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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  March 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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criticized the veto power of the permanent members of the security council. after all, the russian, china had not used it on march 22nd. instead of a short text capable of stopping violence in the gaza strip. we could have had a very harmful text of the american resolution, which not only did not demand to cease fire, but actually gave israel a license to continue its actions against the palestinians, including in our offering you sort of tools. now as russia mullins, the victims of the terrorist attack, of course, the croaker city, mastercard, friday night, a high ranking german parliament member who was incidentally in charge of foreign affairs, was quick to launch is owned by raj against moscow, which he insisted that it is russia that's a terrorist state. our condolences go to the many innocent victims in moscow. however, we must not forget that russia itself is a terrorist state which once again terrorized the ukrainian civilian population with rocket and drone attacks. last night, the russian authorities have repeatedly asked that they never deliberately strike
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residential areas in ukraine, and it was only uh, they were only forced to take military action due to calves forces, attacking civilians and don't. yeah, it's got no guns best since 2014. for my german m p, martin doza says that the german parliamentarians was simply a cynical wage i keep betraying rusher as the enemy. what is it? let's uh, let's across now to the latest comments coming from i've used on the board nicole fees. that's the director of process f. s b, the federal security services. that's a listen and quickly. so they were meeting with our group. all right, let's say that they were preparing here. the focus of that group was located new cranes and there was the results of the integration. so they expect it to be met. yes they did. so that was like any challenges in your opinion that they would cross the border. i think we would present to us, we get back to everything possible to prevent that know what those gone. you said the fact that they were apprehended is a testament to that, but they really didn't expect it to be met. so was it the key?
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the key regina's davinsky, being able to train intelligence, colleagues, 5, any security set us now. we expect we think that the radical islam is somehow assigned yet sophisticated that to get the more we met and assisted by western special services and the pregnancy and special services are directly involved. and why did they do that? explain your quote with us to, to stabilize the situation to cause product and societies. we was hoping just maybe to see what's happening is the contact line, right? right. yeah, the so called contra offensive sales make dealers and lots here. so it says can that they do what you actually got, they need to prove that they've capable of something just not sure what is on these are what the vehicle, what they're doing in the don't best get. i just don't when they're showing the status of the don't best of them. our comment is pushing. what is the suggest as i've gotten the tears back so that they don't show civilian? i'm not sure what's happening in belt or region. i should say are now by doing it. this is neither directing the embassy,
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letting you know that it strikes the authority strikes, going against the worst of him to intimidates it because they population of the board regents still to do in order to prove that there is capable of something that's fairly weight stuff they have the result of terrorist tactics. utica was the spiritual for you, but it does. and this is what i'm about to move. i mean it kind of thing college and so i was in for your train and also see what was surprising. that may be just very special services because the spring far, much like united states as well. i don't remember statements. my story, newton, ethic demolition, diminished a lot of other information. i'm actually starting to speak to the fact that they're aiming new because respect some damage to our country. if they are failing to that, a bit of the front lines, it's a we have to do with the britain in the country for general to drown strikes. it doesn't include the, the group wanted around sort of the students, what is, what's and fucked. it matters sabotage. groups of central training to the question to retrieve the answers to text. one other thing,
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yes. so do think we should recognize them as a test organization. so i think that is grounds for the full mattress and just wanted to say was we should recognize them as a terrorist organization or you know what, of course, and you mentioned boomers, ukraine, united states, and united kingdom. so those are the 3 countries behind this. well, i guess i'm speaking about the facts that we have so far with them. this information we have is a general character, but we have assume the 2nd one is evidence based. the president has mentioned that when you were seeing what's happening in the investigation of 2 types of tax and there's a lot of work done so. so the terrorist threat is still there. yes. sadly, i know that there's still a threat to you see what's happening with the belgrade region debris ask region is the coast region. we've each of those still police, those are all bouldering regions to students to, to and then you see what has happened, pressure upward into other territories kind of, well it really, but if the russian to jesus and what's happened when were you able to be
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successfully presented thursday text orchestrated by the military intelligence director to ukraine high schools and the green and security set of. so that's what we saw last year. and that's what's placing this here even so we're doing everything we can do. you mean? yeah, i do. so i'm, of course, there are other mistakes human may wasn't capable of the session that setting up. those however, is a law enforcement and intelligence services. and our people are focusing on products that range. and by showing honestly, making the situation more safe and prevent such tragic events as what happened on the 22nd of march. what information was given to you by the united states still as information from you start from much less definitely in the general character mediate, goes about the fact that we need to take measures to improve the safety of mass gatherings. and we did respond to that information. we are meaning no kind of assessor, daniel, i'm not sure i do started taking steps just to prevent such events. could you like go we have but sadly, as a specific group of questions because i'm not,
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i'm not at that time. so it just said that there was a previous test attack planned during the elections or that the she had another of the concepts. oh, yes, we did have such information internally, mushroom, this couple days or so that's my strictly relative to what you're talking about. but what's happened now there's a difference straight actually for daniel, somebody you know, that's who is the most in mind and body of the crime victim to sort of when you have noticed, stablished, that's yet what we're going to. but what we see organize the process, actually we did the recruiting and 2 steps to the civic objectives and then we will take steps to identifying who organized and who is the most of my diploma. and that's a will there be a response? yes, there will be a response to measures that can lead me. it doesn't actually are working on this and everyone who was involved in this is tiffany. this was made in the capacity
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regardless of how long ago that was there's but it's tell you this work will be done for sure. if it's not us who does this, then someone will do this? yes, there's sort of a lot of days. and what about the assessment of the gap is b work? what i think that security is bustle service. what's possible, and that it's just loading. there's no federal security service more than that is quite capable. that's good. it is a feller you've got to get that. we're doing it's mission family, it's what we kind of have 100 percent guarantees. and we thought that so probably a couple people who it is have very limited in a switch with them. and the problems that we've seen recently and that considering the events in ukraine, additional numbers which we see that we have to do a lot of work. of course, one should be identified any new tires or sort of we have a comprehensive 11 print leg investments that the president mentioned to us. a few more moments i'm going to go through a couple things that they are being actively interrogated. i'm the still cycle of
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the process is being expended of to use this number, which i think accomplices. there will be a great, a number of known accomplices, some things for me. and so if they are tools, boost, vision is upset. does the premiums century intelligence capabilities can communicate with them and to organize? just refer to what kind of plan with the contents of social pretty really any sort of special service and intelligence that has it. and as i said previous people going squarespace themselves specific programs. is there january for go to the fact that the print inside of like you to, to do a trained a less, they'll come up with their compet 2 minutes in the middle. who is that isn't the fax the in. yeah. oh, at the end of the a wendall to you and there is no on the basis that you personally yeah, he's trying to them, how does nation if i'm going to is people were trains this i'm just because the way you and this that i knew it keeps good, is there much as there are many people have been, so that's from those countries. no fighting for the key of a g at the just letting you stay
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a nationalist mercenaries as mom is already paid them as good to hide by the train inside one of what the easiest carrier has come to duty against russia to shop on the status on this concert with the information provided by the united states was not enough to prevent of the tragedy. and well as close to them, let me have a his practice on the part of my so where the united states provides. i don't think very general information on company in the out of town that we have to do a lot of work because of them, say concrete steps based on that several years ago in st. petersburg. some border, if you may remember what happens display as a counter, so your skin nobody's terrace intact, was planned, and one of the temple is mccully and give a witness miss. we have specially wondering if they're still going, you know, to imagine if i do, which a company called countries to turn this into something specific we'd like to have let's see if our information. i don't know what the machine isn't printing
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dealerships because it i'm, it's usually a target for restaurants and usually with everyone who's here in crowd tracks against russian citizens of the target. yes. but why they still alive? everything is still a head. some of the latest comments, right, that from the director of the f. s. b. alexander of the board of nicole fi. speaking that some of the latest comments come from them, basically talking about uh how the investigation is on folding in the wake of the terror attack. against that most goes croakers, sitting musical on friday evening. a board. nicole basically saying that ukrainian security service is all directly involved pretty then, but mention potential involvement of the u. k. and the united states. you said a key of a still shuttling civilians and don't boss and the battle go origins simply to intimidate the civilians that they've had to result. now he says keith is had to result a terra tactics because they failed on the battlefield. he also mentioned, remember the comments coming from, for example, the victoria at noon and the outgoing former deputy under secretary of state and america, she said, put in a month ago she said spoken, it's got some nasty surprises coming his way. so important upset drones strikes of
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most simple drones sabotaged groups infiltrating russian territory. these are now keeps true tactics. he said also the key of should be recognized as a terrorist organization. he did say again that ukraine, the u. s. on u. k. there were 3 countries behind fridays of moscow mascot, but they have not established exactly the mazda of mind as of yet, that part of the investigation is still ongoing. and then that they will start to identify more accomplices as well. uh, boredom. nicole did say that moscow will identify the true mazda minds, and they will be a response. more details head from the f. s. redirect to alex other important, a golf, going up on a website right now. see dot com. but basically he is saying that ukrainian security services are directly involved in a friday's terror attack here in moscow. oh, wow. the west uh, maybe rushing to absolve ukraine if any blame it's not been so quick to show it.
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sympathy and support to the victims of the most co tragedy sought to contribute to ritual mazda and knowledge by the one thing the western nations. absolutely love is co opting their national monuments and landmarks for virtue singularly purposes by dressing them up like the flag of whatever foreign country just been hit with a national tragedy. all in solidarity with the people of that particular born country. for example, germany's brandenburg gate costs played other nations flags in the wake of terror attacks in paris as dental london, israel, brussels, and it even dressed up in the rainbow flag after an attack on an l. g. b, t, q nightclub in orlando, florida. but this is the 2nd time now that a terrorist attack in russia has failed to elicit similar solidarity with the russian people. the 1st time was back in april 2017 when the st. petersburg metro
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west suicide bomb by a jihad is killing 15 innocent people and injuring 64 others. now at the time of berlin, city spokesman said that the reason why they didn't light up the gate for rush. i was just because st. petersburg wasn't a twin city of berlin, and they only did that for twin cities. but neither orlando, nor l. g b t q. vale are twin cities of berlin. you know, it is between city and prelim. no moscow. so where's the rest of the slide colors? nowhere to be found, german opposition, critics said after the st. petersburg attacks that all victims of terrorism deserve the same respecting condolences wherever the tragedy happened to be, even in russia. now, here in the city of paris, they pay tribute to victims of terrorism in israel. russell. busy and also in france itself, i routinely lighting up the eiffel tower, keller, beach city hall did the same to under victims of a mass of glass that reported they route to terror attacks of egypt, one in spain,
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and a mass shooting in las vegas, described as the worst and us history, the empire state building in new york's a city that knows something about and asked her having been the victim of the worst terror attacks on us soil in american history. on september 11th, 2001 was decked out for france after the bad sectional night club, the tax in paris that killed a $140.00 people, and also for a mazda is attacked last october 7th. that caused the death of $300.00 is relays. the british government even pressured its sports, governing bodies to honor israel's victims, at their sporting events with the culture of secretary getting kind of mad when the football association did not light up the arch at wembley stadium with the is really flag. so then, a few days ago, a master attack kids, moscow, which has been counter terrorism, ally of the west. remember, the joint statement put out way back in 2001 by russian president library puts in
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and then us president george w bush announcing cooperation against global terrorism. with russia being the very 1st side of the gate to reach out to washington in the wake of those 911 terror attacks and to health the mission to defeat the tell about afghanistan. now it russians were, it was significant in that including military, imaginary, and intelligence assistance. french president, evaluated, i call, said just a few years ago in an interview with the economists. but nato was brain dead in obsessing over russia costa lee, and really, in his opinion, needed to pivot to counter terrorism, which also happens to be something on which russia in the west have successfully cooperated. so given that history and that successful cooperation, you think that this would be a prime opportunity for adjuster, that really costs of nothing but offers and all of ranch, the only thing it might cost them is maybe having to put up with
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a little bit of whining for me trading president, why are we as landscape? because he's kind of like a toddler who has a canter on whenever the adult stop climbing over him and just put them down the ground for a few seconds and are talking about your brain for like 10 seconds, but instead, well, yeah, is the 20 and for administer writing or as twitter account, which of course features that you creating and flag quote. let's not lose focus. sounds like the kind of guy who's asked to get hit by a bus and make a point of showing up bedside at the hospital just to remind her of what a big neg she was. but there are some countries that are immune to the peer pressure of the western stage. in the united arab emirates, the world's tallest building, the burst khalifa was lit up in solidarity with the russian people as was abo diabetes, national oil company headquarters. you think that if the west school was winning hearts and minds of foreigners for something other than regime change,
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then maybe they try to make a bit more of an effort. quote, cause of all will never willingly be torn from serbia. that was the value of the so it'd be unprecedented. they spoke could of collaboration event mocking the 25th anniversary of nato's bombing campaign against what was hugo's lock in the city physically now towards the 5 years have passed and we're still not giving up. we still do not accept the dismemberment just savvy. obviously this is a small nation in europe. this still stands brown and dignified, refusing orders and occupation for many have tried to extinguish soviets, but they've never succeeded. this rain is assign, assigned up, they re but all the hundreds of people got that on sunday and build great to pay tribute to the victims of the nature of bombings. a soviet estimates more than 2500 civilians were killed back in 1999. when the military lions carried out $900.00 sorties during the $78.00, they come back. let's learn
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a little bit more and on couple of some disturbing truth. it off east charlotte. today our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces. we have to stand united with our allies for peace. the 1st village kills serve as 38 injured already. the claims of wines gains menissi being authorities to miss all go to roy, close the destruction of this village. home narrowly missing the family in sight. $25.00 is on and so there is still questioning why nature's forces rein down palms
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on the country system $78.00 days, kelly around 2000 civilians. the us made its case though this was about avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe, to deter and even bloody or offensive against innocent civilians, impulsive as and as necessary. to seriously damage the serbian military's capacity to harm the people of kosovo in short, present most of which will not make peace. we will limit his ability to make war that accusation against loss of interest, cost of a long standing term pain by the way. painting serves as being the pro, media was already wrapped up against the serbs. they were calling serves the butchers and war criminals and so on. and the bombing was set to start,
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serves with demonized since 1991. and these, these companions of communications were always accelerate and it before a new wave of escalation of conflict. so i remember, for instance, in 1999 there was a page off of the time. which side says that warmed volumes serves to help the german should be go strong for the argument insights and cnn. everybody, including hollywood, were constantly and still are for training serves as the villains. and let's say that we were kind of a substitute for soviet's russians during the post cold war. we need to back up a few years. hey, because in the early 199 cases, the former yugoslavia began to crumble a port. there were a series of separate but related aspect conflicts that were playing out, including in bosnia. now, each time the west pointed the finger of blame at 6, they were claims of widespread estimate cleansing north sea salt concentration
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camps. the violence was old from the one site, it was claimed reality on the ground was very different. possibly ration. army was the most violent fraction amongst all they need a separate to say were attacking the police patrols. so they were taking police how to pose murdering policeman. constantly this happened uh, a month or a month. and the serbian government's knowing that the west will of course, complain about the excessive force was trying to find the political solution who was trying to talk. so baby is impacting the leader on the separate. this was the boundary several times talking to me last week, directly. uh, box of watts. uh uh, in the meanwhile, she's probably maybe even didn't know. i was there to go, was not controlling the tears. it was a completely separate organization,
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kaylay that was directly uh, controlled as a prophets by, by the west or services. and that is, that is how technically the war star to the images from one tv report in particular was seized upon to show the despicable nature of the subs as the mainstream media reproduce. those images, the context was completely lost. gotten was the fact that so it'd be neat just heading fine to put you in list to see what was happening. instead in a report that had showed many people who seemed healthy newspapers, we produce the images only of those who look emaciated. that evoked painful memories of the holocaust decades before with p r agencies seizing on them. elated . they admitted that there was no concrete evidence that suited being desktops ever existed. but when you did all of this, you had no proof. so what you said was true,
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you only have the article in newsday, our work is not to verify information, we're not equipped for that or work is to accelerate the circulation of information favorable to us to aim at judiciously chosen targets. we did not confirmed the existence of death camps in bosnia. we just made it known that news day affirmed it . that propaganda continued to play into the tent and seeing what was now the federal republic of yugoslavia headed up by milosevic with a territory. the cost of only peroration on me was carrying out an insurgency in the spring of 1999. the 2 sides were route together for peace towards on the outskirts of paris. now chokes, failed nature. once again blaine, this said, so we'll keep you away. but that's not how everyone sees it. all right. comes down with james reuben, deputy secretary state,
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and they set up the condition. for instance, the nato should be freely roaming around in serbia. of course, a supper and steak size know things for that. so they knew that these things suggested that as part of a deal we lost, which would say, no, i would have said no to i still remember vividly how corrupt in the media was because james rubin was interviewed on cnn. and he had the famous words today, the saps of chosen war and the obedience of justice and peace. now do you who do to speak to christiane amanpour, who was his wife at the time? so, i mean, it is amazing to me that the whole thing was to set up the same thing as it was set up to deal with the negotiation to ukraine. a full my head of the us is you can slow on get that play to admit that it is deliberately set the ball higher than the subs could accept to. now, within hours of the told,
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bracing down they to dropped its 1st bones in an unauthorized campaign the 1st time it had to use military force without the inducement of the un security council. it illegally targeted the federal republic of yugoslavia pounding it in day and night until the last of which was forced into a deal a quarter of a century later, some wounds still fast uh, on the grave accusations that were made against the search to justify nature's action. remain largely unprepared. solar gave escape, reporting for all teeth from fell grade in serbia. yeah, so it has to be in charlotte was saying a quarter of a century since the defensive lions nato bomb yugoslavia for 78 day straight followed by special coverage this week here. went on the way i can protect thousands of innocent people in
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the, to the fuse, a powder keg at the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for future generations. never to see those in europe again. the, [000:00:00;00] the, with the end of world war one,
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the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people. on the day of the sea bass at the festival. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start in northern india seeing base as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms the both the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians. including 40 children,
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the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre went down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the. the position i would suggest when firm fell great,
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i was suggesting that we send americans and the bridges and the dream that on your bill is us. have been obama moved on you probably now and they'll talk to him, but it's don't know when he is here. all the owners will tell you that you will see the commercial classes. you know, the middle school is what i need to file a possibility. and this most of our thoughts in this one is not as a guide on a source or sit emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than that. something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive and has toxic killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so ease of us to begin, let's see the echo seats. not going good. i don't, you know, those usually the mold was suggesting we pharma fell great bill,
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call us what day was the man? the stance was prepared place by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by western special services. special services, if you prayed, also have a direct link to it of the head of rushers, federal security services, right. the saying that the western powers played a role in the recent terrorist attack and most of the london ty code rules that helix found a julian hassan can fight against potentially expedition to america, but only with a number of different israel. cancel the visit of a key delegation to washington. that's off to the us abstains from


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