the attack that was even before the tara group itself, it claimed that what's behind it plus, while it's been almost 2 years since the north stream, pipelines are blown up, washington says it's still has no idea what happened at the same time of the white house that had the nerve to basically say, i told you so, is it emphasized it had issued a warning prior to the attack about possible terrors activities in russia. moscow on the line that if indeed the us had had any info on this kind. well, it should have been given to the russian authorities in full the earlier this month, the us government received information about a plan terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans in russia is a shot at the united states as well as other countries have or had reliable data on
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this matter. it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data, then neither the white house, you know, anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the competent authorities as well ma'am, as all the us leadership have long time issued threats against russia. remember the conflict in ukraine, and then a drastic key of troops as they would training with americans last year, depending on the top general of the time off. and really suggested that every russian should be afraid of being killed when they go to sleep at night. there should be no russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they're going to give the felt slate in the middle of the night. you got to get back there and create a competing behind the lines. that's i get more of the story course in live out to tucker's political side, his own order. see now and go through with him. now joining us 0 analogy international. a very well welcome to you to say so i thank you very much for
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joining us here. will not see where we're at, but we seem to pull it to the full of the terrorism suspects were reportedly trained in 30 a for 2 months before the attack. a one of the, one of the suspects apparently confessing that he arrived in russia from 38. do you know, do you give any credence any, any credibility to that? so 1st of all, i would like to express like color. ready as to the russian people's about this huge tendered to a pitch tragedy. this uh, buddy turbotax and uh, i bought the soonest uh that uh, once we. busy from the press that one of them he has been in churchy for advice. and that a cit complete. i have to say that you live in north of syria. even the and the other side of north of syria is kind of a big because for the terrace groups and united states are using these 3rd is
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group like isis. it guides, uh, it's a little bit of a p t h a y p g also. so i think that's these territories, goods have some relation with the city to do. i mean it bleed but not of celia and the i think the on the solution to. ready that the, i mean, the definitive solution is that churchy ads, russia, russian army could make a joint meeting to the authorization to this uh, zone which are controlling by terrace groups which are late to the united states. yeah. okay. oh no, i'm going to have you say that one more time, because what you just said flies in the face of the main stream media, particularly the western media you just said to me, the united states is using these terrorist groups. could you just briefly expand on that a little bit for me because we things sound out here on odd t, but all the way it west and mainstream media is basically courting us conspiracy
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theorist and calling it a b. s. narrative. please take the bowl and run. it's not me, but it's a former united state president, donald trump. he opened the said that i says it's creation of the united clinton that it's an example. and the 2nd example that we know from turkey, that like p t, t y, p g, or all these sit practice groups. now the not the syria, the united states giving them their arms. and there is no difference between these . there's groups and i see. and i have to say, i have to repeat my says that's all disputes are please all united states. i don't know how to leave the weaknesses in other attacks. cheering by these groups in russia, a multiple. yeah, i mean, oh no, what i said, i think you guys have very good point and frankly, thank you for saying this on network television. it's so nice to have someone actually not push a narrative and actually tell the truth. i mean, you know, you,
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for, i mean, just quickly, you wonder why i used to, so i, so never attack american, or is railey assets in the middle east. you wonder why don't you, because then you go to want us on who that pop it. mazda is off, oh no, let me ask you this. so getting reports here, the turkish authorities have detained. 40 people in a recent n, t i. so operation, can you give me, give me any details about that, perhaps, or ice. this is a huge trip for turkey also that they tell the many of texts in turkey. so any stumble and cut out, repeat disabilities, a tech by anybody. i says every be lots and lots of, of our citizens. so, i mean, there's a to just doesn't like tech companies to understand the reflection of, for some people in the rest of the states also against these groups. but these are just templates enough turkish, uh, discourses. they are getting a basement. it's not the 1st time that they are carrying or patients against these
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groups, the gays i says, and the others. and i think it for continue. but i will say again that the definitive solution to finish, to start these groups. but these buckets of the united states is the turkish and there are some military forces which make it joined population in north of syria, it gets these groups. well, this is how the entire regime change attended by washington. and if i was flipped on its head, when russia proved certain cold up washington, instead, you guys fighting terrorist and syria good will help you. and then rush up bottom to smithereens, all these ice fish calling the boys of oil trucks and all the new, flashy white pickup trucks as well. so russia really turned the tide in syria, but now as we say, and as your saying as well, oh no to that basically, i said, so i, so these are us assets, they are c, i a assets to, well,
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if you want to achieve regime change in some country around the world without sending in your own army. what do you do? you use an army of most scenarios, meantime own, or internet entrepreneur and political activist, kim dot com is pointed out of the western media outlets, such as suggesting that russia itself is to blame for the most good terror attack. russia is itself to blame for the sabotage of the north tree pipelines. russia itself is to blame for the drone attack on the kremlin. why do you think best saying all this? oh not. it's also, it may be a war and it gets to cure also the rest and maybe it may use this kind of money police and this information tactics. and i think that's why they. ready they, they are blaming you extra government for that. there is a dark in the, in the dresser. and i think that's come pick the kind of a, it may be a war and it's, it's a visual coordination. create by the west and the rest of the media. talk as
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a political hodges. oh, not sitting on that consultant. joining us here on, on the international. we've got to get you back on the program over. notice so refreshing to hear somebody saying what you are saying on network television. i commend you and i appreciate you joining us. thank you. now one of the suspected terrorist said he was recruited by a religious teacher who contacted him through a messaging up details. say with off he is donald quarter. is this the, the terrorist who carried out this crocus city hall terrorist attack were not the only ones that were solicited over a telegram to commit these nefarious crimes like these, i mean, according to russia's internet safety league, they say that criminals are specifically targeting teenagers whose information can be found in compromised internet databases, and they're also warning a parents to immediately report and block a strange numbers on their children's phones. the way the leak also said that a lot of these accounts that are carrying out these crimes are actually being made
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in ukraine. hi, i want to make you a very interesting offer. i'm from ukraine. i suggest we arrange a terrorist attack on march 26th, 2024 in the or in shopping center 475-0000 roubles. we have all the weapons and ammunition, we will distribute them. you will be with the 11 plus people high as i understand you live nearby, redeem shopping center is an offer. it's urgent. good. by 1000000. no. don't refuse . 400000 at once. no. you don't agree. you'll really regret it. no telling me you will suffer, but also your relatives. during the recent russian presidential elections, we saw a number of people pouring green di into the pallet boxes because they were scammed into it. believe it either over the internet or over the phone. and they, some of them even gave confessions. let's take a listen at 10 am they called me introduce themselves as the bank security service and offered to write off all my loans in the amount of about half
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a 1000000 robles. i agreed to that in exchange had to do something. after it was, they said that you need to pour a bottle of green dye to go to public station and pour it into the ballad box. they told me which bong station on which street i arrived. i walked with the bottle under my arm, i put it into ballad box and i was detained. i admit my guilt, it won't happen again. since that happened, rushes central election commission has promised a strong risk ons from law enforcement. and it's also said that it's likely that the ukrainian security services are involved in this recent spike and in cyber crime, specifically, especially with all of the comments we've seen from ukrainians across the internet, praising what actually happened at the appropriate city hall concert area. so with these investigations into these crimes continuing, it's likely that the picture of the whole picture of what's actually going on here is going to become much cleared. assume we keep getting the updates minute by minute here at oxy international with more analysis of more textbooks as well that
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will result from the investigation going up for you, but also the dot com, the tony, to them other news. now, here on out to you, the russian ministry of defense saying that 142 military targets across ukraine have been hit in a bar on a show of air and artillery strikes earlier on monday. meanwhile, reports a rush and strides on key as i've taken out several key targets, including the ukranian army, come on building. additionally, same reports saying to us, supplied patriot rocket systems were also destroyed. we have an awful lot still to talk about here at all. today we are taking 81 minute break the
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the the task good to have your company for this program. that's
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a head now to central gaza. now where an overnight is ready, strike is reportedly killed at least 9 palestinians in the city of the oh, by law many as we have this down. so for to be trapped under the rubble of the idea of destroyed a house in a residential area to children and 5 women were killed in out of town. and local officials claimed the total death folding cost. i, since the 7th of october has now passed $32002.00 according to the united nations children's funds, more than $15000.00 dozen children have for the victim to this rule, comes made reports that is ready soldiers view the kids as non human see will eventually grow up to become a homage bite has a security camera footage are capturing one by menter which happens in a shop in the westlakes. if you have java that's ready. soldier force as a boy, i won't lift a shot there before stopping him in the face. and the boy's mother then moves him away from the same. well, another story had a more tragic ending. as
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a 12 year old palestinian boy was killed, office simply being shot in the chest and east of jerusalem. his grieving family now planned to suit with the as ready authorities accusing them of being completed in the death will details. now with i'm at least bureau chief, the palestinian boy lightens. if i work tomorrow, another day of the most and holy month of ramadan. a gunshots is heard. the boy falls dead. the shell shoots up into the sky. painting it read. the boy in the clip is 12 year old rami who leads from the show of thoughts, refugee camp in east jerusalem. the pull that that's killed him was fired way and is really policeman overlooking the area from a nearby watch tower. to late to explain, he took the boy as a threat, as visual as it had position. and there was no confrontation or anything she did not like he was coming as a warrior or someone big doing something significant. he was just holding a firework. and in any case,
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they could throw gas sound palms. i always hear them telling small kids from the tower. go back, boy, go back to your homes. what is the idea of how many ways to scan them? warm them. i feel like the soldiers did it intentionally otherwise, why would the bullet go straight to his heart? the whole family was home off to breaking the fast when they heard the shots and the screaming when, when a ramos father holly was standing by the window from where he could see the tower. he ran outside, fearing the worst he found rami line on the ground with a hoe in his chest. the officer who fired the shortly to testify that he was aiming for the lower part of the boy's body or with a city. and it will depend on my front that he was shot with a rubber boot or something. so i checked his brother, math mood and i lifted the shirt to find out his chest as a whole. i mean, the whole is almost the same as the size of a water model lid, and in a bit larger, where you can put a finger inside the thank god,
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there was no blood coming out. i was surprised by that. and people rami was struck less than 50 steps from his home on the road near the parking lot. some local kids now speed up when crossing this area, they say in theory of being shot, this is where the deadly incident happened. the officer who shots rami was on that to watch tower heads right in the run, the families backyard minutes later the father grabbed the body of rami and rushed to hospital, hoping for a miracle. no miracle happened. doctor was pronounced rami dead. he gave only a moment to say good bye to his son, to h, edited them, and of that was the moment when the blood started coming out from his mouth from his chest, from where the hole is blood started coming out. naturally, someone told me this wasn't an ordinary bullet, it's a rubber metal bullet, it's a hollow point bullet. it explodes inside the body. the blood was running from his mouth, his heart, his ears. while i was standing there,
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covering my son and talking to him. he's really forces came to the hospital and to chrome, his body, the claim to all to see has the protocol, in this case, required police treated what happened as a security incident. the family wasn't told when the body will be returned, that i saw that an officer entered his name was a mere, it was written on his name tag. he asked me, what was i doing inside. i told him, this is my son. i asked the doctor to give me 5 minutes. he told me, i'm the law. i have the law in my hands. i told him, my dear, you know, i'm an error of just like you just be a little sensitive. this is my dead son. he refused to talk to me, not a word in arabic, and on hebrew he said no one hit me against the wall. started pushing me out and threw me outside of the head for him to keep the palestinians show a fault. camp was the last refuge built to house palestinians displaced after the 19481967 wars. it is a municipal part of jerusalem,
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but surrounded by a security fence. it is a turbulent place. clashes with israeli forces often end up violent. but on the day of romney's desk, there were no riots in the camp. no warnings or anything that could have alerted the troops. israel's national security agency longstanding investigation into the shooting, the officer that pull the trigger with someone for questioning. the country's national security administer personally came to the hearing breaking protocol to praise the officers actions called the instead of civil dice. say you guys are saying he's a 12 year old boy. stop it. what is this? this is a 12 year old terrorist. it was a 12 year old boy when danger without a fight or a 12 year old boy who throws fireworks and they throw molotov cocktails. this is why i am back in our fighters. also ensure a flash in the ramos, in anywhere. it is very good that he acted the way he did. 2 palestinians couldn't disagree more. local mosques announced from his desk for loudspeakers, calling him
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a martyr. people were furious. tearing that funeral turned into a mass protest. israel returned from his body 6 days later, almost in secret, requiring the burial was carried out at night at the nearest cemetery. denied access to the one near jerusalem's old city where all around his relatives of buried with a maximum of 50 people allowed to attend. according to the palestinian health ministry in the 5 months of escalation triggered by the war in gaza is really forced, has killed more than 400 palestinians from east jerusalem and the west bank. and is really human rights group reports. a quarter of them were miners, including more than a half killed without being classified as an immediate threat. now, after the family receive, the rama is body hand buried. they loved one. they prepare for a legal battle with these really authorities. they say fighting for justice is the least they can do for their boy who can not be brought back from the dead. re,
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from ocean r t reporting from palestine. you know, the story continues right now online at all to dot com, but for now that's it. for me, for them i would, thanks for sharing a time with all of us here at the asi, international mothership in the the adoption or tendency. welcome back to going underground rule got single around the world from the u. a. it's been a week since president vladimir persian was re elected by the russian people in a landslide victory. but that hasn't stopped us, president biden. and his washington proxy nations in nature continued to own a zalinski and kia of who was outward elections in ukraine. but i knew that the zalinski has made peace towards.


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