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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

9:30 am
years later, they started a full scale, military invasion, and 18. 95 captured the capital tent and other evil, the commonest exiled queen, run a vile on the 3rd and our prime minister brian a letter of on a abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector, ed over man, a gas guard, and in $1897.00 annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted the merciless massacre. the capture of man, a gas car lifted, tragic consequences, natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. the care last in 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile a gas. the people, the colonial regime left an open wound in the history of madagascar. but violence was never able to suppress the malagasy striving for freedom.
9:31 am
the the way you guys are processing those quotes of the couple of issues as well. that is it's a great off. and the somebody said, well shit to do this. the illusion of the session. hey, why is the guy just just remove 12? sure. and that sort of fits and one of the issues of the no, but still stay on pretty much slower. originally
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the bureaus for those kids are going with the office. smart goose to music. does it come from it to go to the price? yes. need to know, so the have to use a through g is a couple different you got to buy cheap. i'm nice and there was actually it was in the americans with please. i survived but initial researching and the back or present on the back is that something must close to good. yeah. what is disney is the most close to the prince? just to do most, the global struggles to model you with them is why the me bunch more about the brand was cds. you know,
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the blood pressure bolt of which i sort of see you over to someone about the product of pretty good performance, particularly your vehicle instead of so what do you think the interesting part was bills i need to just say just for a spine, it even moved to you can in the remote start barabbas to deal with the music on the face of for most commercial. so let me just see what was the best of the videos. here's the thing. you see
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the blue cross included. i see the process of finding us as humans do us these though it is the by the way, the coolness. oh, there's a lot of pressure on new brass from jones. yep. i. michelle. so that's what the deal is. i could have somebody open the friends via general for you just to start off with some of the discount, almost most of the claim or be able to develop more
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. you've got to the depth of homes that you should you might have issue to should have parties, flanagan. i believe you're supposed to have, i'm assuming you're going, you have to buy more stuff. when you want me to talk, of course from you that from you, i don't a simpler state of the room. it's a little more cool, but i can room. yeah. and your actual, somebody's on some sort of usually in your know, she's kind of mean the show 3, but that he knew what, what genuine, the federal court become available that you buy them and use deal daughters view. your bill is yours for the partial on the pretty more goods on the some of the definitely going for customer, the more your good honestly because you're the one is what it is. the bottom solutions for all much a month. and there's plenty of them usually,
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and you've got those clips to be just took on the course to maria. kind of are still going to should have that level. he is on the difficulty is i can either does what it is mastercard or she has no glass uppercase, can pick the newborn you would like me to look up. i'm actually progressing pretty sure on the complex gunfire complex. more and much less than that. but i'm still looking at the time that it doesn't come to or from progressing here, which course does flushing more on performance because i didn't get it fixed. is that 5 or 4 chairs was going to perform a spanish spanish form because most,
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even the grid i need to put it across the board. i've had to apologize which one the blue, the a solution with the on your reference to load as possible soon. as possible, but it would show up just because of the use of the, of the money just because i because of them i thought of the mobile companion, which admission proceed to the edition. i don't mind the asked artist, professional. my name is the same. you basically difficulty it is if i can position the 2nd problem. i was looking for smart example which has come from madison. yes. are you still creative? visible, listed in would insure by from the
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table that shows. so it was about a month ago. so come on, let's come on a for the so that has to be solution that was always per month. plus the mean, is it the one you showed the brand new information come on the new portfolio because it was 10 years mission, national of supplementary. if i'm to the phone, we're going to just look at the showing this was a refrigerator. there's this machine, moses mission, fairway, bush at spend, money, disposal may have of more from, of just going to groups on us with that our lives are pretty near the,
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the orders of what she'll do is to, on the other for numerous to be for some, well if she got the distribution here, look good. i hear you. so we have to leave it on the phone. so she said, you know, jessica use is just the washer most was on the you know, the, the, uh, the truck and the plus the ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was it a well, we'll watch or move forward, you know, go to a new noise unit, but it all for us it to me, you know the look of or is or if there's a few early
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to go when you choose who you might be a vehicle to know exactly what the thing is. the most that you will see the faster which is fine, or let's just come to the movie or with tom. yes. the let me ask
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the guy that's got cheated. nobody. how about the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play these are the scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i yes, a does this modem or will it computes them just by some this is keisha lee, but i've seen them around me. but thing with that single it you put in with the wine that deal with that where people stand and the lady just go to chicago assuming which to show for 40 years out a model bell 40 is the maximum owns of vineyards in less torsion city of novels orange doors. oh yeah. go to them. if i'm just what are some of the criteria conferences, but there's just a jenny both on the subjects, megabyte, but we're used to move more of the webinar from us, letting yourself to come on the most megabyte. but yeah, we'll just have to come on super should best get the full chassis as it
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was when, when you thought of the you with the phone, you might just be the one of me. so i should have good, you know, for the 3 i'm on i'm on the road when you pull chairs on blackboards presents executive ship on 3 and one of the junior and the voters. so anybody ever? yeah. the animal that yeah, yeah. the versa. yeah. well, if you ever have listed just as a few of those 2 mirrors are just all buses, felicia, exclusively on the bus, this the spar to maternal and we can police because he of a go and you could actually which was initial is a pretty good actually going with the basic up little bit actually it was listed because the engine was published and funding. i terminated some of them because it becomes very yes i can sort of thing the concept in both cases and it has been in
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the ship with some way and the are you blew up ships coupling you g was yeah, you purchased coupling energy and ask you about a little more about this invest on offer as well. do you have the me on the where you stand, the photo shave, looking for some of those 3 stores as far as the last couple of us, i have solutions off the number to update your phone with the smart way to store them. there was some reason. did you not the do, said i wish to brand new spacer spots that i saw. some of this i'm interested always recommended might be a group of funds, different federal commission. i spoke with a vision, referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little bladder solution. first of the long distance with the who shuffle. nothing like that. it will be in the show for show still. mission i was, i thought it was a system in the apple was most pressure i was the best thing is installed for your cars and storm. so just wanted to place with luke about this. i will double superior to that 50 miles the
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ballistic plus a flush of which it added to whom you kindly come temple. we'll go should think i'm still really powerful government. god bless you. this is likely to ship a hold of opening pollution and really fun for. first of all is dealing with the brand new. we're still in the news. i sign the font because the deal was 3. what, what about, what was the email with a little sketchy, that you, what the issue is, you got the quote move along the lines. so this, the gosh, you got the shipment, the smart piece you, what's the bottom of the book? most computers are you how you doing. i'm store people, so i'm, i'm so i'm pretty sure the bulk of the funding should be less of a format, scratchy, which is the beauty of it showed me lot of other industries mark their company. if
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i give, let's look at their sophia, or the deal is reasonable for you have that in your box and you called me last night, but what most of the demonstrative scheduled for use the bumper which was given your smooth fan store them on sky hi, i'm rick sanchez, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say
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yeah, you shall said. i need the original not can you talk to people more support us down with them snowball channels of the so that's got the preferred you'll see what was what was the by you told me and you'd like me to talk to somebody on the of the class the. busy good of the 2 and you wish there was actually able to to do i have good. it was fighting which is a go by some of the solution. 3 not reminded of can elizabeth the modern home
9:47 am
of course your religion was his own. it shall be difficult at the job compared to that as a graduate of school. we live in the cold, i to serve of kids are musical to cause give us that. can you deal separately to love chester of the browser to show you for the 1st time to cosco the job on or the so is up and we'll just use are so i'm us may is dealer from hospice state approach like a couple 0 most board but when you're sort of pharma and the various but speech, believe the thumbs up just is the one that is done, but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me do that. i'm booking jennifer. is this of feeding me what is the problem? seeing was it similar to yours because of 5 in bold talk. i asked them more than a bunch of them. what you like, a visual i will student by that the severe all of the will, the premium started up. i'm bob, which could buy more. i'm actually glasses lately for some of our i cancelled or get the political agree with their commercial commercial garcia. what was easy,
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the notion of the, the the only is yes. yeah. well just because the more growing you guys to do. so if i were to not do a filter to use it, so don't know what's the issue you need. oh yeah. well, the reason for my was due the yesterday i'm under a 100 of them are usually there isn't a 0 dollars to. those are just such a village george negative. so as a split 2nd for glover. i'm, if i'm, if i'm not going to center part of able status and when course you've heard of
9:49 am
a response from the one that's almost color cartridge, or is this the last the business aspect conflicts to confirm. i mean, it's just the washer and you know that there's some, oh yeah, yeah. i'm not sure what i'm, what does it do? who is here to pick it up our initial store, most swing voters. somebody has a question. yes. to go see you and let you know the nearest one, the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte of suits on the choice you have. so you might the go around this to my, for you have of the on this to with all of that is my us from uh do you mind with the one shows do you want me i used to do this plus, oh, much to get them would you restart 3 of them, which 3 g maternity and yes, there's also already. so the programming skills is under the branch, my boy. yeah. as long as you have to ship it to the fullest speed. did you miss it? was a lot of a move, a lot of the list when it was a number,
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but it was cut off again and initially muted and then you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get it the more to say give me go to finish to come visit and you're not doing the new one. i'm, you should the least possible name lane, but someone will and you've seen look, was pretty much it isn't then when you're just virginia, beloved, no. mean you more than a religious for budget is a though, as a will reduce a woman really to, for the whole i'm so the i am seems to be, charlie was working with the interested in attending together
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for me. so there's just nothing to do. most news, some of the least interesting ones here. this is patty is continuous. who was this for you all the excuse me produced? how do i feel pretty sure most definitely. and then on the 1st part was right. default senior general and you want the the
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for the for the sure that i want to do, i am said yes. tell me that you're not to do this and there's probably a good place, a good part of the boards and the cock system the to the sooner one of the particles is different from your to just dollars. oh
9:53 am
sure sure. can you got it yeah. but all right, is this list why that all guy ambrose to oh, i go to the phone with the gun one of the particles. uh, is this the is the some of the difficult little simply clear. not of looking to should like, well i need restore 1st of all what she call it because
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the, the circle 3. was it the most? yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is made up of seem just but almost the business if it was like, i'm going to put those notes alone and i got a new dirt out for good repetitive i am. and you want us to come as much, can we do this, this, this tell you that this is emily. you fired from all of the function leave, cuz because some of the got it. so what is the moist, what's me about not, i'm not on the across the board. that is for the the,
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the model for the middle of the front of the most affordable plan door. which is the folder that come in that little circle here. solution is what i'm gonna say, it will show for a series to come more information over to the to for most of the the small did is sort of building the good news. the story of the vehicle, the good news to some talk to someone who
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was the most mile to come on the boat because of the car. so you as not those covers without the cheese for yours matter. reason is a long number since september bill for the most that the subtle from the, from trips producer of the con the season, you know, some of those credits or maybe i missed the scenario as far as though it's actually a processor broken down wrong. this is a 0, this loan goodness here. and we're still on attendance or show or
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is just to the store. so target on the system for the stairs, but the whole new level of security on as a result. and then it just means that the year for g sound, the stuff she was my for to to see for the goodies on cardboard, to sudden via notice and off the road. so just if the size of the previous by me a suspicion of the still not sure of the studies, the amount is on the bridge
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but to the g customer with the special as much as well. great. and then i can see the, the russian states never see as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best.
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most all sense i'm up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say a request, which is the title is declared that russia is now in a state of war due to the west involvement in ukraine. this as being russia is changing strategy and aims. and should we expect the collective west to continue up
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the escalation latter? the headlines or whatnot. see a strong objection to this respect for india's sovereignty. that's why india says it's something to us different about off to washington, criticized that attention of a keep all positions that go on corruption in diplomacy, states are expected to be respectful sovereignty and internal affairs. the father of this responsibility is of, in war. so in case a fellow democracies, otherwise end up sitting unhealthy, president investigators look at the possible western ties to terrorist attacks against russia. after a 140 people were killed in the most good concert, hold attack on friday, and all the trucks down. other cases of terrorist targeting reputed the enemies of the west of the port of a lot on the red sea as well as only southern.


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