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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the the a former c, a official rate of concerns, whatever the uncompromising treatment of suspects and the most go to her attack best the death toll from the tragedy times to at least 143000000 dollars or approaches. the 6 months law. we have from an indignation volunteer who chose to keep helping palestinian through the and baffled enclave. despite his also being pro israel, not only wants to kill the people of gaza with their bullocks, but also with starvation because the page entering gaza is still minimal and cannot be distributed fairly greensboro. minnesota arrives in a trauma, spend sleep in india as new daily insists fit cab should sit down to negotiate peace with last we took the position from the star 50 or not
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going to get a solution for this conflict. tons of bucks on further expansion of time between russia and south africa is discussed to the some teaches log into a national economic form filled special housing janice, the for the 1st time the a very well welcome to delphi international with the very latest world news updates is great to have you with us to south, our top story, the concerns desktop from the most go tire attack, cuz it doesn't say 143, including 5 children. that number is expected to rise as little bodies are identified with many people still listed as missing. and some pages both be picnic woke funds held a solemn performance to move the lives lost before we scheduled concerts in the russian capital. last friday, the memorial events began with
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a minute of silence. meanwhile, at the scene of the attack outside the croakers hold on the outskirts of most people are still bringing flowers and children's toys in memory of the victim, the head of the spi, as a case new frame, as well as the us on the u. k. of orchestrating the tire attack, which officials have denied me the ongoing investigation in moscow. washington, his doubling down on his claim says, isis to should be blamed. instead, it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. meanwhile, the well known french journalist has spoken housing over at the prospect of t as being behind the most go tell her attack. she's the comes because there is every reason to believe that this is the work of the isis affiliate enough got us done. we live out course on since they immediately on friday evening claimed
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responsibility of me for just coming to i must say that if this was the work of the ukrainians, then this was an absolutely brilliant move. just, i'm not saying but it's them. when he fits them, then the move was phenomenal. let's not forget that. why if this was the work of ukrainians, if it is a tool possible that they penetrated russian territory and organized such a terrorist attack in moscow, then this is just phenomenal. let me know about you using jihad, this is. this requires an same level of preparation that would take many months. why do we call you my colleague, mark a college? i spoke with french political analyst, serial the launch ra, who stays the media coverage off the most go attack in his native country is complete the cooling. i've been really shocked by the way the french media are covering this. this is just a small reason. it's small thing, but when you're listening to everything, it's just the unbelievable. and after the basic plan,
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which was in the same scenario like the practice events, just for the specific method with one very specific thing is that if it was really i, it's tarus. the eyes never have never made any. tar is the tax for money. it's always for the ology. it's always for the cali fat friends. he's forgetting a lot of things. i remember very well when we had the basic line events, french john really said why the french police took so long to get in 2 hours. all right, so they're blaming restaurant for something that they are blaming in their own country. find the logic, but the defense public certainly understands this whole situation. how should they react to comments like the one from this journalist when be have become when they have been victims of terrorism before you have one point?
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it depends on the how the journalist are presenting. things is never ever made a tourist at back from monday. those guys, the web page for this uh, how familiar robles 250 uh, upfront and 250. it went back from ukraine. um that does not exist with 5 years. so guns. uh, when i just is doing this, the, i'm going to die on site, then they did this, unfortunately on a friday evening, but actually it's not done. normally they don't do these jelly sites and eyes who didn't do this on the other. and then if i'm my memory is not cheating on me, the owners of brokers city hold them leslie and the kelly will not harm muslims. meanwhile, the heavy hand to the rest of the terrorist spots plenty of criticism in the west. despite the notorious us track record a brute to him, mistreating many innocent suspects during his circle. warren's hair seized total
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quarter exposes the glaring double standards in the peanut gallery of the so called civilized world is back at it with the finger pointing this time. it's a former head of anti russian operations at the c, i a talking down to russia after public reaction in the country to videos of how those who carried out the recent terrorist attack in moscow are treated by police. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and russian, what's going on in the west. and even though is something like this happened in the united states that would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west. that would certainly be people who would be, who would just be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society, civilized society as a rule of law and treating suspects even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, to manage and respect, which is totally a, you know, not understood, not follow there is no rule of law in russia, really the ca, calling others and civilized. they practically wrote the handbook on torture.
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that's not a matter for the c. i a literally wrote the handbook, including everything from slapping people, keeping them and infect infested boxes to water board. and it was after 911 that all these black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques became really wide spread. and they came down on both the innocent and guilty, like i wasn't the military commander or a government official. i was just the resident of baghdad where i grew up and just like any other are right count was against the us invasion. and i spoke out against it, my picture was published a news article with my complaints. the americans den rated my home interest to me. they were constantly right on my body doesn't mean cold water as well as sticking the barrels of their guns and boom, 16 to extremely sensitive places which was very painful and had a severe psychological impact on me. for 3 days i was not given foot and a head cold water thrown at me. it was the end of december and the weather was present, and lab recordings blasted into my ears. i reached the point of exhaustion that i could have fallen asleep while i was standing, but would like me. these enhanced interrogation techniques have seen prisoners in
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places like guantanamo bay, in abu ghraib, forced to stand for hours on end, doused with cold water and severely deprived of sleep, but hate former defense secretary donald rumsfeld said he stands for 8 to 10 hours a day and that's why it should be limited to 4 hours after he officially signed off on the sea ice torture methods in 2002, former president george w bush also had no regrets years after launching the program. here's what i'm gonna say, that we're fortunate to have men and women who work hard at to see a serving on our behalf. these are patriots. and i knew the directors, i knew the deputy directors, you know, i know a lot of the operators. they are good people, really good people and we're lucky as a nation to have them to top it all off the guy who ran the entire c. i a torture program, not only still defends it publicly,
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but even tried to destroy any and all video was connected to its existence. it's another story when it comes to many who are tasked with doing the actual torturing nudity was sort of the theme of the entire prison, the number of iraq use that were naked with shocking. and it was cold. iraq certainly gets hot in the summer. everyone knows that, but it also gets very cold in the winter. this was december, sleep, deprivation and forest standing were the most common thing that most prisoners were suffering. they were hands come to the cell walls and a position in which they were standing. their hands were placed down between their legs and then their hands were hands come back behind them, which denies you the opportunity to sit down or to rest. and so you can combine what we're essentially to enhanced techniques, sleep deprivation and forest standing. it was a shock to the system. it goes without saying human rights organizations have not approved either. one ton them a, a is a sight of unparalleled notes, right?
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to defined by the systematic use of torture and all the crew in humane or degrading treatment against hundreds of men, brought to the site and deprived of them most fundamental rights. a brutal torture program with unapologetic perpetrators, which is now pretty universally understood as bad, and still none of its architects have been punished if that's the way the civilized world looks. maybe it's a better idea to stay away altogether. and there you can. i had crossed all the line in on the words based on the, conducted vietnam in iraq and afghanistan. i mean, what they didn't need. y'all was the name and the name, they need to name and syria. i mean the destruction they did. now what happened after a, i think the war in okay, mainly and then the war in guys that showed that the very real west of the whole world base it showed it smoke as super life as pretended. it
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smoked as more of that as it pretended to be and they started p p more, you know, many people started to, to see it, to seeing the 2 stories actually not only the knots of the western narrative, the story that displayed on media or by politicians so at the end of america, $13.00, you need to be the judge and the world and judge everybody speaks about civilized society. i mean, we need to treat everybody the same way every 6 months since the boys and girls are there is no sign. that is why this prepared to scale down. it's a salt on the publicity and, and place officials that say more than 32500 people have been killed. but some international volunteers are choosing to stay and help the victims despite there were that this cottage next as possible, special coverage of the conflict we. when do the human story of an in the nation, medical worker who still operates in garza of
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the we are calling the civilians to leave the guys that goes out. some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard to sign on. i see all the civilians and one in the in this on we were say to our homes, i was at work and they told me the house is bombed in the neighborhood. when i came back, i found my uncle and he told me your father was murdered. we cannot find your son. then they said, your grandmother was also murdered when we were in a shelter. my daughters were crying,
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so my husband went to look for bullshit for them. and these really shot him in the back. every time we try to get close to him, they started shooting towards us to this day, i do not know what happened to him. the . even here in a school in hun, you news, we're not spared from is really attacks. every night we hear the bombing. quite a few people have been hit by drones strikes, including some who were farming, or even just walking the
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the the i was display several times. i can tell you the death is better than disgrace. i wish these rallies have killed me. that would have saved me from the excessive. okay. um yeah, we wilks many kilometers from gauze. the city. we remain that for 2 days without a flower or canned goods. if that was the move so left for us as adults, we would feed it to the children. we were suffering that no food, no food to know medicine, nothing. it was like we would dead. the aid was coming, but the is radius. preventative from reaching out to the israel, not only wants to kill the people of gaza with their bullets, but also with starvation because the age entering gaza is still minimal and cannot be distributed fairly in my view, if 1000 trucks could enter garza, then the crisis could be resolved the
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notice of course, this is very sad because the assistance they should receive actually adds to their misfortune. indeed, the state should be sent via the egyptian border. and rafa and the solution is a ceasefire. the thing that these people have and nothing their houses have been destroyed, they have no work. so their survival really depends on too many terry and assistance. they don't have cooking equip when you don't have warm clothes. they
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don't even have a place to rest the rest of the hospitals that are still operating or in southern gaza. tier the fighting is still ongoing. so the current condition of the hospitals is very worrying. they're running low on medicine, the number of doctors is decreasing, at least 364 medical staff have been killed as a result of this really attacks, not to mention more than 260 others who have been detained by the idea of hospitals are also running out of fuel the
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suits. we moved from northern garza to the south in several days. we prepared food for 5800 refugees near the european hospital. we're focused on providing baby milk diapers or cooking oil, whatever we can help with the situation in gaza has not improved. israel continues to launch attacks on various regions. the matter we never felt regret, you're actually very proud to be representative of more than 280000000 indonesians, of whom only 2 people now remain here. that is me and my colleague. moreover, we know that the entry to gaza is still being blocked by israel. so not everyone
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can center here because permits are very difficult to obtain. security is very tight, therefore we chose to stay here to help our brothers and sisters in the ukraine's foreign minister has arrived in india for 2 days of talk. so they've been to persuade officials the to support kids. tease wouldn't. and sharma is a new delhi with the details. this is the 1st time that he taught ukrainian official is visiting the officer, the warden ukraine started or 2 years ago as the you cream foreign ministers here for to day. was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts. bob, dr. a shave shankar, also the deputy at
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a see why don't the board the agenda really sees that. he's here to talk about 5 after the partnership. also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the ukraine official is here to know before we can deal support in the upcoming b stokes that will take place in switzerland lead to in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you can have for india, it looks like you, queen, has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs india who has remember close strong ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley, i'm like the west that has always fixated on using the navigation and this conflict . india has always maintained
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a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the stock to, to a not going to get a solution to this conflict on the back to 52 years have passed to the many hole felt 2 years ago or so met in between. that may be the quote, i think today, many of them don't any longer. if one sees, you know, in this day and age, what conflicts bring that are actually no windows, what are called nothing deals foreign policy in defending for the policy of neutrality. india. i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now, despite the west, freshly rising india to got sides with the most cool. what india did was india
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stood by. it's old friend, the trade between the 2 countries, india and russia has only gone up. let's talk boyd hills. the west was the, the west have problems with india 9 martin more void from moscow. but india said that india will do what suits india. and the best is 5 sections and despite the traditional we'd be doing business soon, we index file solutions in india continue to buy more model was how do we not to chrome about buying energy from russia? sweaty sang, please. all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these do was energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, i'm trying to, obviously, from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity,
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to be proud of your civilization, to be, to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had dukes, we both the ukraine as well as last year. and this off to the russian president's was re elected. so week ago the prime minister windy and the reason for the he died almost school. he in fact had a word with food. then he also had a word we've done with the ukranian now president. and as far as talk officials and the government of india atkinson, they have confirmed to me that's prime minister in that range and will be, has been invited by both sides to wizard back on please, respectively, all still the elections in india. so the results of indian elections are going to come in the 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why? perhaps? because slowly it's being made very clear that if somebody has the power to broke up, these is india because it has maintained its relationship with multiple that remember
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west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there. well, what's the recently became india is top supply of crude oil and now accounts full williams. the countries total impulse about moving trade has seemingly been unaffected by west and the sanctions of intuitive price capital russian oil shipments just this month. india is purchases of russian crude increase by 2 percent compared to february betrayed, has been a particular bug best new cray with the farm. and it's just a new delay. he's got blood on his hands every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in it. if your benefits, because of all suffering, it would be good to see more of your help address to us. and the director of the, in the,
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of the foundation thing time told us that new delhi doesn't dogs to the tune of the west let alone ukraine. this position had been made very clear both by the prime minister and the start of the basement. his step in the caustic, eh, what do you see despite the national interest? now you must realize that india is a developing country and the end of the da's office and a bit of what we can get them from the endeavor that can you go there and get it nice. all the countries not be sanctioned. and they said, honest already sanction, best just based on the sanctions another can do something based on the sanctions segment of the dig. a said that you from i'm the not oh, completed, develop can give you another rich country like the wrist, like the rest of the country is up. so we need this is also an endeavor to everything. it is national interest. regardless of what others may feel about it and that spence would be made very clear what the private instruction did and by august addition, good are these started up as minister officials on the next best when russia and
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africa has been sitting down to bring stone cooperation in johannesburg, the south african city who is the session of base and petersburg, international economic for him, for the 1st time of a seasonal of a con guy has the dates, house from the same the semesters i chose, sadly, of russia within the breaks the post countries as hosted a few fission for the st. petersburg, international economy par him for the 1st time if they've been to pull to give a leading decision makers from different states is to identify opportunities for russia. so the free time as the developing economies. this is of course, as we are just 2 months away from the annual conference in st. petersburg, widely seen as an occasion for attracting foreign investors, as well as an alternative to the world economy farm. specifically for promoting emerging during these decades. busy busy for a history of st. petersburg, international economic for him. for sure, it becomes the one of the major world events in the world of business and the main
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events in russia and form. for example, the last here results gives us details that we got the present interest of business men all over the world. why russia weiss and petersburg wide use for? it's very easy, it's about deals. it's about looking at big possibilities, signing deals, a mock space and experience being there is getting africans is basically the energy sector to deal with it on why it's being hosted in. so that's what god organizes say. they've seen a mutual interest and understand that in order to continue a food full dialogue, it is necessary to use new formats and then apply to you've been like this. one is one of those for me, it's the fuel station to emphasize the partnership made some relations between west side for life. because for, for the expansion of trade and economy corporations, particularly stick to such as agriculture, technology and education. participants making me appear that so that because
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relationship with russia became changed. what speed does is to bring s b not in the works to give us an opportunity to engage and to try and decode them is all on a commitment to try and, and then to do a way with all i caught them being on the imbedded to the west so that we begin to take into excellent implementation mode. we are here today at the costs of a strong relationship in times that we formed through our big c is through is our being within brakes is, is the technology exchange as well. you choose the, which is the i, c, g did use the infrastructure and academics. so that's quite a lot with a, it's russia. oh, so that's your count. as ation such as the breaks and consensus has the moods from this event enhanced the corporation mckenna. c. imagine economy,
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see i'm on the internet. many thanks for joining us here on the international this thursday coming your way. next is documentary time and thought about with more news in about 30 minutes. bye for now. a, [000:00:00;00] the, with the end of world war one, the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation
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movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people. on the day of the sea bass at t festivals. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start the northern india seeing base as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms the both the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians. including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00
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civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous, dire massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the the


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