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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
[000:00:00;00] the g o coordinate with the middle of the new one that might have hold on so. so if you didn't flip the movies, ensure that there's a who's that was one, but definitely the
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pull to get all the move or truth show was that i was on the waiting list with a lot of the terms of when you cause a lot of them assume it's i'm yeah, the instructions that are certainly right there, but sure. sure. whom completely sounds that has a little button on your thoughts, richard seem to be doing long visit with me is on the chicago fishing. so colored no edition ever so song and gold, which is to know i should sort of come and do that and yeah, do more talk so used to come get it and i'm pretty guaranteed. so when you move this, you know, just it's probably gonna get them. don't want me to come get them boxed, ready to go coretelligent. i'm good. when i enter my phone to then you by you, i could have them, would you tell me, do i spell it sends you this,
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that i see right now does any d d as it was in from c, and the law so frustrated, but they all left the pretty straightforward this for this room question is it for you for the 1st one put through the post. let me. ready just little no word, you know, movie. okay, welcome to the full 2001 for all those are pretty the warranty. just getting the thought of that the monitor might have been with us. i would be interested in a fuck little chart, which we sure sort of because we put in the coast along so no, so no rule is the one with the sky for progressive already. most of the top is the is if you will just go to the up the phone good for the, for with you. but i mean all of us. so yeah, and we won't, even though, since it's not because of the model or just, you know where you blue to come get it looked at the beautiful quote sort of them
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for the, how long you know, truly, to touch some doors, especially something. and the 3rd was that the loose cause because you could boot the boot of the, the, you muscle of introduced by yes, but i'm just much funky for the initial. she's thinking most of the flow. i have show she to show that it will for some odd to use nature needs means the spice of life. is this more than anything else? you need to know the software. how much? who am i from with budget this year? start of extra money to boot in front of the funding case. the goal is to be losing you and we live. so was wondering who grew which it was the much them, but almost basically you'll know quit or is this a good time when you're here? because i know for the region very much look, philip of just come is like you the with your phone, the group or leave
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a voice so much don't show me was no, i mean i mailed them, it was my thought was 5. who wants to transfer the task which i pulled up the summer for you? so i was looking for much of it. there was more of this wasn't equal or there, but we believed them some know if i use it, you who all the for fun, you from fully know from the machine it finishes the floor and the colors from our best girlfriend with us keywords saw the men will do so to the rings very much and as for approval from the door we might suitable some bushes stood with i'm virtual machine while you're moving for support. michelle is just looking for the proposed stores, most of issue of america sort of and that's just a to dish it's. it's almost almost done under somebody defined them on the surface or no. yeah, we're moving north fulton. yep. one year old with the wisdom when you see what's cool, cannot use in the machine to see this issue. it's not. i'm actually looking for the uh, did you did it? should she look at the, was it said, the level of the photo almost. we just showed you,
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did it says nope. so do you bring your mind to bring up that or did you listen, you know the most so, but didn't get into the bus. i did it on the last one's going to deal with the what does it look something for good. i'm sitting with you. that doesn't up on you much to move he way in the what's doing your for the on the phone. this is for that, you put them simple, i mean for, for, for a boy you seriously that's d, c i a, so the load for and use must be some, uh, what she calls cool, greasy. you will definitely the same. so i mean for the best guy here wants to trust me that if it's fixed, even though out of it,
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i'm what's cool buckeye. you and you got one. you have to deal with the hard coupon . okay, so it was like a little hard for the last test. something suitable a, a distribution with these are partners and apologize. you know what i'm gonna show somebody is this plan just for this level for this patient is our prices since i was supposed to see a little bit. so let's use those little songs to moses. i'm sorry, i don't use that. the source code to pin was almost look, this is emilio. he read this off of yours is, i'm sure the power, the good you have that's yes, of course you may hang up and you talk with the customer service on bottleneck funding. you the last 3 of them, you got the why, you mentioned them that before you pass, since you know you possibly got russians, little or no problem for you just need your book categories. i'm shooting somebody or the little boys are stands for. you have come up with newman all you for some
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a couple of you used. the starters are going you thought who menus are showing them . uh, mostly in you will style. i mean yeah. when we ship us what it is, could keep it from holding us to more so just a the room for me since it was showing up on the, on the farm yesterday was oh yes, the funds on some arm on the zillow stuck with the feed in puerto got more and more tools and stuff. oh the park uh mostly pool would be kind of a free, bless your conditions with you with them for that draft that i'm with. i'm looking at why i'm still at the we as the are still those maybe when you must have fish of more than the best. so yeah, that you start with the personal copeland problem. the problem with that with the design you have to. yeah. well, i'm yeah, well with the web shift, you have to move to the design. you're learning the most, our customer problem, the customer from way place for the risk of the personal loan for the business. there was a bridge and paid attention so not to it shows just uh at the date of delivery if
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we can go to daily. uh no, i mean corner board and infinity. yeah. table. um, did you get to, excuse me, any of the when go to the crest on 1 of january or people just federally? you said that you didn't, can use your the, you don't want that in mind. that letter might as the supervisor in but my soul steadily, but there's other things coming up personally. but there's anybody in virginia additional assembly in the special month, i think a little silly, but that's in the parents of this kind of abuse. so the solutions conclusive people who you get from your family with as it goes to use the company. this is this website,
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which is pretty much the point this some people focus on is good for a moment, please. as soon as i'm option is caught from me to do it for you while you're in trouble for which one you're from off of when you when you a mobile to is tim and shut the ponies. before i remove, coupled it is the lender blade. and it says printers press 5 on mute scanners videos and you so you have as it was 3 from start to cry, but move in some sort of stuff moves that kind of mistake. just be able to stand us blew up and you left this yard of a we've been seeing voice. and so i mean, and we're side, you'll be able to simply cause the father is flu for people so far as she's human on both of the, the trinity of the concussion in terms of the numerous things with the
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flavor of the news. yeah. serious. how are ya know, most all the worse fear of personnel shaker with me for 3 to confirm some more for me or best dollars to go somebody me on from for as well as the visual compound or there's a for progression. we're working on monday is the final yackel deal severe drug about the might a gave the bias or process new march from what i was a motion and see if it's on the show part of the choices. so what do you have for which and so much over the phone here,
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it's been sort of up to the with some sort this out there, but it doesn't show me the phone with as a 1st time. it should be different. this your map of our legal supports and one of them is one of our limits losing chanelle gums, particularly troubleshoot anything storage that the little personally, personally actually search for them to sort of ship a rebuttal. because my just i, i serious coast almost a more of
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a bit of shift. that's the blue or the image of the thermal. that's actually the reason why is that a special as well as numerous video, visual storm, you know, but the most ensure one mode you're going to travel to be yours, the air from you for any multiplan, you're definitely pretty hosting logical part of the national georgia for 20 years prince, a bunch of research from from just told me i sent you over a couple of sam resolved for you. what if i use the market your from the gym if i'm able to see just yes, because they have used to store it yamaha for the for the sub of order from a hospital the problem which will take them with the summer couple or my masters. but i need to catch up with the space, but then you can use it up for you. sure. so a 3rd party you chose useful disney junior, and that is just a budget with almost which is the cyber security. so the,
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the, the a wrong just don't you have to save house and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will
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support, we choose to look so common ground, the forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we have such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously is tooth makes a truck rather than to the various jobs with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was on
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the hello. i'm tom garcia. i'm not sure what
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the the the the, the
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the on the deal though can you be because the slow slow in the future for me and usually the flounder, but almost have as it started school courting was going to be just obviously
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because of all the money to me for invest kaiser di yeah. well those are the did the chest choices come up to me anyway? yeah. mean you just slide engine with a view so you guys might have some useful for me and you have a good a. can i give it to me just given me the book of as good as the wind. call it the movie the because she do you all the way at least. so shake, you may come in 30 me have couple of she you as good as there's a full assess, you are full when you come back is due so, so you may come in 30 minutes to do so. don't say anything with them. you do agree with that with me, my if any premium. yeah. we'll just move out of the show for the support for your from your but on i feel good. which is some, what does it go? so, but yeah, it was because of what, it's only when you subsidies during the floors. so for to your system it will do
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page and we're from you have to invest most of the car code does not do. i mean, i didn't really change that. i didn't know month, i think least then you most of the zillow. um, in addition to that, yet you did you book as a little early professional to belittle your, you know, that was the limit that it's just not just just as if i'm the guy just me a little tiny so good. the moment you go for you to come so the the yeah. can you please the to
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the the the producer for was the possible spirit for this,
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which is the good news. i do not school for the to carol. she yeah, definitely for 2 of our new near farm. yes. you do samples on you go to the to the movies that are new bedrooms are for the stuff. hold on. yeah, i got you for to me pretty. that was yeah. personal talking about a zillow by the zip code. i am confident felipe, i'll be able to provide you the best bullshit. successful part of the bullet. or for sure i'm going to call you the ports where the toyota of, of service service on to,
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to confirm to delta for nissan gloves. i need to show you our horse michelle's here to move the 3 that come under what was the grab important part of
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the . ready ready ready ready ready the of the venue to which not available at this point, he was able to deliver to the, to jesse, i'm going to force you if i was telling you what was the boulevard for, i'm not sure who the me let me go much. you the words. yeah. for the deal of
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the night today, the the so you're a, do you happen to gretchen? was it 2 videos i was for courtney. got you do practice the board of education, rest somebody off of stone most for 1st portion which financial advisor will work for you, but just populate of drama, drama immunization. so which is one your mobile platforms using just to show my
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normal. so to show our product is for to us more visual specialized clinical so much and that you purchased the car between dish just happen to have too much the maribelle to in a small subscription for her. so she left the machine is the 2nd issue i saw from february from the plan,
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the the yeah, well, she was hired, he put on my wish was to got found at the market for the green valley is what's called the sure. and the jessica way around for him was, you know, they just as a 5 gulf at the edge of fashion, it for michael to category loop or she's built for it. uh i could you, me just key i, but as long as you wake up the process, introduce the solution to find out much to see what was the, the wish of dealing with our biggest township or mendham guide. so when you're
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talking about pulled up the blizzard, because you will continue, just as you know, the any fisher was, is the i do i do right. the, the, the, the engine, the syllable cause let's do it just for future frontier to cause the sofa. just one of them over the stuff. sure. to problem with the motion. you're missing the moment. this is kind of the thing that another civil fairly a lot because my so, so that you know, my so little from owners but they got
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a good because to go volunteer. yeah. no, i haven't much. well, it still showed you, you know, and visit us on the tonight. are you on billy graham? yes. so it is, and as i say is this, those guys are the most guys, this is, i'm one of the, what is part of the is it that the employee would posted? isn't the defense you of us and building the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
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good. let's stop without collision. let's go out of the other way. not the right. it says the brother printer was or up at the moment. this is just so please stay with me. your last name was name is read, it comes to movies too much. and we have some more or some movies this we, which i need people to the, the,
1:00 am
the for is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this process as being us. push it to a goals, pull up any responsibility, pull them off. co terror attacks address washington itself may have had to have in itself yeah, man's who the flight to isn't out new attacks on america and on british trade in trust in retaliation that supports that as well. it's all sort of correspond to witnesses health of residency, right. and have devastated businesses that rely on this rate the 4th


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