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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the top headlines right here are not t, as new delhi says, respect, india is sovereignty. it comes, i think us different about his, some of the washington and criticized that attention of a key opposition to figure out on corruption. john and diplomacy states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty in internal affairs. the fathers, this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracy. otherwise ends up sitting unhealthy presidents. investigators look into possible western ties to terrorist types against russia. up to a 140 people were killed in the most co concept of all the time. all to you trucks down other cases of terrorist targeting reputed enemies of the west. port
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a lot on the red sea, as well as on the southern maritime guy. since november when the government base school phase grove joined. the, what were these roles? all activities have been stopped here. have a key, is there any part of a life is targeted by yet many who the forces to say they hit full west in colorado vessels and to us from all ships and the red sea regions this week. the, well, this is all to international live on loud from most go with the one use front on the center as well. so india is a foreign ministry, has some of the us of deputy ambassador for explanations of the washington criticize the detention of an opposition politician on corruption charges. my name is across the board. it shows a different route arriving at the ministry building its service called it the meeting went off of 40 minutes previously where some powers germany in the us had issued
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warnings against india over the reason the rest of the head of delegates local government of a major opposition figure is all correspondence shot a man incident and met his goal in between the source. just march the head of the government of denny, that is our when did you all he was arrested in an alleged because cam, after which we saw a lot of naturally, a lot of criticism from the opposition. now, last week on friday, we sold that adopted to match from germany, made a comment about how a tron standard legal system is needed. and the i was angry. the very next day on saturday, the top part of the amount of germany was to month to end. while we us been doing anything. we encourage fair, transparent, and timely legal process for chief minister cadre. well, as we saw us made comments on the lines of washington monitoring the situation, 1st meeting the never off for anybody to monitor the situation in jesse's that we
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have a perfectly well equipped into additional system. and we will take care of off what's happening in the country, especially us to feel much as to why the goal was to mind by the indian ministry of external affairs. in fact that summoning went on for 40 or minutes, we saw that the math top leave the ministry of the chemical was trying to ask for comment dates not to call month, but not really giving out a message that please mind your business. we are very valid with the daycare or what's happening, you know, room country. now i've been keeping the ball who has been arrested by the enforcement directory and he's, he's basically going on to say that he's going to be, he does. he does remain the chief minister of debbie's from jail itself. in fact, he's one of the key opposition details or fall of the country. he's also one of the registered national policies with the election commission of india. and the very fact that the rest comes weeks ahead of the children's elections have been yes,
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is something that's fox, that's kind of uh, a tool that, that we're seeing. but a full support of the country is all positions in the offices and bodies can do whatever they want in india. and what the government for the seeing is the large need of the countries to form mentors in there's and cell. no, not us. so india and making it very clear votes to germany and the us, my business. a lot of that had been angry, sayings on the street to the indian and capitalism position, demonstrate his class with police. pro government demonstrators also have gathered for their own counsel around me and supporters of the prominent opposition figure out of the vin and canceled it while who was arrested last week on corruption charges. attempted to march to the prime minister, the residents demanding his release. a place moved in with water cannons. a number of arrests were made. there's a little com as a country goes to the poles next month for a general election. or discussing this earlier with the, for my indian, i busted other idea of blogger who said that the us was rather quick to pounce on
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an issue that was right. but basically at the end of the day, none of its business america has to realize that what gets in just a double date is valid to date. that it is dangerous to be america's maybe what it is free to, to be america's print. so in yeah, talk and certain things that it is in the america sprint. what america act? so the, what is, so the days when america is a great then or the was 5 foured toward us change. america is no longer the phone waiting for that. it was, was india has it, isn't it is the followed by sir. and so is russia, which has always been a bar, then deacon ex, independently. they can choose the french, they can choose the bible that was sent to america cannot determine what is happening to the 3rd largest and most cool. oh,
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it is so much as by your leave from the ship. america cannot determine who rushes friends are in desperate. america cannot determine. all these impulses is run in a democratic country like india. so i think we see the case full and for active america, which richard does not load the limits for both. the america has little business center feelings in what excludes design is up to the court hoping to get the legal process up and get america forget that just like the discharging of the united, the former president trump with some misdemeanors. similarly, other democratic countries in the world 3 also have issues with all the dishes of different meanings and likings if they have indulged in so much. so part of america is inpatient as well. or is it wants to have its word edgers that the host country
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likes it a lot. so it jumped into an issue which was model for its concern. russian authorities looking into claims that the western powers of financed acts of terrorism against russia is off of the head of the federal security service accused the us britain and ukraine of involvement. and the reason to attack on the most co concept hold friday night. they've killed a 140 people. washington has denied any ukrainian involvement, but has yet to provide any evidence to back it up. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you crane was not involved in this. as i said in the west of empowers, and since that ukraine had nothing to do with the tire stuck in moscow, russia is a foreign ministry. takes issue with claims by the use of foreign policy chief, who suggested that the west supports ukraine to maintain its own dominance in
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global affairs. i listen. we cannot afford russia. we induced will hold our light to us and it will be an interest. we need a bit of damage is not a matter of generosity. the alone is not that matter or supporting your claim because we love your grand young people. it isn't our own interest, at least also into the dangers of the us as a global play. yeah. and that's, that's the worst that goes through. continue to shift the blame for the most go. tyra type from ukraine to isis islamic sites targets over the last few years. i've certainly raised a few eyebrows. have a look at this investigative report montes donald quarter in washington. it's been widely accused of aging and even helping for my sis ever since it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago. taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks, the trend is clear to see the effects of nations are all enemies of the west. oddly
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enough, isis has adjusted his plans in recent years. and now what types mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the river amiens, the legit to mental stores. he's in syria and russia. this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in iran, nearly a 100 were killed and another 300 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. and these are lost over 50 people just a week ago. and of course, the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, is law mc state's main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's somebody who said, you are american colleagues, have actually stuff fights and isis in the air country and have long been using the fighters. they have naturally, exclusively for their own needs, including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation, the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like
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isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not want stability or, and improving in the economy, trade and security and afghanistan. because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, it will lead to the investment of countries like china with which the americans are in serious competition. even in the us, people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? and the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of syria's resources. there was no doubt the us is the great or vices. but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth, the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy thing we created, isis, reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuance occupation and look serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time,
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the us is trying to convince the world that isis was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and the flex, any possibility of ukrainian involvement, flattering who in his already trying to link this to you. grain and say that the printer's responsible does the us have any evidence to back that up. no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually, and by all accounts responsible for what happens with america's long track record of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks in russia. it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trio of terror. but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. and is really a human rights expert who made repeated claims about the 7th of october atrocities carried out by how boss may be a fraud that's according to his riley media,
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which reports that the government officials are now actually distancing themselves from the people have disassociated themselves from hub, because her research has an accurate after all, the whole stories that they want to accuse us of spreading fake news. and her methodology was neither good nor accurate. a cough alika young levy as a lawyer who received a government award for highlighting the alleged crimes by her boss. she has a commission that investigates the groups suspected brutality against women and children. but one issue just for example, a picture of a claim was of a data is riley woman turned out to be the body of a kurdish fighter. another image shows the body of a young woman stripped from the waist down there under what were torn, hang on one leg. and she was photographs on the side of another music festival. well that she has yet to provide the evidence that she promised would prove the
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stories of mast rape. she's also been accused of obstructing a visit by a un special rep on sexual violence. that's what is requesting millions of dollars in funding for the civil commission. she works full of which she is the only member of a now to editor in chief of the great zone and use off of mex blumenthal. he says israel has been working overtime to protect the narrative surrounding october the 7th. i think she was totally confident in her narrative, and as she started to become exposed, these rally government began to be embarrassed by her. and now they have kind of sold her out in order to protect the narrative itself. these relative government, however, is not present in any facts outside of the general narrative that outcome leave is presented. thank you so. so there's sort of a presenting or is a bad apple isn't enough storage and trying to cast her aside in order to preserve the overall propaganda construct of the systematic rape on
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a mass scale by how much on october 7th. and there are 2 reasons why is real needed to go beyond the facts on the ground which had elicited international sympathy about the october 7th attacks to dramatize what they wanted the world to believe about him. us number one is really the goal and gaza was to carry out and operation of ethnic cleansing. that was tantamount to genocide. and that would require the world of believing, particularly the western governments, believing that how mosse was isis that it was irrational, it had no political objectives. and it could only be dealt with through a mass bombing carpet bombing campaign. and have the population moved out to prevent another october 7th. the other reason, as i expose that the grades on through a leak slide presentation presentations produced for new york politicians and
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celebrity influencers by one of the most influential posters in american and frank lines. according to the polls that he took, the most effective way of demonizing him, us according to focus groups, was to accuse it of rate more than to even accuse it of mass slaughter or seeking to kill jews. and so that's why is real, has chosen to pursue this line of attack, even though it had no evidence to support it whatsoever. and it's backfired completely on the as rarely is because now their key experts are being exposed not only as liars, but as extremely corrupt individuals. and palestinians and gaza have begun accusing me is rarely military of sexual assaults. so this is boomerang on is real. and now they're feeling the impact of their own allegations are now to tear on a day off to the un security council passed
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a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. iran welcome the leader of hamas is my own kind. the effort towards he said, israel is kindly, more isolated in the global arena that it has ever been before. you know, because the un security council adopted there is illusion yesterday, although there's a solution came late and there are still some issues that need father improvements . it demonstrates the unprecedented political installation that israel has faced since this occupation of the palestinian territory. it also shows that the us lives, the ability to impose its will on the international community the how much time i met with the raw and so far minnesota president and supreme later towards focused on the current crisis and gaza. and the iranian leadership provided their assurances of long standing support for palestine. it was the 2nd time that the hub isolated, visited to iran, says the start of the wall half a year ago. now the un resolution cold for a ceasefire throughout the holiday month of ramadan. 14 out of the 15 member states and the un security council voted in favor. only america abstain. still israel,
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as leadership expresses getting condemnation, that is biggest ally for refusing to veto the metro station. even a former us ambassador to israel describe the us decision as a betrayal is what i find the o as in fair on today, celebrating the b u. n. resolution, you know, tells you that um thomas's feeling confidence, they think they can survive the war. this was a big trail of, uh, of israel mattress by, by and by the democratic party. it's, it's, it's very discouraging and disappointing. that's a lot more. of course a lot now to talking more stuff about a go to the leader of the palestinian national initially political party who's now joining us or live or not you international from that. i'm a very good evening to you. so what a story that says the developments keep on coming, the leader upon us meeting with top officials in iran, just off to the you and adopted the cease fire resolution of a gaza booked about
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a booty pull to us about what kind of message is potentially being conveyed, yeah. or i don't think there is a direct connection between the meeting good and thought on the list and probably this me think has been planned from long friends as well. but do you want us to go to the concept is addition, put those that are in the core and that's what so as since now is that i and by continuing good sward and this is una sides on the city and people in that is not the only thing that the national and international humanitarian little but also it is very lifting that you on security concept is allison. now which ritual belie just on countries of the members of the united nations perspective and the 2 methods as so in my opinion, yes, this will increase the isolation worldwide about it's an implementation of that there's a decent when totally depend on the ability of people as well, so people's of the want to continue,
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but i should in visiting including including the imposing sanctions on it. now when i want to pick out something you said, but also the leader of hamas was saying it as well. the israel right now is more isolated on the world stage than ever before. how can you, how can you expand on that on that id already? is, is israel really? so i, so i think do you think on the global stage at people driven for sure. and people's, but i showed, has already started to influence government's decision. very good example of that is the change, the position of france or the new zealand can that kind of the, the strongest ally of the united states of america has just decided to suspend any 1000030 c. busy or the threads on sending government military equipment to isn't in those are, does that has very mean big meanings, but the opinion, and this would continue even further. the united nations security council
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resolution that demanded sci fi on demand. there's nothing to the question was good . so in demand, this was baffled, wouldn't be of any importance the instrument in the hands of those around according to the sanctions office. and i believe now the world is discovering festival. how many, how many allies isn't there? and that's good about this event. so, but as you have just reported this on the minds of the old could have the ability to but also it does discovery and that that have been 3 or the connections that there's an early is committed the crime of genocide that would cause collective punishment under an underwater crime will say, well, well i've lots of that. i, you know, i've been a god, i'm always monitoring the west to impress. i talked about a gucci and, and the west and prizes. hardly even talking about god is there anymore. they don't want to talk about it because clearly they con, continue to tow. the pro is really narrative when you see the true level of death,
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destruction, and as you say, genocide meantime, by the way then and yahoo is really angry, is cancelled in his rainy delegations visit to washington off of the us refuse to veto the un cease fire resolution, i mean, i don't know if i'm making a mountain out of a molehill here, but is it possible there is a growing rift now between israel and its biggest ally across the pond. there is a set of can just on the that does not mean that the strategic guidelines between those that are not in the united states has gotten no, of course not. united states is the biggest support sort of a 0. yeah, i'm just, i'm prove $4000000000.00 of support to his name, in addition to $14000000000.00 of the support of the which it goes mainly to military equipments. united states without united states is that i cannot continue this world for one week. but the other and united states have seen it sort of beautician going down him. the 3rd by then is very worried that he's going to lose
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the elections because of isn't. and then because if it's the photo is mm hm. so that leads to set an x like must be doing. this is fabulous edition, which is the united states. i border the we took full time. this is betty on the see about the about the media. let me say the men's 3 media. you are absolutely that i is try and go in for them, but then just again, is there a usual because they come out now defend, they're not active anymore. but that doesn't matter because most of the informations, getting gods and getting so people through social media something that is there and cannot stop. yeah, here's a very good point in the data data. most stuff about go to you is lead to all of the palestinian national initiative for the body. joining us live from ramallah, so it was a pleasure to get you on. thank you very much. thank you. with the key, is there a port of las has been targeted by yeah, many who the 4th is, who say they've had full west in colorado vessels on to us warships in the red sea
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region this week. and that's why the many of the many armed forces go down 6 mailed to rio braces during the past 72 hours using a large number of ballistic me selves enrollment with the help of god. the unmanned air force carried out the quality, the military operation targeting to american war destroyers in the red sea. and the missile forest carried out in military operation in which it targeted a number of these rally targets. in all the rush, rush area, south of occupied palestine with the help of god, the military operations achieve their goal successfully. all the whose ease of started that military campaign in the red sea last year, very simply demanding the israel stop bombing gaza. cro fairly the building hasn't stopped so over 40 ship including ones from america, the u. k. they've all been positive and i'm at least bureau chief, visited the southern is really point of a lot just to see at assess what is being
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a catastrophic economic impact. the port of a lot on the red sea, israel's only southern maritime guy, 10 the countries key door to the important far east and market. once a busy harbor it is dead calm. now since november, when the yemen base jose's grove joined, the worthies ro, attacking all shapes coming ino out. all activities have been stopped here with no one able to say when or if it could get back to normal. the port is losing more than $1600000.00 every month and 50 percent of the stuff has already been fired with the rest at the risk of the following suit within the next 2 months. if the situation doesn't change. the ford's key activity was car imports from asian countries like japan, korea, more than half of all cars brought to israel from abroad. the 4th, c, e o s, as the vehicles were stored here by. ready tens of thousands until taken by the
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dealers. but not anymore. the last 4 years, you can see it's the floor that's 1st floor. now you can see that most of it, it's empty from 88 that i'm working here. there was a situation that we had. you don't says the point used to have up to 12 ships every month now and 0. if you afraid that they will attack your sheep or their cargo, nobody want to to go thoughts a place that there is a war or keeping up with something like this. there isn't. nobody wants to go through the above and amanda. the bumper monday. straight a small geographical tug point and the red seemed to reach the point of a launch opens is the key to a transit route that carries up to 16 percent of global trade. the who's the raffles have managed to basically blockage total organization. feel and submit hesitation, smith for you and submit
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a weakness that isn't there doing this? if with talk, i believe that will stop attacking it is why and if that think shift if that can get either a shipping agent. these are all started to war as 819-661-1967 because of the closure of southern mountains of straight and bows were against egypt, but it refrains from using force against the whole seas. now, this is a really difficult smoke speaker, but also the war one. the, the company is 2016 overdues far from us that we, the egypt shows was different. and because the judges were a dollar border. but clearly we have the means o government and it was not sufficiently assertive or aggressive of to judge the truth is because uh uh, the goods i would do this is a go, the residual is to look at what does she do the, the work,
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the us led coalition was formed last december to respond to who is the strikes and the red sea and counter attack, the groups of military infrastructure in yemen. it has now united the naval forces of at least 14 states, including britain, canada, friends, and but crane i'm on otters. the pentagon said more than 20 countries have joined of which 10 are involved anonymously. the hosting is warned. any country against joining boeing, the red sea would be the graveyard americans most of targeting and attacking our country. we renew our warnings that any state that would act against our country would make its interests a legitimate target for us. despite the coalitions efforts which many experts, the successful attacks by run back screw haven't stopped 10 international shapes happening targeted by hopefully may solve and drones since the international powers united at least 3 sailor resort killed. it is unclear,
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want to stop them and the militants, or when your brother was a 3 bitch pieces, the predicts, these are the is no reason to continue. if uh, where to cool. do you want to be better than the equation pressure provision towards you also, or service? the items is perhaps the vision is called a productive, downward regional there's, there's a complex complex. what understand, what is the most successful look good? the good, the efficient pressure, very good for now now, and it seems to work enough to remove the scratch completely. and one of the world's busiest ceilings remains closed. knife and ocean a r t reporting from a lot hard. that's it for now, here on off the international, but my colleague mike, a quite j is here at the top of the hour. i do hope you can join him the,
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the, the, the, the just exactly the the
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