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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  March 28, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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averaging the ukraine conflict to massively militarized loading up on american weapons in particular with aid and loans from uncle sam. but to what end? well formed defense minister marius blast, extra is what we consider to be the architect of this build up when he was in a job from 2018 until just a few months ago. told the british press last month, that quote, we're doing this to create such a level of deterrence. that putin will be discouraged from attacking, pull it. all right, so how's the goal of being nato's front line defense against russia doing just last week, opposed? soldier doing special forces training ended up getting wasted by an avalanche and the task from mountains. also this week to combat chemical engineers were blown up when a bundle of explosive designated, during the training exercises. so it looks like the pulses in a bit of a snag in their plans to scare 5 or crews in until the completion of this review by
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the decision of the minister of national defense training with the use of explosives and combat means is suspended except for activities carried out by structures prepared to participate in missions and operations outside the country and training ukrainian soldiers. so in other words, take outside the tent, guys, you'll have to sell for trying to steer foods in over there in ukraine. not here, we're making a mess of things. yeah, that totally seems to be working out for polls over there right now, just as the polish fighter serving with you, creating an army who was wounded, left to die and evacuated and treated by russia. anyway, no more training with explosives or military hardware for the polls for the 1st able future. so get out the nurse guns, water, pistols, and table. oh dear, i guess u. s. military able sure. be able to buy a whole lot of a lot of those. by the way, on march 5th, 2 more pull the soldiers of the army for,
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for jade were killed when they were inadvertently turned into c bonds for an armored vehicle during a training exercise at the armed forces center range in warsaw. deputy prime minister w continued campus. let me start with the accident that took place of the training ground and roscoe, palm whiskey. one soldier died. another is fighting for his life in hospital. this is a tragic event. this is an accident that causes us to direct all our strength and resources to support our family and loved ones. so in light of all, this is kind of interesting that just last week, post president foundry. dude, i was talking about how poland and data were limbering up. like this figured pushing was going to challenge them to so kind of a paper, the boxing match sometime in the next couple of years. along the way of a book. from my point of view, it's a question of common sense of the new reports are coming in and i recently saw one by tell my next, but we said that soon perhaps as early as 2026 or 2027. mostly gluten by putting is economy on a wall. for thing we have such a military might,
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that he'll be able to attack and they type, okay, then the loan bills are ringing. suddenly, we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people stop pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security preference present. imagine, and i call is posing up a storm for boxing glamour shots to ostensibly scare putin as he's threatening to send troops to fight russia. and meanwhile, his nato ta see over there in poland, is busy only itself on the practice. feel like there is no tomorrow, literally like there is no tomorrow because for some of those poor souls, there really wasn't a tomorrow. is well must be held accountable. and that's the reaction of the palestinian red presence of, sorry, say to the killing of 2 unknowns, palestinians by his way. the soldiers, a warning disturbing images are head video footage, release biologist, very so as the name and the idea of soldiers opens fire. they are loans, palestinians was seen waving what is supposed to be a white fabric and
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a sign of surrender of the being killed. the men were buried by the idea was bold as a wedge present. spokespersons, it is time for the international community to step in for this or do 225 need to see is what is written. the occupation forces and function they had targeting the of the 70 is a trying to find the evidence. so this is still to happened because of the silence of the international community. there is no accountability since the beginning of the war at all. got the is there a to move there? theory 2000 civilians, 70 percent of booth theory. 2000 crediting is a sentence, a women. the question is like how many thousands others shouldn't be killed before the world can take serious action tool? that's right. accounts and then have immediate access to inspire is where the
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killing of civilians a small strong criticism all over the world with civil rights groups labeling it as confirmation of his way. which falsities just want the growing death toll among palestinians. the us state department continues to claim old genocide, accusations on founded. and we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. but at the same time, we have are deeply concerned by this number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions, do everything it can to minimize those civilian casualties. the situation and goals that grows increasingly dia, by the day, according to the palestinian health and ministry modems, 30 see thousands of thousands of being killed, sofa with more than 20000 women and children among them. a number of those. and it has risen to almost $75000.00 according to official reports. around 85 percent of
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the local population is being forcibly displaced with a $1500000.00. and it's now sheltering in rafa ways. well, tungsten don't you know? so crowned defensive. the red crescent spoke past and spokes, person against the humanitarian situation is on the brink of catastrophe. in this situation, i on the ground is detached, will be found as a end and a half of the of the relation are suffering from just asked to speak for the entire population or blocking access to food. that means the entire population are relying on human nature again, as we continue to see, people are losing their lives. i'm dying in north uh because of starvation and we find tradition thousands others will be losing their lives soon as there will be no serious action from the international community to ha c's or for your allow the and she will see, sustains on the humanitarian age,
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access to areas for the inconvenience of us all health care after soneta are trying their best in order to continue providing their live streaming services to the people in golf. however hostages or over one as over, they drove it with dozens of injuries who are getting into the hospital at the same time they suffer because of the shortages of medical supplies and medication. and every single day we see more holes because are going out of service because of this, right? you mean attacks at the same time health care person in or be killed out of the team while they are on? it's usually how many, thanks for joining the international this the say coming your way next, christie. i will delay step inside of the cost of everything and all, but that was monique. and so it's even in the
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mental health as something that's been getting a lot of buzz recently. ever since the pandemic. everyone is prioritizing it, demanding that others respect it. and many of using it as an excuse to just take a break from reality. but there is a difference between wanting and mental health break and actually suffering from depression. i'm christy and you're watching the cost of everything more today. we're going to be talking about mental health and unraveling the intricacies of depression and anxiety, and the staggering costs that they impose on our society. the depression is one of the most common forms of mental illness and the world. with about 280000000 people worldwide suffering from it. the national institute of mental health estimates that $21000000.00 us adults had at least one major
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depressive episode, which represents around 8.3 percent of the us adult population. symptoms include a loss of interest in things that used to be enjoyable. lots of energy, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and thoughts of death or suicide. depression is more common among women than men, with the most common age between 18 to 25 years old. depression is also common among youth with up to 29 percent of teenage girls and almost 12 percent of teenage boys experience a, a major depressive episode and 2021. the younger generation are struggling with mental health. as a cobit pandemic disrupted pivotal periods of growth for young adults which have left them more susceptible to the drivers of depression. young adults reported higher rates of depression than any other age group and the greatest increase in recent years. the depression and anxiety are on the rise, and there are multifaceted reasons behind this increase. you has to sidle pressures,
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economic uncertainties, and the fast pace nature of modern life. creating the perfect storm. the cost and connectivity and information overload also plays a significant role in amplifying stressors. technology introduces new challenges as constant exposure of security and versions of others live on social media. can foster feelings of inadequacy. so finding a healthy balance in our digital lives is crucial. the economic tool of depression is staggering from last productivity in the workplace to increased health care expenditures. the financial impact is substantial. we often underestimate the ripple effects on families, communities, and the overall economy. one mental health is neglected. approximately 6 to 7 percent of full time us workers experience major depression disorder or mtv. within the past year, the total economic burden of us adults with n d. d was estimated at $210000000000.00. workplace costs accounted for the
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largest portion of the growing economic burden. as m d. d leads to absenteeism, and present p is where there is reduced productivity while at work. this results in reduced educational obtainment, lower earnings potential, higher unemployment, and increase work disability. 45 percent of the total costs are due to direct medical costs, such as therapy, outpatient, and inpatient medical services, pharmaceuticals, etc. the economic ripples of m. d. d or extensive for every dollar spent on treating depression, an additional $4.70 is spent on direct and indirect costs. a related illnesses and another $1.90 is spent on reduced workplace productivity. and now today we're joined by author. i'm positive psychology expert, robert mac to discuss some more. and so how has the prevalence of depression
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involved over the years? and are there identifiable patterns or factors contributing to these changes? yeah, they were, we have an additional $53.00. when to make use of anxiety, an additional 76200000 case of major depressive disorder in 2020 and according to the global burden, disease study, lots of socio economic, cultural, and other factors or play there. i would say that women and children are and have been consistently, it's hardest. we mostly think that something outside of us or someone outside of us can or will make us happy. lots of these lots of people can encourage us to be happy. but if we look closely at the science and we look closely in reliance, we can big but be, i noticed that people who seem to have everything are often deeply depressed, least unhappy and obviously as i, what are the societal costs associated with uncreated or poorly managed depression and treated or before the news, depression leads to higher suicide rates, higher health care spending,
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wearable life or work on duty. and so much more can you discuss some of the broader economic implications of depression, including its impact on workforce productivity and health care expenditures? depression have significant economic implications in direct cost like therapy and medication for individuals and indirect costs. like last for activity and disability claims organizations, we tend to think about depression like an individual and on a case by case basis. and that it only takes individuals and or their families, our loved ones. but the truth is it affects all of us, whether we're diagnosed with clinical depression, anxiety or not. you're right. it has um, economic cost and other cost that's to transcend the individual trans end of the family and actually affect us as a country. and as, as a world, so yeah, the question of depression goes beyond what any particular individual experiences. and it touches all of this in one way or another, and other notable variations and the problems of depression across different
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countries or regions. i think the united states, we do tend to consistently rate low with respect to happiness and high with respect to depression, anxiety going to be for developed countries in our thoughts. that being said, the problems with depression rates varies across different demographics. so for instance, during the day demick, women and children were disproportionately affected with respect to depression and anxiety around lots of factors that contribute to watch sort of depression on one hand and happiness on the other. you know, so i think consistently, lots of countries in europe and south america and even in our expire, in happiness, the united states for lots of reasons. some of those factors have to do with house or one of we think the culture is surprisingly enough. so let's do the politics. so a lots of countries to get more, for example, maybe switzerland or even sweden when folks are taxed at pretty much the same rates of savior tax credit. but you know, maybe approximately 50 percent. everybody makes pretty much the same amount of
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money or so it's enough to the same amount of money so that people choose careers as a result of that. because the love or a very passionate about doing x, y, and z as opposed to choosing players, offered surely monetary, materialistic reasons. and so that means that later in life, they've generally happier progressions they've chose also sometimes their health care benefits and other i'm so so, so to welfare problems that are put in place for people. so they don't have to worry about things like losing their job as much like healthcare are those things that are a great deal to people. so anywhere that people feel a lot of the works, it's trust. rachel connected and not so late. what is the procedure understood and they're taken care of and by the government, this tests are going to report higher levels of happiness and lower levels of depression, relatively speaking, with countries that don't do those things. i'm so well, we're focused on other programs or other people, i guess initiatives how to cultural and societal factors influence the
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understanding and reporting of depression in various parts of the world to, to look for the news. depression, we see a higher suicide rates, our health care spending or quality of life, or more productivity and more. and how often inconsistent leads are freely people. on one hand report, the symptoms of depression, anxiety depends the large extent on how to set that is and, and even celebrate is within the country. so there's always a lot of stigma around the depression. anxiety that there is lots of parts of the world or within particular. so is he on now? i can order status levels or within the doctor, different races or the cities or even gender are related differences to cost differences in reporting. and it can also cost differences in diagnosis as well. thank you so much, robert, but please stick around. author, robert mac will stay with us right here after the break. and as we head into the break, we will explore if
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a nation's culture can deeply influence mental health and access to treatment or not state and from on the high acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. i listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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while depression is a growing problem world wide. ukraine tops the list as a country with the highest rate of depression at 6.3 percent. this is followed by the us, australia and estonia at 5.9 percent, brazil at 5.8 percent, and grease of 5.7 percent. and nations culture can have a significant impact on both the mental health aspect of its population and the
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availability of treatment services. for example, while depression is relatively uncommon in japan, suicide rates are high for children and teens. 8 is 10 to 19. this is most likely due to the pressure to do well in school and work a and many asian cultures such as china, japan or korea. there is a concept of face which refers to one's reputation. mental health challenges are viewed as an individual problem or weakness, and talking openly about sadness, disappointment, or depression is rarely encouraged. in some african culture, such as nigeria gone or kenya, there is a belief in witchcraft which refers to the use of supernatural powers to cause harm or misfortune. people with mental health disorders may be accused of being which is or possessed by evil spirits, and may face ostracism from their family or community. in india, there's still a stigma, a lack of mental health awareness, mental illness is not considered
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a disease, but a state of mind. this leads to a lack of training professionals to service those who need it. but luckily, in many countries, the stigma surrounding mental illnesses is gradually decreasing. this enables a more open discussion of mental illness and makes people more likely to seek help and they need it. since the start of cobra, 19 more companies are enhancing their mental health benefit offerings for employees . a survey of $256.00 companies found that since coven 53 percent of employers have begun providing specific emotional and mental health programs for the workforce. these programs include free access to various health and wellness applications, video sessions with mental health counselors and stipends for psychological or physical health related services. meanwhile, countries with the lowest rates of depression include the solomon islands at 2.9 percent pipe. a new guinea, a 3 percent micronesia at 3 point one percent. and the pole at 3.2 percent.
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and now we're joined again by author and pauses. psychology expert, robert mac to discuss a more to now robert, from an economic standpoint, what are the direct and indirect cost associated with depression for individuals, individuals based those direct and indirect cost associated with depression. the direct costs, of course, are the cost of health care itself, treatment, medication therapy, things of that nature. the indirect costs going to be, we'd be so kind of expensive roth loss of income and potential long term disability . when you're depressed, you're often using black. the motivation to show up to work, you need to take these off, but also the way you do show up, you tend to be disengaged, and how those depression contribute to health care expenses, workplace, absenteeism, and disability claims. anything that would affect true motivation or usually just sort of maintain it. consistently healthy mood is going to also attack people around using victor. really to be productive to think creatively,
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to show up and be efficient and effective. and what you do add your job. what are the financial considerations for individuals taking treatment for depression, including therapy and medication costs? speaking of steve nature pos for individuals out of pocket expenses for therapy, medications, and other types of treatment. are there disparities and access to mental health treatments based on social economic factors? there are significant disparities and access to mental health treatment. those are based mostly on to see if i can all the factors but also on other things like our gender and race and ethnicity and culture as well. people with lower incomes and people with health insurance based probably the greatest challenges with respect to those getting diagnosed with and getting treatment for depression, anxiety under other mental health disorders. lots of those folks who don't have access to health insurance and have lower incomes for lots of reasons that have directly to do with not having access to health insurance and not having enough
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money to pay the bills. maybe they are living below a level of subsistence, which means they can't pay for basic necessities are going to be under more stress them or more. exactly. as a result of that, they're going to feel more help. listen more whole list is old. not only are they more subject often to experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety, but they also have less access to doing anything about it unless it believes anything about it. and that can actually increase or make worse the depression, anxiety itself. and are there studies or rankings that identify countries with higher rates of depression and what factors might contribute to these variations? just studies like the global burden of disease. so we provide good sites in the countries with higher rates of depression really indicated that condemns impact on increasing the problems, things that even depression. but there are course lots of factors that it also speaks to, including some of the things we mentioned before, which is sort of socioeconomic status, politics, culture, race, the city, gender, even, and even age. those things can all play
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a critical role. they both are getting diagnosed with depression, anxiety or another amount of disorder. and also being treated for it seems like anxiety and depression are quite prevalent in our society today. but where is the threshold for someone to be clinically diagnosed as depressed or suffering from high anxiety? and just someone who doesn't cope well with stress and pressure people, diagnoses for depression is significantly different than a normal, healthy, but often uncomfortable responses that we have to stress interest in the challenges of our everyday life. when you find it extraordinarily different that difficult and to respond to everyday life in a way that is other than healthy. in other words, you're showing up the response to the trustee or sounds your life in a way that makes it difficult to get the day. when you find it difficult to find
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interesting things that you normally have interest in when you find a default to sleep. so you're speaking to an order seeking too much, you just want to always be asleep. these are this nature. what are some of the criteria that a mental health professional is used to diagnose clinical depression? the depression is really something that goes way beyond the sadness that goes way beyond your everyday stress. and it's a clinical diagnosis that you receive only from a mental health professional. and they have a checklist of frontier today. you know, so that you, for, to determine whether or not with your experience is normal and healthy or requires a deeper or greater form of treatment your medication. and so, yes, i'm able depression is significantly different from the normal responses that we all sort of have. um, you know, for what we're experiencing our challenges or a personal life. we've got businesses use a usual psychology on one hand. and that's what we used to diagnose. clinical
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disorders, depression, anxiety, we've got positive, i called you the other hand, it mostly focused on mental health that together they treat a science. but that says, see clearly what leads to happiness because after this work, it's the way of it. and what piece of depression design instead and it so there's, there's no question about it that the way we live here in the united states presents unique challenges to feeling consistently a piece to feeling satisfied with your life. i'm typically happy and can sometimes make it a lot easier to feel depressed and anxiety and stressed out and on other other things disputed, which we live is one of those factors. the diversity is actually a huge benefit and really fantastic. and lots of ways that can also be a challenge and not just diversity in terms of race and gender and, and religion. it was interesting but also to just a variety of thoughts about the diversity as long as it's taken presented. and for folks who are unable to maintain or hold calm, distance,
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which is the stress needs id of seeing or experiencing contradictory ways of living . often. that's another example, i think also going to states we have a very individualistic culture. some cultures are going to go with the individual listed somewhere. it works with a collectivist. and what that essentially means is that we have this idea of this self made person which can be really inspiring on one end. but it also can be put on very low be on the other and they can also blame themselves when they're not successful or they're not driving. and then we add into that a lot of the technological factors like social media and being so available online, you'll see that it was lives 2 decades ago. you could only really understand or see it's people's lives. they told you about them. what was your next door neighbor? these days you can literally get a glimpse into millions of people's lives across the entire world. and that can set you up for and happiness, even depression, anxiety as you begin to compare and contrast your life in your day with millions of people's lives across the world. so we've got a lot of factors that can plan to the challenge that we face here in united states,
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specifically across the world as well. thank you so much, robert, for all your time today. for a while, depression is on the rise, the bright spot, and all of this is the pharmaceutical industry. yes. for every problem there seems to be a little pill that can make it all better. the anti depressant market is experiencing substantial growth, reaching an estimated value of $21800000000.00 by 2030, a surgeon prevalence and an increasing awareness towards mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety are pivotal factors driving this expansion. the number of anti depressants prescribed per year, more than tripled over the past 2 decades, from 18400000 in 1998 to 70900000 in 2018. 50 for 7 percent of gen the years with mental health conditions are taking medications. and those who aren't on their parents insurance pay around $528.00
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a year out of pocket for medication. north america is identified as pertaining the largest market share. so the pharmaceutical industry ends up being the big winner, even though a reliance on pharmaceuticals to solve your problems. is it optimal? but unfortunately, people liked the easy way out and would rather take a pill then to solve these problems. in therapy, i am 50 i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the,
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the as well must be held accountable. that's the reaction from the palestinian red present facility to a video showing the canning of 2 on the palestinians. my idea 1st is certainly occupation forces and function and targeting seventies and trying to find the evidence. this is still to happen because of the silence of the international communities and official for the package routing policy, consent rushes accusations that the most go terror attack prisons have happens without the involvement of foreign powers. not contradict washington repeated claims to the contrary. feeling the gas fall so you are p in pharmaceuticals.


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