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tv   Documentary  RT  March 26, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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to, to get a ceasefire without releasing the hostages or members of the council members to the voted against this shameful resolution. now us secretary of state anthony blank and said that today's resolution was allowed to be passed according to his statement. because a previous resolution put forward was blocked by china and that the united states does not consider it binding. they do not expect israel to abide by it. uh, so quite a moment to the un security council, russia and china have been pushing for a resolution calling for as these fire for months. and now it appears that after months of negotiation and months of the united states blocking any such resolutions, we have an extension from the united states. and the security council has passed a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. but this sudden shift in the us position hasn't gone down well with this row. it is cancelled. it's delegation
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visit state side, following washington's refusal to wield its veto, pi, westbound, to paste political on a stop to sod him, it says that pot assign, does need more than just a temporary cease one, or is here that the student resistance, any way to stop by on the order deceased by i'd like to stop you more and do have more diverse thing as will be affected from north of guys that should bring them back to the areas as well as a you know, b, m, w a. she's out of gent to the but i see me and especially and then also because that and the other areas of to have, you know, and which and he was a daddy in a, you know, for that. and then we discussed the 2nd stage and the issue of hostages, and that's what happened. and the goal, or somebody like 40 of the prisoners,
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a captive by the versatile resistance, the born for this cease fire and these images. and after that, there was the, she had the over the i have been receiving them, but it's not as always going to be released. now these are you or the time to do where you know that. so the idea of the war is up to you guys the lighting within, you know, and discover they both want to make in any age. so i am forced to view or pull out. so i'll run down of news of the day so far, we will be back at the top off next, our documentary team looks at the brutal legacy alternate to $78.00. dave forming campaign of you can stop the
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when i was here position, i was suggesting we bomb bell. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in and blow up the bridges on the drain. i would suggest thinks we take out his oral supply. i was suggesting very specific
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the way i was suggesting we take out his oral supply, the each of the leading deja is $64.00. he was with the work crew that cleared the danbury off to the city of india was bombed. in 1999. it was an ordinary striking definitely to do any of cells we use his work mates, old died laser of cancer. he is the of the survivor. the symbol is some of them. will you have them
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with this question, put the l m a to or not for quality, and the clear fitness 1st collect appear in there. so set them dollar for this and go for $0.10. so that was a 4 day pays idea to me a plus, so we looked at and some would reduce the cost for this sum for period $2.00 4th. uh good. i said not to miss more what we're going to do. the squids 5 bill bloomberg going all the cars. your mother serial doesn't go to school. know billy dale at a hotel is honest. i said below the
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so yes, i'm going to the media. another issue president because i'm more delay on what i knew. this comes around, you know, scheme of it, so that actually, so that said to david though, do what i knew you today. i didn't know the effective but it still will not fit for me to instead of meeting you. so now let's see the glare of all the cover. cool. all that funny. and i saw that you put that in the, you know, the or, or the really go by snow storm that either the organ when it me or you can see them all over the all they, oh this is there's usually a choice on some of the with others so you all and then i went to but always you know, some oil and i've looked at them a little glad to navigate you, but i literally or the can see it on my open a little while i'm there without us here to put any dollars 3 dollars or so. yeah.
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that machine until you're going brother doing a good annual day. you know, and just so you will do less for us and he's when he's out of your sandwich. course the national and apple you'll coil will do so much longer. so fast, if so, little by little guys to go out there for the sales or somebody. uh, brawley's. uh, yeah. so what is the most w a position as a desk to pull stuff? nice stuff, boston midwest of all. so that's it for the best at the sofa. well, good remembered what you said as well, you know, well the youth i typed and so it was us and so nice survey died. yeah, but on your bill is that simple? an obama most little dining room, a hobby now, and they'll walk through a little stone little more need see it all the on useful taken alley. it will surely will mr. class isn't in the line and we will see the so what i knew most of whom i feel the glass on the susceptible while they thought of donna. yes it over to say to them. and really, so let me tell you the all book or the case it is a to
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a while, the vehicle's, the value. and he is now that all my, which of that i don't have to read that godaddy and not the daddy. not done more than that though. you want me to go and see so easy. let's see it again. let's see the eco seeds not going good. i don't you know, the museum mode. the depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal domain by products of uranium enrichment because of its high density about twice that of lead. depleted uranium was used and i'm a passing munitions. the un office for this i'm. i'm into fast, the the subscribe. i know, but i can deal associate almost anymore. i view on thermal to e mail to pollution. we're going to be out most of the the out see a name majority dollars the the ceiling. yeah. not just eats. that was that i'm gonna sort of what on your, of course, of all of these, but you also the alpha trust it. we have them all digital through the buffer test.
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it's that you've loved the east the trusted. so what audio y e o eco pro as the number on which on the, on a number of the project popular. i think most of the project and the graduates elliott e. honora, committed ship process modeling that the almost not modeling mailed that out to, nor mileage elliot. gosh, what is this, the new york one but you don't, you don't nickel dollars on a wheel drive? i know molly was gently. yeah, victoria own was up at all or time with me going. the not just, it feels so much on the board on your what is a z o e day to do a few i be on the sub will see people doubt. see the soprano tuna spots. it is optimal. that's the cohort that western science is still still debasing. exactly how dangerous depleted uranium weapons of my den delta, claiming the depleted uranium this homeless, there's no, there any scientific or anything accurate is dangerously. negligence is usage and weapon. the strengths tossing particles that can be inhaled or ingested. those
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things of interest to human health and the environment. to hysteria is unwarranted . dr. lucas, the reality is that the risks of depleted uranium are grossly exaggerated. and when handled properly. the risks are minimal. minimal. mo, tell that to the civilians living in conflict and suffering from increased cancer rates, the mucous forcing and yours to much more. and with the euro of camille, going to new wrestler boy name, and while up as well. think of, of, of a mean if board you account a terrorist operation carried out by the sub you know, me and special forces on the comfortable village. the project against the housing, the an extremist turned out to be the excuse they were looking for the city of stone. one is a good do. it's not just the one with the leisure,
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nice or style. i mean with this or gosh, where you've options where to put them or some place where it's just not sure what is missing anything else. there's nothing there. so just to get to that, were they doing it for someone to me to you when you got nato countries led by the united states immediately declared that the killing of the union majority in kosovo was genocide and decided to bomb former yugoslavia depleted uranium shells were included russia vehemently opposed to that decision to search for the presidency. the thing was that the board, i'm not sure you use it. i see these gatherings to more than to come with the store to abuse needed because that's still more than uh, a bureau is a couple of things. a lot of them will probably cut is not a problem with the you know, the alex, in, in, in the cover. they've had
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a lot about bosh by the color of the federal out of why who monica sonia saw a lot of the play button. because at the center i shot the shot, our guys would be fairly he and while at the front of the thomas mileage i thought we had to have them look at the color of a lot. 5 is moving to solution for the study of the kind of shot i was the alarm saw here's dose, i saw the fire as it sounds like i did that. so i with the, for the bottom, say i to, aside in, regardless of the camry up to come out of the month like, i don't need the extra on i bring up the economy instead of with them. but it just doesn't know how the most of the general is to come. a ya, she found that of the rug the cities louisville was the one that's stuff with the most from depleted uranium weapons. it's in 1st place, 13 percent of the total population at that time up using sales when timely used
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against the military hardware, the residential buildings to the little the find way and how much are the, what the should i did is on or off way shape doesn't come with either on the on us most probably one of them in each on higher animal. so i'd be here on the, i'm just me, a lot of really old body. i'm and what i remember the truck, the new puzzle. funny. we are a lot of money on the account of oil for the been to for you. i'm not on the husband alone. i'm looking in the account along show them how do i video just inside of the house or? yeah. or side of here you have this movie or show,
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i mean yeah. well i'm good. yeah. there's a little domains that last part of the yeah. john, but i want to go it. i wouldn't be at all but says love fish are definitely yeah. well, i'm in the, i really a shot. the of it is how much god i need to have done a john. i want all the session. i don't know the right well she goes say i was looking at the what have you to say? well, i had a sale in the tomorrow. the person, oh, oh, well, how did you see cool, and then what were the show? oh and hodge. the the,
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what is part of the the employee would post good. isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's go products. oh, import. the scene is a $150.00. that's great. then that's the story that indeed show decided to one of the memory of his comrades. and for the very 1st time in 25 years, climb the mountain to the very place. when the depleted uranium bump fell the severed kush,
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this is not the correct. and this is total bonus this it doesn't need done. so i'm pro or game like colleague supplement or really small, you know, to get all pay. this is our 3rd system all in the method on the go with the menu on the bus most well past closeness, most of it, that's the bill house. the table just for the the, the name a program color is the easiest. i trusted that i the the symbol with oppression. i mean this one is not the guy you know so, so
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a fit emotional around noon, both less my size. all the customer that some yeah, probably be on the let's in yeah. was like, well i guess the push to those to the, to, to, to some of those tauriel cool, i guess is basically the more than 3 decades the us army has used depleted uranium sales in various conflicts. they have also been adopted by great britain, but neither country officially admits the depleted uranium alone is deadly. you're just over simplifying this complex fisher to stir of fear, dr. lucas. yes,
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there are risk, but there are minimal compared to the strategic advantages they provide. it's about leveraging technology responsibly, not abandoning. yeah, the rational fear. irrational, ignoring the long term environmental catastrophe, and the moral implications of poisoning glands with generations. that is, walk is a rational circle of strategic advantages or a parent and victory at best. it's easy to throw around accusations when you're not the one making the top decisions. military strategy isn't about choosing the perfect options. it's about choosing the least worst wants. and currently that involves depleted uranium. then we should strive of mess up. no central, at least was we have to deal with the world as it is caution. yes. but outright fear mongering helps know what the the
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reason the reason they don't want this known or out in the public is is they don't want. it's not a good advertise, they have to have your kids join the military, they'll be they'll be exposed to radiation and toxins from the depleted uranium. it's not a good advertisement for the military. that's why they never met it. we have mission 1st. so a mission 1st to is destroy your enemy. joseph hickman is a former us military officer who after retiring became involved in investigating the dangers of munitions used by the us. and the only reason you would use a depleted uranium ammunitions would be for armor piercing. i would think, i don't see where it's effective in anything else. the radioactive, it may not be. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than the something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it, it has toxins that it can kill you as
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a military. we never really know that no one ever really talked about it. it just likes to burn fits that i cover. so we didn't, they, they kept saying everything's good. it's, you know, not, it's not unhealthy for you. it's not, not a bad thing. in joseph, england's book's done pits the poisoning of american soldiers. he revealed another big mystery. how depleted uranium munitions were disposed of the without to play rainy and being burned into burn pits, it would set up. i mean, then, then it actually is that only had to get terminated area, but it was a domino effect to start finding hundreds of soldiers. i ended up interviewing 1400 soldiers from my book that were sick and dying from the burn fits. it became a big story, and the book was very successful. president biden spoke about the book often because i mentioned this son bo in there who got sick from the burned bits and died
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in boy in logic of some. so i'll give them patients a boss so quick a quick chip was so talk to them patients here is that they want me to be allowed to go to more than say on a cousin a the city of the will set the small available for brother in law to the bottom say for instance, send to the foundation, the input. this is the 1st of a dollar. it's a shot game. avoid 3 method attempt to that's us and the name more. the said this is low. this is a little bit by the name of the mess, the some damage to the,
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the test to send by more formal could of a training or course care for method guessing. bloomberg no, it seems like the event is kill them at the sure we can post it together and you probably isn't just another set of weeks during the exam or to be noon or individualized or you can do and you can do that. i can provide you with, she said, you know what i see in which i'm sorry to bargain. you know, it just says that you know, new orleans. so i see the reinforcing institution page you include that are starting to run for reason for, for with these 9 we have to talk with like a is good in the nation is not going to move me is different,
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of course. so because of that, i bought a nissan category where you're ready to be doing that. i put it back to believe yes . and i read the category, but it's, i'm at the gardens in for some parts of the association for english, $3.00 to $1.00 minus name was presented to tucker. i did that, but i'm good from cushion leading the days go through manually. so i do understand the appreciate you with the others, but i seem to want us to be in california shift on asking solid. that's the way. oh no, no. this is a protest rally held in run by the relatives of soldiers himself, that from depleted uranium italians land for the 1st time,
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the dust from depleted uranium shells can cause fatal diseases when the soldiers began to return from comfortable and motel here where they carried out nato, so called peacekeeping mission, the young of a project, and alejandro for nancy fundamentalist with at least biggest independent youth portal. comment done kashodi. so investigating how depleted uranium affected italian soldiers health? no. have them what you had got you equipment them or the media diety a or told me that she had come a lot. the windmill fell out of the proposed sony, an army neil people on the little fence that they should be back in the sheets on a political the media diety, but it's in pennsylvania and it's also the media diety, capital so fast. oh, my funny best story, identical morning, going to get a hold on when they come because don't know more and they are running fully. don't more, you know, for me. so that is not subtle. so that'd be the only magic the whole scenario into
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search for evidence. no. yeah, to me. i know i'm you today. you're not on the b 2. what was the name of the she i ne, a nissan over the phone. dear the guy, the guy was the guy, the middle, mike turned it on to the and you got it a good the yet it was on the update on your off. you may kindly design the answer. no, it will. do you think? i know that the guy in july i think i did, the may not in the mean cause i know on a few months ago on a call, anita a dot studio and jane d a showing mary jane. and then let me just what i need to be. i'm ok. thank you much. and they call any guy. it was a different go to the building on the, the new book, the a genuine al gosti gets. the
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angelo to tell you is the 1st and only western european lawyer who tries to take every depleted uranium contamination case the court. and he's been successful so far. he's one on more than 250 occasions. if they don't that they didn't get that back out. anybody's answer the question, ma'am. about the surely the 30 percent. i mean the demo, the initial it. what are the only sound, what when they sound, when a vision is what i the media, my laughter. most the provider. okay. little g again. so a little down start out. so the, the see in god the dfcs store getting a little dea, independent. i mean, did i receive up to the beast wishing i'm going to i'm going to do it all by not. so do you need that? yeah. if i go some of the game lab role, i'm game data, mean each of the dates that go many approaches. so the $91.00, i believe it's yeah, yeah. so close to a not doing a bit of met the single solution. i guess that he's on the list of it, i'm gonna have to achieve what he took our
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course at ocean you for writing me and no use as such as dustin or good is i see it co council and it only shuttle. well, it says, cuz that's it all varies out to the person. i'm up to lucky wondering boesky carpets. if i were indeed such a disaster openings at the start, just so that you're not always the concert or we need our stuff and that tonight the so the, the story again, i'll go through the show with on a trip to the pendulum and the role for you, for the most part, assuming something i was able to employ you, mcdonald didn't know point a to point us at the end of the afternoon. what our new, like a lot of those are all sick i thought brushing us just laying a set all the as it was understood, the less you know. no, no, it couldn't be like a wonderful garden by dr correspondent the shuttle so sleep mode off with the full on the on there yet on a do you have no groceries of the so again, it's you called on monday because he already had a good view of the,
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of the 3 by the pedagogy and i'm not going to go into the show there. so that is that, that was all can i think though it yet because the original 0 a, the subject to me what the law says, the issue that they are going to miss or my favorite. i must forego a 2nd already metallic events clicked on the the price i seen in the lead to soon bye. a bunch of these get this place. i hi this i
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i really kind of those to the normal good point. oh, really kind of us, the, you know, we have some feeling a pause. so this is stuck to so pro, a real a, the sick the centralink is in school set animal. the amount of bill allows us to send, so they would have to spell it, them never problem a or to go over i or to the face to face up the one that was transferred to us. one of us with the
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the, we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we're interested in who forwarded these crime presidents and says the west, the rush to push it to narrative about the deadly attack. and most scope raises many questions. so she hasn't come ellen, but the united states through various journals is trying to convince itself the lights and other countries that according to their intelligence, there is allegedly lower tier his hand in the most co terrorist attack. why did the dental research write the code, the queen of the, committing the crime and who was waiting for them that you're asking the question
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of the right place.


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