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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the, the bar headline stories, the perfect traitors of last week. terrorist attack in moscow receive significant amounts of money from the goats currency from the premium nationalist, which was used in preparing to commit the atrocities of the according to russia's investigative convention. also heading the program, turning on the charm you frames foreign minister arrives in india, having previously loved bosses, the country, principalities, with russia. deli, those agents for tea at the old east thoughts with boston. we took the position from the stock that you're not going to get a solution for this conflict from the baptist and western representatives. once again, law russians request for
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a un security council debates on the 25th anniversary of nature's military intervention. and the, this is archie international. my name's you to know legal of 30 minutes of news. news starts not russia. is investigative committee, save significant amounts of money on crypto currency from ukrainian extreme. this was paid to the perpetrators as of last friday's terrorist attack. in most schools . the initial results of the investigation fully confirmed the plan nature of the terrorist actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. the investigation has confirmed data on the income of significant amounts of money and crypto currencies from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which were used in the preparation of the crime. as you were hearing just
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a moment ago, this is the information that we've just had from the russian investigative committee. it's pretty big. they're saying that they have substantial evidence that ukraine was involved in the attacks last week. a crocuses, a whole, they have links to be attack us who killed a $143.00 individuals and left hundreds more in just in the attack at shoot ukrainian nationals. they say they say that they significant evidence that money and couldn't quit to card see. we used to fund the attack before it happens. and base, of course, is coming off the fact we've had claims previously from the head of the russian f s b that ukraine has links to these attacks is this, have a listen to what she has said previously, students to 0. and that was the way, what did you cry and supposedly need to do to prove it was the commit to sabotage and terrorist attacks and citizens. what do you crate in security services on the bridges security services a claim you allowed me to know if the american civil side spoken about this
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repeatedly on the user to find the avenue in utah. and when you crate on those 3 countries about behind the terrace attacks several associated with them, i think so my point, we are currently talking about the findings that we have and there awesome general developments. it says a jigsaw puzzle and adds to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is apprehended just they were fleeing most go through app for him to diamond brown screeching, which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speed that they were looking to had in 2 queens, but they have contacts that and they were hoping for window to be open to the base with cross the border. but also say this is dick. so the latest piece about puzzle we've had say, is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is on that. they then use that for me to that tire of time in most cases, to try to can i just touch and on washington in all this,
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it keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack, what's being said. and how does this information relate to that? not? yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we was seeing what was happening occurred the city hold. we had a statement from white house saying ukraine was not involved in this attack. there really quick off the law in denying that also say that not involved, and we've heard that line over for no, no, just from washington, but from other lessons office over the last 7 days. we've also has that reiterated find mila, who's the support specialist with the us state department. once again saying ukraine is not involved. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine was a, behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. so let's just pick up on this morning for
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a 2nd. this morning's came at the beginning of march. it was basically the embassy website, the us telling the citizens to leave the u. k. website said something very similar on the website, the americans that they pass all this information to the cbs and fest basic. well, actually what you gave us was the very known concrete happened to say it was quite general knowledge, essentially wishy washy. nothing really that they took at the one as a result of that. now we've also had a response from the russian to foreign minister, maria. so how about to seem to look into what the us is continues to say in terms of the id, if they say ukraine was known for of the mrs listed. but then the white house, along with the state department, has stated that ukraine has nothing to do with the terror attack on what data loss information did they draw such a conclusion. roughly, it's completely unclear. shouldn't you find out any one thing is obvious that washington started to whitewash the key for a scene to whitewash themselves. because everyone understands that there is no use
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found to learn key ways. james is without western ministry support and western funding. that's, don't forget, this isn't quite a bit complex investigation and investigation. the russian authorities are conducting, hey, what in the grounds that the ones with the evidence that the ones who sing this possible together. and i think it's easy to forget sometimes of western documents can make all the sessions to think. going to put a note here, no 15 to the materials and working out exactly what's going on. i'm not exactly what the russian authorities won't see because they don't know that they holding people accountable for this restrictive task. that is the task if he is a place in russia. meanwhile, a spokes person for the ruling party inter kia has claimed last week's terror attack. and moscow could not have happened without the involvement of foreign powers. russian authorities previously said western special services had some
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complicity in the atrocity. i said i hadn't given there nothing. this doesn't happen without support from any states intelligence activities from several states, whatever that is. this is not an organization that i see. so the light can do a lot of that here. but ultimately, i'm not saying we agree with the address. russia has shown effect, but it's true that there must be a sponsor uninitiated, for subjective spokes person. i'm not sure they issued a statement issued a number of interesting facts and a television interview. he says that uncle as soon as inspected the footage and suggests that the perpetrators of this attack were professionally trained and that this could not have happened without some sort of pre planned motives. and the reason why uncle is currently involved in this case is because at least 2 of the gunmen were believed to have visited search here, days, or if not weeks before the attack. and this is a matter of concern for uncle as much as it is for moscow, which is why the spokesman has been quite vocal and adamant in his position towards
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the matter. what else is, of course he says that the tensions in the region are escalating any post, a rhetorical question. who benefits? and this is, of course, the question of great concern for on quite because in it, at least, according to the spokesman, he says the verge of the number of things that need to be evaluated here. of course, who benefits, could it be a group? could it be a number of groups? is a state sponsored? is it not about more broadly what he said was it could also be another group that is gaming to redirect much of the focusing attention to serial related conflicts. and the distance, of course, the spokesman was referring to isis who did not specifically say that the united states was involved. but he didn't see any way that the united states would best benefit from an industry on a scenario like this. of course, this is also in line with washington's position on the matter as well as washington says that chip was not involved that it was isis, whereas moscow's position and according to the uh, investigation committee, suggestively that ukrainian nationalists were in fact involved in the attack
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carried out by these perpetrators that onto this position is more important here in the sense that they're also competing terrorist activities. and that has been the general consensus between the turkish and russian presidents and based on all of the facts and at least the allegations at this point coming out, it suggests that there could have been someone behind these attacks. and uncle and moscow will work closer together than ever before. ok, embarking on a let's call it to day charm offensive. key of foreign minister has arrived in india. it's being widely seen as an attempt to win over new delhi, which has remain neutral in the ukraine conflict. but the indian foreign minister has urge peace negotiations with russia stating of the crisis cannot be result on the buffalo field. ortiz rendered shauna reports, and this is the 1st time that he talking ukrainian official is visiting india off to the water ukraine started war 2 years ago as the u. cream. foreign ministers
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here for to day was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts . bob, dr. ha shankar also the deputy and let's see why on the board. the agenda really sees that he's here to talk about 5 after talking to ship. also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the ukraine official is here to be for renewal support in the upcoming b stokes that will take place in switzerland. lita, in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you can have for india, it looks like you, queen, has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with must go to influence them to talk beasley. i'm like the west
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that has always fixated on using the navigation and this conflict. india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the position from the start to not going to get a solution to this conflict from the back to 2 years have passed the many whole felt 2 years ago or so met in between that maybe the good i think today many of them don't any longer, if one sees, you know, in this day and age, what conflicts bring that are actually no windows or clock to nothing deals for the policy in defend and for the policy of neutrality. in the i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now despite the west
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pressurizing india to got size with the most cool, what india did was india to invite each old friend the tree between the 2 countries . india and russia has only gone off. that's oh boy hill. the west was the west, had problems with india vine learning more or in from moscow. but india said the india we do what suits india. the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional way of be doing business thrown we india, solid solutions in india, continue to buy more model was, how do we not student grown about buying energy from russia? it's very clear all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually they use the was energy prices. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy impacted,
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obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization. to be to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had talks with both the ukraine as well as last year. and this off to the russian presidents was re elected so week ago, the prime minister of india. and the reason for the he died almost school, he in fact had a word with food. then he also had a word we've done with the ukranian now president. and as far as talk officials and the government of india, i can send the help confirm to me that so i'm going to send the range and movie has been invited by both sides to wizard, back on please, respectively off till the elections in india. so the results of indian elections are going to come in the 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why? perhaps?
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because slowly it's being made very clear that if somebody has the power to broke up, these is india because it has maintained its relationship with moscow that remember west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there as well. the reality is, is the rest of recently became in the top supplier of crude oil accounting for this notable slice, a 3rd of the countries total import exporting $1800000.00 barrels per day. that was the highest volume since july last year. without trade. how seemingly being totally on affected by western sections, which includes a price comp on russian oil shipments since the beginning of the ukraine conflict, new deli, how's it started? it's right to trade with most go. i'm this month so far it's purchases of russian
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crude has already increased by 2 percent funds for every month on month. the trade has been a particular bug bare for ukraine with the country's foreign minister previously sitting. india has loved the tubs every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in it. if your benefits, because of our suffering, it will be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point fingers, the repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. well, keeps relations with deli, we're already on rocky foundations, spouse after a ukrainian presidential advisor, a claim to india and china have quote, weak intellectual potential. the remark provoked an indian diploma to question his country's future a to ukraine. then the ukraine defense ministry posted a photo which showed an indian gold s and at what some described as
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a disrespectful unlocking mother. he was forced to issue an apology. well, we talked to the straits to get reaction to the visit to india by kids, top diplomat onto on this. but the thing in the, as that the, the things to take care of. i am not aware of us a, but i think a natural to and there is a very close and i especially so initially much more mode focus on the issue then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in yesterday. sorry. i don't know easy by the way, use the same for some of the tools, say the india has a low intellectual pretension is the same person. yeah. that's the way ways you have to delete the those lawyer intellectually people today? no, i don't think so. what, why should the india pay attention to such people? who have this kind of stand? the western representatives on the un security code so have once again blocked
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rushes request to discuss nato's 1999 military intervention stroke campaign. in yugoslavia must go head, sought to help the debate on the 25 year oliver history of the military alliances at bombing efforts, rushes deputy and foster to the u. n. as called a move, a serious blow to the organizations reputation. a silly story. we regret that the council has been dragged into an extremely unpleasant situation at the behest of the western troy gulf. cuz we also have, in fact, it is just refused to discuss an item on its agenda, on the maintenance of international peace and security. is that possible stuff that is essentially the members of the security council have refused to fulfill their mandate with the pen. this is an extremely serious blow to the reputation of our body gun used to show france, britain and the united states. if you have sacrificed it for their own self interest, justine, substance by any means necessary to prevent the discussion on this platform of the
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issue of nato's. again, legitimate aggression against the sovereign state of yugoslavia, which i hasten to disappoint you perhaps. and you can like you to buy procedural manipulation that if it does a block one or even 2 meetings, i believe you and the security council is 2 of us. that alone will not erase the consequences of your destructive action easily. that has thousands of them dead and main civilians. territories poisoned by depleted uranium and you can sort of an explosive rise in the number of cancer diseases that will hound according to experts estimates. so the next 60 gonna ration is of the bulk in population because of the hot spot in the center of europe, created by nato's hand, this easy, which will not fade away and which threaten us to explode again at any moment. let's go live now to archie corresponding caleb martin who's in new york as well. good to see you caleb. yeah, the un security council has once again rejected
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a meeting on what nato forces begun. what a us a quarter of a century ago now, and you can solve it and take us through why the debate didn't happen a while. it was western leaders that blocked this meeting of the security council from taking place. now this wasn't a resolution, this wasn't a mandate of action on the part of the countries represented on the 15 member body that leads the united nations. this was simply a meeting that was to take place to discuss the events that happened in yugoslavia . and that meeting was not allowed to take place now, the russian ambassador and eventually when he took the to the floor of the meeting, he said, this seems to just be an example of western countries not wanting the world to be reminded of the pretext that were rather outrages and proven to be false that were used to justify the actions carried out by nato in yugoslavia, and they didn't want that to be discussed. he also emphasized that the majority of
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the country is currently represented on the council. wanted to have the meeting and that this shows that the way the security council was set up with certain countries having veto power. this gives an unfair in balanced position to the western countries and gives them the ability to block you simply a meeting to discuss important world events that did take place and had serious consequences. so russia and china both took to the floor and said they were very outraged that it was blocked in the ability to discuss a military intervention from the nato countries and its results. uh, this is a very important issue that you an international body should be discussing and seeing western leaders block this conversation was certainly disappointed you know, to do is, you know, thanks very much for taking us throughout the life from new york city. caleb martin now with american soldiers scattered all across the world. one leader,
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all vendor rocky resistance function has released the bowl statement promising to kick us servicemen knowledge in coffins. if washington definitely withdrawal or troops from the country. if the agreement is not achieved, we will expel the americans in that confidence from a rock and we will humiliate the black house administration over us has repeatedly a non stay reduction of its mission in iraq. the 1st time was in 2011. soon after the end of the 2nd direct war 10 years after that, the pentagon reduced its mission to 2500 personnel, changing its status to advisory. on the mid us strikes on the rocky territory earlier this year, calls from baghdad to withdraw our troops are once again intensified to another country, demanding the withdrawal of us troops, business europe on western states, self officials in the west african nation, plains portions and will soon submitted a proposal to withdraw its soldiers ahead of the night spent naomi council military
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agreements with the us demanding. the withdrawal of america is contingent of 1000 personnel or us delegation sooner arrived into the country. in a successful attempt to dissuade the nigerian leadership style of into this issue with a double guard, but the 2nd to salt around in the 2023 night. gerry, a presidential election get to see you today. the us retains a military presence in multiple countries, despite growing calls for their departure. why is washington seemingly so brazen in ignoring these nations own the mountains for them to leave in? the is what happens is joel is pretty close to what we have going on or what it was all about, $700.00 on on something really going to be. it's not just that house because if you
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look at what i'm wondering, do not have national security. it comes to the web, the intel will start to get on demand for me to cease fire. and just the us do more for this month. you meant to not one or the that decided to, bro, that'd be nothing. so if you see if it's making all measurements and you want to see if they cute, when you find how close to them, because if you can, how it lives on screen, gather unimportant thoughts too slow by the quantity that is supposed to be dimension. and then having different wanting to look at or to use to do it. and that is why i believe this quintarius quintarius. i'm flexible. i mean, you can see that that if i put the supervisor on how to know that brings the question, i didn't really part of generally the except instructed us interesting design. so these are coming up and i believe is likely the was the many neutral one to adopt
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just coming, coming, coming to sure. what actions could nature actually take if the withdrawal of us troops, for instance, brags on for, for years? like i said in the rock, i'll just go see the, the arms. i really very good to go to go, go in the kitchen, the message of the u. s embassy, i for the user must do a sort of splendid muscle do say that they have received the defined demo munition and that they would begin the process of the withdrawal. so i don't, well wait on to see when i got waived why it wouldn't be for me to maybe we throw in a there would want to be interested you or can i just put the points you perhaps are audience are, are thinking at this stage. why does washington sick to keep so many trips in so many different parts of the world? what do they get from it? you'll see the whole thing is,
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is number one is the protection of the dollar. because they're back to the global i ever see. and also router, so see how much more on this it also says i what power of the manufacturing and go through the supply chain on the ship. i mean do what? uh, the more shows are the areas where blowing through. so if you pull the show on the us military in this area, they are telling me to show that i turned in the, the, i got our team to have security exchange with this new shows. the nice so i will by now we have seen the fill out of the global for the completion. 95 complete withdrawal missions from door lock. but imagine police, the more people added to where i went to the judge without cortez's. so this is no mention that you asked me to do business in this area. know who or what, what, what simply because people are no longer offering the one. so the best solution is
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what is what they want to make sure that they use the media and they're going to give you my the dimensions. cuz nothing. i barely started the point that is missing. i just did as you well know, we've been hearing for, for months, an increasing number. we mentioned 2 of those countries, but there are more than not, aren't they? of those states across the globe that wants to see american soldiers pack up and go home. why are we seeing that happen more and more? it was to me about some of the, you know, most of this or just turn to get into the security for the cbs and trying to buy the united nations human rights protection, the guarantees. but then again, when does ministry workforce is went into just going through? sometimes they find something different or dig around a bit. what do you belong to?
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just they don't want to go to their language the time, you know, go to additional, they don't understand the, the date on that for them to come discipline. perfect. i'm just wondering did talk to new lawson and that is why i just want it. as i said, since you don't have enough tunnels, you don't want to have to be let into all questions one cause you want to put you on hold. so the best, the best most of us have, you know, i guess, you know, i talked about some of your presence where the best solution is for you. how about going to the i believe these are the big, this more thing that is actually causing just problems? well, thank you so much for coming and sharing your view with as mr. adamo garbo entrepreneur on 2023 night jerry and presidential sprint, many sites. thank you very much. i know its being a deadly day and so i forget. 45 people have been killed out for a bus some hours a go drove off a bridge. and the northern province of limpopo,
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an 8 year old boy is reported to be the sole survivor of the harbor, a crash he's being transported to hospital according to the south african transport department, the driver lost control of the bus was pulling a trailer, sending a tumbling off a cliff into a rocky river before catching fire local authority said the bus was transporting people from neighboring botswana on a pilgrimage to side. the no, it is among the most dangerous occupations on the planet right now. but those who do it say it's also among the most rewarding, despite the leaf o jeopardy. next we follow a war correspondent on the ground, ended on bucks in our short documentary. the on the,
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
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just exactly escape the the .


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