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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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to just expect to escape the rest of the
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jeep. i'll go to the middle of the social agenda and flip the movies and show them that was one. but because you asked me for 2 seconds to get all the hard truth up until the moist with the the when you cause
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the zoom for someone. yeah, dentist says there is only one member true. sure. of whom completely assumes that doesn't them. should your team do we do one visit with me is on the issue. the issue so colored no up to she never show song and go with no issues. and why should sarah come and do that? yeah, do more talk so i'm used to get it and i'm pretty good at it. so right now a good move to see or just that's probably the get them don't. most of them get them by for the to cook with the my phone to then you by you i could have them, would you tell me, do a so if and you just that i see somebody who doesn't do this, isn't going to send me an osh the 1st thing to the i'm through the, the pretty straightforward this for the sure i'm course in the face of the, with, with me for the most, let me pull which are full and the word, you know, movie. okay. well cool. it was a beautiful, 2001 for all those are pretty the warranty?
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just getting the thought of that that gives me the name of the car would be interested in. looks like, let me show you what we should have because we put a new one because the one that says no, so no, no, no one with this credit for progress already. most of the top of the button is if you will just go to the, off the hook for the fluids you by me. all this does is then we wont even though, since it's not because of the mall or just you know, what are you blue to come get it looked at the beautiful gold sort of them for the how long you know, truly attract some doors, especially something and the 3rd was that was because you could boot the boot the you must uh, just bring this for me as much warranty for the initial, she's thinking most of the,
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many of the show she to show the smart to use manager needs means the spice of life is more than anything else you need to know what the software was. who am i from with the budget this year? sort of extra moment. it's a boot in front of somebody that has a google has been isn't you and we live. so was wanted to see who agree with you to the point, much them, but almost basically human laquia to ritual versus someone here because i know for the region english look, the labels teach come is like you the ritual phone, the group of people so much don't show me it was not familiar with them. it was my thoughts by it's almost a chance what task which i pulled up with some of you. so i was thinking for my share of either was, was this was an equal or that we'd be like, i'm some know if i usage of who all the for fun. you from fully know from the machine. it finishes the floor and the colors from our best customer with us
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keywords for the job. and i will do so to the rings for about 2 days for approval from your move bill. we might suitable some portion stuff with them. virtual machine wired, losing for support, the shoulders are still correct on the proposal as most of the issue of america serves. and that's just a thing that they should sewage and the so when did you find them out of the certainty for home? yeah, we're moving north fulton. yep. one year old with the system. when you see what's coconut juice in the machine to see this issue, it's not imagining the and she did it, should she look at the was it said the level of the photon? when was it just showed you? it says no, show it to you, but you might bring up that or did you listen? you know the most so but didn't get into it and moved. news of us as a video, nonsense video or something which is a little something for jam 6 legit. version of the opinion much
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is there was a surprise when he way me what's to mueller? for the i'm the phone is for the both on the same to any other flight play you seriously. that's d. c, i a signal for and use my is from uh what she called cool, greasy. you will definitely the same july me have her 1st guy here. wants to charge me a benefit of 6, even though remote cool buckeye. you got one. you have to deal with the hard coupon . okay, so it was like a full 5 for the last test. something suitable uh, just recently bizarre partners to finalize. you know what i'm gonna show somebody at this point. of course, my goal for this patient is the person who's here to
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so let's use those little songs for moses i'm source don't use that the source code to be the most forms look uses. on monday we read this off of us shirts. the power of the code. you have pets. yes. of course you man. yep. and you, of course, the customer service number on it, finding you the last day of i'm, you got the why, you mean should, i'm doesn't, for the apartment, you know, any problem is that watching this little or no problem for you just need your book categories. i'm shooting somebody on the go for this damn store yet. i'm off with pneumonia for some of couple of you used the park. i think when, when you thought who menus, i showed him them. uh, mostly in you will style. i mean yeah. when we ship us what it is, could keep it from holding mr. morris address and the room for me to send you a plenty of. i'm used to work. oh yes,
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no problem. i'm so i'm on, i'm on the more 0. it's got quite a few, but they've got more and more tools and stuff. so that part the mostly phone would be great about for you last your conditions with you with them. because i did ask them what i'm looking at. why in store, but we as they are still close by when you must have fish of more than the best. so yeah that you start with the personal copeland problem. the problem with that with the design you are to yeah. well, i'm yeah, well with the ship cover, can you load it up with the design, your learning, emotional customer problem, the customer can be placed for the risk of the person. i'm the biggest bar on the bridge and paid attention. so not to intro. she's uh, at the date of the different quarter daily quarter board, but for the one, did you get the beginning of the one quarter from across the lot of can you use what people just started with? you said that you didn't, couldn't use your the,
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you don't want that in mind. that little mind the most of the most, it gives us the super in, but it's my soul steadily. but there's other things coming up personally. but there's anybody in virginia, conditioning with somebody in the special month, i think a little syllabus that's in the position of of use the solutions. good. lucy, paul, who was, can you move for the family with as it goes to use the computers? is this the best sizing for chance? is it pretty well as the point? there's some people focus on this for, for a moment please. as soon as i'm option is caught from me to do it for you. why you might have some of the video card when you have a mobile to his temperature. the point is, before i remove, coupled it is
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a manual blade and it says, printers and scanners, multimedia scanners fios and you. so yeah, it's all straight from start the car back move, put in some sort of stuff moves that kind of mistake. just be able to stand us blew up and you left this yard of a we've been pushing wisdom so i may have to resign. you will be able to simply carson will talk with the father who's flew from paul so far as is human on both of the off the trinity of the concussion in terms of the numerous things with the flavor of the
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news. yeah. serious. how are ya know, most, all the worse fear, of course, now she's comfortable with me. sounds for 3 to confirm some more for me or best dollars because somebody me on phrase most the visual compound or there's a for progression. well, how many is the big about the might a gave a bias or process new much somewhere else, solution and see if it's on your part of the choices for your code. what, what, yeah for which and so much over the phone here on sort of lip to the now we can switch this out to be gotten almost one of the room. i'm not sure. maybe maybe we need you to call you the
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phone with as a little bit of quotes mattress 1st time it should be different. this your map of special for legal supports and one of them's the reason is chanelle gums, particularly sort of standard storage should that the person, the cardinal actually search for the sort of ship a rebuttal. because my just by are serious coast almost the most efficient. that's a blue or the image of the thermal that's actually a flourish them i as of as special as well as numerous visuals told me, oh, but the most insurable mode, you're going to travel to be yours. the air from you for any mobile in your buffer . it's pretty hosting logical measurements, old or through 20 years prints. and then your,
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your site is to bump from your toner, sent to overcome photos, sam resolved. you will find, you see market your from the gm is a mobile phone. yes. yes. because i used to store it yamaha for the, for the sub, for both of us from a hospital. the problem which will take some time. i'm couple of my masters, but i need to catch up with the space but i am yeah. can you spell that for you? sure. so a 3rd party, it shows us on the terms virginia and that is just a budget with almost which is the cyber security. so the, [000:00:00;00] the
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question, i mean you cleared up, she was like, i do live muscles do. if you look on the initial, do 1 o'clock, significantly post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to the body when you, when you do origin. but you also, as the, was done, the newest frame on the belief systems to build a new do what i see these the buses, the little cute little dyson says this tutorial on both of
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the the renters. i do this, but it's a bit of a cover letter. gosh, a little, but that's mean i know. even though free of that, i hope all of the school goodness, that's if you find out where you liked it, there were so you see when they're gonna leave her for thursday. so we'll do this close to you. i'm going to do my best to be on the right in the best of choice, the
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hello. i'm tom garcia. i'm not sure if this is the
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story or not i might just go to the official the on
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the deal though. can you move? cuz the slow mm. slowing in the future for me and the result of the sloane but almost have as it started school quoting was going to be just obviously because of all the money to me for invest kind of guy. yeah. well, those are the did the chest choices come up to me anyway? yeah. yeah. mean you just slide engine with that. the so you guys might have some
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yes, me and you have a good to give me, give it to me just given me in the book of as good as the wind caught at the movie, you need to be pushy. do you want of the way at least so shake, you may come in 30 and have couple of shooting as good as there's a full assess you as well when you got is this assignment come in 30 mostly do said i would say you need the but i mean, what if any mean? yeah. because we'll just have to think about the show for the customers. mm hm. if it was supposed to go through, you know, i'm not sure what this week or so, but yeah, it was because uh, but it's only when you subsidies during the floors. so could you use it to me and we'll do purge, and we'll come, you have to best of the car, cut the conditions that i get no month. that's increase than you bullshit. no
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device deal um additional value. it's a bit cheaper because a little early professionally, but little, you know, that was the limited i just, i just thought as if i'm the guy just me a little tiny so good. that should do. i'm going to go for you to come. so the, the yeah. can you the the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the producer for was the possible spirit for this month, which is on the go on up and i do not schools and the to the pharaohs share this week or 2 of like
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a new near farm. yes. it is. samples on you go to the to the most that are new bedrooms are for the performer still new to me. yeah, i got you for to me pretty that one of your personal talk about a 05004. i'm confident felipe, i'll be able to provide you the best of all chance insurance, boulevard, or boulevard, or for sure if the ports or the interior of
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a service service wanted to to confirm to delta for nissan gloves, i need a referral . the 3rd party from city that come under what was the grab important part of the
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. ready ready ready the of the venue to which is not available at this point. he was able to deliver to the, to jesse, i'm going to force you with almost what was the boulevard for much of me, let me just to make you the words. yeah. for the deal of us all the right today the
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oh yeah, that's all the so you're a do you have a good you almost impossible. so it was it was it 2 videos i was for courtney that you do practice book as christians this sunday. so out of style, most the 1st bush, which financial advisor will work for you, but just dropping to the drawing was to draw murphy and musician cell which is on your mobile, the learner parts eastern dish to show them. i know most of the furniture to us more visual specialist clinical somebody.
8:56 pm
but here's, here's the really this just happened to much day as of tomorrow when the smallest estimates for her. so she left the variable emission e signature, right? so from the
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sale of the plan, the the yeah, one, she was hired people that my wish was to got phone marks for the values. what's cool, thanks for everything you do. so that way around was, you know, they just as a 5 gulf at the edge, assessing it for michael to category google. she's doing this for, it's a, i could you, me just q i. but as long as you wake up the process, introduce the solution to find out much to see what was the new wish of dealing with our biggest township or me. i don't grateful me upon them. i would put up the police because you could give me just it, you know?
8:58 pm
yeah, any official was is the, the, the as you do the, the, the the engine, the syllable. cause let's do it just for future. it won't cause the sofa, just one of them over the stuff pressure to problem with the motion. you're missing the moving season. this is kind of the thing that another of silver fairly low because muscle so that you know, a little smaller as positive if it go out. good because it go to. yeah. right. well it still showed you at all. um, did you sound like we might have to say it was a tonight?
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are you on billy aggressive? no. so it is and as i say is this the let's go ahead. this is, i'm more interested in the,
9:00 pm
in the india tells us to respect its silver and say i comes as an american. diplomats, if someone types of washington criticize that attention, have a key opposition to get on groups and chargers in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs. the fathers, this responsibility is even worse. so in case a fellow democracies. otherwise, end up sitting, unhealthy president, had we not stood out ground about find pedagogy from bishop when thank you, all of you would be paying much more field energy and the defends, as rides to buy energy from russia,


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