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tv   News  RT  March 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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the, the defense was prepared both by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by western special services. special services, if you prayed, also have a direct link to the head of a rush, a federal security service in western powers, played a role in the reason terrace. of fact, in most of the london's high court rooms that were giving, spelled, the julian sized 10 fights against the institution to the us, but only limited number of conditions on a survey. it uses the un security council of hiding the truth. why? with the drawing problem of the paper with native plumbing campaign in full might be this the, this flight of stairs requests the
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fly for most of this is up to you. my name's word from i'm in 30 minutes on use. i'm these so now the soul from friday's attack on a crowded close to the hole in moscow has now climbed to a $139.00 man by includes 3 children. we, i'll continue our in depth coverage of the did this atrocity in bruship in decades . the rad televised the parents, the head of rushes, federal security services lesson powers facilitated the terrace attack of the console, and ukraine was directly involved a lonely ship. i am still. this act was prepared both by radical islamic themselves
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and naturally facilitated by western special services. the special services of ukraine also have a direct link to it and it gets what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. and that's what the ukraine security services and the breach of security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the yes, the utah you and ukraine on those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attacks several associated with, well, i think so we are currently talking about the findings that we have. and there awesome general developments. the f as v, the director of the f, as we also went on to mention that they are looking into information as to why these terrorists were fleeing to ukraine. they also added that they are doing what it takes to identify all the participants involved in these attacks and the, the list of the accomplices is growing. now he did mention though,
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as we've heard that this whole attack was something that wasn't active by the west . and ukraine. now, he says that this was a reason to stare some sort of chaos and panic in russia. great. this goes down the actually a ukrainian side has been training and preparing militants in the middle east. we are aware of that. they travel to places where the terrorists were located, worked with them, and trained people from various countries who are now fighting on behalf of the key of regime. these are most and resume the ukranian side highs for combat work against russia. now he did say that they are taking steps to find out who ordered this and that there will be a measured response as well. but when it comes to the u. s. warning, he says that the general warning that was given by the united states to russia was simply not enough, but that they did take the information in consideration and they did was they could
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now he mentioned a few terrace attacks that were planned but were successfully stopped by the, if this be a one of which was supposed to happen during the elections during the concert after the elections at one was supposed to happen at a church in saint petersburg. so just taking all of this information into consideration, he says that the queen in special services, should be considered a terrorist group and recognized as such in russia. now another point was that the president's legend reports and was speaking at a board meeting of the prosecutor general office. and he highlighted that the investigation is still ongoing to figure out the reason behind the crime. and so that the criminals will receive a fair punishment. but it's due to the criminals who committed this mass murder as you now have been arrested. investigators meticulously establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime. satisfying it's details, determining the role and degree of guilt of each suspect and studying the
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conclusions of criminologists and other aspects of the federal security service and other state agencies are examining the issues under the coordination of the anti terrorist committee. we are showing that the prosecutors will do everything necessary within their authority to ensure that those criminals receive a fair punishment as required by russian law. and that should be now the russian prosecutor general eager costs. now did mention that the, the progress hall attacks were and the showings that are done by ukrainians have one thing in common and nothing is intimidation, trying to image, intimidate russia. another thing is on a different occasion, a rush of security council secretary nichol. i thought the show was asked whether it was the stomach state or your brain that was behind the attack. what we do know is that you, 11 people were detained, and 8 of them appeared before the court. but the latest, the latest person that was arrested is a man that goes by the name of alisha customer of. he's
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a 32 year old man. he is married with 3 kids. he is a russian citizen that was born and couldn't get done. but he has no criminal has. now what said here is that he rented out the apartment to terrorist, but he did the 5 that he had no idea what they were going to do. and he simply put out the ad on the website for the apartment to be rented a day before. 3 people are also arrested and detained. and to these people, 3 of them are relatives. so it's 2 brothers and one father. it is said that they sold the car to the terrorist that they use during the attacks. so overall the investigation is still ongoing. it's still continues. so there are a lot more questions that are going to have their answers soon. london's high court, so they belong to the which he meets, found the size of the right to appeal his tension exposition to washington. but that's only if the u. s. is unable to provide the quote with certain assurances
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just all his life is attended as a hearing slammed the building as a manifestation of the political event that's up against the gymnast. today's decision is astounding. julian is a political prisoner. he is a journalist and he's being persecuted because he exposed the true cost of war in human lives. now that you take court 7 bye to the united states to issue assurances the pardon administration should not issue assurances. they should drop this same full case that should never have been brought to we should never have been in prison for a single day. this is the same on every democracy. the, according to the us, has to provide assurances on 3 conditions. we're. this is
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a size can rely on the american constitution which contains freedom of speech. the final date for the us to agree to those conditions is made. the 20th, the routing says that if washington fails to abide by the terms the case will walk as far as lead to appeal was out of the hearing that we spoke with equities, photo comp, council in the u. k. who should, who's the local here? i was facing the close to the to leave the friends do, but you need to just 4040 appeal on every route that they want to appeal is to be, be saw. the it today is the see should the code of 6 points on the 9 points. the defense was on the 4 p. o
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has basically invites the political of power in united states. i think the bar is supposed to be just a traditional case in a united kingdom that sure this is the cause of the issue by the state department. and we know they're gonna assume they're gonna sign and you pay for it before the other cases, just just to get the cool us to come to the united states, the new maximums to $2.00 pieces, each united states. and we know that those are, those are 4 inches and the well, the paper, the reason of a truce prevented from being
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a that's how the sub in the form is of this 5, the un security council refusal to hold a debate about natives. 1999, he's just the bowman. this guy, some of the russians said, was political to have. so the estimate is more than 2500 civilians were killed back in 1999 when a dimension lives carried out a mass airflow attack over 78 days on cheese show. they've asked me to take a look back. i'm covering some painful troops. today, our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces. we act to stand united with our allies for peace. the
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village kills as soon as 38 in judge reggie. there were claims of claims against menissi. it'd be a storage you said a missile. go to roy, who's the destruction of this village home narrowly missing the family insight? 25 is on and so it's still questioning why nature forces rein down, palms on the country for some 78 days. kelly around 2000 civilians. us made its case though this was about avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe, to deter and even bloody or offensive against innocent civilians, impulsive as and as necessary. to seriously damage the serbian military's capacity
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to harm the people of kosovo. in short, it present, most of which will not make peace. we will limit his ability to make war that accusation against the last of which was part of a long standing term pain folly. the west painting serves as being the pro media was already wrapped up against the serbs. they were calling serves the butchers and war criminals and so on. and the bombing was set to start, serves with demonized since 1991. and these, these companions of communications were always accelerate and it before a new wave of escalation of conflict. so i remember, for instance, in 1999, there was a page off of the time which side science warmed volume serves to help the german should be go strong for the argument insights and cnn. everybody, including hollywood, were constantly and still are,
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for training serves as the villains. and let's say that we were kind of a substitute for solve yet to russians during the post cold war. we need to back up a few years. hey, because in the early 19 ninety's, as the former yugoslavia began to crumble a port, there were a series of separate but related aspect conflicts that were playing out, including in bosnia. now, each time the west pointing the finger of blame at 6, they were claims of widespread ethnic cleansing nazi salt concentration camps. the violence was old from the one site. it was claimed. reality on the ground was very different. possibly ration. army was the most violent fraction along, so they need a separate to say we're attacking the police patrols. so the work that he police, how to pose murdering policeman. constantly this happened uh, in months over
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a month and the serbian government's knowing that the west will of course, complain about the excessive force was trying to find the political solution who was trying to talk to will be of you. but i seem to go over the leader on the separate. this was the boundary several times talking to me last week, directly. uh, box of watts. uh uh, in the meanwhile, she's probably maybe even didn't know. i was that what color was not controlling terrace. it was a completely separate organization, kaylay that was directly uh, controlled as a prophets by, by the west or services. and that is, that is how technically the war started. the images from one tv report, in particular, was seized upon to show the despicable nature of the subs as the mainstream media reproduce. those images, the context was completely lost. gotten was the fact that so it'd be neat. just heading vine to the gen list to see what was happening. instead in
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a report that had showed many people who seemed healthy newspapers, we produce the images only of those who look emaciated. that evoked painful memories of the holocaust decades before. with p r agencies seizing on them, elated. they admitted that there was no concrete evidence that suited being desktops ever existed. but when you did all of this, you had no past what you said was true. you only have the article in newsday. our work is not to verify information, we're not equipped for that or work is to accelerate the circulation of information favorable to us to aim at judiciously chosen targets. we did not confirmed the existence of death camps. in bosnia, we just made it known that news day affirmed it. that propaganda continued to play into the tension. seeing what was now the federal republic of yugoslavia headed up
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by milosevic h. y, a terra cruz. the cost of only peroration omi was carrying out an insurgency in the spring of 1999, the 2 sides were route together for peace talks on the outskirts of paris. now talks failed nature. once again blaine, this said, so we'll keep you away. but that's not how everyone sees it. madeline albright comes down with james reuben, deputy secretary of state, and they set up the condition, for instance of nato should be freely roaming around in serbia. of course, a summer and state says no things for that. so they knew that these things suggested that as part of a deal, we lost it, which would say no, i would have said no to i still remember vividly how corrupt in the media was because james rubin was interviewed on cnn. and he had the famous words today, the saps of chosen war and the obedience of justice and peace. now do you,
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who do you to speak to christiane amanpour, who was his wife at the time? so, i mean, it is amazing to me that the whole thing was to set up the same thing as it was a set up to kill the negotiation to ukraine. a full my head of the us is, you can slow of your that later would make it that it is deliberately set the ball a higher than the subs could accept. now, within hours of the told breaking down they to dropped its 1st phones in an unauthorized campaign the 1st time it did use military force without the inducement of the un security council. it illegally targeted the federal republic of yugoslavia pounding it in day and night until the loss of which was forced into a deal a quarter of a century later, some wounds still fast uh, on the grave accusations that were made against the search to justify nature's
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action. remain largely unprepared. solar gave escape, reporting for all teeth from fell grade in sylvia. we sat down with a jealous repose is the only event in sending you this all the time he shows his impression of how things unfolded. when you get the one you're brushing them. uh for reasons unknown to me, we did not have a news crew on the ground when the bombing of yugoslavia began. more precisely, the correspondent who was there and whose film crew left and the last flight from belgrade after which all the airports in yugoslavia were closed. when all of the airports closed management passed me was somehow finding another way to get there. i flew to budapest with the help of the russian embassy a day later, the field crew and i found ourselves in a small town on the border of hungry and yugoslavia. we managed to cross the border checkpoint early in the morning, around 5, a lose so interesting. the border check point was completely empty except for the
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guards. as 5 or 6 am, we made it into belgrave. on the way, our driver who was listening to the radio said that we were lucky to have managed to cross the bridge, which is far as i remember was named after marshal burrows tito. this bridge had been born that very morning. on april, 1st, all the bridges in belgrade were bombed. it was, i think, the 8 days since the bombing started and all the bridges over the nude were destroyed. these were my 1st impressions. and then my work as a reporter began, it's been a quarter of a century says today, so bottom, do those, solve it with a $78.00 day straight for the off special covers this week. yeah. ok. the react to protect thousands of innocent people in the, to the fuse a power to get the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for feed
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my generation. never to see those see in your, at the was to new jersey now. well, in 2 serial to is demonstrations in all position gallery and a couch, i mean of class had to had in the indian capital. oh, 1st everybody began at the house of the item was organized by the opposition party, the a p cooling for authorities to free the leader, money laundering allegations related to our been the case. i was a rest. but the main thing is that they are politically motivated to reading b, j p into and gather the counter protests against what it says is corruption,
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indian police detain dozens of individuals during the demonstrations and you want to kind of to contain them. ok, this all comes against the impact of, of upcoming general elections in the country. but i'm washington have expressed concerns about that. and as i'm trans policy in the opposition, the, the upcoming trial, both quoted on your ability to quote, applied basic democratic principles. and this guy that this the robot spot of protest in new delhi, leading to the summoning of german, i'm positive. and these ministry of foreign affairs released the following statement. we see such remarks as interfering in our traditional process and undermining the independence of our judiciary. india is a vibrant and robust democracy with rule of law, as in all legal cases in the country and elsewhere in the democratic world level tickets on course, in an instance matter biased assumptions made on this account. or most unwarranted
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audit we spoke to a global succeeds. you guy says, attempts to interfere in his domestic affairs won't work. seemed to is i'm bending 17 and democracy against the different complexions in even us save somebody that isn't this issue. why didn't did we need somebody that i think decisions may have his bonus to components he may have is on a different kind of compulsion that i can usa election to bring on. that is a particular language, but haven't been what could have stayed. and uh, they are a habit of, uh, perhaps being model. what do you think of the lord, especially as all the different countries and what i think the or has to be able to do it like that. but that doesn't look because it has clustered them because they don't want the relationships in them, at least this so more policing idea as well as the habit of for all these countries . so therefore, i think they need to learn a lesson in the rain stable democracy,
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which is strict as you go to me. and therefore we do not interfere in any of his internal affairs. we don't expect anybody, but if you're not into the 1st, that's number one. number 2, all you nation processes in india that absolutely and fair tribes. so the everyone knows to mostly don't people listen it from anybody is and announced of the african continent secondhand clothes. and that low costs are one wave of full nation to meet the needs of the local population and trade is in kenya on trying to keep that going. but now they're facing propose e u restrictions as issue is the quality of the goods and what they terminated with the tray to say is up to them just as out nowadays, given us trash by force. what we have done is good quality cloths as a supplier awards to sell a stretch. we would be happy to if he's back assignment on monday,
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then log soon i'm falls cold. all of the huge restrict takes all exports, the tree of nations. that is the basel conversion vans a sort of hazardous waste and say that applies in this case because there's a need in with chemicals and paint to get around that it's all about informed consent, which requires the input in state to agree to receive the simple voice and would be familiar with the rules for its disposal, the 3 countries nodes in the joint, the same and that the situation has been involved to allow for environmental protection. we believe this approach could bring them both significant environmental and health benefits in developing countries without impediment secondhand clothes and tracts. and be a wait for the you to show a global leadership and responsibility and alignment with the ease, try to g for sustainable and circle that tech stores. and in the frame book on the ongoing negotiation of the treaty to and plastic pollution, africa must no longer be a dustbin for fast fashion. we need to reduce and manage our waste. it's
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a section bosses 2 millions, such as could be out of a job. and the 2nd cause of loss is kenya imported over $50000.00 tons of secondhand clothes. most of the 30 percent increase from the same quote to you earlier is a big business and the nation that on average info is about a 180000 metric tons annually, at least for with the sites to general kings association of small manufacturing. he says that the bottom 2nd hand for the exports will be disastrous for africa, kids and pregnant. and those i did periods, backspace for their country. my duty though that kate has relied on this, they can fix tests in their lives. your one to 10 people named people. who was that who is this a good to me? most of us with them, they can use the we really like on them to me because it's most affordable and do
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you me and they take a sense for all of the i think those dates who rely on to going to know the circuit and that clearly so far and visual now they by the name of the me to my it can be a good, it's good to be assessed to, to the best it's very was daniel wise to get a fix does. is it a little better to edit, to call my tvs? oh, and it means either products. so regarding the environmental pollution to thanks, jose. ideally i said no. we don't or do environment. now over to china, where the nation's foreign ministry has condemned the, the us and u. k. for imposing sanctions against chinese political figures accused of being involved in cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. you may follow you involve
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the u. s. and the u. k. once again, what of the so called cyber attacks from china and sanction chinese individuals and entities, visits. she attended so many collection of china strongly diplomas, and some of that poses this will have a lot of serious representations to relevant pottis' is wanting to the full time ease of associated the west should base the claims on evidence but was notified. so basis, the bottom administration hasn't because of aging of conducting cyber attacks against us companies as the government for 14 years. meanwhile, the u. k. has said beijing is responsible for 2 separate effects. this rule may cause and the british leg total commission between 20212022. and the added the incidence show a quote, hostile in tents from china. taken together, the united kingdom judges. these actions demonstrate
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a clear and persistent positive behavior, but seek no signals hostile intent from china. that is why the united kingdom has today's sanctions to individuals and one entity associated with the chinese state affiliated a p t t. 31 group for involvement in malicious cyber activity, targeting officials, government entities, and parliamentarians around the world. we spoke with the founder of china cities, a blue book consulting. he says that amid the own farm policy, favey is the list is seeking a sectional way to undermine chinese so far. thank it. strategically the us rayburn, they seem to lock in and game unless last wars no particular place where they're going. and then tactically, their bank rep, they keep using these sanctions that don't work. so let's put this in the context.
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this attack was identified by the electoral commission in october 2022. it goes to the chinese, a hacking group, a p t $31.00 b. me heinz is attack, but he's not putting out any kind of in a, you know, back up on that. the us and great britain have, have not put forward any solid evidence. they just say that it's probable. so it's strange. why is the timing of this at this point right now? the d o j is charged 7 chinese nationals with conspiracy to commit computer intrusions and piracy say this was an ongoing effort for 14 years. again, why is this being brought up suddenly now? and the only thing only conclusion one could come to is that the us is, you know, mounting a narrative offensive, trying to put paint china in a corner, given gaza and other failures that the us has had in terms of foreign policy. they need ammunition to fuel this kind of anti china rhetoric,
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the greatest spying cyber spying power in the world is the united states. as a roughly $90000000000.00 a year that it commits to this for the us, always likes to say, oh, you're doing this one. in fact, the us just doing it to sometimes is well, it has made a mistake. read about that on all to the com will be back on the top of them the in previous tours of duty. i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war, which is repeated and is often seen on military chaperones. the was stuck in my head, which is a mean really i was wondering what these soldiers are like, what will they do and how they.


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