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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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the the, the, the sense was prepared by my radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by west and special services. special services, if you prayed, also have a direct link to it. the head of a rush is a federal securities. the says lesson power play the role of literally her sister in law. the london side cool news. we found the juliet saws kind of 5 to get with insights with us with the number of conditions on a service for him is the sizes the us security council, bluff and debates on needs is 1999 bombing will be this fall there. as russia stresses the discussions and folders for the over 2500000000000 casualties estimate
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the it's jessica on a 7 am here in the russian capital. welcome. where we will catch in the news from today. this is all of that. so from a friday's tara attack on a crowded console, and most of the has now climbed to a $139.00. that includes sweet children. now we have continuing our in depth coverage, the deadliest atrocity in russia. in decades. the red hello buys the parent was the head of rushes, federal security. so this is lesson powers, facilitate the terrorist attack the call. so i am, ukraine was directly involved
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a lonely ship to install. this ox was prepared both by radical islamic themselves, naturally facilitated by western special services. the special services of ukraine also have a direct link to it. what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove its worth? the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks? and that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans, i've also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the yes, the u. k. and ukraine and those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attacks several associated with, well, i think so we are currently talking about the findings that we have and they're awesome. general developments. yes. as to be the director of the f s. v also went on to mention that they are looking into information as to why these terrorists were fleeing to ukraine. they also added that they are doing what it takes to identify all the participants involved in these attacks and the,
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the list of the accomplices is growing. now he did mention though, as we've heard that this whole attack was something that wasn't asked by the west and ukraine. now he said that this was a reason to stare some sort of chaos and panic in russia. guy who's been in the actually a ukrainian side has been training and preparing militants in the middle east. we are aware of that. they travel to places where the terrorists were located, worked with them, and trained people from various countries who are now fighting on behalf of the key of regime. these are most and resume the ukraine, the inside highest for combat work against russia. so he did say that they are taking steps to find out who ordered this and that there will be a measured response as well. but when it comes to the u. s. warning, he says that the general warning that was given by the united states to russia was
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simply not enough, but that they did take the information in consideration and they did what state codes. now he mentioned a few terrorist attacks that were planned but were successfully stopped by the f as b, a one of which was supposed to happen during the elections during the concert after the elections at one was supposed to happen at a church in saint petersburg. so just taking all of this information into consideration, he says that the queen in special services, should be considered a terrorist group and recognized as such in russia. now another point was that the president vladimir puts in was speaking of the board, meeting of the prosecutor general office. and he highlighted that the investigation is still ongoing to figure out the reason behind the crime. and so that the criminals will receive a fair punishment. but i still believe you got the criminals who committed this mass murder as you now have been arrested investigators, i meticulously establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime satisfying
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it's details determining the role and degree of guilt of each suspect. we've been studying the conclusions of criminal logistics and other aspects of the federal security service and other state agencies are examining the issues under the coordination of the anti terrorist committee. we are sure that the prosecutors will do everything necessary within their authority to ensure that those criminals receive a fair punishment to them as required by russian law. and that should be now the russian prosecutor general eager cas now did mention that the, the progress hall attacks were and the showings that are done by ukrainians have one thing in common. that thing is intimidation, trying to immune, intimidate a russia. another thing is on a different occasion, russian security council secretary nichol, i thought the show was asked whether it was the atlantic state or you brain that was behind the attack. what we do know is that 11 people were detained, and 8 of them appeared before the course. but the latest,
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the latest person that was arrested is a man that goes by the name of alisha customer of. he's a 32 year old man. he is married with 3 kids. he is a russian citizen that was born and couldn't get done, but he has no criminal past. now what said here is that he rented out the apartment to terrace, but he did the 5 that he had no idea what they were going to do. and he simply put out the ad on the website for the apartment to be rented a day before. 3 people are also a rest detained. and to these people, 3 of them are relative. so it's 2 brothers and one father. it is said that they sold the car to the terrace that they use during the a tax. so overall the investigation is still ongoing. it's still continues. so there are a lot more questions that are going to have their answers soon. because a lot of is it, as he has applied the head of his national security and defense council,
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alexi dynamo, the presidents website has published a decree or has published in the crew without providing an explanation for the decision dialogue had cause a scandal. the previous week as he is sold to the chinese diplomat with an obscene jo comparing about person's name, tween quinton swear would. this is of m c 5, his 12 and then she come on. the valerie is, i'm listening. that's a made room is a nancy. so the general was being too cautious about the lives of his men. you say to another senior come on, said gay shuffle products was also dismissed. we started to form a senior security policy. alice, my, for my live, he says, done of was removed from the same because of his vocal stocks. and i think uh, he has a history of being this a service in his manner. demeanor. uh,
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he's been critical of the landscape in some respects. even though the type of government they have um he has um, also been highly critical of uh, western support for ukraine. he's a very outspoken p i. it's my understanding these are very outspoken guy also. but coupled with that is that the soleski has been undertaking a, a sweep of changes at the highest levels, particularly in the national security realm. so it's can, it's possible that it was his time to be relocated and i understand he's going to become the ambassador in the norway. so uh that gets him out of the office as it were, and away from publicity. but it, it's also my given his critical position and there are some
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can't, that's he what may have been aware beforehand of the attack in moscow at the, at the crooks, concert hall. and. and it could be that they just wanted to get him out of sight real fast, but here, but he's got to be replaced by the guy who was, who used to had the intelligence of the service. so a list that says m l intelligence, the certainly is what's with, has been engaged in that in the, in any activity that related to that attack from the ukrainian side. so there's, there's, i think they just wanted to get him out of the way. so he, i presume so he wouldn't be speaching out out of out of class as it
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were. it's so that he can uh, and just remove him from the, from the scene. london's high court has wanted to key needs foundation, and that's honest the right until the appeal is the technical expedition to washington. but that's only if the u. s. is able to provide the court with such an assurances and as long as wife who attended the hearing slammed the ruling as the manifestation of the political event data against the dentist. today's decision is astounding. julian is a political prisoner. he is a journalist and he is being persecuted because he exposed the true cost of war in human lives. now the u. k. court 7 bye to the united states to issue assurances the board and the administrator and should not issue assurances. they should drop the same full case,
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but should never have been brought to we should never have been in prison for a single day. this is the same on every democracy. included into the room in the us has to provide assurances on 3 conditions. one of those is the size can rely on the american constitution which protects the, the speech, the final date for the us as we to those conditions is the 20th of may. the ruling says that if washington fails to abide by that, so the k will want this lease appeal with out of the hearing. we spoke with echols former concert in the u. k. who shed his thoughts on the poor ruling. i was facing the close to 2 div the fence, the 14824040 appeal on every route that they went off
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to appeal is to be, be saw. the it today is the see should they called out 6 points or denial instead of the defends was asking for appeal they. ringback has basically invites the political a power in united states to take part in what is supposed to be just the case in a then the united kingdom. that sure this is the cause of the issue by the state department. and we know they're gonna assume they're gonna sign and you pay for it before
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the other cases, just just to get the goal that's to come to the science with united states, the new maxine institute pieces united states. and we know that those are, those are 2 inches. another really well the paper, the reason a sorry celebration in the us to do baltimore has ended in a quote hot breaking conclusion that's according to the state and governor with 6 people busy in dead on the part of a huge bridge collapse on choose a correspondence and this, this report, let's say we asked close the same as possible as all access rights have been locked off. the police have told us that access to the scene will be granted at a later date. at the moment it is thought that at least 6 people are still missing, all of whom are labor, as who overpowering the bridge of the time of the collapse. we were able to speak to one of the colleagues, and he is what he told us. think went then,
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are you there out there in the water right now. we're told the one person was pulled out, but is in critical condition in a coma. all the things that are happening are very hard and sat. the 2 people was saved, one was on hudson, and the other was an extremely serious condition and was believed to be one of the workers. he went on the bridge at the time f, b, i. agents are already watching of the scene of the incident, a spots of the ongoing investigation, ruling out a terrorist attack. the governor of maryland has may statements about the investigation and declared the state of emergency that's less than to his words. we're still investigating what happened, but we are quickly gathering details. the preliminary investigation points to an accent. we haven't seen any credible evidence of a terrorist attack. what do we want to say, like, go to the by the more likely, if you go to the, into the male file to more code, what happened? an incredible tragedy which can happen early in the cinema. recall that the video
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shows that off to the collection of the try call gay shape with the bridge the last to collapse and just a few seconds. transport administer usage is in constant communication with rescue teams and authorities in the region. the white house is also closely monitoring the rescue operation on the search for survivors. it is, was mentioning that the port of baltimore is one of the largest on the east coast of the united states. and on this bridge there is a multi lea may to way traffic. so now everyone is wondering what could have happened if the dissolves to happen not in the middle of the night. but during the rush hour, as this was, it shows a moment in the mass of steel. so as it came down into the pipes go river, there isn't to have an officer, a call to ship something. one of the bridges is pulled in vehicles, are plugged into the water below, emergency personnel having to 2 people so far. however, 6 parts of the construction crew was on the page at the time of the incident
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offices him dead. police say there's no indication of foul play. me while i'm out and has declared the state of emergency. post of the conservative debbie post you open says a situate a solution to the collapse is on the way, but it will create logistical difficulties. and there's other ports available that they have a secondary plan, so i'm sure that it will have some sort of impact over the next 2 weeks to a month. so that will adversely affect some of the ability to ship in to the board . but i believe that within the next couple weeks, they should have some sort of resolution that are allowed to speed up. but there, there are ports, south and north, i think the, it's going to cause a lot of inconvenience, probably create some problems logistically for a lot of different companies in different industries. this is not a, this is not a small thing to happen. but i think that again, the american people are pretty resilient, they'll find innovative solutions to get around it. but in this, in this case,
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it's probably going to end up causing a lot of more traffic jams and they already have um and creating some logistic issues. i don't think he does his job at all. matter of fact, i don't think anybody shows up to washington to do their job in this current administration. and he had no experience coming into a job to begin with. he's showing that he has no experience of what it shows with it with, with this new escapade is that he has no leadership as well as no compassion for the people that were lost that were traveling over that bridge. a choice that prevented from being that of how the sub in form is described. the us security councils, refusal to hold a debate about natives. 1999 new this, the bombing a discussion that russia said it was critical to have a so it'd be somebody's more than $2500.00 civilians were killed. back in 1919 i went to the move j. a lions carried out a mass airflow tank over $78.00 days on the season. so they've asked me to take
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a look back. i'm covering some painful trips. today, our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces. we act to stand united with our allies for peace. the 1st time killed the 38th injured already there. were claims claims against menissi. it'd been a storage. you said a missile. go to roy, who's the destruction of this village home narrowly missing the family insight?
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25 is on and so that is still questioning why nature's forces rein down palms on the country for some 78 days. kelly around 2000 civilians. us made its case though this was about avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe, to deter and even bloody or offensive against innocent civilians and coastal, as and as necessary. to seriously damage the serbian military's capacity to harm the people of kosovo. in short, it present milosevic will not make peace. we will limit his ability to make war accusation against loss of interest, cost of a long standing term pain folly. the west painting serves as being the pro media was already wrapped up against the serbs. they were calling serves the butchers and war criminals and so on. and the bombing was set to start,
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serves with demonized since 1991. and these, these companions with even his asians were always accelerated before a new wave of escalation of conflict. so i remember, for instance, in 1999, there was a page off of the time which side says borman bomb serves to help the german should be go. for the argument of fighting cnn. everybody, including hollywood, were constantly and still are for training serves as the villains. and let's say that we were kind of a substitute for soviet's russians during the post cold war. we need to back up a few years here because in the early 199 cases, the former yugoslavia began to crumble a port. there were a series of separate but related aspect conflicts that were playing out, including in bosnia. now, each time the west pointed the finger of blame at serves,
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they were claims of widespread ethnic cleansing, nazi salt concentration camps. the violence was old from the one site. it was claimed. reality on the ground was very different. possibly ration. army was the most violent fraction among so being a separate to say were attacking the police patrols so they weren't taking police how to pose, murdering policeman. constantly this happened uh, a month or a month and the serbian government's knowing that the west will of course, complain about the excessive force was trying to find the political solution who was trying to talk to will be of you. but i think the leader of the separate, this was the best dre several times of talking to me last week, directly uh, box of watts. uh, in the meanwhile, she's probably maybe even didn't know. i was that what color was not controlling
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the tears. it was a completely separate organization, kaylay that was directly uh, controlled as a prophets by, by the west or services. and that is, that is how technically the war star to the images from one tv report in particular was seized upon to show the despicable nature of the subs as the mainstream media reproduce. those images, the context was completely lost. gordon was the fact that so be need is heading vine to the gen list to see what was happening. instead in a report that had showed many people who seemed healthy newspapers, we produce the images only of those who look emaciated. that evoked painful memories of the holocaust decades before with p r agencies seizing on them, elated. they admitted that there was no concrete evidence that suited being desktops ever existed. but when you did all of this,
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you had no proof that what you said was true. you only have the article in newsday, our work is not to verify information. we're not equipped for that. our work is to accelerate the circulation of information favorable to us to aim at judiciously chosen targets. we did not confirmed the existence of death camps. in bosnia, we just made it known that news day of firmed it. the dots propaganda that continue to play into the tensions in what was now the federal republic of yugoslavia headed up by milosevic with a territory. the cost of only peroration on me was carrying out an insurgency. in the spring of 1999, the 2 sides were route together for peace towards on the outskirts of paris. now, the tools failed nature. once again, blaine, this said so will king away. but that's not how everyone sees it. madeline albright comes down with james rubin, deputy secretary state,
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and they set up the condition, for instance, of nato should be freely roaming around in serbia. of course, suffering steak, size, know things for that. so they knew that he thinks suggested that as part of a deal, we lost it, which would say no, i would have said no to i still remember vividly how corrupt in the media was because james rubin was interviewed on cnn. and he had the famous words today, the steps of chosen war and the obedience of justice and peace. now the who did you speak to christiane on for who was his wife at that time? so, i mean, it is amazing to me that the whole thing was to set up the same thing as it was to set up 2 pills and negotiations in ukraine. a full my head of the us is you can slow of it. that's plagiarism mentioned that it is deliberately set the ball a higher than the subs could accept. now, within hours of the tulips breaking down,
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they to dropped its 1st phones in an unauthorized campaign the 1st time it did use military force without the inducement of the un security council. it illegally targeted the federal republic of yugoslavia pounding it, days and nights until the last of which was forced into jail a quarter of a century. they set some wounds still fast on the grave accusations that were made against the search to justify nature's action, remain largely unprepared. solid, even ski reporting for all teeth from belgrade. incipient. this way in a cool, so of a sudden chasing c nato bomb. do the solve it for 78 days straight. i'll follow a special coverage to sleep here. ok. the the we have to protect thousands of innocent people in
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the, to the fuse a power to get the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for future generations. never to see those in your, at the well, that's all for mesa today. as always, it's great to have your company, my colleague associate said it will be with you at the top of the big deal. a very good thing. the,
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just exactly, escape the the, the, the cheap old name with the middle of the social agenda and flip the movies ensure that there's a who's that was one,


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