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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
the the, the, the, the, the, the just exactly, escape the the
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jeep. i'll go to the middle of the human there might have hold on so, so the indian cortez will usually few of them is a who's a one, but for 2 seconds, i get all the hard truth
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show was that i was only very nice the moist with a lot of the terms of home when you cause a lot of them assume by someone. yeah. then you start shows that there's only one there, but sure. sure. whom completely assumes that there's a little button on your thoughts. richardson, do we do one visit with me? is the on the issue, the issue and so colored no addition of a show of song and for gold, which is to know i should sort of come and do that and yeah, do more talk. so i'm used to come get it and i'm pretty guaranteed. so when you move this, you know, just it's probably gonna get them. do want to just have them get them boxed, ready to go quarterly get them moved. when i enter my phone to then you by you and i could have them. would you tell me, do i spell it sends you this, that i see that the media is isn't going to send me in the 1st thing to the
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euro left. the pretty to quote this for this room question is the 1st one, but the one that goes by me and. ready your phone though, would you know movie don't go, could walk literally so beautiful to look for all the pretty the warranty list. given the thought of that the name of the car would be interested in looks like little showed that i have what it should we should we should have because we put in your book goes to long so no so no, no, no. describe for professor already most of the top of the part is if you will just go to the, the, you don't good for the, for with you by the all of us because we have and we won't even listed as most of them are just, you know, where you blue to come get it looked at the bit of a good sort of them for the how long mean? yeah. you know, truly to touch some doors,
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a wretched little thing. and the 3rd was that the risk was because you could boot the boot over the you must have just much longer. for the initial, she's thinking most of the room i have to show the smart to use manager needs means the spice. anything else you need to know the software from with budgets is part of extra money at the board in terms of funding financial galloway's b as in you and we live. so was wanted to see who grew up with you to talk about much them, but almost basically human laquita was this a good time when you hit a glove? uh and yeah, of course the region very much look philip of just come is like you the withdrew from the group or leave a voice from national jimmy emotional,
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i mean i met with them. it was my thoughts by the most to chat for the task which i filled up with some of you. so i was looking for my share of either was was this was an equal or there, but we believe i'm some noise. but you said you who oil the percentage, if i'm pulling up from the machine to finish the floor and that comes from our best customer with us keywords. so the men will do so to the ring is great, but to their score approval from the show may have bull, we might see the ocean forces filled with them. the actual machine wire losing for support. the shoulders are still correct on the proposed stores. most of the issue of america searches and that's just a for the patients is what's on the something, did you find them on the surface or? no. yeah, we're moving north fulton. yep. going on with the wisdom when you see will school communities in the machine? what the city said? sure. i'm actually looking for the and she did it. should she lived at the deserted level of the photo? what was it we just showed you? it says nope. so thank you very much to bring up that or did you listen?
12:36 pm
you lot, no ability in most so, but didn't get into the mood. news of us as a video, nice which video will go to something which is a little something for jam system. again, version of the opinion, much to move he way in the courts to mueller. for the on the phone. this is for the both on the same to i never fly you boy, you fiercely. that's d. c, i a signal for and use my is from uh what she calls cool. greasy with the thoughts employment of tough guy here wants to charge me a balance of 6, even though remote cool. fuck i you got one year for you. oh, what that, what that,
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that's what it was like. okay, so it was like a full for, for the last test, something suitable a, a distribution with these are partners and apologize. you know what i'm gonna show somebody at this point is of course my goal for this patient is our prices since i was gonna see who's here for sure to visit with. so let's use those little songs for moses i'm source don't use that. the source code to pin was forms. look, do you see somebody or you read the saw from us? these aren't sure is the power of the code you have? yes, of course you mean and you have to talk with the customer service number on it funding. you those 3 of them, you've got the volume and show them that before you pass, since you know any possibly that russians little full of so no problem for you just need your book categories. i'm shooting somebody on the go for the steps to oh yes, i'm off with pneumonia for some of couple of you used the starters or when you
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thought of who menus are showing them. uh, mostly in you will style in this. yeah. when we ship, our goal is to keep it from one of the most obvious one of the room for me to move. what was your plan if i'm used to work? oh yes, no problem. i'm so i'm on, i'm on the board 0. it's got quite a few in puerto got more and more to so so. so that part uh mostly part would be great about freelance your conditions with you with them cuz i did ask them from the garage door but we as they are still close, maybe pretty much the push of more than the best. so yeah, that you start with the personal copeland problem. the problem with that, with the design you are to your home. yeah. well with the web shift curb, are you familiar with the design? you're learning the most likely my problem, the guys know go from way place where the other person i'm from biggest math. well, the bridge from data solutions who are not doing treasures uh, at the date of the different quarter daily that you were in the corner bar and
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the credits. yes. hello, um, did you get the excuse me, any of the when go to the crest on 1 of january or people just federally? you said that you didn't, couldn't use your the, you don't want that in mind. that little mind to the supervisor, and that's my so study but decided to just come up personally, but there isn't anybody in virginia position where someone would be special months? i think a little silly, but that's the pattern of this type of abuse. so the solutions got loose balls that you can get from your family, but as it goes to use the company, this is this website, which is pretty well listen to this
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simple phone. okay, so it's good for the moment, please. as soon as i'm option is got moved from, i'm going to do it for you while you're in trouble for which one you're offering your pardon? when you have a mobile device, tim and shut the ponies before i remove, coupled it is the length of the $645.00 on the mouth. i'm just kind of videos and you so yeah, there's a little story from start to cry, but move please support us. the rules that kind of mistake just be able to stand us blew up and you left this yard of a we've been seeing voice. and so i me and we're side you'll be able to simply cause the father is flu from for so far as she's human on both of the new teacher the if they have a concussion in terms of the numerous things with the flavor of
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the news. yeah, here's the serious, how are ya know, most of the worst fear of personnel shit. comfortable with this as a visual come from more familiar or best dollars to go somebody me on from appraisals to visual compound or there's a photographer as well as the final yackel feel severe drug about the might a gave the bias or process knew much from what i was washing and see if it's on your part of the choices. so what do you have for which and so much over the phone yet from sort of nip to the i was almost one of
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the really nice. maybe we need you to call you the phone with as a deal and provide it a little bit of popcorn martial squares. but obviously the different this your map of our support legal supports and one of them is one of our limits losing chanelle gums, particularly significant storage that the little personally, personally actually search for the sort of ship a rebuttal. because my just by are serious. cool. some of the more efficient that's a blue, the image of the to the area. and why is the best based on the lowest?
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numerous visual storm you know, but the most to jermel mode. you're going up for the air from you for a new mobile in your buffer, pretty hosting logical chart from national as old or for 20 years. prince, a bunch of your sites from, from just told me i sent you over a couple of sam resolved for you. what i need to mark your from in the gym if i'm able to see just yes because they have useful isn't it yamaha for the, for the sub, for both of us on the hospital. the problem which will take some time, i'm covering my masters, but i need to catch up with the space, but then you can use it for you share. so 3rd party in your soul is useful virginia novice has to budget but almost which is the cyber security. so the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 1960s were attorney for the advocates struggle for liberation. however, in the south of the continental european races decided for a long v agony of colonialism, 1965, the white minority unilaterally declared the state of rhodesia states of doherty's pursue the policy of racial segregation. the indigenous population was deprived of real political rights and subject them merciless economic exploitation ever getting bakery. it's with the support of the soviet union and china oppose the splinter of the colonial system. a coalition of pro western countries just the side of road.
12:45 pm
these are the gorillas carried out bold raids from the territory of zambia and mozambique and inflicted painful blows on the races. as the situation worse in the road, easy, an army turned to chemical and biological weapons. the races boys in the water and food and planted contaminated medicines on the gorillas. this caused an epidemic of cholera and anthrax and led to masturbate to ality. however, the attempts to break down the africans resistance were futile. the white minority relief was due in 1979. it could be delayed a year later, free elections warehouse instead of racist road. the just the state of zimbabwe appeared on the world map and became a true bastion of the ideas of man, african is of
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the hello. i'm tom guys. things are not clear to me. also see
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the the, the front of the know them i just wanted to confirm your schedule for most of the
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the on the deal though, can you move to cuz the slightly slow no no no searches for me and usually the flounder,
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but almost have as it started sco courtney was going to be just obviously because of all the money to me for some does kind of die. yeah. well those are the, did the choice come up to me anyway? yeah. mean you just slide engine with that. the so you guys might assume you're never going to give a, give it to preachers to me in the book of as good as the wind caught at the movie. you need to be pushy. do you want of the way? at least so shake. you may come in thought and you've got the shooting of as good as there's a full, assess you, a full when you got to use the same equipment that even mostly do, said i would say anything with them. you do agree with. i mean, what if anything mean? yeah, we'll just be more valid on the show for the support for your from your but on i feel good, which is some what i think also but yeah. first was because, uh,
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but it's only when you subsidies just giving you floors. so for to your system it will do page and we're going to have to best most of the code the immunizations that i didn't know month, i think least. then you most of the zillow um, in addition to that, yet you did, you book as a little early professional, but literally, you know, that was the limit. and i just kind of just thought as if i'm the guy just me a little tiny so good that will do. i'm going to go for you just so the the yeah
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the to the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the producer for was the possible spirit for this month. which is on the go on up and i do not schools near the to the pharaohs share this week or 2 of our new near farm. yes, you do samples on you go to the, to the movies that are new bedrooms are for the performer. still new to derek are too far to me pretty that one of your personal talking about is 0. 5004. i'm confident. flip out the best of bullshit, boulevard, or boulevard,
12:53 pm
or for sure. if the ports where the toyota of, of service service on to to confirm to delta for nissan gloves, i need to transfer you to the referral the 3rd horse michelle here to move the what was the grand the important part of move
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oh yes. and the . ready ready ready ready the of the venue to which is not available at this point. he was able to deliver to the, to jesse, i'm going to force you. and if i was telling you what was the boulevard for much
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too much either with the yeah. for the deal of the night today, all the social security cards and almost the closing costs. what was it? was it 2 videos i was for courtney that you do practice the board of education last sunday. so out of style, most the 1st bush,
12:56 pm
which financial advisor will work for you, but just a couple of drama, drama immunization solutions for new mobile platforms using dish commercials. my normal superior product is for to a smart visual specialist. i need to call somebody the between dish dish after the status of it to maribelle to and the smallest estimates for her. so she left the machine is the 2nd issue i saw from the
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plan the the yeah one she was hired. he put on my wish was to got found at the marks for the the queen valley is what's called a sure. you just look at way around was you know, they just as a 5 gulf at the edge of fashion. it for michael to category group or she's doing this for, it's a i could you, me just q i. but as long as i go through the process,
12:58 pm
introduce the solution. financing is to see what was the, the wish of dealing with our biggest township or me. i don't guides to me upon them . i would put up a visual because you could give me just it. you know, the, any official was, is the, the, as you do right the, the, the, the engine, the syllable cause let's do it just for future frontier to cause the sofa. just one of them over the stuff pressure to problem with the motion. you're placing the policy with this is kind of the thing that another civil,
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fairly the commercial so that you know, a little smaller as far as they go. i go to that because to go volunteer. yeah, no, i do. i well it still showed you the summer. we have to see it, was it tonight? are you on billy aggressively, but they are so intense. and as i say, is this the let's go ahead. this is all i'm more interested in that was that the, the
1:00 pm
the, the, the, the new delhi says respect india sovereignty and the columns as a us difficult much is someone off the washington criticize the types of a key opposition, bigger and corruption charges and diplomacy, states are expected to be respectful of the suffering in internal affairs. the fathers, this responsibility is in the more so in case of fellow democracy. because otherwise ends up sitting unhealthy presidents. investigators look into a possible western ties for terrorist attacks against russia. the 140 people were killed in the moscow concept,
1:01 pm
whole attack. our 2 trucks down the other cases of the terrorists pocketing the


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