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tv   Documentary  RT  March 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
it can uh back down into, into a bigger box and that needs to be, uh, loosen will be your not the americans. and, uh, this is the consequences which your password understand that they should not involve them. so that actually, and this will be able to involve themselves directly in this law, it would be catastrophic font than anybody else. so i believe that you're really not doing that mistake pretty well in these laws. okay, and just didn't use line coming into us this. our russian military aircraft has crushed into the sea, close to the southern premium port of service. awful. local authorities say the pilots who was alone on board, managed to safely object and was picked up some 200 meters from the shore. the cause of the incident has yet to be confirmed. when we know more about that, we will bring it to the
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nowadays among the most dangerous occupations on the planets. but those who do it say it can also be among the most rewarding girls disliked them before jeopardy. next, we follow a war correspondence on the ground in don't boss in our short documentary, the on the the weed. there's a processment golf course that's not a vote of couple of uses called it is it's of label. and the, like i said, you just said well shit to
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do the the illusion of the session. hey, why is the guy just just remove 12? sure. i'm not sure if it's one of the issues of the know but still 3 on pretty mind slower. originally the noodles for those kids have been with the office. smart goose to music. was a comfortable to go to them. frankie? yes. need to know. so going to use a through g is acceptable from you got to buy cheap, i'm nice and they have less than you would for one of the americans with please i should but initial research and but the core puts it on the back is something must close to good yeah. was
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disney is the most close to the mazda 3 years, and it was the prince just was just a global struggles to model. year with them is a lot of them, a bunch more about the brand was cds. you know, the blood pressure bolt of which has sort of she knew over to kind of worried about the hold up of pretty good performance, particularly you're on a vehicle i'm interested in. so what do you think the interesting part was bills i need to just say just for a spine, it even moved to you can in the remote barabbas to deal with the music on the face of for most commercial. so
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let's see what was the best of the because here's the, in the, with the media, you're hosting for your nice in the process of finding us as humans do some of these though it is the by the way, the
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owners, oh, there's a lot of pressure to me, but as for jones. yep. i me, shots from what, that's what the deal is. i could have somebody to open these prints via general for you just to start off some of the discount almost most of the plane or the blue book or dissolve is more you've got the depth of homes that you should. you might have this year to show up cuz a lot of i believe you're supposed to have something when you go on, you have to buy more stuff when you want me to talk to them or from you that from you. i don't a simpler state of the room. it's a little more quotes, but i will be in your actual, somebody's before. but i'm usually in euro. she's kind of me the short 3, but that be able to genuine the federal government, a book that you divide them and use the old daughters view. your bill is yours for
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the paper showing the pretty more goods on fair. some of the definitely going to cover it, the more your good honestly because you're the one i was looking at is the bottom solutions for all much a month. but have those, plenty of them usually and you've got those clips to, to just talk on the course tube. maria, sort of, kind of as regarding the, should have that level he is on that. the company is like the other does what it is mastercard, or she has a little girl that prepares config. the newborn you would like me to look up. i'm not sure because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them complex more and much less the next
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time that a duncan or perhaps yeah, you guys push it more on performance cuz i agree. this is outside of what you're going to perform. a spanish spanish form because most even the grade level. and i've tried to apologize, but we're still in the blue the the solution was it was just that it would show here. but just because of combining the map just because i because of them i thought of the mobile up and bring it, which is the issue. proceed to the issue that i'm on the assets,
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the partial my name is the same. you please repeat the visit the condition of the 2nd, but one of the smart and simple which has conform avenue for years to clear books visible, listed in route and show me back from the question is the solution table that shows so is the come on let's come on a for a so that has to be solution. it was always per month. plus the means as a new one. you sure you buy a new machine come on the new portfolio because it will stand as mission measure of supplementary. if i'm to the phone, we're going to show that the showing, this was the garbage of a refrigerator. and there's this machine, moses issues throw a full shift, spend money, expose them or more from i'm just going to put it on us with that our lives are putting in the
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email you ideas of what she'll do is to on the other when you are so the 1st one was if she got the decision here, look good. i hear you. so we are not going to leave it on the phone. so she says, you know, just use is just the washer more support for me. uh, you know, the, uh, i believe it was just gonna be a plus, i get one new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts are. so long. was it a well, no washer move forward, you know, go to a new number is unit 40 for us to to know the look of this
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is all there's a few i need to go to choose who you might be a vehicle. so this is
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actually the thing about the the most ensure fits faster. we design booking for this just because it easy to see a movie or with tom. yeah. as long as you own the, let me ask the guy that's got, you know, bringing the vehicle up. you sort of level get the brown i'm, i'm to play these. what i think was the colors are smart and see on store display in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i yes, a does this modem or will it will compute starting as low. this is keisha lee, but i've seen them around me, but 3 months, i've single it. you have to move when the deal a blog with people stand, the lady just go to chicago, assuming which to show solution was years out. a lot of them both parties the
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mushroom owns, the vineyards in west was sincerely of novels orange stores on the 1st lug around the cartoon, in some places beth issues, but the young people, joan, this verse megabyte that we're used to move more of the webinar from us letting yourself come around to goes back about the image and the stuff that come on present. so for sure that you get the full chassis otherwise, when, when you back you with the phone, you might just be the one of me. so i should because you've been on the for the 3 i'm on the road when you pull chairs backwards presents, is that gonna ship under able to ship the junior and the the, the ever you have the animal that yeah, yeah, yeah. the so just need to fill those 2 mirrors of just all buses. felicia,
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exclusively on it, the bus this the spark to maternal and we can police because the other girl, when you get a message for the muscle as good as living with the basic a little bit actually it was listed again, it was published and funding i terminated so some of them because it becomes very, you know, to consider the concept and both susan investment of the ship with some way and the as you do of ships coupling you g, there's, yeah, you purchased coupling energy and asking the boy talk us invest offers will be able to me on the way people stand, the photo shape looking for some of those 3 store supports. i for the company with i have solutions and thoughts and i'm going to do a bunch of phone them at the smartgate system. and some we've got to do said i wish to brand new space. there's lots that i saw some of this i'm interested always recommended by the firms different federal trade commission. i spoke with a vision, referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah, there was a little black pushing 1st cuz i don't get through with the who just told you i
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kind of just got the initial fresh all still mission last was i guess the thought it was this was the more most pressure i was the but sensitive storm we all cars and storm. so this monitor place with luke about them is i'll double the city point about 50 miles below us plus a flush to push it out as a temple because of the time comes deal really powerful government blotchiness almost the shape of a hold of open position and most of the just deal with the brand new. we're still in the news i sign up for so far because the deal was through it sort of what was the email with the google sketchy that you what the issue is you have to pull move a lot more in. so you're saying, oh gosh,
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you've got the machine that you see mark, be sure. what's the bottom of to the host computers? are you, are you doing? i'm store people, so i'm so i'm pretty sure what was the bulk of the furniture that should be less of a format scratchy with the beauty of it showed me lot of other industries mark their company, but you look at their sophie or the windshield reasonable. the sudden yours bus and you called me last night the one most of the demonstrative a scheduled phone, usually bumper, which was given your smooth, fabricate protective photo landscape. high acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do i have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead,
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change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the it is so
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said some of the long cause of dining, which will not be available. most will put us down with a single. i'm about kansas for the for the so that's got the preferred, you'll see what was, what was the by you to me and use i mutual total noticed many of the class the. busy total potential was there was actually one of the do i have good, it was personal, she's a go by. so one of the solution, 3, not reminded of getting this, but the modern home of course, your religion was his own and she'll be difficult at the george compared to that as
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a graduate of school. we live in the cold, i to serve kids are musical to close deals that can use deal separately to love chester of the browser to show where you're for the 1st time to cosco. get the joke on the caesar is up and we'll get some use or so most may is dealer from hospice. dave approach like a couple of gentleman's board. but when you're sort of pharma and the various police believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is done. but i'm with a book, i just sent it out. let me just put them in book in front of jennifer. is this of feeding me? what is the problem? seeing would you similar to yours because of the 5 in bold talk. i asked them more than a comfortable butcher like a visual. i will student that i'm up there in a severe i'll be able to play music, record of them, bob, which could buy more. i'm actually glasses lately for separate out what i canceled . i get the political agree with the additional q most of course you what was easy . the notion of the year is
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the only is yes, you will get to get the more growing you guys to do. so if i were to not do the filter to use it, so don't know what was the issue . yeah. what the form i was doing. the used to be on the under rest. i'm sure there's a non 0 dollars to the search. you're such a village, george not going to look at it. so as a split 2nd for glover. i'm if i'm, if i'm not going to center part of able status. when course, you've heard of a smart from the one that's almost color cartridge or is just the last to be
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disaster conflicts or compare motors. means just a glossary notice of movie. yeah. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm, what does lou sphere to talk about apart? michelle store, most swing voters, somebody has a question that you asked me to go see and let you know a new phone, the vinyl goes full or the guy sits on the choice, you know, so let me give you my the go to mr. of i'm of the of, of the on this to win it. oh, but there's my, you're still on the putting your mind with them and she has to you me. i used to do this bustle much to get them with the old fashioned r streubal home, which the method of junior is also ready. so the progress on skills is under the mobile number, as long as they go to the lift force between the 2 in the system was a move. and while the listing was a number, but it was cut off. okay. and initially implemented and then you know,
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was easier just by city. i couldn't get it more to say to me cuz the only thing you still gave me is that and you're not doing the new one. and you should the least possible name lane, but someone will when you see him put out the car, was brand new mind to this. and then when you just for getting in the web, no mean you more than a religious for opportunities that they will reduce a woman because there is a for the whole i'm so the answer is to fix that. our lease was waiting for the interested in attending to get this cousin who so who do most news
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know some of the loose when she was here. this is patty is continuing with the lose. the thing was is reduced. all the excuse me please. how do i feel? pretty sure most doesn't just go to this within the 1st part because i think there's 2 spoke senior 0 and the the for the for the sure.
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where do i am so yes. tell me that you're not to do this. i think we proceed to the play, so get this part of the boards and the cock system the to the month or she never. one of the particles is different from your to just all for his arm. i didn't go shopping and it was pretty sure are,
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can you guy joe visa? yeah. but all i is, is list you i, that all guy ambrose to know i got on the phone with us for the most part is just a moment. is the some of the difficult little simply 3 of them are just because not of a look at us. you'd like, well you can restore 1st of all what you call it because the,
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the circle 3. was it the most? yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is near percentages, but almost the business if it was sort of mortgage professionals alone and i got a new product for good repetitive i am. and you want us to come as much. can we do this, this, this tell you that this is emily, you prior to the suction leave case, because some of the got it. so we'll just go on and watch list. what me about not, i'm not on the across the board. got it for the the, the model for me, the front of the most affordable plan door to bring it to the
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brother. right. come in that little circle here. listen is almost there. which i forgot to for more information over to the, to for the most of the, the small did is sort of modern the story of the vehicle to listen to some talk to someone the most mile to come over to them on the boat before it's at the corner
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so you, as it does come with over the reason, the loan number as is external, beautiful, the, as assessable from the, from truth producer of the comes through. i'll get them. so you know, so now does the credits or maybe i missed some of the specifications for 1st as well. so actually broke it down wrong. this is a 0 and as long as the friend were still on attendance or so it's just got to the store. said
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somebody, don't let us do a system for the stairs, but the whole level of security on both ends will result in an image of the year for that is the june 1st look forward to the sheet that are sort of stuff on board. the sudden via notice and off the road. so just if the size of the pricing by melina, a citizen, i'm divorced on that is that is i sure i suppose the amount is on the bridge to the g. my with the special as much
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as well. great. and then i can, i see the water is part of the visit that the employee would post good. isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
2:00 pm
good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of or the perfect traders of last week. terrorist attack in moscow receive significant amounts of money from the trip to currency from the premium nationalist, which was used in preparing to conduct the prostate findings of russia's investigative committee. turning on the charm ukraine's foreign minister arrives in india, having previously on the box to the country for its ties with russia. new delhi votes age, it is time for pm to of peaceful we took the position from desktops took you're not going to get a solution to this conflict fund. this real must be held to account the react.


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