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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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and that stopped without cases let's go. part of the evolution thing continues to evolve. you frame of any involvement in friday's terrace talking. most of the russian farm industry says the us is simply trying to save its own right to the patient as well. and must be held accountable to pass the reaction of the palestinian red present society to a video showing the killing of 2 on on the palestinians. but i the 1st is there any obligation intention they at targeting 7 means i'm trying to find the evidence. this is tim to happen because of the size of the introduction and communities depending on the chum ukraine's foreign minister arrived in india. having previously lambasted the country for its ties with russia to delhi,
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the state is time for the key of to have peace talks with most we took the position from the start to not going to get a solution for this conflict from the back to the a very well welcome. this is on the international with the latest. well, news update is great to have you with us this, our top story, the confounds desktop and the most go terrorist attack is now listen to 143, including 5 children at already grim number is expected to rise with many people still listed as missing, meanwhile, the russian foreign ministry stays washington's continued insistence that the attack had nothing to do with ukraine is just an attempt to save its own reputation . in the midst of the white house, along with the state department, has stated that ukraine has nothing to do with the tara attack on what data loss
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information did they draw such a conclusion? it's completely unclear. shouldn't you find any one thing is obvious that washington started to whitewash the key of regime to whitewash themselves? because everyone understands that there is no standalone key. every shame, without west and military support and western funding ahead of rushes, federal security service has accuse ukraine as well as the us and u. k. of having a hand in the terror attack. something washington's vehemently deny it, while also repeatedly coming to kids defense. it is clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. however, a report of the new york times contradicts what the white house has said. they all have to go claims. washington business revealed to most go everything it knew about
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the potential attack. i think us all thirty's, face russia with load it's intelligence methods. meanwhile, the heavy handed arrests in russia all the terrorist responds plenty of criticism in the west spot the us track, right cold or flu, to lead mistreating, many suspects to and get so cold war on terra aussies, donald quotes that has the peanut gallery of the so called civilized world is back at it with the finger pointing this time it's a former head of anti russian operations at the c, i a talking down to russia after public reaction in the country to videos of how those who carried out the recent terrorist attack in moscow are treated by police. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and russian to what's going on in the west. even though it's something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would just be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. so as society is rule of law and treating
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suspects, even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, humanity and respect, which is totally oh, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia, really the ca, calling others and civilized. they practically wrote the handbook on torture. that's not a matter for the c. i a literally wrote the handbook, including everything from slapping people, keeping them in insect infested boxes to water boarding. it was after $911.00 that all these black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques became really wide spread. and they came down on both the innocent and guilty of like i wasn't the military commander or a government official. i was just a resident of baghdad where i grew up and just like any other are right count was against the us invasion. and i spoke out against it, my picture was published a news article with my complaints. the americans decorated my home interested me. they were constantly right through my body doesn't mean cold water as well as sticking the barrels of their guns and broomsticks into extremely sensitive places which was very painful and had
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a severe psychological impact on me. for 3 days i was not given food and had cold water thrown at me. it was the end of december and the weather was present and had loved recordings blasted into my ears. i reached the point of exhaustion that i could fall in and sleep while i was standing, but that would lead me. these enhanced interrogation techniques have seen prisoners in places like guantanamo bay, in abu ghraib, forced to stand for hours on end, doused with cold water and severely deprived of sleep, but hate former defense secretary donald rumsfeld said he stands for 8 to 10 hours a day and that's why it should be limited to 4 hours after he officially signed off on the sea ice torture methods in 2002, former president george w bush also had no regrets years after launching the program. here's what i'm gonna say, that we're fortunate to have men and women who work hard at to see a survey on our behalf. these are patriots. and i knew the directors,
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i knew the deputy directors, you know, i know a lot of the operators are good people, really good people and we're lucky as a nation to have them to top it all off the guy who ran the entire c. i a torture program, not only still defends it publicly, but even tried to destroy any and all video was connected to its existence. it's another story when it comes to many who are tasked with doing the actual torturing nudity was sort of the theme of the entire prison, the number of iraq use that wouldn't make it was shocking and it was cold. iraq certainly gets hot in the summer. everyone knows that, but it also gets very cold in the winter. this was december, sleep, deprivation and forest standing were the most common thing that most prisoners were suffering. they were hands come to the cell walls and a position in which they were standing. their hands were placed down between their legs and then their hands were hands cupped back behind them, which denies you the opportunity to sit down or to rest. and so you can combine
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what were essentially to enhanced techniques, sleep deprivation and forest standing. it was a shock to the system. it goes without saying human rights organizations have not approved either one town to maybe a is a sight of unparalleled notes, right? to defined by the systematic use of torture and all the crew in humane or degrading treatment against hundreds of men, brought to the site and deprived of them most fundamental rights. a brutal torture program with unapologetic perpetrators, which is now pretty universally understood as bad, and still none of its architects have been punished if that's the way the civilized world looks. maybe it's a better idea to stay away altogether. and there you can. i had crossed all the line in on the wars based on the, conducted vietnam and you're on a napkin span. i mean what they didn't need. y'all was the name and the name, they need to name and syria, i mean the destruction they did know what's happened after a,
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i think the war in. okay. mainly and then the war in guys that showed eh, eh, that the very you, uh, west of the whole world base. it shows it smoke as super life as pretended. it's not as more on that as it's pretended to be and they start p p more. you know, what many people started to, to see, to seeing the 2 stories actually not only the, not to the western narrative, a story that is put on media or by politicians. so at the end of america, $13.00 need to be the judge and the world, and just everybody speaks about civilized society. i mean, we need to treat everybody the same way as well. must be held accountable. that's the reaction to be publicity. in red, crescent society to the killing of 2 unknowns, palestinians by his ready soldiers. a warning disturbing images are head video
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footage released by outages era. so is the moments the idea of soldiers opened fire . the on the on the palestinians were seen waving what appeared to be a white fabric and a sign of surrender of to being killed. the men were buried by the idea with boulders of rich presents spokespersons that is time to the international community to step in the office of does this or do to to define need to see is what is written. the occupation forces and function b at targeting via the 70 is i'm trying to find the evidence that this is still to happened because of the silence of the international community. there is no accountability since the beginning of the war at all costs, or is there a to move them there in 2000 and civilian is 70 percent of booth a 52000 attitudes or something and a woman. the question is like,
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how many thousands others shouldn't be killed before the world can't take serious action to who lives right account to the how and immediate access to inspire this way, the killing of civilians. a sponsor strong criticism all over the world with civil rights groups labeling it as confirmation of his wally atrocities. despite the growing death total along part of the city in the us state department continues to claim old genocide. accusations are unfounded. we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded, but at the same time we have are deeply concerned by this number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions do everything it can to minimize so civilian casualties, the situation and gone and grows increasing the die of by the day, according to the palestinian health industry. more than $32000.15 kills. so i saw
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with more than 20000 women and children among them. a number of those and just as was into almost $75000.00, according to official reports around 85 percent of the local population has been forcibly displaced with many $1500000.00. and now sheltering gives rafa what is? well, thompson village and not the ground defensive, the red crescent spokesperson again says the humanitarian situation is on the brink of catastrophe. the situation now on the ground is, gets out to be found as internet and how because of the relation or suffering from $5.00 to $600.00. the entire population hard blocking boxes to, to that means the entire population are relying on human nature. again, as we continue to see, people are losing their lives dying in north uh, because of starvation and the find variation. those others will be losing their
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lives. soon as there will be no serious action from the international community to ha, sees a prayer and allow the and she will save, sustains on the humanitarian aid office to hear. yes, real cause i'm from the north of us on health care after soneta are trying their best in order to continue providing their live streaming services to the people in golf. however hostages or over one and over they drove it with a dozens of the injuries who are getting into the hospital. on the same time they suffer because of the shortages of medical supplies and medication. and every single day we see more holes. which of those are going to auto service because of this, right, you mean tax at the same time and health care person a r b and killed out of the teen while they are on? it's huge and bulky, go to to day thomas and says,
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ukraine's foreign minister has arrived in india is widely being seen as an attempt by keith to win, always a new delhi, which just remains neutral over the war. but the indian foreign minister has those peace negotiations with the russian notion. the conflicts cannot be resolved on the battlefield. caesar engines showing the reports, and this is the 1st time that he taught ukrainian official, is visiting india off to the water. ukraine started war 2 years ago as the u. crean . foreign ministers here for to day was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts. bob differentiation card, also the deputy at a see why on the board. the agenda really sees that he's here to talk about 5 after talking to ship, also cooperation in regional and global issues. what's really, what experts believe is that the critical for shalysea to know before we can deal support in the upcoming be store stuff will take place in switzerland, lita,
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in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you create have for india, it looks like you, queen has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley, i'm like the west that has always fixated on using the navigation and this conflict . india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the start to, to not going to get a solution to this conflict from the about the 2 years have passed the many whole felt 2 years ago or so met in between that maybe the quote i think
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today, many of them don't any longer, if one sees, you know, in this day and age, what conflicts bring that are actually no windows 10 o'clock to nothing deals for the policy in defend and for the policy of neutrality. in the i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now despite the west pressure rising india to got size with the most cool, what india did was india to invite it's old friend the trade between the 2 countries. india and russia has only gone up that still quite hill with the west was the, the west have problems with india and i'm learning more or in from moscow. but india said that india will do what suits india. the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional way of be doing business phone we in this file solutions in india
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continue to buy more model was how do we not student grown about buying energy from russia, a very strong clue. all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually they use the was energy prices. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, i'm frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that. i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization, to be, to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had dukes, we both the ukraine as well as last year. and this off to the russian presidents was re elected, so we could go the prime minister to india. and that means and what would the, he dive almost school. he in fact had a word with food. then he also had
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a word with the, with the ukranian, now president, and as far as talk the officials and the government of india, i can send the help confirm to me that so i'm going to send the range and movie has been invited by both sides to wizard, back on please, respectively. all still the elections in india. so the results of indian elections are going to come in the 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why? perhaps? because slowly it's being made very clear that if somebody has the power to broke up, these is india because it has maintained its relationship with moscow. that's remember, west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there as well. russia recently became indeed as top supply of crude oil . most of the towns full one 3rd of the countries,
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a total import say exposing one point a 1000000 barrels per day. it's the highest volume since july last year, when i tried to see me being on affected by west instructions that include a price cap on russian oil shipments. since the beginning of the conflicts, new delhi is a such a good fit, right to trade with most go. and this month alone is purchased as a russian food increased by 2 percent of pets of february. but that trade has be that particular bug bass, a ukraine would be foreign minister staying in the spot beloved on his hands every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of our software. and it wouldn't be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point figure, it'd be repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. they direct to all the india foundation, things hot and cold is new delhi doesn't don's to the tune of the west let alone ukraine a this position to be made very clear both by the prime is the on the start of the
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basement, a step in decimal to caustics, eh, what to see despite the national interest. now you must realize that india is a developing country and really editor's office, and a bit of what we can get them from endeavor to actually go there and get it. nice on the can be stopped. be function it on his own or the section that's just based on the sanctions. another can be stopping based on the sanctions segment of the day goes. how did you fall under the or not? oh, completed, develop can give you another rich country like the wrist, like the rest of the country is up. so we need this is also an endeavor to everything. it is national interest. uh, regardless of what others may for, you know, good. and that spence will be made ready to vote for the private instruction dear. and by a suggestion, good, a distorted look as minister, the insides of poland to get serious about bringing back compulsory military service. that's according to the countries that security chief it was the nation
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risks being left behind the holding you close to a bottle in western countries, the issue is constriction will. compulsory military service i would say, is being discussed much more widely and intensively imposing. we have to start this discussion. i convention to say that yes, the debate about military service should be broad based. just as access to this ministry service should be broad in nature or compulsory military service. no, i think they should be compulsory. civil service or compulsory public side is a lot of money when it comes to military training, it seems potent already has moved in a few lessons to learn itself. another bit of his soldiers has been accidentally killed during exercises in the country. as the fis such death this month alone will some thrills have been suspended, as a result will also say they will continue training ukrainian soldiers. his aunty contribute to rachel moss and with her take on the story. there's no secret that poland is leveraging the ukraine conflict to massively militarized loading up on
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american weapons in particular with aid and loans from uncle sam. but to why didn't well former defense minister marius blast actually was why be considered to be the architect of this build up when he was in a job from 2018 until just a few months ago. told the british press last month, that quote, we're doing this to create such a level of deterrence, that putin will be discouraged from attacking, pull it. all right. so how's the goal of being made those frontline defense against ross to do a just last week opposed? soldier doing special forces training ended up getting wasted by an avalanche and the task for mouth. also this week, to come back, chemical engineers were blown up when a bundle of explosive designated during the tray exercises. so it looks like the polls is in a bit of a snag in their plans to scare fire proofing until the completion of this review by
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the decision of the minister of national defense training with the use of explosives and combat means is suspended except for activities carried out by structures prepared to participate, emissions and operations outside the country and training ukrainian soldiers. so in other words, take outside the tent, guys, you'll have to sell for trying to scare, put in over there in ukraine. not here, we're making a massive things. yeah. that totally seems to be working out for holes over there right now. just as the polish fighter serving with you, creating an army who was wounded, left to die and evacuated and treated by russia. anyway, no more training with explosives or military hardware for the polls for the 1st able future. so get out the nurse guns, water, pistols, and table. oh dear, i guess u. s. military able should be able to buy a whole lot of a lot of those, by the way, on march 5th to or polish soldiers as the armor for jade were killed when they were
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inadvertently turned into the bonds for an armored vehicle during a training exercise of the armed forces center range in warsaw, deputy prime minister w continued thomas. let me start with the accident that took place at the training ground in rosco palm whiskey. one soldier died, another is fighting for his life in hospital. this is a tragic event. this is an accident that causes us to direct all our strength and resources to support our family and loved ones. so in light of all, this is kind of interesting the just last week, post president foundry. dude, i was talking about how poland and data were limbering up. like this figured pushing was going to challenge them to so kind of a paper, the boxing match sometime in the next couple of years. we have a book from my point of view. it's a question of commonsense. new reports are coming in and i recently saw one by tell my next, but we said that soon perhaps as early as 2026 or 2027 mostly boots in by putting his economy on a wall for thing will have such a military might that he'll be able to attack in a tight, okay,
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then the along those are ringing. so we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people start pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security progress. present a menu. and i call is posing up a storm for boxing glamour shots to extensively scare putin as he's threatening to send troops to fight russia. and meanwhile, his nato ta see over there in poland, is busy only itself on the practice. feel like there's no tomorrow. literally like there's no tomorrow because for some of those poor souls, there really wasn't a tomorrow needing mines for russia and down for kind of being brainstorming, cooperation, and john. his book for the 1st time ever, the south african city has been hosting a session of this in petersburg into national economic for him all to is going to be a con guys, census difficult. and so that's the kind of shows that the of russia within the bricks group of countries which is hosted a few fission for the st. petersburg,
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international economy farm for the 1st time. if they've been to pull to give a leading decision makers from different 6 is to identify opportunities for russia . so the free time as the developing economies of this is of course, as we are just 2 months away from the annual conference in st. petersburg, widely seen as an occasion for attracting foreign investors, as well as an alternative to the world economy farms. specifically for promoting emerging during these decades. busy busy for a history of st. petersburg, international economic for him. for sure, it becomes the one of the major world events in the world of business and them main events in russia and form. for example, the last here results gives us details that we got the present interest of business men all over the world. why russia? why some petersburg wide is far. it's very easy. it's about deals. it's about looking at big possibilities, signing deals,
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a mock business experience being there is getting africans is basically the energy sector to deal with it and why it's being hosted in. so that's what god organizes say. they've seen a mutual interest and understand that in order to continue a food full dialogue, it is necessary to use new formats and an upside event like this one is one of those for me to this fuel station emphasize the partnership made. so for nations between west side of africa prefer the expansion of trade and economy corporations, particularly stick to such as agriculture, technology and education. participants making me appear that so that because relationship with russia is again changed. what speed does is to bring s b not in the works to give us an opportunity to engage and to try and to call them those all on a commitment to try and, and then to do a way with our economy being on the, imbedded to the west, so that we begin to take into excellent implementation mode. we are here today
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at the costs of a strong relationship and times that we formed through our big fee is through is our being with simplex is, is the technology exchange as well. you choose the, which is the i sent you did use the infrastructure and i didn't weeks. so that's quite a lot with it's russia. oh, so that's your count. organizations such as the brakes and consensus has emerged from this event in hong see cooperation mckenna isms, teen emerge, and economies. hockey. i'm moving into how many, thanks for joining us there. and i'll see international this thursday coming your way next. this documentary time is all about with more news. about 30 minutes. the
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the show seemed wrong. just don't safe house to come and engagement to close the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground the the we, there's
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a process that goes close and now the couple of uses call that isn't so great off. and that's the thing you just said. well sure that the the session hey why is it just to see move well sure. and that sort of fit, you know the no, but still stay on pretty much slower. originally the bureaus for those kids have been with the office. the music was a comfortable to go to them. frankie, yes me sir. most of to use a through g is acceptable. can you go to brands if i'm not less than you for
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holding on like a group of producers of box but initial researching and with the present on the type is sometimes almost close to christine the yeah. was disney is almost close to just press just as you lost a global struggle she model year with them. is that why didn't a bunch more? she was see me in on the blue for sure. full. the full share sort of she you over to go on about the pulled up a pretty good performance, particularly your on the vehicle. i'm interested which saw where you look through each year. for one bills i deep georgia. see just for your spine. it even moved to you can in the remote.


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