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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

5:30 am
studies of leaning towards a place to come into the office to do that, if we can, we can load it, was it just pushed? it just won't because of this new way to 4424 colors. are there any don't know which these are i know for the don't or they can adjust to do given me other than that, we're going to use best opinion pronounced has come up with the the we, there's a process that goes close and now the couple of uses qual that isn't so great off and the senior decent said
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well shit to do the one on the official transcript minus the guy just just remove both mutual and that sort of fits and one of the issues of the no but still stay on pretty minus lower originally the noodles 1st case i said with the use this process is my goose, the music was a comfortable to go to them for i see yes. need to know sort of to use a through g is acceptable. can you go to brands? if i'm not going to have less than equal for 100, not like a group of producers of box, but additional for searching of the truck or something. almost
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close to christine the. yeah. what's disney is the most close to the new ones? i'm all for this just a few last a global struggle. she model here with them. is that why didn't a bunch more? she was see me in on the blue for sure. both of which has sort of she knew over to cover about the pulled up pretty good. the promise particular they are on the vehicle i'm interested in. so what do you look through each one bills? i need to just say just for your spine it you can in the remote or variable store. there was some music out there is a for most commercial. so
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let me just see if we do both of us. here's the thing you see. ringback on the road to process the process of finding us to go as you know, this is steve though it is the by the way the
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kind of fight on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure to let me go lower. yep. i me, shots from what, that's what the deal is. i could have somebody open these plans via general for you just for got some with us kind of almost emotional, inflamed or be able to develop more just got into another little dep in the homes that you should he might of this year should have credit is a lot of i believe you're still stuff, i'm assuming you go on, you have obama stuff when you want me to talk to folks from you that you don't a similar state of the it's a little more cool, but i couldn't remember your actual somebody's the reviews and you know, she's kind of mean they were in the show 3, but the, the nimble genuine, the federal government,
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a book that you divides and then use the old daughter, olivia boulevard, and still doing the partial and the pretty more good on decimal don't definitely don't cover it, the more your good honestly because you're the one i just want to use the bottom solution for for 4 months in a month. but i know it's funny as them usually. and you're gonna click on those clips to just talk on the course 2 more, you know, sort of kind of are still going to, should have that level. he is on that, of course. and those are gonna have the repositories mastercard or she and we'll go over that. profess, come pick the one you don't, you don't look at them actual because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire
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with them complex more and much less than that. but i'm still looking at the time that it done come on progressing here, which course does flushing more on performance, cuz i think i think this is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form. because miles, even the grid and you put it across the board. i factor full which i so which one the blue the the solution with the new reference to load as possible is supposed to be cheaper than what shows you put the money up just because i because of the move i thought of the
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mobile up and bring it, what would you prefer to do? we have went up just to the sort of professional management the same. you basically cancel this if i can position the 2nd problem. so i was looking for smart example, which has come from us, and you have to use the clear books, visible, listed in root, ensure back from the table that shows. so here's the thing. come on, let's come on a for the. so 1st the solution that was always per month plus that means as a new one, you show a new brand new information come on the new portfolio because it will stand as mission, national of supplementary from telephone. we're going to just look at the show and we also gave us as a refrigerator, musicianship moses, which just throw a push at spend money. expose them are the more from officers can eclipse on the flip side. our lives are putting in the
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yards of what she'll do is to on the other for numerous. so the 1st one was if she got the distribution here, look good idea here. so we have the kind of tools to phone to see says your desktop use is just the washer morse was on the uh, you know, the, uh, the was instructed me plus the ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on, on, was it a well no washer move forward, you know, go to a new noise unit to put it all for us. it took me, you know,
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took us this is all, there's a few early to go to choose who you might be a vehicle so that the true know right.
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gosh, that the thing is that you will see the room too fast. so we just find looking for this just to see if there's a movie or was tom. yeah. the, let me ask the guy that's got, you know, pretty what the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play these are the scores are smart and safe on story police point in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i yes, a does this modem or will it be starting as low from this is keisha lee, but i do the month. and what thing with that single it you put the move on the deal with people saying that the lady just go to chicago assuming which to shuffle,
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which was you know, a lot of them both parties the mushroom owns the vineyards in west ocean city of novels. orange stores. oh yeah. what kind of, i mean if i'm just very smug around the place for them to continue? this is beth issues, but the journey boardroom dispersed megabytes were used to move. was the board mean? yes. from you less look yourself. the commodity goes back about the image of the stuff that come on as well. so for sure that you get the full chassis of the ones who are more common in fact you with the phone, you might just be the one of me. so i should because you've been on the for the 3 i'm, i'm really interested in your when you pull chairs backwards presents, is that gonna ship up able to ship the junior and the, the, the ever you have the animal that you have to fit, the versa, yeah, the,
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so just need to fill out those 2 mirrors or just all buses solutions that we should be on the bus. this is starting the 3rd when we come through the colors the go. and you could actually just for the muscle as a pretty good actually thing with the basic up a little bit actually it was less of junior, was published and funding. i terminated some of them because it becomes very impressed. you know, as it comes to the concept of bull, susan investment, the a ship with some of the yeah, new blue of ships completely new g was yeah. you purchased coupling energy and the wife helped us invest on offers all the of the me on the way people stand, the photo shape looking for some of those 3 store supports. if the was competing with i asked this mr. voss and i'm going to do a bunch of store them. it's a smart way to store them in some way regina have to do so that i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw some of this i'm interested always recommended by the i think the funds gift of the commission. i spoke with a vision, referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus, sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st cuz i don't get to go by with the contrast or nothing
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like that. it will just got the image of control still. mission last was i guess the thought it was this was the apple was most pressure. i was the best thing and some storm we all cars on storm. so the smart it replaced with luke about them is i'll double the slip work about 50 miles. the less plus a flush to push it out of the home. you can you come temple because of the time comes deal really powerful government. god bless you. this is a good the super a hold of opening pollution you really found. suppose the story is doing to do, but we're still in the news. i also found because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with a google sketch sheets? you what the issue is?
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do you have to pull, move along the lines. so you're saying, oh gosh, you've got the machine. what does she and mark be sure. what's the bottom of the hopes? computers are you, are you doing? i'm young person. we'll sort of restore you for some i'm so i'm pretty sure who was the bulk of the family so that should be less of a format. scratchy wood. butte is mark the philippines, the to the reason that in your box and you called me last night the most of the, the more than 3 lives a scheduled for you, the bumper, which has given you a smooth proof of sanitary protective store them. i'll take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the russian states never as, as tight as one of the most sense community? most all sense and up the in the $65.00 to $5.00 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on process coding and supports the r t support tech. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube,
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the payment services for the question, did you say even twist, which is the a gary so said some of the long queens of dining, which will not be there for us, cut off like a people, most of what are some of them knew him about chance of the he will so that he was the biased,
5:47 am
the menus i mutual talk about us not in the class the. busy total issue in your was there was that critical thinking? do i have thought it was personal she had told by someone one of us and it should be in our mind that afternoon has been about. i know, of course your religion was designed to shall be difficult at the job compared to that as a graduate of school. we live next to the call to serve of kids are musical to close deals that can you do some bodily to love just to have the browser to show where your people send me to cosco good for the privilege obama. the so is up and we'll do some user so most may is dealer from hospice. dave approach like a couple of gentleman's board. but when you're sort of a farmer and a very specific believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is done. but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me do that. i'm booking the gym from desirous of feeding me
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what is the thumb seating legit? kimball is yours because of 5 in bold. don't crash them more than what you like. a visual i will student my that the severe i'll be able to play music i to them bob, which could buy more. i'm actually glasses lately for some of our to cancel or get somebody to agree with the additional commercial garcia. what was easy, the notion of the year is the only is yes. yeah. well just because, oh, when you are growing you guys do so if i were to not do a filter to use it so don't know what was the issue. yeah, well the form i was due the yesterday
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i'm under a 100 of them to there's enough hours to do a search or so should george now go ahead and look at it. so that's a split 2nd for glover. i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to sort of part of able status when course you've heard of ash class from the one that's almost color cartridges. oh, this is the last to believe that's a conflict to confirm of this means just of washer and you know that that's what we're here for now. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm, what does it do? who is here to bring it up? are michelle's to swing voters? somebody has a question. yes. to go see you and let you know a new phone, the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte of suits on the shows you have. so you might be good on this to uh, the most uh you have of, uh we've been waiting on this to when it oh, but here's my asked on uh, do you mind with the wishes to you?
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me. i used to do this plus so much to get them with the old fashioned r streubal home, which did you have liberated can yes. is also already so because under the brought to my boy. yeah. more as long as you have to ship that list for speed. did you miss it? was a lot of a move, a lot of the list when it was a number, but it was because i was at the, in the mission. i'm putting it in, you know, was users as possibly come get it the more to set. you mean, really thing you're still coming is that you're not doing the one i'm, you should the least possible. name wayne, but some of you see him, but i was the cook was pretty much it isn't then when you just for getting in the web know mean you more than a religious for budget is, is or they will reduce a woman. there is a for the whole i'm so the answer is that our lease
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was waiting for the interested in attending together for me. so who was with, who do most news? some of these interesting wants here. this is patty is continuing with the lose. it will do most in was is for do all the super useful, how do i most definitely just go to this within the 1st $500.00 to
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scroll, senior general and you know the the for the for the sure that i want to do, i am said yes, tell me that you're not to do this. i think we proceed to the play. so get this part of the
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system the to the month or the sooner one of the particles is different from your to just dollars. oh sure sure are. can you go yeah, but all right is, is we ask you why that all guy and for us to know, i go to the phone with the gun. one of the particles is just
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a moment is the sum of all the little simply clear not of a look at i should like, well, i need restore 1st of all what she quoted because the the most yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is made up of seem just but almost the business of the research. i'm going to put those notes alone and i got a new good repair that i am. a human born chest took the most, which gave me this doesn't just tell you that this is emily. you fired from the function leave because because some of
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the got it. so what is the moist, what's me about not, i mean not, i mean the cost would go to for the the, the model for the middle of the front of the as much as part of the planes or the brakes replaced, which is the father that through the circle here solution is what i was paying for, which i forgot to get more information over to the, to the hotel. the
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smaller this is what i'm going to the good news for you is the vehicle to listen to some talk to someone the most mile to come out between them onto the boat because of the car. so you as not those covers without the cheese for you or some other reason is a loan number of seats available. that's assessable for nothing. for field trips, producer of visuals are gone several times. so you know, some of those credits or maybe of missed the scenario as far as
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1st as though it's of absolutely most necessary rocha thunder on minister is a 0 is lower than this year. and we're still on the to this or show or this just to the store $600.00 on the system for the stairs. but the whole new level of security on both ends will present an image or mean the phone. it shows most of it with the juice of the stuff she was not going to the heater sort of stuff on cardboard. it's concerning very, i hope i'm noticing off the road. so just if the size of the previous by
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me a citizen i'm divorced on the hills, i sure as opposed to a month in which box to the g customer with the special this month. the sugar so nice feel great. and then i can see the
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more expensive and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the criminal is declared that russia is now in a state of war due to the west involvement in ukraine. does this mean russia is changing strategy and aims. and should we expect the collective west to continue up
6:00 am
the escalation latter? the breaking news on our team, india is foreign ministry. summons a us and zip to mouth. a washington purchased citizen loved the detention of the keep efficient. they got in the company russians as the us to push to install key as of any responsibility for the most co terror attack suggests washington itself may have has a hands image falsity. contacts without evidence for us continues to insist ukraine had nothing to do. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because your print was not involved in this young man's who is being forwarded to isn't out new attacks on american and british trade in press in retaliation for the support.


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