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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, the as well must be held accountable. that's the reaction from the palestinian red present facility to a video showing the canning of to on long island city and my id. yes. for certain, the occupation forces and function and targeting seventies and trying to find the evidence. this is still to happen because of the silence of the international communities. and official for the tech is routing policy. consent rushes accusation for the most power attack present have happens without the involvement of foreign powers, not contradicts washington to a piece of claim to the contrary. filling the gap fall. so you are p in pharmaceutical companies,
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rush to exit the russian loc as in the wake of the world indian funds ceasing new, for example, puts you in to see those big live to the presidents. of one of the leading indian pharma companies makes the a very warm welcome to 6 pm here in the russian capital. the new of watching on the international with the late as well as news updates on top story this out and is well must be held accountable. that's the reaction of the palestinian would present society to the killing of 2 unknowns, palestinians by his way. the sold as a warning, disturbing images are ahead. video associates released by out to 0 shows the moments the id. as soon as i can fire, they are loans, palestinians was seen waving. what appeared to be want to stop, where i can assign of surrender of to being killed. the men will verify the idea with schools though it is, as i told those as i read,
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present spokes person. so it is time for the international community to step in to say, you know, these are due to $25.00 need uh, seems, uh, what is right in the occupation forces and attention be at targeting the of the 70 is a trying to find the evidence. so this is still to happened because of the silence of the international community. there is no accountability since the beginning of the award at all got the is there a to move that $32000.00 and civilian is 70 percent of booth a theory to thousands kind of thing is i suggest a woman. the question is like, how many thousands others shouldn't be killed before the world can't take serious action to who lives right account to the have immediate access to it is friday or early this week, april 4th. and as well as alleged acts of genocide and gauzy,
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was submitted to the un human rights council a so that francesca albany said she had received death threats while compiling the documents. however, the us state department has already dismissed through a post labeling any genocide allegations as quotes on funded. so let me ask you, i have you and it, did you see or read the report the made by francesca at albany yesterday. ready in geneva, where she cited where she actually, what she showed was refutable as far as she's concerned. refutable evidence that a really engaged in genocide did you see the reports that what does your comment? i did send a report. let me say a couple things about it. first, um we have longs for long standing uh for a long standing period of time to pose the mandate of this special wrapper tour, which we believe is not productive. and when it comes to the individual who holds that position, i can't help but note history that i submitted comments that she has made and comments she made in december that appeared to
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a justified the attacks of october 7th. so i think it's important to take that into account, but with respect to the report itself, we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. but at the same time we have are deeply concerned by this number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions do everything it can to minimize those civilian casualties. that's cause lots to side. our kathy washington bureau chief full, the jerusalem base published city a newspaper codes many thanks for joining us on the program. and her report francesca albany says that there are reasonable grounds to believe it, as well as committing genocide in johnson. but the us says any claims are unfounded, how do you explain such a difference of opinion as well? it's very simple. i mean, the united states of america would probably have to see evidence of maybe a not many of the house tended to die as
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a result who is ready to attack before even coming close to calling it a genocide. i mean, i may be exaggerating a little bit, but really that, that was, is the matter is that, then i'd say it is the predictor of israel no matter what it does at the u. n. a, it sends the thing to israel august weaponry and rebuilding the depth was fired. it refers to send in your house to kill was killed by, by american weather, every building destroyed, destroyed by americans and munitions. everything that is done onto the palestinian is basically a done on written off by and they're not, it's of america, not just for this war, but all along. i mean for the past 75 years. and i states had been the power of a swear that unfortunately the world just looks on a either useless or helpless or unable to or dis interested. i mean, you know, we see major part of the world that are unable to change the situation, especially now when the palestinians face that it,
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i find it interesting that that was used by the us state department space pass. and he said that the washington as opposed to monday, typically, russell. so because he believes it to be not productive any most, not productive about finding out what happened. you know, there's always a nice, a cover. i mean it, see it is silly, you know, and they say this is not productive. we'll close the position. i mean, that's what they said. we have point. and basically they'll probably the position of the rubber. tar one wonder why because this is really an investigatory body. it observes what it does that mean you have on the, on have a nice day financing every possible and deal under the sun. so they can do and observe and all that stuff. but when it comes to a major body like dana nations, that is really and conducting was very credible at people like functions. galban it or any of our predecessors don't to do all of these violations and these way of the day and, and it says we, we have no use for it. so it just be and basically the double speak, it's almost,
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it's very of are really in, and it's approach one of the story. so covering today is this a disturbing video footage that's been released by out. is there a certain beginning of 2 on the palestinians by is ready soldiers of the us position will have a change in lie to the cases that are repeatedly being seen risk cases all say, you know, it's not i don't believe that i will see as are they us changing its position in towards the israel, the american public does. and i think that will impact us policy, but at least for now the us policy will not change because there it is, all would be the same under the trump, under a bottom of the form under a bush. you know, i have bush father, of course, the son that's on the same policy is what it's doing. i'd really like to kill the palestinians. every piece of these houses are not soldiers. there really are. yes, as in uniform funds in the uniform, the bidding of
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a interest rate because that's exactly what it does that mean when you go in and, and you sort of yeah, you send in all these videos the solve as some of the videos or the sales doing all these unspeakable app. i love them. you know, obviously this is not a serious wait, it was a game. so say i didn't guess well, will ever be held accountable. i mean, they can go based to palestinians. it's just that the latest incident has been met with strong criticism criticism around the world. i will as well have a be held accountable is my question. i don't think so. i think that as long as they united states is there to protect these rail, i have to make sure that no one comes close to a holding it rather comfortable. it will continue to do these deals with infinity by just making so today side are caught the washington bureau chief of jerusalem based, published today, a newspaper all codes. thank you. i thank you so many
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a so it says coming in this hour rushes investigates, have commenced the size, the perpetrators, if fridays terrorist attack was a significant amounts of money as crypto currency from ukraine, which we used in preparing the crime. that's going to these details. now from all correspond to an yes and can, who joins is from that took care of now. so the russian investigative committee says that that's direct to create involvements in the tire attack. we've also heard was about the case from ticket today to take us through the latest developments, please. nikki, as it stands, the investigative committee says it has confirmed the involvement of or organizers and outside forces. but more importantly, it also has confirmed the pre plan nature of this attack. it has also gathered a number of financial documents which suggested that there had been transactions, financial transactions as well as transfers of crypto currencies and of the nature of the attack has been linked back to creating nationals or national listing. this
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matter. and the sentiment of course, coming out of that committee is on par with statements coming out of bunker as well, a party spokes person, and my check in an interview to local media. in turkey, i suggested that there had been others involves either states or one state not saying or not identifying who suggesting the others may be involved. let's take a listen to what the spokesperson had to say before we could just continue at a 100 and there's nothing. this doesn't happen without support from any states intelligence activities. now from several states, whatever that is, this is not an organization that i see. so like, can do a lot of the day, but ultimately, i'm not saying we agree with the address. russia has not got sick, but it's true that there must be a sponsor, uninitiated for something that a lot of this is the statement coming out of a match. it suggests that on color does not necessarily agree with the address shown by moscow. but that was before the investigative committee issue, the statements of the opinion may change, but the one thing that does remain
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a constant is unconscious position on the matter suggesting that the attack was planned and it was supported by an outside influence. from the interview i mentioned, it also suggested that the nature of the attack seemed to plan because of how the perpetrators moved around the concert hall. the weapons training and the number of details that suggested that this was planned. it was organized and it wasn't a bunch of gum in that they hired off the streets to carry out this attack. and this comes from a position which on kind of suggests knows how these mass gunman, or these mass perpetrators carry out these attacks. and in the statement of course, you also mentioned that this is a new age and warfare that this is an age of proxy war that the attacks are carried out by not showing their true faces. and the attack that has been carried out, of course, has been resulting in a split and opinion. of course, for example, washington suggests that you have was not involved that this attack was carried out by isis. whereas moscow position suggests the attack was in fact orchestrated by the key of regime and that isis could have just been used as
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a tool in this matter. and uncle is position seems to to, to a between the both. but more importantly, the one thing that does, again, remain a constant is unconscious position towards the future of all of this seems suggesting that to him, in order to understand who really carried out these attacks or who ordered these attacks, they need to understand and look at who benefits from this the most in the interviews? what much of the continued to say that the perpetrators, or at least organizers that have been behind the supporting this movements that could also be looking to further their political agenda elsewhere. and that the region as a whole could potentially be at the brink of war, or at least those that are responsible art, is to ensure that this pro, pro long conflict is extended even further. so there's a lot coming out. we also have to wait on what and cut his reaction to the statement coming out of the investigative investigation committee will be. but the one thing that does remain a constant is the attack was carried out by uh, a number of professionals, according to statements, and not just from moscow,
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but from under, as well as somebody thanks for keeping across things for science. aussies. yes, and i can speaking to his lot from to okay, thank you to confirm that total from the most coach. harris hopkins. now regency, 143, including 5 children that are where the grim number is expected to rise with. many people still listed as missing. meanwhile, the russian foreign ministry size, washington's continued insistence that the attack had nothing to do with you. crane is just to attempt to save its own reputation. the mist has listed, but then the white house, along with the state department, has stated that you crane has nothing to do with the tara attack on what data and what information did they draw such a conclusion? it's completely unclear. shouldn't you find any one thing is obvious that washington started to whitewash the key of regime to whitewash themselves because everyone understands that there is no use found a line key if way seems without weston minute. 3 support and western funding where
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you live, publish it, and what is your head off? russia's federal security service has the keys ukraine, as well as the us on u. k. of having a hand in the terror attack. something washington is vehemently denied while also repeatedly coming to kids defense. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. meanwhile, we have a 100 arresting, roster of the terrorist as ball expensive criticism in the west spot of the us track record of brutality towards suspects during its so called warren tara ne, don't hold close to us. no. in the peanut gallery of the so called, civilized world is back at it with the finger pointing this time it's a former head of anti russian operations. at the c, i a talking down to russia after public reaction in the concrete, the videos of how those who carried out the recent terrorist attack in moscow are
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treated by police. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and russian to what's going on in the west. um, even though if something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would be saying i for an i and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. so as society is rule of law and treating suspects, even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, humanity and respect, which is totally a, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia, really the ca, calling others on civil lives. they practically wrote the handbook on torture. that's not a matter for the c. i a literally wrote the handbook, including everything from slapping people, keeping them in insect infested boxes to water boarding. it was after $911.00 that all these black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques became really wide spread. and they came down on both the innocent and guilty, like i wasn't the military commander or a government official. i was just
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a resident of baghdad where i grew up and just like any other are right count was against the us invasion. and i spoke out against it, my picture was published a news article with my complaints. the americans been rated my home interested me. they were constantly right through my body doesn't mean cold water as well as sticking the barrels of their guns and boom, 16 to extremely sensitive places which was very painful and had a severe psychological impact on me. for 3 days i was not given for the head cold water thrown, asked me, it was the end of december and the weather was freezing and lab recordings blasted into my ears. i reached the point of exhaustion that i could fall in and sleep while i was standing, but it wouldn't let me. these enhanced interrogation techniques have seen prisoners in places like guantanamo bay, in abu ghraib, forced to stand for hours on end, doused with cold water and severely deprived of sleep. okay, former defense secretary donald rumsfeld said these stands for 8 to 10 hours a day. and that's why it should be limited to 4 hours after he officially signed
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off on the sea ice tortured methods in 2002 former president george w bush also had no regrets years after launching the program. here's what i'm gonna say, that we're fortunate to have men and women who work hard at to see a survey on our behalf. these are patriots. and i knew the directors, i knew the deputy directors, you know, i know a lot of the operators and you're good people really get people and we're lucky as a nation to have them to top it all off the guy who ran the entire c. i a torture program, not only still defends it publicly, but even tried to destroy any and all video was connected to its existence. it's another story when it comes to many who are tasked with doing the actual torturing nudity was sort of the theme of the entire prison, the number of iraq use that were nick. it was shocking and it was cold. iraq certainly gets hot in the summer. everyone knows that, but it also gets very cold in the winter. this was december, sleep,
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deprivation and forest standing were the most common thing that most prisoners were suffering. they were hands come to the cell walls and a position in which they were standing. their hands were placed down between their legs and then their hands were hands cupped back behind them, which denies you the opportunity to sit down or to rest. and so you can combine what, where essentially to enhanced techniques, sleep deprivation and forest standing. it was a shock to the system. it goes without saying human rights organizations have not approved either. one town to maybe a is a sight of unparalleled notes, write a defined by the systematic use of torture. and all the crew in humane or degrading treatment against hundreds of men, brought to the site and deprived of them most fundamental rights. a brutal torture program with unapologetic perpetrators, which is now pretty universally understood as bad, and still none of its architects have been punished if that's the way the civilized
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world looks. maybe it's a better idea to stay away altogether. and there you can't. i had crossed all the line in on the was bates con, conducted vietnam, and you're not going to sign. i mean what they didn't need. y'all was the name and the name they need to name and sir. yeah, i mean the destruction they did know what's happened after a i think the war in. okay. name the and then the war in guys that showed it the, the very you uh, west of the whole world base it showed it smelled as sooner, lice. s pretended it smelled as more on that as it's pretended to be. and they start people, the more you know, i'm going to, people started to, to see it, to seeing the 2 stories actually not only the, not to the western narrative. the story that disappears on media or by politicians . so at the end of america wants really to be the judge and the world and judge
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every budget and speaks about civilized society. i mean, we need to treat everybody the same way the of the western sanctions force many european pharmaceutical companies out of the russian markets. india has seized the opportunity to fill b lucrative gap. to discuss this, where do i enter in the city? if i present into all of the risk a bias on pharmaceutical companies such a computer, many thanks for coming in today. it's lovely to see you. so indian pharmaceutical products, the slowing into the russian market are replacing some west and especially european made medicine. a want to make all of this shift and just how much of an opportunity is this for india? this? so this is actually not a noun, pharmacy products. these are the for all materials. so, no problem. tools used to be procured from invest in countries from euro, which now india and started supply. and of course india the what it was that is the,
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it is the pharmacy of the word. so it is basically the products, but not all materials that can you have started supplied. and of course, the big, big opportunity for india and to somebody in the enough on the company's account, a present on the russian market and how many are looking to setup chauffeur and stop producing inside russia or so. so uh, as far as, uh, sending the products anything uh, almost 1520 indian companies already working in asha as far as manufacturing and russia. uh, when the buttons, large company and uh, she has already set up. uh, its been fixing this, but yeah, a lot of thought in origin citizens uh they have but a lot of factories in issue and they're doing quite with me and how we easy is it for these companies to set up and rush about sort of legal, other hurdles through these companies facing by streaming. what are the solutions to these problems to see, i've been, uh, each country has their own, the set of rules and regulations. russia as
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a quite the rigid but that's a good, you know, honestly just absolutely. okay. i didn't get the budget on so slightly relaxed, so you just have to follow the local routes which are, you know, quite a stringent and that's an opportunity because many companies would come in, you know, facing district in twos. so and then companies have that has this experience because they are exporting the products in the us and you know, so that is not you can say a 100 and looked at several questions. yes, me, as we know, rush in india have the this very strong relationship. is there any way for indian companies to perhaps get some preferential treatment in russia because of this great friendship. but unfortunately, it's almost equally the sector where you can't give preference to, to manufacturers. but yeah, maybe if it's something that came with the clinical trials and by a quinn and studies that are being done in india from for,
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to the technical research of the nations. if the shop would accept those studies, it could you to give some kind of preference. so these are very peculiar times we're living in right now. do it for see indian companies having facing any pressure from the west store experienced any issues specifically working with russia, right? now see 1st see how this kid is built on the sections. yeah, but still, most of the big pharmaceutical companies in india have a huge exposure to us and you know, so they have some new patients in when they're working with the russian companies. but i think these are just temporary issues in the companies that are finding solutions. and the hook is going, as usual. yeah, so how people in russia are going to experience this. if you do the switch from european to indian farmers going to affect prices perhaps for regular people. and so the people who really need it most in rushman could the situation change and
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that's a stable future. see of trusted me, you know, to clear this point that if there is any confusion that how much is coming from india might degrade the clarity of the product? no. mm hm. that's the same. which is that is that uses buying in the top is buying . so 1st, the quarter, david says, is that bar, same quantity is as of you used to buy a fresh eggs to buy from europe. and of course, uh, that would be a price benefit. uh, the medicines would get cheaper, which means more exclusively to the people. that's, that's a huge benefit of a company in the categories of medicine that india and pharmaceutical companies cannot provide for the people who needed a washer. and could the situation change. i don't see the could be any, any, any category which in your god supply, having and didn't pharmaceutical industries, very mature be technical speed. biotech is ready to supply all kind of materials, talk enough drugs to russia. me. i mean, noticed any,
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any key differences between the, the russian pharmaceutical market and the indian and has it been difficult for you to adapt, perhaps see, and didn't inform us, which includes the following remarks is already maybe 60 years old. it's a very, very mature market. it's a self independent industry and i shouldn't know if i was to be locked is what 20 years old. so it's to doing instead of developing but echo system is to, you know, it's a work in progress. mm hm. so maybe, but yeah, and that's the way of us because the government programs think farmer 20242030. then this is going at a very huge base. so the, yeah, the maturity of it. yeah. the, the people are already limited, but with the machines that are the level of, of the technology is already new, available because of 60 years of its existence and, and dress shirts just to catching up base. mm hm. that's the difference. and the patient i do, as i told you, in your, uh, uh,
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russian pharmaceutical regulatory standards have quite strange it, but it's okay, it's business of and you have to follow the rules, the leg of doing it. mm hm. yeah. and like i said before, that was peculiar at times isn't if we look at the world as a whole, we have all these sanctions on several countries. we have this trend of the globalization. many countries are now focusing less on external sources, which is a risk really because they would show that they could just be cut off to slide that . so what's will take on the future for pharmaceutical companies and nations lined rusher in india. in that regard of gradually, each and every country is shifting to is being independent. who would the independence can also be to, to a live with maybe you can become 90 percent independent on raw materials to close. you still the 10 percent global dependence is always there. so it's, it's a good effort to be independent. but v vi should not forget that the committee that
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to that independence, the global, it depends on the, is the day of what do you think about, i mean when it comes to the morality of things like sanctions, which mike cuts off the past and supplied, say, pharmacies go some who desperately needs it, like we have seen in russia. do you think that to what extent a social political restrictions mostly acceptable in today's world. so i was interested in living as far as i know the health care was looking to sanctions. right. yeah, but uh, somehow the big fire was there probably not formerly, but under pressure due to uh, stopping listing of the share to, to stop supplies offer as important medicines. i mean, of course, hes get should never be under sanctions. that is not under sanctions, but this uh, a non formal kind of freshman big farmer due to his dropping listing and russia, as, of course, it's stuck in beverly. correct. and in any case,
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there damaging dentist become a disorderly russia. they've been making good business here. and what i understand is that most of the companies are finding the out to, to be here or this be on that day. so it just makes it more expensive type of people. yeah, and i mean, what's the big pharma cove is in the negative image for the look at the comments? because the, uh, it's sensitive something we should not be publishing should have been deprived of me. and if a big phone company is bearing into this situation like this, the looking government to the local industry, one to find substitution for different acts, which is happening right now. so ultimately the, the one who is losing. yeah. so the future looks bright for engine pharmaceutical companies with english i would say of, of literally just given situation has created a lot of opportunity. and because of the relationship that both the countries share, i'm sure uh, in from a split industry has a good,
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relatively english. why do you think so? wish you all the best of luck with that president of the russ via phone pharmaceutical companies such a company. thank you very much going for the way to thank you. and walking all day to day tom offensive ukraine star administer has arrived in india is widely being seen as an attempt by key up to when of a new delhi, which is remains neutral after the war. but the indian foreign minister has us paisley goes to asians where the russia nursing the conflicts cannot be resolved on the battlefield. caesar engines showing the reports, and this is the 1st time that you're talking you clean, you know, official is visiting india off to the water ukraine started or 2 years ago as the you cream foreign ministers here for to day. was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts, bob, dr. ha shankar also the deputy and to see what the board the agenda really sees that he's here to talk about 5 after that box to ship. also cooperation in regional
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and global issues. what's really, what exports believe is that the critical for shalysea to be for renewal support in the upcoming be store stuff will take place in switzerland. lita, in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you create have for india, it looks like you, queen has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand in the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley, i'm like the west that has always fixated on using the munition and this conflict. india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the start to, to a not going to get a.


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