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tv   Documentary  RT  March 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

9:30 am
this is less than equal for 100 mom. i think the news i survived. what additional research and with the present on the back is assigned to me must close to good. yeah. what's disney is the most close to this? chris just was just a global struggle ski model here with them is i live in a bunch more with cds, you know, the blood pressure, both of which i sort of, she knew over at the car was about the pulled up pretty good performance, particularly you're on a vehicle which did which saw where you look through each tier one bills i need to just see just for your spine. it even moved to you can in the remote or via boss to
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deal with reduces music on the face of for most commercial. so seriously both of us here's the. ringback the the blue cross is really nice and polite if i the process
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of finding us as human services us these though it is the by the way, the kind of fight on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure to load. the brass from jones. yep. i me, shots from what, that's what the deal is. i could have somebody to open these prints via general slowly just forgot some of the discount, almost most of the claim or be able to develop more. you've got to the depth of homes that you should you might of this year to should have credits sloniker. i have all of your stuff, i'm assuming you go on, you have to buy more stuff when you want me to talk to them or show you that for you. i don't a simpler state of the room. it's a little more cool,
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but i can room. yeah. and you know, she's a little somebody's before but i'm usually in your that's just kind of me the short 3, but yeah, but with genuine the phone calls are becoming available that you divide someone use your daughter's view. your bill is yours for the paper showing the pretty more goods on the definitely going to cover it, the more your good honestly because you're the one i was looking at is the bottom solution for, for a month. but it was funny as them usually, and you've got those clips to be depressed. took on the course to maria, kind of a savannah should have that level. he is on the other does what it is mastercard, or she has a little girl that prepares cryptic the of
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the new one you would like me to look at. i'm not sure because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them complex more and much less than that. but i'm still looking at the time that it done all progressing here, which course those courses more on performance cuz i agree. this is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form, because most, even the grid i need to put it across the board. i've had to apologize what we saw on the blue. he was supposed to do
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that it would show here. but just because of the use of combining that up just because i because of them i thought of the mobile open brain, you know, what would you say to the edition? i don't mind the sort of professional management the same. you basically cancel this if i can position the 2nd problem. so i was looking for smart example, which has confirmed as any other useful crib does bull boosted it'll look in sure bye from the neck, which of the differential table that shows. so here's the, come on the left, come on a for the so that has to be solution that was always come for us, the means, the one you showed the brand new information come on the new portfolio because it will stand as mission, national of supplementary, if i'm to the phone, we're going to just look at the showing. this was the garbage of a refrigerator. there's this mission moses mission, fluid flush of spin menus,
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boys on the more form of just going to groups on us with that our lives are pretty near the yards of what she'll do is to on here that for numerous will be for some was if she got the distribution here, look good idea here. so we have to leave it on the phone to see. so you know, just use is just the washer most was on the you know,
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the, uh, the instructed me plus the ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on, on was it? well, we'll watch. we'll move forward. you know, go to new number is unit 40 for us to, to know the look of this is all there's a few early to go to choose who you might be a vehicle. so the the
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true know right. gosh, i think the answer the most that you will see the room too fast, which is fine. or it's just because of the movie or was tom. yeah. the i'm guessing the because of got cheated. nobody handle the fuel sort of level, but the brown i'm, i'm to play even if of course, scores are smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i, yes, this is one of my will. it will compute starting as low from this is keisha lee,
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but i do the month with 3 with that single. if you put the move on the deal, a blog where people stand and the lady just go to chicago assuming which to show for sure. well, you know, a lot of them both parties, the much them owns the vineyards in the west portion. city of novels orange stores . oh, yeah. go to think about me if i'm just very smug around for them. concerning them for this is beth issues, but the young people, joan, this best megabyte. but we're used to move more of the webinar from us. would you sell to come around the back of out, but yeah, we'll just have to come on. i'm still pushing past get the full chassis of the one who when, when you back you with the phone, you might just be the one of me. so i should because you've been on the for the 3. i'm on the answers when you were when you pull chairs one package that was, that sees that could be shipped but the able to shut the junior
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and the so anybody ever you have the animal that yeah, yeah yeah. the so just need to fill out those to me or is it just all buses? felicia, exclusively on it, the bus this the spar to maternal and we can police because the other girl, when you get a message for the muscle is a pretty good actually thing with the basic a little bit actually it was less of virginia's problems and funding. i terminated so some of them because it becomes very yes i can set up the concept in both cases . investment of the ship. what should we in the, are you blew up ships coupling you g was yeah, you purchased coupling energy and asking the populace invest offers all the way people stay in the shape. where would you put you on with those 3 sources? the number was company was i asked the solution, thoughts, and i'm going to do a bit you for them. it was monday, just the room. there was some reason,
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did you not the do, said i wish to brand new space. there's lots that i saw some of these i'm interested, i always recommend you might be a group of funds, different federal commission i spoke with alicia referrals total. you're supposed to get them done with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st of the long distance with the who shuffle. yes, you're going to what's gonna be in the show for show still. mission i was, i guess the thought it was this was the more most pressure i was, the best thing is installed for your cars and storm. so just wanted to place with luke about this. i will double city park about 15 miles below us plus a flush which it added to can you can you come temple because i'm still really powerful government. god bless you. this is a good the super a hold of opening pollution. you really fun for? first of all is dealing with brand new news. i never saw
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a bank because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with a little sketchy, that you, what the issue is? do you have to pull, move a lot more in. so is the gosh, you've got the machine that you see and mark basically, what's the most confused? are you how you doing? i'm the storm people. so i'm, so i'm pretty sure who's the bulk of the furniture best imaginable format, scratchy, which is the beauty of it. showed me lot of other industries mark their company. let's look at their sophie. the deal is above the southern yards. but then you know what to do last night. the one most has to do more than 3 legs. a scheduled call, usually bunker, which was given your mood for spanish soto most guys the,
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the the position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans in and uh,
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the bridges on the drain. but on your bill is us have been obama dining probably now and a lot too. but as to when you see it, all the owners will take it alley. it will save you from us to process. you know, the middle of it is what i need to file a passcode was always does when this one is known as the guidelines source or cit, emotional around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive. the something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. and it has talks instead of taking care of the laptop, you want me to kind of see so either of us here. again, let's see the echo seats. the boeing good. i don't know those image a mold was suggesting we farm fell great. the web bill cause i was, they was the,
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it is so said some of the long queens of dining, which will not be there for us, pronounced people more still put us down with the new i'm about chance for the you will for the so that he was the by you to me and use i mutual pop, noticed many of the class, the pilots you and you wish there was that group of to to do i have good. it was
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personal. she's a go by someone, one of us and it should be in our mind that afternoon is but the modern home of course, your religion was his own. this will be difficult at the george carter that as a graduate of school, we live in the cold. i to serve of kids are musical to close deals that can use deal from bodily to love just to have the better service or waiting for the bus. i me to cosco get the job. i'm a, the caesar is opposite. just meals are so much made is dealer from almost the state of the approach, like a couple 0 most bored. but when you're sort of farmer and a very specific believe the thumbs up just just the one that is if i'm but i'm with a book i just to go into the book in front of jennifer, the various of feed me. what is the problem? seeing was the demo deal is because book 5 in bold talk. i asked them what was the problem to what you like, a visual i will student by that the severe all of the will, the premium started up above which could be more. i'm after the class has
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a $34.00 separate i what i get, what i get the political agree with the additional q most of course you what was using the notion conducted on the news or the only is yes, you will just get the more room you guys to do so. what would you not do? filter to use it so don't know what was the issue . yeah. what the form i was use the used to. i'm under a 100 of them through windows and doors to the citizenship. george. now go ahead and look at it. so as a split 2nd for glover, i'm if i'm,
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if i'm not going to sort of part of able status when quarter you kind of as far from the one that's almost color cartridge. or is this the last to be reserved for conflicts or compare motors means just to go washer and you know that have some oh yeah. yeah. i'm not sure what i'm what to do, who is here to pick it up? are michelle store, most swing for somebody has a question. yes. can i see you and i should note a new phone, the vinyl goes full or the gigabyte of suits on the shows you have. so you might be good on this to uh, the most uh you have of, uh, been waiting on this to with all of my us from uh do you mind with them shows, do you want me to use the deepest possible most to get them? would you restart streubal home, which did you wanna do? and yes, there's also already, so i presume sketches under the branch, my boy. yeah. as long as they go to zip that live fullest between. did you miss it
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was in life and while they listed me was a number but it was because that. ready at the beginning in the mission, i'm pretty me and then you know, was easier just possibly get it more to. i'm sick, you mean everything has to come. is that and use a me and i didn't mean the one. i'm usually the respectful name wayne, but someone own and you've seen browse on the cook was pretty much it isn't then when you just virginia, beloved know, mean you more than a religious for opportunities as a, as a will use a woman every to for the whole i'm the answer that our lease was waiting
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for the interested in attending. pretty good. that's good for me. so who do most news? somebody who just wants to use the study is continuous illusion will do most in was is i do that all the, excuse me if it is because i don't know how do i feel pretty sure most. definitely. and then other, with the most part, because i think there's just bolts senior general and you want the
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the homework for the sure that i want to do. i am said yes. tell me that you're not to do this. let's try it. and then we proceed to the play so good. i was just assuming that the human one of the particles is this was comfortable for me to just follow
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his arm. i didn't go shopping and i was pretty sure it's a visa. yeah. but all i use is less, you know, i that all guy and brought us to the phone with the gun. one of the particles is just a moment just the some of the difficult little simply layoff. that's just because of
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a looking at the should bike. you can reach the course of what she quoted because the beautiful beautiful the most. yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is never seem just for how much the business. if the research i'm going to put those notes, i go out and i got a new get out for good repetitive i am and you want us to come up. let me do this, this, this tell you that this is emily. you prior to the function leave because because some of the got it. so we'll just go on and watch list what not on the model. i mean, the cost would go to it for the
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the model for me or what, but some of the most affordable plan door for you, which is the father or come in that through your lives in is what i was paying for more information over to the to for both of the smaller this is what i'm about to the good news, the story of the vehicle to
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listen to some talk to someone with a smaller smile to come over to them on the to vote for it to declare so you as not those countries look over to you for your loan, number of seats available, the most that's assessable from the, from trips producer of results back on that all get them. so, you know, so now does it occurred to have missed the scenario? as far as though it's of course, most of the minister is,
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is or is long done this year. and we're still on attendance or show, or they just got to the store. so target on the system for the stairs, but the whole new level of security as will result in an image here means that the phone it shows that is the juice of the stuff she was not going through the sheet that are sort of stuff on board the sudden, but i know it's not just if the size of the previous by me the suspicion of the lost on the hills. are you sure? i suppose the amount is on the bridge.
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but the g i'm all of the special does much the sugar so much for the
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now you need use visa, stupid loyce law here. you have to nancy click jim's into both the and that's just me very the it's the only showcase in genes nathaniel. so he's going to the boys at the boys, the probably the most new and that'll be for them. i'm not sure if this says flora doesn't want that as much text. i'm putting notes up under that the
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release of come to the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for the question, did you say even closer to the
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learning on the charm ukraine storm and as to arise in india, having previously them vast of the country for his ties with russia to tell any of those things as a consequence of to have teeth pulled with lonestar. we took the position from the stuff, but you're not going to get a solution to this conflict fund about the official for the to the case routing policy confirms watches accusation, but the most go tire attacks treatments have happened without the involvement of ours. cause with ex washington's repeated claims to the contrary. warning, disturbing images are, has as well and must be held accountable fast in the reaction of the palestinian red crescent society to move videos.


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