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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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that stuff without please is messed up part of the perpetrators of last week. terrorist attack in moscow receive significant amounts of money on the trip to currency from the premium national. this, which was used in preparing to conduct the atrocities, to find statements of russia's investigative committee. turning on the charm ukraine's foreign minister arrives in india, having previously on the box to the country, french ties with russia, new delhi though, sage. it is time for pm to have peace of thoughts. we took the position from desktops, took you're not going to get a solution to just fun clicked on the button. this real must be held to account the reaction of the palestinian red crescent society video, showing that coming up to
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a part of the lead on garza and my id afterwards. is there any occupation forces and function they charge you a 70 is i'm trying to find this is tim to hopkins because of the silence of the international community. the pro must go to the world. this is our to introduce the welcome to the news. our russians, investigative committee saves significant amounts of money on crypto currency. from the premium extreme, this was paid to the perpetrators ahead of friday's terrorist attack. here in law school, the initial results of the investigation fully confirmed the plan nature of the terrorist actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. the
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investigation has confirmed data on the income of significant amounts of money and crypto currencies from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which were used in the preparation of the crime. as you were hearing just a moment ago, this is the information that we've just had from the russian investigative committee. it's pretty big. they're saying that they have substantial evidence that ukraine was involved in the attacks last week. a croaker city, whole. they have links to be attack us who killed a $143.00 individuals and left hundreds more interested in the attack at 2 ukrainian nationals. they say they say that they significant evidence that money inconclusive card seen was used to funding the attack before it happens. and base, of course, is coming off the back. we put claims, previously from the head of the russian fs. b dot ukraine has links to these attackers. those have to listen to what he has said previously students to 0. and
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that was the way, what did you find supposedly need to do to prove its worth? commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans, i've also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the us, the u. k. and ukraine? those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack, said, of course you while i think so. we are currently talking about the findings that we have and there awesome general developments. this is a jigsaw puzzle and adds it to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is what i for him. they just they were fleeing most go through app for him to down in the brown screeching which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speech that they were looking to head into crane, but they have contacts that and they were hoping for window to be open so that they could cross the border. but also say this is dick. so the latest piece of puzzle we've had today is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was
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substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is that they then use that fund that's terror attack in moscow to try to can i just touching on washington in all this, it keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack, what's being said, and how does this information relate to that? not? yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we was seeing what was happening occurred the city hold. we had a statement from white house saying ukraine was not involved in this attack. there really quick off, the mocking denying that also say that not involved. and we've heard that line over knows not just from washington, but from other western governments over the last 7 days. we've also has that reiterated fi, matthew mila, who's this works best for the us? state department, once again saying ukraine is not involved. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind
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these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. well, let's just pick up on those warnings for a 2nd. there's warnings came at the beginning of march. it was basically the embassy website, the us telling the citizens to leave the u. k. website said something very similar, and they have set the americans that they pass all this information to the speed of success be said, well, actually what you gave us was a very known concrete happened to say it was quite general knowledge, essentially wishy washy. nothing really that they could act on as a result of that. now we've also had a response from the russian to foreign minister, maria. so how about to will matthew miller until the us has continues to say in terms of the id, if they say ukraine was no of the missed is listed. but then the white house, along with the state department, has stated that ukraine has nothing to do with the tara attack on what data loss
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information did they draw such a conclusion. roughly, it's completely unclear, shouldn't find any one thing is obvious, that washington started to whitewash the key of regime to whitewash themselves. because everyone understands that there is no standalone key. if we seem without weston military support and western funding that don't forget, this is an incredibly complex investigation and investigation. the russian authorities often talk saying, hey, what in the grounds that the ones with the evidence that the ones using this possible together. and i think it's easy to forget sometimes of western supplements in maple, the assessment is the thing to put a note here know, fixing through the materials and working out exactly what's going on. i'm not exactly what the russian authorities will see since they don't know that they holding people accountable for this risk said police attack, and he is a police in russia. charlotte, you've been speaking to me earlier, not
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a spokesperson for the ruling party into key. and meanwhile, has claim the last week's terror attack in moscow could not have happened without the involvement of foreign powers. russian authorities previously said western special services had some complicity in the across the, or at a 100. but there's nothing. this doesn't happen without support from any states intelligence activities or from several states, whatever that is. this is not an organization that i see. so the light can do a lot of the day. but ultimately, i'm not saying we agree with the address. russia has showed me, but it's true that there must be a sponsor and initiate to put some practices and lots of spokes person. i'm not sure they issued a statement issued a number of interesting facts and a television interview. he says that uncle is expensive and has inspected the footage and suggests that the perpetrators of this attack were professionally trained and that this could not have happened without some sort of pre planned motives. and the reason why uncle is currently involved in this case is because at
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least 2 of the gunmen were believe, to have visited. it's eric here, my days or if not weeks before the attack. and this is a matter of concern for uncle as much as it is for moscow, which is why the spokesman has been quite vocal and adamant in his position towards the matter. what else is, of course he says that the tensions in the region are escalating any post, a rhetorical question, who benefits? and this is of course, the question of great concern for on credit because in at least according to the spokesman, he says that the a number of things that need to be evaluated here, of course, who benefits, could it be a group? could it be a number of groups as a state sponsored? is it not? but more importantly, what he said was, it could also be another group that is beaming to redirect much of the focus and attention to see every or related conflicts. and in this sense, of course, the spokesman was referring to isis. he did not specifically say that the united states was involved, but he didn't see any way that the united states would best benefit from an,
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an issue in this scenario like this. of course, this is also in line with washington's position on the matter as well. washington says that chip was not involved that it was isis, whereas moscow's position and according to the investigation committee, suggestively that ukrainian nationalists were in fact involved in the attack carried out by these perpetrators. that uncle, this position is more important here in the sense that they're also competing terrorist activities. and that has been the general consensus between the turkish and russian presidents and based on all of the facts and these, the allegations at this point coming out suggests that there could have been someone behind these attacks. and, entre, and most global work closer together than ever before. well, western media outlets have been speculating on a part of the feelings by most schools, security services, accusing rochelle of trying to pin the blame on ukraine for the concert atrocity. at the same time, the article by the new york times points i thought the us without certain specific
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information about the plot, quote, art of fear, russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources or message rushes f s b head all to confirm that the information provided was of a general nature, the white house however insist otherwise used to say that the best men nor salesman often carried or samples in the maps. russian officials seem to be pretty good been horses. there are no such proverbs in russian because they carry menu or in the mouse, not here but overseas. but there is all saying, whoever hurts talks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression to wash one's mouth out with soap is common in the states less trust life now to former seattle. it's laurie johnson, the head of the international business consulting firm burg associates, laurie you're most welcome. just on the left, her point i was making the new york times is reporting at that the us didn't. e
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disclose the rest of all it knew about the attack, fearing it would reveal to moscow certain intelligence methods, those keeping your tactics under wraps does not justify. and i look for us to be taking place. no, no, don't we look, you're in the i, i used to work in the office of the court. it was then called the coordinator for counter terrorism is now the bureau of counter terrorism. the very 1st job i had was figuring out how do we want the public if we have credible specific intelligence about a terrorist attack. and in this case, the united states did not follow protocol a number. what if they had information about an attack that was going to take place in moscow, where there are american citizens running around? then you share everything you have with the russian counterpart in the specifics.
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because it's not just about protecting russians, it's about protecting american steps. the state department's responsibility, that's the embassies responsibility there in russia. they didn't do that. should have called in the rush it out and bassett, or in washington dc over the state department. and had the under secretary for political affairs, or maybe even the deputy secretary or secretary along with the assistance of secretary from counter terrorism to briefly on baset or to share with him the information. and i'm sure he would have brought it brought along the intelligence, the officer for that embassy. and that information would have been conveyed back to washington. this is very just ingenuous and dis on us on the part of the united states. because when you go back and look at the public warning that was issued, it was issued only for 48 hours. they didn't say other something may happen within the next 48 hours. but if it doesn't, you know, we're not sure when it could happen. no, no, no, no, they said hey,
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there's 48 hours. 48 hours passes. they didn't say, well, it's all over. now what's, what's happening the new york times article. and then there's also an article out by sy hersh. this is part of the new intelligence community propaganda effort to try to just push the mean, the story line that rush, it was more that the russian security services incompetent. the flooded. we're putting those incompetent, callous. that's. and it's a lie. this is all wester propaganda taking advantage of this. what we know for a fact is there is not one damn us person or they to person on the ground with the investigators looking at the evidence. and yet, despite the fact that you don't have a single one looking at the evidence, gross at all. yeah, i was, i, it says it was it ukraine. they can't know that because they have not looked at speak of it. what they are basing a lot of it all these and us media outlets at the are citing western base sources,
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including a number of n g o was saying that the russian authorities feel too often the information that the us had provide is essentially stating at that enough was given as you were saying, the timeframe. all that at was given. how reliable do you think the sources are to essentially block and most whose name in this regard? oh, totally, totally unreliable. look, it's either it's one or the other. they told the public 48 hours, are they at no point? did they say it's it's um we don't know when that is gonna end. they let they put a time limit on it. 48 hours, because if they had intelligence that there was going to be an attack after that 48 hour period, then it was incumbent upon them to issue another public warning. they did not do that. this was all stage managed. i think they knew the attack would come later,
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and they put this out as immediately as part of a broader plan to hey, let's do everything we can to smear and discredit the russians. it's, i mean, if they actually had intelligent saying there's going to be an attack, but we're not sure when. okay, then you, that's what you tell, not only the russian security service, for god sake, you tell that to the public. because there could have been american citizens, that concert on the 22nd. the could have been british citizens there on the 22nd of may be the war. and yet they didn't go out an issue that warning, a claim that they had the formation. that's either gross incompetence, malevolence, but they're like, they're absolutely line. i have to put this a to you because it appears to be taking over a certain sweets of, of social media. there's been a sudden spike on the likes of twitter, etc, of reports, and managing the people in the concert hall at the time of the terror attack were f
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. s. b agents does not seem at all convincing to not, not look, look, that the entire entire idea is that, oh, who had to stage this in order to get the support for the war and ukraine? are you kidding me? didn't anybody look at the results of the election? you got 87 percent of the boat, the, the russian people are fully supportive of the war effort and ukraine. and the fact of the matter is russian troops are moving forward. they're not retreating. they're having it. so they're having success, day after day, they're crushing ukraine. and this is a desperate play by the west to try to save itself cuz they don't recognize. this is another ship that's lost power. it's gonna, it's sliding with the bridge. and the bridge is going to fall down around it just to find the route of entry. search laurie on at google or young decks or wherever it will, will find you a bunch. its extremist is limits who have been allowed into crane,
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essentially given carte blanche to, to stay there. there's an independent, a u. k. article from 2019 at stating this very thing that, at some extreme is in, in turkey, the, the right, the, the net was closing in on the higher ones. so they've got all it. and they find that ukraine was much more amenable despite at western government, saying that you should not be keeping at these people in your country. and yet know we're hearing from from the white house, from the us, that there's absolutely no chance of a link here. and a renewal, but all the advice of extremist groups that have ties to the ukranian government. but that doesn't seem to be what they don't seem to want to speak about that at all as well. the the motto i was taught early on at c a and they've got tomato it mit, nothing to deny everything. make counter accusations. that's exactly what the,
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by the ministration is doing. they're not admitting to what they do now. they're not admitting to the fact that the united states has had a long standing relationship with some elements of vices in part of the broader cobra program to try to overthrow the government of bosher, all of a sudden, syria which is another reason. the west is mad at russia because russia prevented the over throw all of that government. you know, the, so united states has been in the business of regime change for over 75 years and get a little angry that we're not getting our way. but now this is the, this is a, what the west is doing is they're now feeding this propaganda into the social media in order to find that russia was desperate to divert attention from its failure or its failures in ukraine. i mean it's, it's, it would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that people died and people were severely injured with this. and it's a whole risk act. and at a minimum,
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it was countenance, by the way, us, if not actually supported by the wes laurie o as in lightning to see you and speak to you. thank you for your time, laurie johnson, former a, seattle, this line for our to this. thank you. in a non barking on a 2 day trauma fence of kias foreign minister has arrived in india, and it's being widely seen as an attempt to win over new delhi, which has remain neutral in the ukraine conflict. but the indian foreign minister has urge peace negotiations with russia stating that the crisis cannot be resolved on the bumper field. ortiz runjun charlotte reports. this is for the 1st time that he talking ukrainian official is visiting india off to the water. ukraine started war 2 years ago as the u. cream. foreign ministers here for to day was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts. bob, dr. a shave shankar also the deputy at
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a see why don't the for the agenda really sees that. he's here to talk about 5 after the partnership. also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the ukraine official is here to be for renewal support in the upcoming b stokes that will take place in switzerland, lead to in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that ukraine had for india, it looks like the new queen has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with must cool to influence them to talk beasley. i'm like the west that has always fixated on using the navigation and this conflict. india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the
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position from the stock to, to and not going to get a solution to this conflict on the back to 52 years have passed to the many hole felt 2 years ago or so met in between that maybe the court. i think today many of them don't any longer. if one sees, you know, in this day and age, what conflicts bring that are actually no windows or clock to nothing deals for the policy in defend and for the policy of neutrality. in the i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now despite the west pressurizing india to got sides with the most cool, what india did was india, a student by it's old friend,
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the trade between the 2 countries. india and russia has only gone off. that's oh boy hill with the west was the, the west have problems with india 9 learning more or in from moscow. but india said that india will do what suits india. the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional, we'll be doing business soon. we index file solutions in india, continue to buy more model was, how do we not student grown about buying energy from russia? very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, and frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity,
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to be proud of your civilization, to be, to be appreciative of your own history. i never remember india, i had thoughts. we both the ukraine as well as last year, and this off to the russian president was re elected so week ago, the primary sort of india and that means and what will the he dive almost school. he in fact had a word with food, then he also had a word with the with the ukranian now president. and as far as talk officials and the government of india atkinson, they have confirmed to me that so i'm going to send that engine will be, has been invited by both sides to wizard fact on please, respectively off till the elections in india. so the results so they can get an actions. i'm going to come in 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why the have stickers slowly? it's being made vide clear that if somebody has the pablo to broke up, these easy is india because it has maintained its relationship with multiple that
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remember, west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there. well, it's worth picking up and one of readings points there. russia recently became in the as top supplier, crude or accounting for this. wait a 3rd, all the countries total in port exporting $1800000.00 barrels per day. it is the highest volume since july last year. now that trade has seemingly been totally on affected by western sanctions, not to include by the way of price comp on russian oil shipments since the beginning of the ukraine conflict, new daily houses, certain it's right to trade, but most go on this month so far it's not finished, by the way it's purchases all fresh and crude has already increased at by 2 percent,
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month, a month from february. that trade has been a particular bug, bare for ukraine, with a foreign minister previously stating india has blood on the tubs of every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of the outside. for me, it would be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point figure, it'd be repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. well, t as us relations with daily, we're already on rocky foundations. that's after a ukrainian presidential adviser claimed india and china have quote, weak intellectual potential. the more provoked an indian diploma to quest. ringback in his country's future a to ukraine, then the ukranian defense ministry posted a photo. you may recall showing an indian goal of this and walk some described as a disrespectful and mocking manner. he was forced to issue an apology,
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but we took the best rates to get reaction to the print in foreign ministers, visit going to on this, but the thing in the as the to the things to, to get all i am not available. but i think the initial in days a very close and i also mission suite. so initially much more, more focus on the issue then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in yesterday. sorry. i don't know easy. but the, we use the same for some of the tools, say the india has a low intellectual pretension is the same person. yeah. why ways you have today to meet those lawyer intellectually people today. so i don't think so what, why should the india pay attention to such people who have this kind of stand? well, they also heard from geo political commentator and indian, or i'm a veteran colonel, a ro, head dev who sees his country is a longstanding ties with russia are strong. why should somebody talk about
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a new book on 3? because looking at your father, who might have been assessed as to be given to you, which cannot for the friendship with the, the sales which of the longest life of our country and to be out of them are the ones pitched by military norms or nomic norms. we have the people, 2 people connect, go to the connected on the movies up and the volleyball us on and, and, and what, but seconds over at the end of the, your so we have decoration. so you cannot, you cannot expect a company like india to just assume that the relationship for either economic growth with the, you know, invest in words or seeing an opportunity and be you could and to invest and grow up . we are not north federal people. we have deep to hearts are, listens to without of friends and we cannot live, don't not friends the fight again with those. but the point is washing done itself has to agree in the manner in which the 5 needs to be dollars. because if you give smoking cited one and there is no point for the country like india coming between
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russia and ukraine, because that's not bad at b. s g as in terms of liberty by euclid. and currently here, there is no better to jump on it to get a comically automated category. so it'd be entire focus will be, your confidence comes from the natal and its allies. so it has to be more broken in switzerland with the us and then they thought of it, they were being agreeable. and i've been able to comment broker fees. and yes, you can, you can use the services of a country like india to do that. but suddenly in the conduct that i'm still i that will feel israel must be held accountable. that's the reaction of the palestinian red crescent society each of killing of 2. apparently all our dozens by is really cylinders a warning, disturbing images. all right, had not video footage released by algebra show was the moment the idea of soldiers opened fire on the beach. the palestinians were seen waving watts appears to be white fabric can a sign of surrender. after being killed,
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the men were allegedly buried by the adf, with photos, there's a red crescent smoke. person said it's time for the international community to step in and these are due to the, to the finding scenes was, is there a, the occupation forces and function they and targeting the of the 70 is a trying to find the evidence. so this is still to happened because of the silence of the international community. there is no accountability since the beginning of the war at augusta. is there a to move there? there in 2000 and civilian is 70 percent of booth. 32000. got it, teens. or something, a woman, the question is like, how many thousands others shouldn't be killed before the world can't take serious action to who lives right account to the how and immediate access to inspire.
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nonsense. that's the blunt way president took the house dismiss, talk of russia, plumbing to a tech and to country. his comments came out as he was medium russian or forced products, a stick ministry spending of 2022 because between 23, the results are being summed up in 2024. it's too early to say. according to our data, we spend 3.5 percent of the countries due to be on the defense spending. the stake no the data. let's take the data from the stucco international piece, research institute international data. they have such a calculation. united states spend 3.5 percent of, of gdp on defense, while russia spent 4 percent, but absolute values, there is a difference in 2020 to the united states spent $811000000000.00 and the russian federation. 72000072 and 811. the diff.


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