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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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but it's the perpetrators of last week, terrorist attack in moscow received a significant amount of money on the currency from you, premium lustrous, which was used in preparing to commit to the atrocity that's according to russia's investigative committee. turning on the charm ukraine's foreign minister arrives in india, having previously loved boston, the country for its dice with russia, new delhi. those say is it's time for kids to hold peaceful. so we took the position from the stock that you're not going to get a solution for this conflict fund. and also ahead and then use our western representatives once again, block brushes request for
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a un security council that big some of the 25th anniversary of naples and the left free intervention. mucous lafayette, the . it's just after midnight in law school, i'm, you know, no legal. this is archie international rushes, investigative committee phase. significant amounts of money on crypto currency, from ukrainian extremis was paid to the estimates, perpetrators ahead of last friday is terrorist attack in moscow. the initial results of the investigation fully confirmed the plan nature of the terrorist actions, careful preparation and financial support from the organizers of the crime. the investigation has confirmed data on the income of significant amounts of money and crypto currencies from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which were used in the preparation of the crime. as you were hearing just
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a moment ago, this is the information that we've just had from the russian investigative committee. it's pretty big. they're saying that they have substantial evidence that ukraine was involved in the attacks last week and croaker city whole. they have links to be attacked as who killed a $143.00 individuals and left hundreds more interested in the attack at 2 ukrainian nationals. they say they say that they significant evidence. the money including quincy kirksey was used to funding the attack before it happens. and base, of course, is coming off. the fact we've had claims previously from the head of the russian fs, b dot ukraine, has links to these attackers. this. however, this is what he has said previously, explain this to 0. that was the way, what did you cry and supposedly need to do to prove its was commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans,
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i've also spoken about this repeatedly on the you specify the us, the u. k. and ukraine. those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack. i said, of course you while i think so, we are currently talking about the findings that we have and there. awesome general developments. this is a jigsaw puzzle and adds to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is apprehended just they were fleeing most go through app for him to down in the brown screeching which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speech that they were looking to head into crane, but they have contacts that and they were hoping for window to be open so that they could cross the border. but also say this is dick. so the latest piece of that post we've had today is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is on the face. and use that for me to fax tara attack in moscow to try to can i just touching on washington in all this,
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it keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack, what's being said. and how does this information relate to that? not yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we was seeing what was happening occurred the city hold. we had a statement from white house saying ukraine was not involved in this attack. there really quick off the law in denying that also say that not involved, and we've heard that line over and over, not just from washington, but from other western governments over the last 7 days. we've also had that reiterated fine mass. mila, who's the spokesperson for the us state department? once again saying ukraine is not involved. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine was a, behind these attacks. the u. k. was behind these attacks the united states was advised that in fact, the united states warmed russia about the possibility of these attacks. so let's just pick up on those warnings for
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a 2nd. there's warnings came at the beginning of march. it was basically the embassy website, the us telling the citizens to leave the u. k. website said something very similar and they have set the americans that they pass all this information to the cbs and fest basic. well, actually what you gave us was a very known concrete happened to say was quite general knowledge, essentially wishing will shape nothing really that they took acetone as a result of that. now we've also had a response from the russian to foreign minister, maria. so how did as to what seemed bella and to the us as continues to say in terms of that idea of they saying ukraine was no waiting for of the missed as opposed to part time in the white house. along with the state department has stated that ukraine has nothing to do with the tara attack on what data and what information did they draw such a conclusion? it's completely unclear, shouldn't find any one thing is obvious, that washington started to whitewash the key of regime to whitewash themselves.
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because everyone understands that there is no sound to learn kit for a shame without west and military support and western funding that don't forget, this is an incredibly complex investigation. an investigation. the russian authorities are conducting who, on the grounds, that the ones with the evidence that the one key thing this possible together on. i think it's easy to forget sometimes that western governments can make all the assertions that they won't see what they know here. no 15 through the material and working out exactly what's going on. i'm not exactly what we know. russian authorities weren't serious because they didn't know that they holding the warrant . people accountable for this horrific attack said police attack, and he is a police in russia. charlotte tibits kate ticking us through that. meanwhile, a spokes person for the ruling party inter tia has playing last week's terror attack. and most coke couldn't have happened without the involvement of foreign powers. russian authorities previously said western special services had some
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complicity in the interests of i said, i hadn't given there nothing. this doesn't happen without support from any states intelligence activities or from several states. whatever that is. this is not an organization that i say sold a like can do alone. but ultimately, i'm not saying we agree with the address. russia has shown, but it's true that there must be a sponsor, uninitiated, for subtraction, spokes person. i'm not sure they issued a statement issued a number of interesting facts and a television interview. he says that uncle is expensive and has inspected the footage and suggests that the perpetrators of this attack were professionally trained. and that this could not have happened without some sort of pre planned motives. and the reason why uncle is currently involved in this case is because at least 2 of the gunmen were believed to have visited search here, days, or if not weeks before the attack. and this is a matter of concern for uncle as much as it is for moscow, which is why the spokesman has been quite vocal and adamant in his position towards
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the matter. what else is, of course he says that the tensions in the region are escalating any post, a rhetorical question, who benefits? and this is, of course, the question of great concern for on credit. because in this, according to the spokesman, he says that the number of things that need to be evaluated here, of course, who benefits, could it be a group? could it be a number of groups? was a state sponsored? is it not about more broadly what he said was it could also be another group that is gaming to redirect much of the focusing attention to syria related conflicts. and the distance, of course, the spokesman was referring to isis. he did not specifically say that the united states was involved, but he didn't see any way that the united states would best benefit from an industry on a scenario like this. of course, this is also in line with washington's position on the matter as well as washington says that she was not involved, that it was isis, whereas moscow's position and according to the investigation committee,
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suggestively that ukrainian nationalists were in fact involved in the attack carried out by these perpetrators that onto this position is more important here in the sense that they're also competing terrorist activities. and that has been the general consensus between the turkish and russian presidents and based on all of the facts and these, the allegations at this point coming out, it suggests that there could have been someone behind these attacks. and entre, and most of will work closer together than ever before. now the new york times has been speculated thing on a part in feelings by moscow security services accusing rush of trying to pin the blame on ukraine for the concert across they know at the same time the same article points. so i thought the us withheld certain specific information about the plot, quotes i just fear russian authorities might learn their intelligence sources or method. russia's f s b head also confirm that the information provided was of a general nature. that whitehouse, whoever insists otherwise,
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used to say that the best men nor salesman often carried or samples in the maps. russian officials seem to be pretty good, but nor says there are no such proverbs in russian because they carry menu or in the mouse, not here, but overseas. but there is all saying, whoever hurts talks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression to wash one's mouth out with soap is common in the states. or former c i o. s. laurie johnson told artsy if the united states had entail. they didn't follow protocol and sharing information with moscow on the pending attack. the the motto i was taught early on at c, i a and they've got a motto. it mit, nothing to deny everything. make counter accusations. in this case, the united states did not follow protocol
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a number. what if they had information about it attacked, it was going to take place in moscow, where there are american citizens running around. then you share everything you have with the russian counterpart. this is very dest, ingenuous in just on us, on the part of the united states. because when you go back and look at the public warning that was issued, it was issued only for 48 hours. they didn't say other something may happen within the next 48 hours. but if it doesn't, you know, we're not sure when it could happen. no, no, no, no. they said, hey, there's 48 hours. this is part of the new intelligence community propaganda effort to try to just push the mean. the story line that russia was warned that the russian security services incompetent. the flooded mir putting is incompetent and callous. that's and it's a lie. this is all west or propaganda taking advantage of this. what we know for a fact is there is not one damn us person or nato person on the ground
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with the investigators looking at the evidence. and yet, despite the fact that you don't have a single war looking at the evidence, girlfriend. oh yeah. i was, i, it says it was it. ukraine. they can't know that now and barking on a 2 day let's call a charm offensive. key of us foreign minister has arrived in india. it's being widely seen as an attempt to win over new delhi, which has remain neutral in the ukrainian conflict. but the indian, the foreign minister, has urged peace negotiations with russia, stating that the crisis cannot be result on the bottles feet of those ortiz rented and trauma reports. this is the 1st time that he taught ukrainian official is visiting india off to the water. ukraine started or 2 years ago as the u. crean ford ministers here for to day. was it today and tomorrow he's going to be meeting with his scouts. bob, dr. a shave shankar. also the deputy and the c o y on the board. the agenda really
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sees that he's here to talk about 5 after thoughtless shape, also cooperation in regional and global issues. what really, what exports believe is that the critical for shalysea to be for renewal support in the upcoming be storks that will take place in switzerland, lead to in the summer. now it's clear that after all the criticism that you create have for india, it looks like you, queen has realized that if there's anybody who can broke up bees in this conflict, it is india also that russia has an upper hand of the war. and for now it needs india who has remember, close song ties with most school to influence them to talk beasley, i'm like the west that has always fixated on using the navigation and this conflict . india has always maintained a peaceful resolution is only possible to dialogue on diplomacy. we took the
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position from the start to not going to get a solution to this conflict fund about the 2 years have passed the many whole felt 2 years ago or so met in between that maybe the quote i think today, many of them don't any longer if one sees, you know, in this day and age, what conflicts bring that are actually no windows 10 o'clock to nothing deals for the policy in defend and for the policy of neutrality. in the i remember from the very beginning of the russia ukraine conflict said that india is not going to take sides. india is going to be neutral. now despite the west pressurizing india to got sides with the most cool, what india did was india to invite it's old friend,
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the trade between the 2 countries. india and russia has only gone up that still quite hill. with the west was the west had problems with india 9 learning more or in from moscow. but india said that india will do what suits india. the best is 5 sections. and despite the traditional way of be doing business thrown we india solid solutions in india. continue to buy more model was, how do we not students grown about buying energy from russia? it's very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy pressures. so if i looked at it from the perspective of the global economy, i'm, frankly, obviously from my own perspective, we actually did that, i think. so this ability to think for yourself to be comfortable with the identity, to be proud of your civilization, to be,
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to be appreciative of your own history. now remember, india had dukes, we both the ukraine as well as last year. and this off to the russian president was re elected so week ago, the prime minister of india. and that means and what would the, he dive almost school. he in fact had a ward with food, then he also had a word we've done with the ukranian now president. and as far as talking officials and the government of india atkinson, they have confirmed to me that so i'm interested in that range and will be, has been invited by both sides to wizard back on please, respectively. all still the elections in india. so the results of being in elections are going to come in 1st week of june. so sometime after that, india is invited in both countries. why? perhaps? because slowly it's being made very clear that if somebody has the power to broke a piece is india because it has maintained its relationship with moscow that
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remember west did not want. so becoming really clear of, by the way that if there is a country in the world, that is a piece, meek or a stabilizing force globally, that is in there a while it is worth no saying that russia recently became india is top supplier of crude oil ike hunting for this sizeable slice a 3rd of the countries total in port exporting $1800000.00 borrows every day as the highest volume since july last year. not that trade has seemingly being totally all inspected by western sanctions, which includes a price count on russian oil shipments since the beginning of the ukraine conflict, new delhi has a sort of it's right to trade with multiple in this month so far, by the way, it's not over yet, it's purchases all russian crude has already increased by 2 percent from february, month on month. that trade has been a particular bug, bare for ukraine,
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with the country's foreign minister, previously accusing india of having blood on its home every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of all suffering. it won't be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point fingers, the repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. well, keep us relations with deli, we're already on rocky foundations. some months ago, ukrainian presidential advisor claimed india and china have quote, weak intellectual potential. the remark provoked an indian diploma to question his country's future re, to ukraine. then the training in defense ministry posted a photo for training in india and go this in what some describe does a disrespectful and mocking mother. he was forced to issue and apology. we took to the streets to get reaction to the visit to india by keeps top diplomats con,
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say well on this, but the thing in the as the to the things to take care of. i am not available us a but i think a natural to yeah. and there's a very close and i especially so initially much more mode focus on this. yeah. then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in yesterday. sorry. i don't know easy. but the, we use the same for some of the tools, say the india has a low intellectual pretension. is the same person. yeah. why ways you have today to meet those lawyer intellectual people today? no, i don't think so. why should the india pay attention to such people who have this kind of stand? the western representatives on the un security council have once again block rushes request to discuss nato's 1999 military intervention. in yugoslavia,
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moscow had sought to have the debates on the 25 year anniversary of the military alliance is bombing campaign. russia is deputy ambassador to the un called the move, a serious blow to the organizations, reputation. a silly story. we regret that the council has been dragged into an extremely unpleasant situation at the behest of the western troy. cuz also in fact, it has just refused to discuss an item on its agenda, on the maintenance of international peace and security and stuff that is essentially the members of the security council have refused to fulfill their mandate. and this is an extremely serious blow to the reputation of our body, france, britain and the united states have sacrificed it for their own self interest if by any means necessary to prevent the discussion on this platform of the issue of nato's illegitimate aggression against the sovereign state of yugoslavia, but i hasten to disappoint you. what else you can do to buy procedural manipulation?
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block one or even 2 meetings of the un security council. that alone will not erase the consequences of your destructive actions that has thousands of dead and maimed civilians. territories poisoned by depleted uranium, coupled with an explosive rise in the number of cancer diseases that will hound. according to experts, estimates the next 60 gonna ration of the bulk in population of a hot spot in the center of europe, created by nato's hand, which will not fade away and which threatens to explode again at any moment. well essentially we had western countries on the un security council blocking the discussion of what happened in the former yugoslavia. now the russian rep made clear that this was because western leaders did not want the world to be reminded of the outrages pre taxes upon which these interventions were carried out. and they
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also did not want there to be any discussion that would show the negative implications of nato and its activities. now, it's worth noting that china also spoke. i've been expressed of disappointment and said that these are the kinds of issues is that the un security council should be discussing and that this was only a meeting that was to take place. this was not a binding resolution. this was not a statement on behalf of the security council. this was just a meeting to discuss a military intervention and its consequences. however, it was blocked now the russian representative said that this points to an em balance because the majority of the members of the security council, the 15 member body that leads the united nations, the majority of countries represented on it at this time, had no problem with this meeting, taking place, but western countries with their retail bower were able to prevent any discussion. so that caused a lot of outrage. we heard both russia and china expressing disappointment and
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saying that these kinds of issues, military interventions and their results, the pretext under which they are wage. these are the very kinds of issues that the united nations security council should be discussing with russian federation. well that's across live now to dr. stephan guy edge, professor up the institute of europe and studies in bel grid. we appreciate your time today and once again. stuff in a discussion on nato, his actions, and you can slow avia has been rejected on this. the 1st real significant, long term oliver as remarking 25 years since nature began its bombing rate. why do you think western powers are so hesitant to, to look back to question their, their past foreign policy endeavors? are they panicked? they are so much afraid of dimension on the war crimes that they have committed and the original cry which is the prime and again space and the crime against international uh, the whole point of what we see,
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what we are seeing today goes back to everything goes back to 1999 when we dial the resolution without any kind of a legal basis natal up that i have committed aggression and war crimes against the sovereign country, which is federal republic of yugoslavia at the time. so if this is the question, then uh, the whole point of nate to basically physically occupying serve you in the southern province of possible. and the thought here comes to the question. and also there, there are policy as such because uh, the original crime is crime against these items committed by may thought by breaking international law as by may 30 large men. so even today, every that of ukrainian war is in one way or the other victim of bates. so because a lot of and policy and radio international law was it brought us to today's moment
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. do you also see the security console? a full tier because it is the feel chance here for, for a meeting, a proper discussion on what occurred a quarter of a century ago is that the u. n. s. sees a part of this function, perhaps another reason for reforms. yes, we can see it that way, but what i do see is some kind of them is that because this is the 2nd attempt, uh for this kind of discussion and i think i, i must say the name of the owner, welding majority of serves the we're really grateful to rush for the russian for doing so. uh. so the 1st of all, the 3 countries were in favor done was a rush of china and they'll, julia, but now there were 3 more mozambie. uh, gig riana, sierra leone, and the uh, the only 2 boats were liking, which means that in the some new security council with, you remember,
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states one day, this discussion will take place that i think the nato countries are terrified. i think of course that serbia should protest against the bronze. it should not look favorably at their investments and it did so far. and it should be both some kind of sanctions against all the countries that were against even discussing that. and that is that, that, that those are the western countries, the countries that committed the crimes against humanity that's committed aggression. fans is broke international law. they are really afraid of discussion because this is what is known as us for going to war even to be sacked. events or would usually always talk about iraq, but nobody mentions $99.00 for some reason. and that is because of this, a lot of silence this matter thought it happened, which is a really terrifying and,
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and now uh the to the moment of truth game. and we don't talk about painful and perhaps when natal, when mental dissolves, that i think that this will happen sooner rather than later. up some of the perpetrators we'll see court and we'll have to answer for the war, cries that they have committed. this refusal to discuss the intervention comes as the serbian president says, belgrade has some quote, very hard times a head all of it. what do you think he meant by that? is it related to the cost of old question? is related to the costs of the question that is related to the pressure that serves are under in boston. and jessica, another point because the setup, scott is basically being bulky and category is basically a colony of nato. it is a, a shame for international community to have a country that has uh, a, uh, quote unquote, high representative or international community, which is a higher presented people, nato. it is
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a colony in the middle of europe with this man having that uh, i live with his power to interfere in political life. and now they wants to basically a bonus, simple because of sky. they want to pressure the service and especially they're against president. don't think because he just recently received the, even the model from uh, from the president, the rational lines within. and they can see it is as something the unspeakable and outrages and as a bad example. uh so uh that is uh, the essence of these, of these, the times that have also a force of nato countries have leverage into you when it comes to internal political life in serbia. because basically we are surrounded by nato countries and there are many means in which they could in they can if they do interfere constantly. i liked the joke that the american a basset or who, by the way,
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you hold and bumping on serbia. christopher hill is a somewhat lower character of uh, highland ross from godfather to, you know, a great person in the background who pull the strings of political life of serbia, both opposition and, and the government. and that is the reality we live in. this is the consequence of the need to aggression of, of the, of the status. you know, make sure, because the 1st, this is the who has a cues. those stuff in most school trying to use this issue as some sort of justification for what is happening in ukraine. what would be just your a brief response though if you will. this is so cynical because the original saying that as i said, it was a destruction of international law and the nato enlargement, which came as a direct breaking of trust between the associate late soviets leadership and nato. andries in the united states, they said that they want to move an inch eastward and they moved the names,
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but even further, 2008, they decided to even escalate with the bucket before assignments where they wanted to, uh, to get to ukraine in georgia inside data, so this is an aggressive criminal alliance, which is responsible for the mass we see, which is responsible for every that's ukrainian or war. because if it wasn't for ranking of international law, if it was some sort of a large event, this continues the filament sweetheart to the newest members. if it wasn't for it for this, the war would not happen. so to blame russia, author everything that they to did to the stabilize the security of your event of the world in general, is really more than a cynical thanks for talking to us today. dr. stephan guy as professor of the institute of european studies in belgrade, certainly many sites you know.


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