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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
of assumption that we spoke with, i'm a ben dara, a senior fellow for energy investment and connectivity of the gateway house. the thing that, that he believes that those who want india to cut its energy trade with russia did not understand how severely that could impact global markets. if it be a customer on the go to stop buying or selling it would be looking at the disruption the disruption which would be the most than anything that you're seeing with us to use it for that. so you'd be much worse than that. i mean, some of them anyway, so what are the video the other one will be sent to the display and how markets look. you cannot just know that but something i of the thinking expenses. i think the prices, the fact that white races but the $90.00 about this because of a separate thing has to be the type of thing that could be just sort of these. this is some of the doing the find, those videos, the noise that the if i,
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this is the shipping length of this particular desktop. eventually the party in the box. that's the least the customers won't be able to go through that we'll, we'll continue to bring you the latest updates you can rely on always stay in with us and we'll be back in 30 minutes before. well, the the weed, there's a process. the golf course is not a vote of couple of uses qual, visits of label and the says,
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well sure to do this the illusion of the session. hey, why is the guy just just remove balls showing the sort of fits and one of the issues of the story, william pretty much slower. originally the noodles for those kids have been with the office is not goose to the music. does it come from it to go to the price? yes. need to know. so don't have to use a through g. is a comfortable can you go to brands? if i'm nothing is less than equal to 100 on like i just wanted to show up with searching and with the corps are present on the back is assigned to me. am i supposed to assume?
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no deductible. so yeah, once disney is the most close to the mazda 3 years press, any running just was the last a global struggle she model, year with them is a lot of them, a bunch more about the was cd of the blood pressure bolt of which has sort of she knew over to someone about the pulled up pretty good performance pretty good of the year instead of. so when you look through each one bills, i need to just say just for your spine it you can in the remote or via boss to deal with reduces music up is a for most consistent
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with the best of the because here's the, in the, with the the blue cross is really nice in the process of finding us as humans to us. these though it is the by the way the
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cover fight on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure to load the brasmer jones. yep. i me, shots from what, that's what the deal is. i could have somebody to open these prints via general for you just to start off some of the discount almost most of the claim or the boot record because of this is more you've got to the death of homes that you should you might of this year to should have credits for out of you have all of your stuff i'm giving you call on you have obama stuff when you want me to talk to them. was from you that from you. i think the shuttle instead of the move to the little more quote, but i can, will be in your actual, somebody's post on some sort of usually in your that's just kind of in the short 3 . but that he nimble genuine. the federal court become available that
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you divide them and use the old daughter. it will, is this for the partial in the pretty more going to have some of the definitely going to cover it, the more your good honestly because the other one is what is the bottom solution for full mouth, but have those plenty of them usually and you've got those clips to be depressed took on the course to maria. so those are kind of a, shall gardner, should have that level he is own that the company is like another 1000 service mastercard, or she has a little girl that prefers can pick the one you would like me to look, i'm actually progressing pretty sure on the complex gunfire with them complex more
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and emotions less the next time that a duncan or perhaps yeah, you would push chord dice flushes more on performance cuz this is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form because most even the grid and you put it across the board, i've had to apologize, but we're still in the blue. the the solution with the on your reference to load as possible is just that it would show here. but just because of combining that up just because i because of them. i thought of the mobile up
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and bring it, what would it be a should proceed to the position. i don't mind the assets, the partial, my name is the same. you basically here it is if i can position the section, but i was looking for smart example, which has come from as i never used to clear books. and this bull was the route and so back from the neck, which of the differential table commercials. so it was about a month ago, so come on, let's come on a for the so, for us to be solution, it was always per month. plus the means, the one you showed the brand new information come on the new portfolio because it was 10 years mission, national of supplement, ship them to the phone. we're going to show that the showing. this was the garbage of a refrigerator. and there's this machine, moses mission fell with fortress behind these boys on the floor from of just going to groups on us with that our lives are pretty near the
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yards of what she'll do is do on the other 20 more. so the 1st one was if she got the dispute, should it look good? i hear you. so we have to leave it on the phone. so she said, you know, jessica use is just the washer most was on the you know, the, the, was it of just give me a post said you want the ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on on was it will, will watch, will move forward, you know, go to a new number is really to put it all for us. it to me, you know,
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the look of this is all, there's a few early to go to choose who you might be a vehicle. so this is
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work i think that should continue to the fact that you will see the room too fast, which is fine or it's just going to see tom. yeah. the only other thing, the guy that got cheated, nobody have all the fuel sort of level. but the bro, i'm, i'm to play these what if, of course, scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's a bad use for that, i have a, does this modem or will, it will compute starting as low. this is keisha lee, but i do the month with 3 months. i think like you to move, why not deal a blog with people? stand the lady just go to chicago, assuming which those shuffles?
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well, you know, a lot of them both parties, the much them owns the vineyards in west ocean city of novels, orange doors on their go to the so there's some of the criteria conferences, but the issues that the young people, joan disburse, megabytes were used to move more of the webinar from us would you sell to come around to most likely to be able to just have to come on super should best get the full chassis otherwise, when we get back to what the persona margins me, the one of me is, i should've got, you know, for the 3 i'm, i'm interested in you were when you pull chairs backwards presents the executive ship, but they want to ship the junior and the the, the other you have the animal that yeah, yeah yeah. so just need to fill those 2 mirrors of just all
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buses loose exclusively on it. the bus this, the spot to missouri and we can police because the other girl, when you get the message for the muscle as good as living with the basic a little bit actually it was listed because union was products and funding. i terminated. so some of them, if i just become very impressed. yes, i can set up the concept in both cases and it has been 3 a ship with some way and the good of the yet. and your view of ships completely new g was yeah. you purchased coupling energy and answering the boy popular as invest offers or do you have me on the way people stand the photo shape looking for some of those 3 sources boss and for the last couple of us i have solution thoughts and i'm going to do a bunch of phone them with the smart way to store them in from lisa gene on the do sit. i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw. some of this i'm interested, i always recommend you might be entered with some gift of the commission aspect of usually referral store. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little block of pushing fires cuz i don't get to go by with the contrast or
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nothing like that. it will just be in the show for charles total mission. last was i thought it was, this was the apple was most pressure. i was to, but the thing is of storm. we are cousins, forms the bus monitor place with luke about them is i'll double the city book about 50 miles the less plus the 1st you can you come temple negotiate time comes deal really powerful government. god bless. you, this was a good the super, a hold comparable print edition. you really found. suppose the story is doing the do you were still in the news? i never so far because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with a google sketch sheet? you what the issue is, you have to move along the lines. so there's the gosh,
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you've got the machine that you see. and mark piece you will start them. but most of the which computers are you doing on your personal store? people. so i'm, i'm fine with the bulk of the only semester that you mentioned performing on scratch, it would depend on the beauty of it showed me lot of other nice is mark based if i get what it's looking for, slipping the, to the reason for that and yet, but then you know, what's the last night, but what most of the, the more of a scheduled call, usually the bumper, which has given your smooth protective photo. most guys the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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it is so sad songs they don't please us dining, which will not be there for us, pronounced people. most will put us down with them about kansas for the you will for the so that he was the by you to me and use i mutual pop noticed many of the class the. busy total potential annual stories are critical. so good luck, ghoulish part, which is a goal by some of the shipping out of my little stimulus, but about i know,
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you know, of course, your religion was his own and she'll be difficult at the george compared to that. as a graduate of school. we live in the go to serve of confirmed musical to close deals, but can you deal separately to love just to have the browser to show you for the 1st time to costco? good for the privilege obama. the caesar is opposite. just meals are so much made is dealer from hospice day of approach like a couple of 0 most bored. but when you're sort of pharma and the various but speech, believe the thumbs up just as the one that is if i'm but i'm with a book i just a bit out. let me do the book in front of jennifer. the various of feeding me what is the problem seem legit. kimball joe is because of the 5 and fold. oh gosh, no more than comfortable what you like visual. i will store the severe all of the will the premium started up above which could box more. i'm after the class has a 34 separate order. i get what i get the political agree with the additional q
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most of course you what was easy in yours. does the news or is the only is yes. you can do well just to get the more room you guys to do. so what would you not do filter to use it so don't know what was the issue yeah. what the form i was just the yesterday. i'm under the, i'm sure there's enough colors to do a search. you're such a village george now go ahead and look at it. so as a split 2nd for glover, i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to center part of able status when course you've heard of
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a part from the from of color cartridge. or is this the last to be reserved for conflict to confirm others needs just to go washer and you know that that's what we're here for now. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm, what does blue sphere to talk about foreign michelle's to swing voters. somebody has a question. yes, because i seen you and i should note a new phone, the vinyl goes full or the car to the system. it shows, you know, so you might be good on this to my 3rd year of, of the, on this to when it oh but here's my us, the new marriage with them. and she has to, you me. i used to jesus brussel. mr. clifton was able to restart 3 of them, which did you have looked at it can yes is also ready. so the progress on skills is under the mobile number, as long as you have to pay the lift force between the to me since it was a move. and while it was to me, it was a number,
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but it was cut off at the beginning. and initially implemented and then you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get it the more to, i'm sick, you mean really things to come is that it use or me, you're not doing the one. i'm and you should those least possible. mean wayne, but someone own and you've seen, but i was done look, was brand new mind too busy, and then when you just for getting in the web know, meanwhile, religious for opportunities as a, as a way to use a woman. there is a for the whole i'm schools. the answer is charlie who was waiting for
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the interested in attending together for me. so who can listen to some of these interesting who just wants years isn't study is continuous. the loser will do most in was is for do a folder, excuse me, if it is because i don't know how do i feel pretty sure it's not just the system. in other words, the most part was that i don't have to scroll senior general and your the
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the for the for the sure i want to do, i am said yes. so you're just me not to do this. let's play. i think we should be good play so good. i was just assuming that the sooner one of the particles is this was comfortable for me to just follow
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his arm. i didn't go shopping and it was pretty sure it's a visa. yeah. but all right is, is this why that all guy ambrose to know, i got off the phone with the quite familiar with the this is all of course one of the products is just a moment is the sum of the difficult little simply 3 of us just because of a bike,
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you can restore course of what she quoted because the, the circle 3 was it the last year i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is assumed by much the business with the research. i'm going to put those notes alone and i got a new you're not good because of i am and you want us to come up with me this, this, this tell you that literally you fired the function leave is because some of the got it. so we'll just go on and watch list, what not, i mean, not, i mean the cost would go to for the the,
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the model for me, all the front of the most affordable plan for the brakes replaced, which is the father come in that little circle here lives in is what i was paying for more information over to the to for most of the uh, some of this sort of both of the good news of the vehicle to go to some talk to someone with
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a smile as while i'm on the boat for the car so you as not to look over the video. some other reason is a long number of seats available. that's assessable from the field trips producer of results back on that all get them. so you know, so now those are the credits or maybe of missed the scenario as far as val. it's actually a processor broke it down wrong. this is a is or is long enough
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for strong attendance or show or is just the store. so target on the system for the stairs, but the whole new level of security on as will result in an image or mean that the for that is the jews of the stuff. she was my for to the heater goodies. right. up on the board to sudden notice and off the road. so just if the size of the previous by me the suspicion of the lost on the there's a, there's a sure as opposed to a month later, which is, is on here,
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which are used to the d test and all of those special those months the the the,
2:00 pm
[000:00:00;00] the, the new jelly says respect to india of silver and t. it comes as a us diplomats, his summons after washington group decides the succession of the key opposition pickup on corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful, supplemented in internal affairs. the father of this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracy, otherwise, ends up sitting. i'm healthy presidents. how do we not to the ground about buying energy from restaurant? very, thank you. all of you would be paying much more for your energy. india defense,


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