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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the, the science was prepared both by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by west and special services. special services, if you prayed, also have a direct link to it. they have a roster of federal service that says that the western powers played a role in the recent terrorist attack in moscow. the london high court rules that we can least found that g. a massage can fight against this potential expedition to the us, but only with a number of conditions, the popular. you stop it so much to have the western functions against russia detrimental to all of europe. and he makes that statement
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of the major atomic energy farm in solving russia, the by continuing a coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now. this is our to international. i have mike, look what you now the desktop will from friday's terror attack on the crowded concept hole in moscow has now climes do a 159. and that includes 3 children that were continuing in depth coverage of the deadliest atrocity in russia. in decades, the erect televised appearance, the head, rushes federal security services of the western powers, facilitated the terrace, the tank of a concert hall,
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and ukraine was directly involved the lowest plan. so this act was prepared both by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by west and special services. the special services of ukraine also have a direct link to it. right. and what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks and that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have planes. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the yes, the u. k and ukraine and those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack, the 2nd associated with, well, i think so we are currently talking about the findings that we have. and there awesome general developments. yes. as the, the director of the f s. v also went on to mention that they are looking into information as to why these terrorists were fleeing to ukraine. they also added that they are doing what it takes to identify all the participants involved in these attacks and the,
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the list of the accomplices is growing. now he did mention though, as we've heard that this whole attack was something that was an act by the west and ukraine. now he says that this was a reason to stare some sort of chaos and panic in russia. ok, this goes down the actually a ukrainian side has been training and preparing militants in the middle east. we are aware of that. they travel to places where the terrorists were located, worked with them, and trained people from various countries who are now fighting on behalf of the key of regime. these are most and recently ukrainian side highs for combat work against russia. so he did say that they are taking steps to find out who ordered this and that there will be a measured response as well. but when it comes to the u. s. warning, he says that the general warning that was given by the united states to russia was simply not enough, but that they did take the information in consideration and they did what they
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could. now he mentioned a few terrace attacks that were planned but were successfully stopped by the f as b, a one of which was supposed to happen during the elections during the concert after the elections at one was supposed to happen at a church in saint petersburg. so just taking all of this information into consideration, he says that the queen in special services, should be considered a terrorist group and recognized as such in russia. now another point was that the president bludgeon reported was speaking at a board meeting of the prosecutor general office. and he highlighted that the investigation is still ongoing to figure out the reason behind the crime. and so that the criminals will receive a fair punishment. but it's took me to go to the criminals who committed this mass murder as you now have been arrested. investigators meticulously establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime satisfying it's details determining the role
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and degree of guilt of each suspect and studying the conclusions of criminologists and other aspects. the federal security service and other state agencies are examining the issues under the coordination of the anti terrorist committee. we are sure that the prosecutors will do everything necessary within their authority to ensure that those criminals receive a fair punishment as required by russian law. excuse me. now, the russian prosecutor general ego class now did mention that the the progress hall attacks were and the showings that are done by ukrainians have one thing in common and nothing is intimidation, trying to immune intimidate a russia. another thing is on a different occasion, russia security council secretary nichol. i thought the show was asked whether it was the atlantic state or ukraine that was behind the attack. what we do know is that you, 11 people were detained, and 8 of them appeared before the court. but the latest, the latest person that was arrested is a man that goes by the name of audi,
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share custody mom. he's a 32 year old man. he is married with 3 kids. he is a russian citizen that was born and couldn't get done, but he has no a criminal past. now what said here is that he rented out the apartment to terrace, but he did the 5 that he had no idea what they were going to do. and he simply put out the ad on the website for the apartment to be rented a day before. 3 people are also a rest detained. and the, these people, 3 of them are relative. so it's 2 brothers and one father. it is said that they sold the car to the terrace that they use during the attacks. so overall the investigation is still ongoing. it's still continues. so there are a lot more questions that are going to have their answers soon. as many as 92 victims from the terrorist attack to remain hospitalized 22 of them including 2 children,
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are in critical but stable condition. now the 8 adult and the one child hiring extremely critical condition and that's according to the roster of health ministry . it was $63.00 victims had been released from hospital care, a make shift to our res middle memorial remains outside the concert hall as people gather to pay their respect. numerous flowers as well as wide balloons and toys had been placed at the scene as well. clergy members also have the religious service on the side of the international police network. in the poll has offered assistance, the russian authorities for conducting the investigation of moscow has declined. the proposal with foreign minister say a good lover of expressing concerns the western powers could seek to manipulate the findings for their own benefit. like they apparently did with the north stream investigation. for most of them, the way i am confident,
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we will manage to handle this investigation on our own. we do not need such assistance which will clearly be a manifestation of double standards, and most likely will be directed at promoting a convenient siri for the west. that it was supposedly, as law mc state, but did this not ukraine. i repeat, we will manage this investigation on our own. we have long become accustomed to the double standards of our western friends, and we will act exclusively on the basis of our full understanding of what the west is trying to achieve. and by what methods they are seeking to achieve it. even before any investigation had been gone, west and officials rushed to claim that ukraine had nothing to do with the attack flattery. who in his already trying to link this to you grain and say that the printer's responsible. just so you guys have any evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually on by all accounts
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responsible for what happens. they're talking about ukrainian involvement of or how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. assuming that to him or consoling it, but we're obviously concerned by the attempts of the russian regime we must go to try to find a connection between this attack and ukraine. we rejects this attempt, there's nothing to indicate to prove that ukraine is being connected with this attack on post and why the west and the actors out, but apparently covering the drain, the instead pains the blame on this lot makes state and it seems it's precisely crane that has long been harboring some of the time is groups extreme is are these don't all quote that explains what mind is this a new crane having common more than you think for one western war propaganda is filled with ukrainian soldiers sporting isis patches.
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it makes sense. those kids essentially been harboring isis leaders fleeing the so called caliphate back in 2022. there were reportedly at least 87 members of the terrorist group who were able to settle and ukraine with the help of contacts throughout the middle east. the source has confirmed veteran official of the all new shore a front terrorist organization held a series of meetings with leaders of several armed organizations, during which he urge them to encourage jihad and ukraine against russian forces. and many of those as long as terrorists have gone onto waves jihad against russia, their arms with the field experience they got from the syrian civil war, fighting against special assad government, according to russia's, for an intelligent service. isis militants were even trained by the us military at the all time for military base in syria. the us and british intelligent services
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have de facto turned the territory of poland into a logistical hub, used for supplying weapons and ferrying militants, including those from the middle east to ukraine. thus, at the end of 2021, the americans released from prisons of the kurdish wing of the syrian democratic forces. several doesn't these lot make state terrorists among them citizens of russia and other post soviet countries. these individuals was sent to the us control our time space, where they underwent special training and methods of sabotage and terrorist warfare with an eye on the don't bass region. but the roots of this nefarious union go farther back than just 2 years ago. back in 2015, the presence of as long as terrorist and ukraine was already raising eyebrows in europe. on 7 july, the new york times reported the presence of a chechen volunteer force made up of isis, sympathizers and territories disputed by russian separatists and ukrainian troops.
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it appears that they have openly sided with ukraine in a bid to weaken russia and compel it to concentrate its forces on that country. drawing resources away from other funds on which is pitted against the various is lumnick terrorist groups, ukraine, foreign ministry with quick to dismiss. what's albini said as nonsense, despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary. 4 years later, the c i a and george's interior ministry discovered that one of ice, this is most important commanders, was living it up in the quiet ukrainian town of bell lab setup on false documents for 3 whole years. then there's the anti russian. it's carrie and stretch it 242 wars against moscow. i don't know also fighting alongside ukrainian troops like ok mad default in both chechen wars throughout the 19 ninety's. i enjoyed key as right after rough as military operation began. it's gary ends even forms their own schafer mentor battalion, mainly comprising of mercenaries. and as long as the fundamental is,
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we have reliable information that islamic state militants and their ilk are fighting against us as part of each carrion and crime me into tar units. they are also part of the sabotage and recognizance groups that are sent into russian territory to carry out attacks and acts of terrorism. most important to remember is that support for the vast majority of these groups can all be traced back to one place. the u. s. military is actively recruiting fighters from jihad his groups affiliated with the islamic states and now tied to, to carry out terrorist acts in russia. and the seal. yes. particular attention is paid to attracting natives of the russian north. cool, cuz this i'm central asia. we are witnessing the final loss of any moral principles in the united states. security forces obsessed with the insane idea of exciting when a thing russia, washington strategists consider it acceptable to directly use terrorists for that route and see purposes subtractions put washington on a par with the largest international terrorist groups. i say it's,
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it's terry and terry are all shot many different puppets. but at the end of the day, only one master upstairs are growing in b e u that ukraine could evolve into a hub for radicalism to spread just this past monday. the slovak interior minister reviews that in 2022 and total res i associated with these families, fate. madge on the types of his dad, who held a ukrainian residency. and that's lavon care, travel to germany and went unnoticed by in the poll and investigation by the german athletic build has detailed how criminals benefit from the situation. and you created by sneaking into the u. this guys as refugees were heard from alta and walker responded. it's almost 3 of us who says that by supporting key with weapons you politicians are taking a risk. so this is what the executives step that i wrote in the article yesterday. the narrative that b r i s i c is involved in that. it's
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a very nice method for them for the e u political additions, storm again, increase control. for example, france has already announced the highest other of terror, which means special possibilities for their security services and so on. and so they use for this narrative for internal political gains. don't forget about all the protest. farmers about all the social problems we start rising, thanks to the russian, russia, sections and so. so this is a quite nice instrument and then the price and quite nice reason for the petitions and, and into you. now to play of this game, europe all as a wanting since i think may 2020 event that the deliberate weapons to ukraine are going to adhere to the black market. um, well that's, you know, sometimes i think this is
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a real up special policy of chaos in europe because of their taking this risk without covering them without doing anything against them. and if somebody like me writing a drug above this, this is that it is russian propaganda. what is the aim about it behind that? i'm quite interesting to, to get this to know that with the details look at how ukraine's being intelligence agents, he has for years been organizing and encouraging terror attacks on russian territory . here's archie is real mind course. i've asked, well, the heinous terrorist attack on the crawl coast concert whole is still under investigation. washington and its allies are already running around crying move for rather isis isis. but those who learned by experience to mistrust and this thing the west has to say, look around and see if possible, full flag operation executed by the ukraine's military intelligence agency called
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the or why? because of their a long and bloody history of terror attacks on russia, they resort. so in the absence of battle feel success. now let's examine this record. now in the. a days of last year, they had a fee of regime lighting is lensky issued an order to strike the russian city of bel grades, getting $24.00 civilians, including children. pretty much like what just happened and built around is definitely a terrorist act which was under the cover of 2 rockets. they struck using a multiple launch rocket system. this kind of weapon hits indiscriminately and they used it to strike the city center where our people were walking around just ahead of new year's eve. it was a targeted attack on civilians. of course, it's a terrorist act. you can call it anything else. and you frame keeps on indiscriminately shelling belgrade as they have been shifting the nets for the last 9 years, actually almost 10 years in fact. but there are also more targeted service act
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orchestrated by the gore. prominent russian journalist activists and leaders of local governments have also be murdered. even the washington post has describe these atrocities as liquidations by the core menu of ukraine's con desta. an operations have had clear military objectives and contributed to the country's defense, the car bomb being that killed. are you doing to, however, underscored ukraine's embrace of what officials them can you refer to as liquidations as a weapon of what for. over the past 20 months, the s b u and its military counterpart and that you are have carried out dozens of us as nations against russian officials and occupied territory as a legend, ukrainian collaborators military officers behind the front lines and prominent war supporters. deep inside russia, the gorly sabre done of doesn't even fly to deny it, or denounced. the fact that's his story here as our quote russians. anywhere. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians,
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and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. now let's stay with the head of the ukraine and military intelligence. we've done a 5 things like a canary. when describing his clandestine operations against the only ordinary russians, but against the russian infrastructure as well, to shatter their illusions of safety, there are people who planned explosives there are drones. there are indeed people who are very easy to work with on that territory. people who understand that russia should be different and we support such people. i search for destruction of anything russian seems to be the goal to id or for you creating an intelligence at any given time. the famous cry, me a bridge, built after the free vacation home the peninsula with a homeland as also being targeted several times for. but don, if and the rest of the clinic and the key of regime, it's a legitimate target. and it doesn't matter that millions of civilians have been
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using it every single year after all the breach, as a logistics auditor, 8 for supplying the enemy with weapons to the solves in front is a legitimate goal of ukraine. from the point of view of international law laws and customs of warfare. meanwhile, russia's domestic republic is still shelled vaguely with various intensity by the crate and artillery views of civilian casualties flow with horrifying regularity cues. and the key of your game continues to show its priest your face by showing civilian infrastructure. so you're showing people civilians to strike on the marketplace, and the next is a heinous act of terrorism. they use indiscriminate weapons that have caused the losses of so many lives stored on rushes, special minutes reparation. the countries incentives in service the f as the has prevented a more than 140 terrorist attacks from ukraine,
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obviously considering the death. so there were many others and actually led to the killing of civilians. the majority were organized by the moore, which former us intelligence officer as goings, is a washington quote, little baby. we calculated that girl was a smaller and more nimble organization where we could have more impact or was our little baby. we gave them all new equipment in training or officers were young guys, not soviet era caves you be generals, or that s b u was too big to reform russia. so morgan's the many victims of the crocker safety, whole service attack boards of supports and condemnation flow from all over the world, but none from ukraine. vermont costs are a marty then s republic. now for the very latest updates on the moscow tower
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tied from the investigation, details of bravery in here really isn't among the survivors head over to a website r t dot com the to london high court has granted the weekly lease found julian assigned to the ride to appeal his potential expedition to washington, but that's only if the us is unable to provide the court to of accepting assurances due to on this august why of who attended the hearing slammed the ruling. awesome. manifestation of the political vendetta against the john list. today's decision is astounding. julian is a political prisoner. he is a journalist and he's being persecuted because he exposed the true cost of war in human lives. now the u. k. courts have invited the united states to issue
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assurances the funding ministration should not issue assurances. they should drop the same full case, but should never have been brought to. we should never have been in prison for a single day. this is the same on every democracy. the, according to the ruling, the u. s. has to provide assurances on 3 conditions. one of those is that the songs can rely on the american constitution of the amendment protecting freedom of speech . the final date for the us to agree to those conditions is the 20th of may. the ruling says that if washington would fail to abide by the terms of the u. k. would dwanda sons' leave to appeal without a further hearing? a sanchez being held in britain is about nash maximum security. prison seems 20 to 2019. after being evicted from the ecuadorian embassy,
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where he had been hold up since 2012. originally, fonda is wanted by washington on 18 espionage charges over the largest leak of classified information. and the country's history. if found guilty, he faces 175 years in prison. let's take a look at how washington has treated someone who did just speak out against it and expose the bit the truth. a congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech and of the price you should be treated as an enemy combatant. if i'm not to the depth, i really want to do it illegally shoot to sort of of what he likes, walks like a hospital intelligence service and talks like a hospital intelligence service. the
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journalism is not a crime. the julian assigns is no journalist. this has made blaine by the fatality of his conduct as the last and then died. the some senior officials inside the c i a and the trump administration even discussed killing a song going so far as to request sketches or options for how to assassinate him. the joe political and other stan join list,
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patrick hannon since has that such as choices could turn out to be empty. promises is a chess match between julia sanchez, defense team, and the prosecution. hired by the united states government representing the department of justice in the usa. so this just match basically says that on these 2 points of the joy assigned will be respected as if is 1st amendment. well, he won't be discriminated against because he's australian, and the other one is that the insurance is that he won't receive the death penalty . these can very easily be taken care of by a simple diplomatic note from the united states embassy in london saying, we're not going to discriminate and he's not going to receive the death penalty. and was that all the other concerns, all the other problems with this have been flagged that by the defense will be dismissed, including including this is important,
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the political extradition clause in the treaty between the us and britain, which forbids political extradition of anybody. and this is clearly a political case with all this, the surveillance against designs and all this sort of denial of access by his legal team, even himself not being able to get his documents and so forth. so all of that will be swept under the rug through this appeal process. and then what this could end up getting kicked down the road even further. who knows? hungary stop different nightstands of the western sanctions against russia. ron counted to the interest of the entirety of europe, he made those comments on the sidelines a b i. tom expo farm currently underway, southern russia. this has been a never ending story. the pressure has always been there in order to expand the sanctions towards the nuclear industry. but we haven't made it very clear that
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seems to include harm to the right by the, our national interest. it would be a no go for us sold as during the prep for 3 phases of the nuclear uh, the sanction packages. we have made it very clear that in case nuclear is being included, we have to rebuild. there are a more central european countries who have been using russian u. b, r, fuel and have the same approach as we do. but they are satisfied with the saying the same. they don't join or police sanctions. a policy has been very harmful to europe and to the european economy as well. the international nuclear energy conference has brought together more than $4500.00 experts from $75.00 countries to discuss future prospects in the areas of cooperation are days more. i've got the reports on this in the world disperse to stop the climate change, the awesome will. i'm down to the be one of the keys. 4th generation nuclear reacts
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us. this is a big fame here. it's awesome expo 2024. these react to the a c for a most sustainable, reduce the risk of nuclear, pregnant for the operation and above a much more ecological because the waste can be reused as new fuel. these reactions are due to come on light in 2027. submitting rushes position as the undisputed leader in the export of nuclear technologies. russia is currently constructing more nuclear power plants, a broad that one of the countries put together at the chose. there are representatives from 70 countries here, thousands and thousands of people. the spice, difficult to a political situation in the world, the numbers back to the up, the 3rd team at the max boot forums deals with $63000000000.00 us dollars being signed. but the company is, it rests the limits,
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new rules. it's evolving and diversifying the prospects for the industry are certainly bright. we all are and will be in the near future in a period of electricity shortage. all sources of generation that are capable of generating electricity and reasonable economic parameters will surely be in demand . the wind energy division of ross out them has develop domestic technology since 2020 and since then has mastered this technology as we manage our own supply chain and manufacturer, our own equipment. last, last of them is also expanded into robotics when someone's eyes ation, transportation, and move new medicine. is it not the revolution refilled with great advances in diagnosis and cancer treatment being made? i'm astonished with the look i mentioned it was really and i would like to share of all those as as upside sort of be up to help my patients out there we are in for right.


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