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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
to be careful who you do best mess with best the strong message from washington as the one to pakistan to abandon the pipeline project with neighboring iran wells gets hit by us functions. we always advise everyone that doing business with iran runs the risk of touching upon and coming in contact with our sanctions and would advise everyone to consider that very carefully. and as, as the assistant secretary made clear last week, we do not support this pipeline going forward. but gas supply agreement between properties that i need to run was signed and back in 2009. the proposed pipeline is slated to provide up to 1000000000 cubic feet of natural gas every day. but despite the deal being signed, 15 years ago, practice that has all the now moved to begin construction of its side of the route . and that's as pakistan's foreign ministry has insisted. he doesn't need special permission from the us to trade with its neighbor. it is
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a segment of the pipeline which is being built inside pakistani territory. so we do not believe that at this point there is room for any discussion or wave from a 3rd party. we've heard from the director of the pakistan afghanistan use farm solve 9. javan fish that practice, that would not sacrifice its own and cannot make development for the sake of washington's foreign policy. i think my son is also very much free to take up for their own jobs, has ended on projects and on bucks on pipe. uh, i guess boyfriend is the one such brother which has been deb lingering on for the kids. and this is an opportunity for bucks on because boston right now is focused on reviving its economy. and one of the major domestic political month to the right to know what it is also about this and why, why don't frequent of me $5600.00, then really probably bucks. i'm going to be, you know, talking to us from the back to the diplomacy,
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to butler back to the diplomacy. but boston would not, uh, you know, probably not compromise on or to any opportunity which may be why i would say cannot make a element overhead. and bucks time locks on can have a garden, the end of the murder collision spending an artist church. and they can also go with somebody, you know, kind of a economic products with the, with the, that onion d motor on a per se. but the, the sanctions, i think they will not have a distinction over here in focused on unless they've been backed by some kind of indignation. and for them, what binding law international law, which may, if it bucks done in the larger point, that's without them to build that solely that us uh thinks, trust me, if i put in put bucks, bonds, bodies has loaded, spend the news mindset on the updates from moscow terrorist attacks to a political standoff in india and much more from around the wells. my colleague, pete, this crowd will be with me with the top of the by for be the
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the we, there's a process with golf course now the couple of uses called it as you took that off and the somebody said, well shit to do this, the session hey, why are you the one that we just just remove both mutual and that sort of fits and one of the issues of the no but
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still feeling pretty minus lower the bureaus for those kids have been with the money in the office, smiled goose to the music was a compliment to go to frankie. yes. need to know something i've told you. read a through g is a got the crime. you go to branch. if i'm not less than equal the americans with the police, i should be sharper searching and but the car puts it on the back is something we must close to question the yeah. what's disney is the most close to the printer? just to students to global struggles to model you with them. these are why they're made mostly about the brand was cd of many of the blood
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pressure bolt of which has sort of seen you over to someone about the pulled up pretty good performance particularly you're on a vehicle i'm interested in. so what do you think the interesting part was bills i need to just say just for your spine, it even moves you come in the remote or via boss to deal with the music on the face of for most commercial. so you see the best of the videos. here's the in the with
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the blue cross included i see the process of finding us to go as human services. so it is the by the way the cover fight on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure to load the best movie channels and shows from what that's what the deal is. i could have somebody open the friends via general for you just forgot some of the discount, almost most of the plane or the booth or develop is
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more. you've got to the depth of homes that you should, you might appear to, should have credits for me to i believe you're supposed to have something when you go on, you have to buy more stuff. when you want me to talk coldstone. motion you. that's when you think on a simpler state of the moon. it's a little more cool, but i can zoom in your actual somebody's the phone. but i'm usually in euro. she's kind of mean the short 3. but the, the nimble agenda, costello also become available that you buy them and use the old daughter, olivia, it was here just the parcel in the play. more good on that. some of the definitely going to cover the more your good honestly because you're the one that is most of these you bought on salacious for all much a month. but it was funny as them usually,
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and you've got some of those clips to be just talk on the course to maria sort of kind of a supervisor should have that level. cool. yeah. he is on that, of course. and those are gonna have the repositories. mastercard, or she has a little glove that booked as config. the new born you would like me to look at them actual progress. i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them. complex more and emotions less than that. but i'm still looking at a time that duncan was progressing here, you know, which core dice pushes more on performance because i didn't get it fixed. is that 5
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or 4 chairs was going to perform a spanish spanish form because math even the grade level. and i tried to pull which i, so we saw on the blue e the solution with the on your reference to load as possible as soon as possible. but it would show us here just because you still put the combining that up just because i because of them i thought of the mobile i live in virginia, which it nation. proceed to the system that i'm on the air sort of professional management the same you please should be careful this if i can position the section . but i was looking for somebody couple which has come from avenue 2 years to crib . and this bowl was the root ensure
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bad from the neck, which of the decision on the table there is just the come on, let's come on a for the so that has to be social and it was always per month plus the me and the new one you showed new brand new information, come on the new quote from us because it was 10 years mission, national of supplements you come to the phone, we're going to just look at the show. and we believe most of us as a, refer just musicianship moses mission, federal it will just spend money's boys on the more form of just going to groups on the flip side of our lives or putting in the
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email yards of what she'll do is do on the other 20 more so the 1st one was if she got the decision to look at right here, so we have to leave it on the phone to see. so you know, the youth is just the washer most was on the you know, the familiar with or was it of just give me a plus i get one new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on on was it will move washer, move forward. you know, go to a new number is unit to put it all for us. it to me, you know, the this is all there. so feel free
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to go to choose one of these pieces. this is true. know right. gosh, that the thing is the most that you will see the fashion which is fine booking for this just because of egypt to cease to this tom? yeah.
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the only i think the because of got cheated. nobody what the fuel sort of level. but the bro, i'm, i'm to play these are the scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's the bad use more i yes, a does this modem or will it will compute starting as low from this is keisha lee, but i do the month with 3 month of single. if you put the move on the deal a bit, i'm with people stand and will gladly just go to chicago assuming which those shuffle, which was you know, a lot of them both parties the mushroom owns the vineyards in west ocean city of novels, orange stores. oh yeah, go to them. if i'm just very smug around the place for them. this is bethany sure. so the journey boardroom, this best megabyte as well. you have to move more of the webinar from us, letting yourself come around the most megabyte. but yeah,
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we'll just have to come on the super should best get the full chassis otherwise, when we get back to you with the final margins to meet on of me. so i should because you've been on the for the 3 i'm on the road when you pull chairs backwards presents, is that gonna ship up able to ship the junior and the the, the ever you have the animal that you have to fit the versa. yeah. so just to, to fill those 2 mirrors of just all buses solutions go should it the bus this, the sport to maternal and we can police because he have a girl when he for the rest of the, for the muscle was pretty good. actually thing with the basic up a little bit actually it was wish of june, it was published, responding, i terminated some of them because it becomes very impressed. you know,
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sort of the concept in both cases and it has been 3 ship with some way and the are you blew up ships coupling you g? there's yeah, you purchased coupling energy and asking the boy talk us invest offers will be able to be unavailable. sandoval to shape looking for some of those 3 sources. the was company was i a solicitation thoughts and i'm going to draw up that you saw them with as much as the room. there was some reason, did you not the do said i wish to brand new space. there's lots that i saw some of this i'm interested. i always recommend you might be a good besides the rest of the commission. i spoke with a usually referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st. go just with the who shuffle. yes you, i got it. what's this got the in the show for show still. mission last was i guess the thought it was a system that i was most pressure. i was the best thing to jumpstart with for your cards and store them. some of the furniture place for luke about them is i'll double sleep, work about 50 miles. the
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level s plus are flushed. you can you come simple because your thought comes deal really powerful government. god bless you. this is a good the super a hold of open position. most of the just deal with brand new news. i never saw a bank because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with a little sketchy, that you what the issue, and we do have to pull, move a lot more in. so just a little bit of, gosh, because the shipment does seem like basically what's bottom bottom of the book looks computers, are you how you doing? i'm store people. so i'm, i'm so i'm pretty sure those are the bulk of the family. so that should be less of a format scratch or would you find the beauty of it showed me lot of other people's
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more difficult to get there. so if it, the seal, the study guides bus and you called me last night, the one most of the demonstrative as scheduled for you the bumper, which was given your smooth proof assignment for them on skype. the dining room, which will not give me the most will put us down with them snowball chance for the full
6:48 pm
so that's a couple of course i do have to see what was what was the by you to me and use i mutual talked about us not in the class them. busy little issue and you was there was that critical thinking do i because it was personal she had told by someone one of us and it should be in our mind that afternoon has been about. i know she will really just most is she will be difficult at the job compared to that as a graduate of school. we live in the go to serve of kids are musical to close deals that can use deal separately to love just to have the better service or waiting for the call. send me to cosco good for the privilege obama. the so is up and we'll just use are so i'm us may, is dealer from hospice day the coach like a couple of 0 most booked the can you still go to farmer and the various by threes
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. believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is done, but i'm with a book. i just sent it out. let me do the them into conflict. jennifer is asked of feeling me. what is the problem to them? would you similar to yours? because both 5 and folder talk, i asked them more than a bunch of what you like, a visual i will student that i'm on the severe all of the will deployment occurs to them by which could be more. i'm actually questions lately for some of our i canceled our capability to agree with the additional q most aggressive. what was easy in yours? does the news or the only is yes. you can do it will just give you more room you guys to do so why would you not do the filter to use it?
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so don't know what's the was the issue. yeah. well, the form i would use the used to, i'm under a 100 of them. there's enough to do a search here. so should be much cool. george not going to look at it. so as a split 2nd for glover. i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to start the start of able status. when course you've heard of ash class from the one that's almost color cartridges. oh, this is the last to believe that's a conflict to confirm of this means just in the washer and you know that the some oh yeah, yeah, i'm not sure what i'm what to do, who is here to bring it up? are michelle's for most swing voters, somebody has a question. yes. to go see you and let you know a new phone, the vinyl goes full or the guy suit on the choice you'll still have,
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you might be good on this to my for you have a big light on this to win it or but here's my asked i'm uh, do you mind with own shows? do you want me i use could use as performers to get them with the old fashioned r streubal home, which did you have looked at it can yes, there's also already, so i put it on the schedule is under the brasmer boy. yeah. as long as you have to ship that list for speed to get you in the system wasn't life a move. and while it was to me, it was a number, but it was cut off at the beginning and initially implemented. and then, you know, was easier just possibly couldn't get it. the more to, i'm sick, you mean really things to come is that you're not doing the new one. and you should the least possible name wayne, but some of those you've seen, but i was done. look, was pretty much it isn't then when you're just virginia, beloved, know me more than a religious for budget is it is a will reduce
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a woman because there is a for the whole i'm so the answer is that our lease was waiting for the interested lieutenant to go to school. so i'm just wondering who was with, who do most news? somebody who just wants to use this is betty is continuous. who is the machine? what is this? what do i call the super useful? how do i
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feel? pretty sure. most definitely the most part was i think there's 2, spoke senior general and use the less the menu the more for the sure that i want to do. i am said yes. so you're just me not to do
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those pay. i think we proceed to the play so good. i was just assuming that the sooner one of the particles is different from your to just dollars. oh sure sure. can you go yeah, but all i use is less you i that all guy and for us to know, i go to the phone with us for
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the just the product is just a moment is the, is there some of the difficult little simply playoffs just because not of a look at a bike, but you can reach the course of what she caught up because the beautiful beautiful was it the most? yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is made up of seem just for that much the business. if it was like, i'm going to put those notes alone and i got a new build up for good repair that i am. and you want us to come up. let me do
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this, this, this tell you that this is emily. you fired from the suction leave is because some of the got it. so we'll just go on and watch list what not on and not on the across the board. that is for the the, the model for me all the front of the most affordable plan which is the product that you guys are coming that through a circle here. solution is what i was paying who would show for a series to come more information over to the to for most of
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the small business. the good news to use the vehicle to listen this to somebody to talk to someone the actual most mile to come over to them on the boat because of the car. so you know those covers without the cheese. burrito smells. reason is the number of seats available,
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that's assessable for not one performed trips producer of the results back on. so i'll get them. susie or somebody else, does it the credits or have you ever missed the girl? it's for sure as though it's actually both broken down wrong. this is a 0 is long done this year. and we're still on this or show or vicious carter dillman for just to $600.00 on the system for the stairs, but the whole level of security on as a result of an image or mean the phone that is the juice of the stuff. she was not going to the sheet that are very good. it's
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good up on the board to sudden via notice and off the road. so just if the size of the previous by me a citizen i'm divorced on this other. so i sure as far as the amount is on the bridge, but the g the smaller the special as much the sugar so much real great. and then i can see the
7:00 pm
utility of says respect india sufflin. soup comes as to us. diplomats, it's so many of the washington criticized with the attention of a key or position to figure out corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful sovereignty in internal affairs. the father of this responsibility is even worse. so in case of the fellow democracies, otherwise you end up sitting unhealthy president. how do we not to cut on about buying? energy to impression include, all of you would be paying much more for your energy and the defense to try to buy energy from russia. despite the pressure from the western world and investigates, is looking for possible questions, ties to terrorist with types. again, brush.


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