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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the perpetrators of last week, terrorist attack in moscow risk thieves and significant amounts of money and crypto parent, the from the freight, which with use been preparing to commit the atrocity. now this, according to russia's investigative committee today, also a head turning on the charm. ukraine's foreign minister arrived in india, having previously drawn fast to the country for its pipe with russia deli, those save as 5 for t as to how peace talks with moscow. took the position from the start. so if you're not going to get
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a solution for this problem clicked on the bucket, israel must be held to account the reaction of the palestinian red crestwood society to a video showing the killing of 2 a part of the alarm galvan. my idea is right, the occupation posters and functions and talk a trying to find the evidence. this is still to happen because of the silence of the international community, the reverie or catching the news hour from today across the globe. welcome to moscow and to r t international. we begin with breaking news on the program. rushes investigative committee saves significant amounts of money. um crypto currency from ukraine was paid to the perpetrators of friday's terrorist attack. the. the initial results of
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the investigation fully confirmed the plan nature of the terrorist actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. the investigation has confirmed data on the income of significant amounts of money and crypto currencies from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which were used in the preparation of the crime. the well to discuss are breaking news. i'm joined by charlotte. do been ski. know in the studio shot of good to see you at these latest revelations there at big and the are significant effort if i can you tell us more about it? so yeah, that's why as you were hearing just a moment ago, this is the information that we've just had from the russian investigative committee. it's pretty big. they're saying that they have substantial evidence that ukraine was involved in the attacks last week. a croaker city, whole, they have linked to the attack as, who killed
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a $143.00 individuals and left hundreds more interested in the attack at 2 ukrainian nationals. they say they say that there's significant evidence that money and could increase the current c. we used to fund the attack before it happened. and base of course, is coming off the box. we've had claims previously from the head of the russian f s b that ukraine has links to these attack is this, have a listen to what he has said previously. you were the 0 of that. that was the way, what did you cry and supposedly need to do to prove it's was the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. and so these, that's what the ukraine security services and the breach of security services have claimed only enough the americans. i've also spoken about this repeatedly on those . why didn't you specify the yes, the you type in ukraine on those 3 countries about behind the terrorist attacks several associated with while i think so we are currently talking about the findings that we have and their awesome general developments. and then that, you know, a and this is
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a jigsaw puzzle and adds to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is apprehended just they were fleeing most go through app for him to down in the brown screeching which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speed that they were looking to had in 2 queens, but they have contacts the and they were hoping for window to be open so that they could cross the boat up. but as i say, this is dick. so the latest piece of that puzzle we've had today is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is on the faith. and use that fund that tara attack in moscow trying to can i just touch him on washington in all this, it keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack, what's being said, and how does this information relate to that? not? yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we was seeing what was happening occurred the city whole that we had
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a statement from whitehouse saying ukraine was not involved in this attack. they were really quick off the mock in denying that also say they're not involved, and we've heard that line over knows, not just from washington, but from other western governments over the last 7 days. we've also had that reiterated by matthew mila, who's the spokesperson for the us state department. once again saying ukraine is not involved. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. well, let's just pick up on those warnings for a 2nd. there's warnings came at the beginning of march. it was basically the embassy website, the us telling the citizens to leave the u. k. website said something very similar and they have set the americans that they pass. well, listen for me, asian to the speed of success based like well actually what you gave us was very
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known concrete evidence to say was quite general knowledge, essentially wishy washy. nothing really that they could act on as a result of that. now we've also had a response from the russian. a ministry spoke informed ministry spoke to chris and maria. so how about to what marketing bill and to what the u. s. has continued to say in terms of the idea that they saying ukraine was not involved to let me just go to part time in the white house. along with the state department has stated that ukraine has nothing to do with the tara attack on what data and what information did they draw such a conclusion? nothing. it's completely unclear. shouldn't you find any one thing is obvious that washington started to whitewash the key of regime to white wash themselves? because everyone understands that there is no use found to learn key if we shame without west and minute 3 support and western funding. let's not forget, this is an incredibly complex investigation,
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an investigation. the russian authorities are conducting here on the ground, that the ones with the evidence that the ones piecing this possible together. and i think it's easy to forget sometimes that weston governments can make all the assertions that they want to put a note here. no 15 through the material and working out exactly what's going on. and that's exactly what we know. russian authorities wants to use because they want to know that they holding the white people accountable for this horrific attack. instead list the tasking at 20. he is a place in russia party shot. i didn't see it taking us through. that's breaking news today. thank you. try to as well, just staying with the story, a spokes person for the ruling party enter key and has cleaned up last week's terror tag. you're in moscow could not have happened without the involvement of foreign powers. russian authorities previously said western special services had some complexity in the atrocity at
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a 100 and they're looking this doesn't happen without support from any states intelligence activities from several states. whatever that is. this is not an organization that i sold a light can do a lot of it, but ultimately, i'm not saying we agree with the address. russia has showed me, but it's true that there must be a sponsor uninitiated for some practice, unless that's a spokes person. i'm not sure they issued a statement issued a number of interesting facts and a television interview. he says that uncle is expensive and has inspected the footage and suggests that the perpetrators of this attack were professionally trained. and that this could not have happened without some sort of pre planned motives. and the reason why uncle is currently involved in this case is because at least 2 of the gunmen were believed to have visited a turkey a days or if not weeks before the attack. and this is a matter of concern for uncle as much as it is for moscow, which is why the spokesman has been quite vocal and adamant in his position towards the matter. what else is, of course he says that the tensions in the region are escalating any post,
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a rhetorical question, who benefits? and this is, of course, a question of great concern for on cry. because in this, according to the spokesman, he says that the a number of things that need to be evaluated here, of course, who benefits, could it be a group? could it be a number of groups? was a state sponsored? is it not? but more importantly, what he said was, it could also be another group that is gaming to redirect much of the focusing attention to syria related conflicts. and the distance, of course, the spokesman was referring to isis. he did not specifically say that the united states was involved, but he didn't see any way that the united states would best benefit from an industry on a scenario like this. of course, this is also in line with washington's position on the matter as well. washington says that chip was not involved that it was isis, whereas moscow's position and according to the uh, investigation committee, suggestively that ukrainian nationalists were in fact involved in the attack carried out by these perpetrators that encore,
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this position is more important here in the sense that they're also competing terrorist activities, and that has been the general consensus between the turkish and russian presidents and based on all of the facts and these, the allegations at this point coming out suggests that there could have been someone behind these attacks. and entre moscow will work closer together than ever before. now, and barking on a 2 day charm offensive t as foreign minister has arrived in india. it's being widely seen as an attempt to win over new delhi, which has remain neutral in the ukraine conflict. but the indian foreign minister has urged peace negotiations with russia, stating that the crisis cannot be resolved on the battlefield. ortiz ranging sharma reports. this is the 1st time that he taught ukrainian official is visiting india off to the water ukraine started or 2 years ago. as the u. cream for ministers here
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for to day, was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting we to scouts bob, dr. a shave shankar. also the deputy at a see why don't the for the agenda really sees that. he's here to talk about 5 after partnership, also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the ukraine official is here to be for renewal support in the upcoming b stokes that will take place in switzerland, lead to in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that ukraine had for india, it looks like the new queen has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley, i'm like the west that has always fixated on using the navigation and this conflict
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. india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the stock to not going to get a solution for this conflict from the about the 2 years have passed to the many who felt 2 years ago or so met in between. that may be the quote. i think today many of them don't any longer have one sees, you know, in this day and age what conflicts bring good are actually no windows or clock. nothing deals for the policy in defending for the policy of neutrality. india. i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now, despite the west, freshly rising,
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india to got started with the most cool. what india did was india tuned by it's old friend, the trade between the 2 countries. india and russia has only gone up. let's talk boyd hill. the west was the, the west have problems with india buying more and more oil from moscow. but india said the india will do what suits india. the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional we'd be doing business thrown we india, silent solutions in india continue to buy more model was how do we not student grown about buying energy from russia? very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy impacted, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that,
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i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization. to be to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had dukes, we both the ukraine as well as last year. and this off to the russian president's was re elected so week ago, the prime minister of india. and that means and what would the, he dive almost school he in fact had a word with food. then he also had a word we've done with the ukranian now president. and as far as talk before shows in the government of india, atkinson, they have confirmed to me that's prime minister in that range and will be, has been invited by would sides to with effect on please, respectively all still the elections in india. so the results of the indian elections are going to come in the 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why have stickers slowly?
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it's been made by clear that if somebody has the power to broke up, these is india because it has maintained its relationship with multiple that remember west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there. well, just picking up from ranging there. russia recently became india as a top supplier of crude oil accounting for this has the slice a, a 3rd of the countries total in port. that is $1800000.00 barrels per day and it's the highest volume since july last year. now that trade has seemed to me being totally on affected by western sanctions, that includes a price comp and russian oil shipments. by the way, not since the beginning of the printing conflict, new delhi has a cert. it's right to trade with most going this month. so far is purchases of
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russian crude has already increased by 2 percent from february. now that trade has been a particular bug bare for ukraine with the foreign minister previously sitting india has blood on the town every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of outside for me, it would be good to see more of your help address to us is not enough just to point fingers be repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing as well. he adds the relations with deli, we're already on rocky foundations. that is after a ukrainian presidential advice are claimed that india and china have quote, weak intellectual potential. the remark provokes an indian definitely not to question his country's future re, to ukraine. then fingerprinting in defense ministry posted a photo showing an indian called us and what some describe as
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a disrespectful unlocking manner to have was forced to issue an apology with jail, political commentator on the indian army veteran colonel ro hit, that saves his country's long standing ties with russia are strong a why sort somebody talk about a new book on 3? because looking at your father, who might have been assessed as will be given to you, which cannot for the friendship with the restrooms, which are the longest life of our country. and to be out of them are the ones pitched by military norms on economic norms. we have the people who people connect guy to connected on the movies, up and the volleyball us on and, and, and what, but seconds over at the end of the, your so we have decoration. so you cannot, you cannot expect a company like india is to just assume that relationship for either economic growth with the, you know, invest in words or seeing an opportunity in the ukraine to invest and growth. we are not north federal people. we have deep 2 hearts are listening, so we thought of friends and we cannot live,
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don't not friends the fight again with those. but the point is washing done itself has to agree in the manner in which the 5 needs to be dollars. because if you keep smoking cited one and there is no point for the country like in debt to coming between the us. yeah. and euclid, because that's not bad at b. s g as in terms of liberty by euclid. and currently here, there is no better to jump on it to get a comically automated category. so it'd be entire focus i'll be looking for on comes from the naples and its allies. so it has to be more broken in switzerland. we'd be yours and then they thought it was a bit. they were being agreeable and i've been able to comment broker fees. and yes, you can, you can use the services of a company like in debt to do that. but suddenly and be locked into conduct that comes to i that will feel is real, must be held accountable. that's the reaction of the palestine red crescent society to the killing of 2, apparently on arm thousands biased release soldiers,
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a warning, disturbing images lie ahead. video footage released by ologist 0, shows the moment the idea of soldiers opened fire on the beach. the palestinians were a seen waving what appeared to be white fabric and a sign of surrender. after being killed, the men were allegedly buried by the idea of with bold odors. i read present spokesperson said it's time for the international community to step in with his that one this or a do to the 35 need. see is, uh was, is there any occupation forces and attention be at target in the of the 70 is i'm trying to find the evidence. this is still to happened because of the silence of the international community. there is no accountability since the beginning of the award at all. costa is there a to move down there in 2007 is 70 percent of booth 50. 2000. got it. thing is or something. and
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a woman. the question is like how many televisions others shouldn't be killed before the world can't take serious action to who lives right account to the how and immediate access to the sprayer will be is really killing all the civilians. how sparks strong criticism from all across the world with civil rights groups liberating it of confirmation of quote is really atrocities many organizations i'm indeed state. so like have called the months long, the salt and gas genocide, but the us state department saves those occupations are on funded. that we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. but at the same time, we have are deeply concerned by this number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions do everything it can to minimize of civilian casualties. while the situation and gals is dire, according to the palestinian health ministry, more than 32000 gallons,
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helping kill since october 7th. the majority are women and children. while the number of those injured has risen to almost 75000 people, according to official reports around 85 percent of the local populace has been forcibly displaced with close to one point. 5000000 gallons. now sheltering and rough, i where israel plans to launch and other ground defensive, the red crescent smoke, person again sees the humanitarian situation is on the brink of catastrophe. of the situation i on the ground is detached, will be found as a m and a half o goes up to lation or suffering from contrast with big folder and the entire population. hard blocking offices to to that means the entire population are relying on human nature, get assets as we continue to see people are losing their lives, i'm dying and it also goes up because of starvation and the find ration those
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others will be losing their lines soon as there will be no serious action from the international community to hot fees or for your allow, the and she will save, sustains on the humanitarian aid. access to areas will cause the income, the normal cost of health care after so need to are trying their best in order to continue providing their live tv services to the people in the angle. so how is their hostages or over one over they drove it with a dozens of entities who are getting into the hospital at the same time they suffer because of the shortages of medical supplies and medication. and every single day we see more holes because are going out of service because of this, right? you mean tax at the same time and health care person in our be killed out of the team while they are at one?
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it's usually a nonsense spouse that belonged to a president put and has dismissed talk of russia, planning to attack a nato concrete. his comments came out as he was meeting russian air force products and the stick military spending of 2022. because between 23, the results are being summed up in 2024. it's too early to say. according to our data, we spent 3.5 percent of the countries due to be on the defense spending. the stake no the data. let's take the data from the supplement, the national piece, research institute, international data. they have such a calculation. united states spend 3.5 percent of, of gdp on defense, while russia spent 4 percent. but an absolute value is there's a difference in 2020 to the united states spent $811000000000.00 and the russian federation. 72000000072 and 811. the difference is noticeable more than 10 times.
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and are we bidding in mind this ratio? going to fight with nate or something? this is just nonsense. however, officials in the west, they are pushing for increase military spending in their preparations for a potential conflict, imaginary or otherwise. poland and security chief also were in this country, needs to get serious about bringing back compulsory military service. you guys are holding you close to a bottle and what's thing country is the issue is constriction. well, compulsory military service i would say is being discussed much more widely and intensively imposed. and we have to start this discussion convention to say that yes, the debate about military service should be broad based. just as access to this ministry service should be broad in nature or compulsory military service. no only thing. they should be compulsory, civil service, or compulsory public side is a lot of my support. so well, when it comes to the electric training, it seems pool and already has more than a few lessons to learn itself. another of its soldiers has been accidentally killed
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during exercises in the country. that is the 5th such the death at this month alone . well, some drills helping suspended as a result of warsaw says it will continue its training. here's our t contribute our original morrison with her taken all that it is no secret that poland is leveraging the ukraine conflict to massive weight, militarized loading up on american weapons in particular with a loans from uncle sam. but to what end? well, foreman, defense minister, marius, blast x, who is why be considered to be the architect of this build up when he was in the jobs from 2018 until just a few months ago, told the british press last month's that quote, we're doing this to create such a level of deterrence that putin will be discouraged from attacking polaroids. all right, so how is the goal of being made? those frontline defense against russia do a just last week, oppose sold,
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you're doing special forces training. ended up getting wasted by an avalanche, some inside her mouth. and also this week to combat chemical engineers were blown up when a bundle of explosive designated during the tray exercises. so it looks like the polls is in a bit of a snag in their plans to scare fire proofing until the completion of this review by the decision of the minister of national defense training with the use of explosives and combat means is suspended except for activities carried out by structures prepared to participate, emissions and operations outside the country and training ukrainian soldiers. so in other words, take outside the 10 guys you'll have to sell. so try to scare foods in over there in ukraine. not here, we're making a mess of things. yeah, that's totally seems to be working out for holes over there right now. just us, the polish fighter serving with you, creating an army who was wounded, left to die and evacuated and treated by russia. anyway,
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no more training with explosives or military hardware for the calls for the 1st able future. so get out the nurse guns, wire pistols and pay boat here. i guess. us military able sure. be able to buy a whole lot of a lot of those. by the way, on march 5th, to or pull the sole source of the armor for jade were killed when they were inadvertently turned in to see bonds for an armored vehicle during a training exercise at the armed forces center range in warsaw, deputy prime minister w continued campus, let me start with the accident that took place of the training ground and roscoe, palm whiskey. one soldier died. another is fighting for his life in hospital. this is a tragic event. this is an accident that causes us to direct all our strength and resources to support our family and loved ones. so in light of all, this is kind of interesting that just last week, post president foundry. dude, i was talking about how poland and data were limbering up, like they figured pushing was going to challenge them to so kind of a paper,
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the boxing match sometime in the next couple of years. some way from my point of view, it's a question of common sense of the new reports are coming in and i recently saw one by to my next, but we said that soon pops as early as 2026 or 2027 mostly boots in by putting these economy on a wall for thing will have such military might that he'll be able to attack and they type, okay, then the alarm bells ringing. suddenly, we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people stop pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security preference present. imagine that coal is posing up a storm for boxing glamour shots to ostensibly scare putin as he's threatening to send troops to fight russia. and meanwhile, his nato policy over there in poland is busy only itself on the practice feel like there is no tomorrow. literally like there is no tomorrow because for some of those poor souls, there really was a tomorrow. will pack
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a 70 journalist on i'm all is dr. how may i come all my sheree believes the current rhetoric we're hearing is the results of the us trying to stir up fears in europe is not very entities. yes. i would say i see it create environment united states because this way they can control more. i know governments and y'all have been golfing fiona unconditional support to that you frame it is. it has become more complex conflict at the moment that they've been coming to the solution that you've got an issue, which is very clear that you shouldn't. our driver should not get influenced by america this particular and new to automatic and forces choose not going to be in a solid energy or grind or in any other issues with you can cause a guy conflict with the next year. got a really dry, clean water in the ukraine conflict. little definitely need to be uh,
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made the situation worse and it can be done into, into a bigger box. and that needs to be a loser. will be your knock down mannequins and uh, this is the consequences which your password understand that they should not have bought them. so that actually, and this will be able to involve themselves directly into as well. it wouldn't be catastrophic for the job that anybody else. so i believe that you're really not doing that mistake pretty well in these laws. okay. and just didn't use line coming into us this. our russian military aircraft has crushed into the sea, close to the southern premium port of service. awful. local authorities say the pilots who was alone on board managed to safely object and was picked up some 200 meters from the shore. the cause of the incident has yet to be confirmed when we


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