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tv   Documentary  RT  March 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

9:30 pm
the the way you guys have processed the quote of some of the booth a couple of uses qual digits of the and the sense of the oh sure, it's good to go to the organization. hey, do you prefer mind just to see move. sure. and that sort of fits in one of the issues the know what to spray on pretty minus lower
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the noodles use this process. smack goose to the music. was a comfortable to go to them. frankie, yes. need to know. so if i was to use a through g is acceptable, can you go to birds? if i'm not going to have less than you would force him on like a group of producers of box but initial position, but the car puts it on. the type is assigned to me. am i supposed to question the? yeah. what's disney is the most close to this? to me i'm on the 3rd year she was on the printer and it just was the last a global struggle she model here with them. is that why them a bunch more about the was see me in on the blue
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for sure. full. the full share sort of she knew over to cover about the pulled up a pretty good the promise, particularly your vehicle interested of. so what do you think the interesting part was bills i need to just say just for your spine, it even loses. you come in the remote or variable store, deal with the music. got there's a for those commercial. so here's the, here's the way you see
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the blue cross is really nice and the process of finding us to go as humans do us, the total it is the by the way, the because it 500 dollars a month press hello, numerous for journals. i me shows from what that's what the deal is. i could have somebody opened these prints via general slowly just for got some with us kind of almost most of the claim or be able to develop
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more. you've got to the depth of homes that you should he might of this year to should have credit for. i'm good. i believe you're still stuff. i'm assuming you go on. you have obama stuff when you want me to talk to folks from you that you don't know she's listed at the moment. it's a little more cool, but i couldn't remember your actual, somebody's the vision. you know, she's kind of mean they were in the show 3, but that he knew about genuine the federal government, a book that you divide them and use the old daughter, olivia boulevard, and still doing the partial. and the pretty more goods on that. some of the definitely going to cover it, the more your good honestly, because you're the one i just want to use the bottom solutions for almost a month, but have those plenty of them usually, and you're gonna click on those clips to just talk on the course 2 more, you know,
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sort of kind of a, some back mission as the school year. he is on that, of course. and those are gonna have that does what it is masking coverage. and we'll go over, protest, config the time when you would like me to look at them as well, because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them complex more and less, less the next time that it done all progressing here. you know which core dice pushes more on performance because i'm going to take this is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form because not even the grid and you put it across the board.
9:36 pm
i've talked to apologize, but we're still in the blue. the a solution with the on your reference to load as possible is that it will show us the after school program running the average because i, because of them i thought of the mobile open brain, which is the issue. proceed to the system that i'm on the air sort of professional management. i'm going to say am you please repeat the confusion that section perform for the smart example which has come from when you have to use to create this bowl. was the root. i'm sure that i'm doing an essential table there so. so here's the thing that come on, let's come on a for
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a. so that has to be solution that was always per month. plus that means the one you showed the brand new information come on the new before the 1st because it was 10 years mission, national of supplementary from telephone. we're going to just look at the showing. this was the garbage of a refrigerator. musicianship of moses mission fell to push that spin menus, boys on the floor from of just going to create some us with our lives are putting in the
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email you ideas of what she'll do is to on the other when you are. so the 1st one was in, she got the decision to look at right here. so we, i'm, a guy has to be on the phone. so she said, you know, jessica use is just the washer more support for me. uh is using, you know, the uh, the truck, the new plus the new ones that are well, but i thought i was wondering, was it a well, no washer move forward. you know, go to a new noise unit 4 drawer for us to, to me know, the zip code is off there. so i'm going to
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choose you choose loses. this might be a vehicle. so the of the to the wordpress. right. that's what the thing have talked to the who didn't answer the phone as he was going to a fees on your bill. i'm sure there's just going to see a movie or was tom. yeah. as long as you on the,
9:40 pm
let me ask the guy, the guy cheated. nobody here about the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm to play these are the course scrubber for martin c on store 34 in the middle. and if there's a bad use more, i have faith is one of my will it will competes, dominated by this is patricia sleep. but during the month, the what the month of single, if you have to move, why not deal a blog? we're supposed to have the ability to just go to chicago assuming which to show solutions. well, here's out a model. both parties, the maxim, owns of vineyards in less torsion city of novels orange stores on the smug around the cartoon. it was by fishers, but the journey bulging. the subjects. megabytes were used to move more of the webinar from us. we're just out the camara. most megabyte. but yeah, we'll just have to come on super should best get the full chassis as it
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was a little more common. in fact, you with the phone. now just to be the one of me so i should have good. you'll see an order for the 3. i'm, i'm interested in your when you pull chairs on the back, which presents he's like a ship on today. i'm going to shut the junior and the sound of the every other animal there. yeah, yeah. yeah. the so just need to fill out those to me or is it just all buses? felicia, exclusively on it, the bus this the spar to maternal and we can police because he of a go and you could actually just for the initial was pretty good actually going with the basic a little bit that's it was listed because the engine was published and funding i terminated some of them because it becomes very yes i can sort of the concept. they're both pieces and it has been a 3 a ship with some of the. yeah. new of ships. completely new g was yeah.
9:42 pm
you purchased coupling energy and asking the boy populace invest offers or do you have me on the way people stand the photo shape? where would you put you on with those 3 store supports the was company was i asked louis mr. voss and i'm going to do a bunch of phone them. it's a smart way to store them in some reason, not to do so that i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw. some of this i'm interested always recommended by the record becomes difficult for people to commission. i spoke with a vision, referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st and then i'll just go by with the contrast or yes, you will just got the in the show for sure. all still mission last was i guess the thought it was this was the more most pressure i was the but sensitive storm. we all kinds of stories the bus monitor, police with luke about them is i'll double sleep. going to that for the less plus a flush to push it out. if you can,
9:43 pm
you come simple because of the time comes deal with the powerful government. god bless you. this is a good the super, a whole comparable brain pollution you. most of the story is deal with brand new news. i never saw so far because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with a google sketchy that you went? the issue is you have to pull move along the lines. so you're saying, oh gosh, you got the machine that you see mark, be sure. what's the bottom of the hopes? computers are you, are you doing? i'm store people, some i'm slain. pretty sure. who was the bulk of the funniest with us, with the new mexico format? scratchy, which is the beauty of it showed me lot of other things to is mark the philippines, the teal plus button. yes. but then,
9:44 pm
you know, what's the last night the, what? most of the, the more of the products a scheduled from use the bumper, which was given your smooth proof assignment for them on the part of our executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch
9:45 pm
my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the waiting thing. a terry sills said some of the long queens of dining, which will not be there for us, cut off like a people, most of our stomach knew them about kansas for the, for the, the
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so that he was the by at the menus. i need to talk to somebody either the the task of. busy the 2 annual stories that critical thinking do i have good? it was personal. she's a go by someone, one of us and it should be in our mind. the standard is but the modern home of course, your religion was his own. it shall be difficult at the job compared to that as a graduate of school. when we live in excessive, difficult to serve. of kids are musical to close deals, but can you deal separately to love just to have the browser to show you for the 1st time of the cost go get the job on the so is up and we just muse are so much may have dealer from hospice day of approach like
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a couple of 0 most board. but when you're still 3rd assignment, as a very specific believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is the template and with a book i just sent it out. let me do that. i'm looking for an example is as of female, what is the problem? see them legit. kimble is yours because this book 5 and fold. oh gosh, the most of what you like visual. i will store the severe outlook. they will, the premium started up above, which could be more, i'm after the class has a $34.00 separate order i canceled our capability to agree with the additional q. most of course you what was easy in yours does the is the only is yes, you will just because the more the room you guys do. so if i were to not do a filter to use it so don't know what was the issue
9:48 pm
you need. oh yeah, what the form i was just the used to. i'm under a 100. i'm sure there's enough to is this if you're such a village george now go ahead of the split 2nd for glover. i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to try to sort of able status when course you've heard of a class from the one that's almost color cartridge or is this the last disaster conflict to confirm of this? is just the washer and yours is a sophomore year for me. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm what does blue sphere to talk about? far michelle's to swing voters. somebody has a question. yes. can i see you let you know? yes. one, the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte of suits on the shows you have,
9:49 pm
so you might be good on this. 2 of them are for you of, of the list when it oh, but here's my asked on the do you mind with the wishes to hear me? i used to do this bustle. mister catherine was able to restart your mobile home, which did you wanna do? and yes, there's also already, so the schedule is under the approximately 1 pm, or as long as you have to pay for the fullest speed to get to me since it was a move while it was to me, it was a number, but it was cut off again, and initially i'm putting it in, you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get it more to say to me, but really senior stick. i'm is that it use the new one and use it does least possible. name wayne, but some known and you've seen look was pretty much it is. and then when you just for getting in the web know, mean you more than
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a religious for opportunities is or they will reduce a woman. there is a, for the whole i'm the i am for you to be, charlie was working with the interested in attending. pretty good. that's good for me. so let me just wizard. who do most news? somebody who's interested who just wants here. this is patty is continuous. who was this for you? all the, excuse me 3 is how do i feel
9:51 pm
pretty sure most definitely the 1st part was right default. and then, you know, and you know, the for the, for the for the sure that i want to do, i am said yes. tell me that you're just me not to do
9:52 pm
this. i think we proceed to the play so good. i was just as the to the side of the see never one of the particles is different from your to just dollars. oh sure sure. can you got it. yeah. but all i use is list you i that all guy ambrose to know. i go to the phone with us for
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the purposes. oh, of course the product is just the used to go forward with this cool little simply clear. i just need of the not of a look at a should bike. you can restart force of oh, she caught up because the beautiful beautiful was it the most? yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is made up of seem just for how much the business with the research. i'm going to put those notes. i go out and i got a new build up for good repetitive i am. a new born chest took the most,
9:54 pm
which to me this doesn't just tell you that literally you fired from the session leave because because of the got it. so what is the most, what's me about not, i mean, not, i mean the across the board got it for the the, the model for me, the front of the most affordable brains or the brakes replaced, which is the father that through a circle here solution is what i wanna say it will show for a series to come on fresh move it to the to for the most of
9:55 pm
the smaller this was the percentages of the store years to the listeners to some of the talk to someone the actual most mile to come out between the, the, to, to vote because of the car. so you as not those countries look over the video. some other reason is a long number of seats available, the most,
9:56 pm
that's assessable for nothing. performed trips producer of results back on that all get them. so you know, so now those are the credits or maybe of missed the scenario as far as though it's actually a processor. broken federal minister is a 0. this loan goodness. and we're still on attendance or show or they just got to the store $600.00 on the system for the stairs. but the whole new level of security on both ends will present an image of the assessments. and with that is the g. sounds of stuff and she was not going through the seats or other goodies,
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sort of stuff on cardboard. design very hope i'm noticing off the list if the size of the 1st by mean so for sure. now. divorced on is that is i sure i suppose the amount is on the bridge, but the g, the smile of those special those months, the actual gray. and then i can see the
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russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best. not getting all sense. i'm up, the, in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of to day and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services,
9:59 pm
for what question did you say a request, which is the the renters are doing this, but it's a bit of a cover letter. gosh, a little brother to me and i know even though free of that of all, the more school good news, that's a good one where you liked it, the worst of your seo and putting them, leave her or to bridge the simple do this advice to you i'm going to be one of us the on the right in the best of choice, the
10:00 pm
details, the us to respect its silver and safe. it comes as an american diplomats just summoned up to washington to criticize the detention of a key or position, figure out and corruption charges in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracy, otherwise end up sitting unhealthy president. how do we not students get on about buying energy from bush? thank you. all of you would be paying much more for your energy. and you defend, just tried to buy energy from russia, despite the intense pressure from the west to put trade relations and investigates as look into possible ties to terrorist attacks against russia. at the 143 people were killed in the moscow concepts toilet fox. the charge done by the.


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