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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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that's the best of the headline story this hour. that perfect triggers of last week's terrorist attack in moscow received significant amounts of money in crypto currency from you premium national it, which was used in preparing to commit the atrocities that's according to russia's investigative convention. turning on the charm, ukraine's foreign minister arrived in india, having previously lambasted the country french ties with russia, new delhi, those things, it's time for ts. 2 of these thoughts with most ago we took the position from the start, that you are not going to get a solution for this conflict from the about the israel must be held to
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account the reaction of them, how us penny, and red present society to video showing the killing of 2, apparently on arm thousands by and by the israeli occupation forces and attention be at targeting a trying to find the evidence of this as soon to happen because of the silence of the international community. the women in the past 10 o'clock at night in the pasta in sun on here in most of the welcome to the global use, wrong job on our to international rushes, investigative committee. se significant amounts of money and crypto currency from ukrainian extreme. this was paid to the perpetrators had of last friday's terrorist attack. in moscow. the initial results of the investigation fully confirmed the
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plan nature of the terrorist actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. the investigation has confirmed data on the income of significant amounts of money and crypto currencies from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which were used in the preparation of the crime. as you were hearing just a moment ago, this is the information that we've just had from the russian investigative committee. it's pretty big. they're saying that they have substantial evidence that ukraine was involved in the attacks last week and croakers city hold. they have link state taxes who killed a 143 individuals and left hundreds more interested in the attack at 2 ukrainian nationals. they say they say that they significant evidence. the money inconclusive card scene was used to follow the attack before it happens. and base, of course, is coming off. the fact we've had claims previously from the head of the russian fs
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. b dot ukraine has links to these attack is how that as to what he has said previously, students to 0 that were still there. what did you kind supposedly need to do to prove its was not enough committed to sabotage and terrorist attacks into these items. what do you crate in security services and the british security services play beautiful loudly enough the americans, i've also spoken about this repeatedly on the users. if i'd be asking you for your time when you crate on those 3 countries, some of behind the terrorist attacks are several associated with them. i think certainly we are currently talking about the findings that we have here and there. awesome general developments. this is a jigsaw puzzle and adds to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is apprehended. just do a fleeing most go through app for him to diamond brown screeching, which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speech that they were looking to head in to crane, but they have contacts that and they were hoping for me window to be open so that they could cross the border. but also say this is dick. so the latest piece about
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puzzle we've had today is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is on that. they then use that for me to fast tara time, in most cases, to try to can i just touching on washington in all this, it keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack, what's being said. and how does this information relate to that? not? yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we was seeing what was happening occurred the city hold. we had a statement from white house saying ukraine was not involved in this attack that really quick off the law in denying that also say that not involved. and we've heard that line over and over, not just from washington, but from other questions of the 7 days. we've also had that we need to a to find a new law who supports person for the us state department. once again,
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saying the plane is not involved, it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine was a behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by this tax, in fact, the united states warn russia about the possibility of these attacks. so let's just pick up on this morning for a 2nd. this morning's came at the beginning of march. it was basically the embassy website, the us telling the citizens to leave the u. k. website said something very similar on the website, the americans that they pass all this information to the cbs and fastcase like, well, actually what you gave us was very known. concrete happened to say it was quite general knowledge, essentially wishy washy. nothing. we knew that they took acetone as a result of that. now we've also had a response from the russian performance for maria. so how did bus 2 will seem to look into what the us is continues to say in terms of that idea of they say, you know, of the mrs listed, but then the white house,
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along with the state department, has stated that ukraine has nothing to do with the tara attack on what data loss information did they draw such a conclusion? roughly a couple, it's completely unclear. shouldn't you find out any one thing is obvious that washington started to whitewash the key of regime to whitewash themselves. because everyone understands that there is no use found a line keeps with shame without weston minute tree support and western funding that don't forget, this isn't quite a bit complex investigation. an investigation that russian authorities often saying, hey, what in the grounds that the ones with the applicant instead of one thing this possible together on i think it's easy to forget sometimes of western documents in maple, the assessment is the thing to put a note here. no 16. okay, we break into it up because we want to go to new york where it rushes request the un security council meeting to discuss and makes it was military intervention. you can slot via on the 25th, your honor, 1st rate to some of the military,
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a license bombing campaign, the level of the same as chamber. we have the acting prime minister if it's dodge, who came to new york specifically to participate in that meeting. in other words, france was a um, open the misleading everyone in front of cameras. but let's leave that on the conscience of a french clinics. this lie, in any event, is recorded for ever in the record of our meeting, the french delegation and the british delegation and the american one on the 25th of march, also stated that we supposedly did not consult with other members of the council. once again, this is not true because the expert discussion did take place as it always does, but to make sure that our colleagues no longer have any projects to say that they were never asked we yesterday organized the discussion specifically opened up in the course of the council can so patients, they turn out of heads of missions of that meeting was very low and this shows very
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clearly what is the level of their real interest in finding a way out of this issue that they created. all we heard from a french colleagues as of yesterday, as today is a repetition of the, of the topics of the aggression of need to a guess. you guess one of it is a thing of the, of the, of the past for our past and does not deserve the council wasting its time on it. in other words, what we're witnessing today once again is a france, you can us do not want this security council to discuss a very inconvenient for them issue over the north atlantic allies, aggression against a sovereign state. in this case against yugoslavia. products um, this is something that's already cleared to improvement anyway. do not try to hide behind a very inconvenient and convincing document about the supposedly purely historical nature of this issue. the situation in kosovo and the, the issue of implementation or rather not the implementation of resolution.
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$1244.00 is being under active consideration of the council. and there was an objective reason for that. the situation in the province is deteriorating rapidly because of western colleagues. basically gave the clothes to both or it is a carte blanche to carry out any outages against a serbian population. the western states themselves are grossly violating the resolution as are as recently as yesterday on the 27th of march, the political committee of the parliamentary assembly of the council. it'd be here a recommend to the cost would be invited from membership in the council of europe. and this is given the resolution 1244 of viscouso confirms kosovo, the membership of a sovereign states overdoing member serbia to clinics. i like to put the following question to you. can this be considered a thing of the past of the security council is no longer discussing or of these decisions passed by to secure by the council of europe at variance with the resolution of a secure which account. so which is the continuation of
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a destructive western stands of the balkans became part of history the moment they were passed just as an a to ignore the security council in 1999 when they started their legal aggression against over new as well. so give us one of you today, members of the alliance a would use with would resort to anything to make sure of the truth about their crimes be forced out in the council chamber. let me ask the permanent representative of friends. the color is the, is right across the street and complex, which is as old as b u. n. is this something that you did not consider to be a historic issue? the 6 it, they wore 1973 events of these not factors that impact the discussion of this issue of the security council as well. the security council resolutions dating from these years given the us statements about the non binding nature of security cause over decisions. we basically will not be surprised if you say that they do not. i think
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it would be very interested for everyone to know what the moment is according to your subjective club classification. a security council issue becomes a thing of the past, or are you asking that we automatically say that is a thing of the past when it's an inconvenient issue for friends. so it's late or allies, allies this hives, the real issue for your concern because of that progression is something that no one of the leadership of the lines was held responsible for. and you just simply prayed. now that this issue will, once again rise up fully, and what you're doing now is where it's missing and procedural, just doing to make sure this is not to discussed in the security council about today. we have a very good reason to recall the responsibility, open data politicians. it goes to one to 5 years ago, exactly. on the 28th of march, 1999, president of the united states. after consultations with u. k, france, germany initially confirmed the decision to strength and military strikes against yugoslavia. and what followed after that for more than 2 months of nato bombard
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bergman's motor, 2000 civilians died more than 12004. wanted against this background. all of you attempt to cover it yourself up with a procedure looking doubly hypocritical. we have many times, dick explained our position on the fact of the japanese presidency on the 25th of march did not put the issue off to the vote. no, the right to issue, not the one that explains the essence of the difference. we also regret the fact that the presidency plays a purely technical role. whereas i'm, and we know that scheduling meeting is of course there's a political responsibility on the 21st of march france, you can us, i'm opposed to putting on the agenda and traditional directly related to a mandate and agenda items, threats to international peace and security. it's my understanding that today you're proposing another similar agenda,
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item maintenance of international piece of security. and i don't think that anyone vendor risk of saying that the situation of casa, the underlying reason for it is make it for them for which is a nitro aggression. aggression against yugoslavia does, is not related to international peace and security. i call them members of security because to think about what you would look like if you do not support a discussion on this item. i think i think that the representative of brush over there is room for this statement. we've just been listening there to, to meet your probably ask you is definitely representative of pressure to the you and at speaking up by the un security council, it was a bit tough not wanting to hold that debates on what occurred 25 years ago in survey about 78, they bowman come praying by nato. as i begin at then, you get sloppy it. just some of the remarks made said that nate to ignore the
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security council's lock in the 1999 on the following. on the bell, great. after in 2 weeks, so we just wanted to bring you at that short sake on a full debate that will not happen even after a number of the countries went against the transfer debates and to be held on what occurred was billed as regards the conflict back in 1999 on the nato bombing president, 10 pounds of frame the question. okay, let's move the program on because there's something else happening in india. it's a 2 day term offensive by t, as, as foreign minister who's arrived in the sites asian country. it's been widely seen as an attempt to win over and new delhi, which has remain neutral in the ukraine conflict. but the indian foreign minister has urged peace negotiations with russia, stating that the crisis cannot be result on the ball field ortiz rented in charlotte reports for us. this is for the 1st time that
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a top ukrainian official is visiting india off to the water. ukraine started or 2 years ago as the you cream foreign ministers here for to day. was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with the scouts fargo for a shave shankar also the deputy and a c o y on the board. the agenda really sees that he's here to talk about 5 after talking to ship, also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the you critical for shalysea to be for renewal support in the upcoming be stokes that will take place in switzerland, lead to in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you create have for india, it looks like the new queen has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs
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india who has remember, close song ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley. unlike the west that has always fixated on using arms and ammunition and this conflict, india has always maintained a peaceful resolution as it won't be possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the start to, to a not going to get a solution to this conflict from the about the 2 years have passed the many whole felt 2 years ago or so met in between. that may be the quote. i think today many of them don't any longer. steve. one sees, you know, in this day and age what conflicts bring that out? actually. no windows or club. nothing deals for the policy in defending for the policy of neutrality. india. i remember from the very
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beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides . india is going to be neutral. now despite the west pressure rising india to got size with the most cool, what india did was india to invite it's old friend, the trade between the 2 countries. india and russia has only gone up that's still quite hills. the west was the, the west have problems with india, 9 learning more void from moscow. but india said the india we do what suits india and the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional way of be doing business, thrown we india solid solutions in india. continue to buy more model was how do we not to chrome about buying energy from russia? it's very cyclic. all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these,
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the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, i'm, frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that. i think so this it will it be to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization to be, to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had talks with both the ukraine as well as russia, and this off to the russian presidents was re elected. so week ago, the primary sort of india and that means and what will the he died almost school. he in fact had a ward with food, then he also had a word we've done with the ukranian now president. and as far as talk officials and the government of india atkinson, they have confirmed to me that's prime minister in that range and will be, has been invited by both sides to wizard back on please, respectively, all still the elections in india. so the results of the indian elections are going
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to come in the 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why? perhaps? because slowly it's being made very clear that if somebody has the pablo to broke up, these easy is india because it has maintained its relationship with multiple that remember west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there. while it is worth a pointing, i thought russia recently became india, top supply or crude oil. i'm waiting for this at sizable slice a full 3rd of the countries total import. exporting 1800000 borrows every day. it's the highest volume since july last year. now that trade has seemly be totally on affected by western sections, which includes by the way of price cap on russian oil. at shipments,
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not since the beginning of the ukraine conflict, new delhi has a sort of it's right to trade with moscow this month. at so far, its purchase of russian crude has already increased by 2 percent from february into march. that trade has been a particular bear for ukraine with a country's foreign minister previously stating india as blood, all attempt every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of our software, me, it would be good to see more of your help address to us is not enough just to point the finger at the repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. what key relations with deli, we're already on rocky foundations. that's after a ukrainian presidential adviser, a claim to india, and china have quote, weak intellectual potential. the remark provoked an indian definitely not to question his country's future aid to ukraine. then the ukranian defense ministry
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posted a photo showing an indian gall this and what some described as a disrespectful and mocking manner gave us force to issue an apology. we took the best rates to get reaction to the visit to india by key top diplomats onto the on this. but the thing in the as the to the things to take care of. i am not available, but i think i can get you to and there is a very close and i especially so initially much more, more focused on the issue then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in yesterday. sorry. i don't know easy, by the way, use the same for some of the to say the india has a low intellectual pretension is the same person. yeah. this is the way ways you have to delete those loyal intellectual people today. no, i don't think so. why should the india pay attention to such people who have this
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kind of stand? what you political commentator on indian army veteran colonel ro hit dev saves his country's longstanding ties with russia are strong and that india has every right to put its citizens 1st. and why so have somebody talk about a new pro gun 3, but just looking at your body who might have been assessed as to be given to you, which cannot for the friendship with the restrooms. we did the longest ally of our country and to be out of them are the ones pitched by military norms arctic nomic nodes. we don't have the people to people connect, go to the connected on the movies, up and the volleyball us, son and, and, and what, but seconds over unit know the, your, so we have that relation. so you cannot, you cannot expect a country like india to just assume that relationship for either economic growth with the, you know, invest in words or seeing an opportunity in the ukraine to invest and growth. we are not north federal people. we have deep 2 hearts. auditions with
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a lot of friends and we cannot live, don't not friends the fight again with those. but the point is washing done itself has to agree in the manner in which the 5 needs to be dollars. because if you give smoking cited one and there is no point for the neutral country like in debt to coming between the us. yeah. and euclid because that's not bad at b. s. yes. yeah. in terms of liberty, poplar, euclid and currently here, there is no better to jump on it to get a comically automated fairly. so the entire focus will be looking for on comes from the naples and its allies. so it has to be more real good in switzerland. we'd be yours and then they thought it was a bit. they were being agreeable and i've been able to comment book or piece. and yes, you can, you can use the board services of a country like india to do that. but suddenly in the, in the account that i'm still i, that will feel a blatant violation of international humanitarian law on a mass scale. that is how the irish foreign minister sees israel's war on gals. the,
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the statement comes as dublin prefers to quote, intervene inside of africa's i, c. j, genocide case against israel. it has to stop. the view of the international community is clear enough is enough. the situation could not be more stark. half the population of guys are faced imminent famine and 100 percent of the population face acute food in security will support for the policy and cause generally runs deep in orleans with the nation spending as more than 100 miles of the strongest allies in europe. recently the former irish prime minister even says the country, so quote its history in palestinian eyes and its intervention. dublin will try to whitening the definition of genocide by treating the blocking of military age, restricting food and other essential it comes 3 days after the un security council passed the resolution demanding a cease fire and gas that during the islamic holy month of ramadan. just back to
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the international court of justice where south africa had filed a case against israel in december, i choosing in the genocide the, the following month, the i c. j said at least some of the acts quotes appear to fall under the provisions of genocide convention. however, the court did not order his realty to suspend this military campaign and limiting itself with the mountains to prevention at the genocide lexus since then. so i thought forget of other nations of urge the icy j to take further measures against israel. discuss all this now with jason michael, academic and independent journalist based in arlin street to see you jason. dublin is set to intervene in south africa, his case against israel, on allegations of genocide. why do you think that's happening now on what is harland seeking to achieve as well? i would imagine that this is happening because the international tide is beginning
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to shift. very recently we saw a new freely delegation refuse to go to washington dc to meet with president bible in response to the united states. i'm. i'm stating in a recent security council vote at the un. i'm the, as you have likely plain to date the, the support on the ground for the policy study and calls from ireland is considerable. and it's deep because ireland also sees itself is on post colonial state. and there is a great amount of sympathy for the suffering that we are witnessing in palestine and particularly in gaza. and up until this point, the irish governments i'm particularly optimistic me hold model has been over possession of you know, at least on the fence home defense on the side of the israel publishing at the beginning of the want a series of photographs of him and could see them showing the final stick noting
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the situation in gaza. but as the intellectual type is coming is. ready as ireland is maybe feeling a little more comfortable politically, to elaine itself with resistance to as well. yeah. mike martin, the are as foreign minister said the country wants to widen the definition of genocide to include the blocking of humanitarian aid and also to quote, challenge the high threshold set by major states. how do you think the i c j? we'll see that i think the i c j. i will create this entirely, legally entry. well, i would hope to see this. i think i didn't get reasonable pass and would hope to see the international criminal court treat this on the. ready legal matter, i'm such as you know, the case for genocide itself, we have to be careful well as. ready behavior is demonstrably genocide, you don't and it is a matter for the court to decide whether or not if he meets the definition of
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legals or genocide mission. i would like to see the court pick a balanced legal position on this. okay, orland does he say is a known supporter of the policy and territories. it's a parliament to even pass the motion to recognize a separate policy and he and state officials have said that the irish knew what fireman is like in their psyche at, but i put you why aren't the other european nations as eager to help the people there that does seem to be twice a disparate an issue at play here. i would only imagine the on the go to p in states are more of like a lot of calls. and this alignment to button on the united states and islands is fairly unique. and its recent historical expediency s island has under gone. and you know, colonial victim hood, at the hands of a colonial imperialist power that has suffered simon. and that brings our freights
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through the irish consciousness. this is very true. i'm across the rest of europe. we have seen certainly increased since 90, no less than i'm an increase and as low. i'm a full bill which is really, you know, we've seen this and much of israel's discourse on the, on the policy sending and rec, today. ready this is grounded in some sort of european i'm suspicion of and tough to say to want as lum. i'm really, i think that are questions of race. he has to be asked to, you know, the, the, the desks of so many children is little what has been commented on that this is not a complicated issue. we are talking in excess of one of these children of black and bright, particularly in this case, tell us. and in just practically though, do you think this will be much help? because ireland to set to bring the interaction after we know said african file,
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it's appealed to the court that could take several months. the situation, guys that could deteriorate even more in the time, most likely. how then will the motion help them even if successful? who and the thing can help and the thing at the moment is sadly, and one's gas. and we may be looking at a situation where it is too little too late. and all of this talk in the i c, j is doing very little for those who have dying light and i then those who have already died and those experiencing hunger and start of ation. this. ready is all true. yeah. it's something how something has to be changed. and so by i live in joining itself to this intervention and you know, it helps to change and for the long term. sadly, it won't be of great immediate use, but you know, things must change and i for one and many people on the ground. an island are glad to.


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