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tv   Documentary  RT  March 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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it says a bun, support for israel is a thing of the past. the international tide is beginning to shift. very recently we saw nice, really delegation refuse to go to washington dc to meet with president bible in response to the united states of state. and in a recent security council vote at the u. n. the support on the grounding for the college study and calls from island is considerably under deep because islands also sees itself as a post colonial state. and there is a great, a manual sympathy for the suffering that we are witnessing in palestine and particularly in gaza. up until this point, the iron government. i am particularly optimised on the whole model has been over possession of, you know, at least on the fence on the fence of a site of atrial publishing at the beginning of the war, a series of photographs of him and could be seen showing fools on the wall whilst
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ignoring the situation and gaza. but as the intellectual title is telling is. ready as island is noted, feeling a little more comfortable politically to elaine itself, with resistance to israel. less of the world is looking, it's friday, gets on the way to head over to our websites for all the lights, just wanted speak to scott, and i'll be back again in the the way you guys are processing those quotes, and now the couple of uses qual, digits of laid off and the said,
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well shit to do the, to the illusion of the session. hey, why is this just to see move? well, sure. so it's, if it's affordable as you know, the know, but still spinning on pretty minus lower. originally, the bureaus 1st coupon would use this process. the music was a comfortable to go to the phrase. yes. me sir. no. so if i was to use a through g is acceptable. can you go to brands? if i'm not rushing you for holding on like a group of producers of box but initial researching and with the core conferences on, on the type is sometimes i must ask you question yeah. was,
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disney is almost close to just press one. you just have to do most the global struggles you model year with them. is that why them a bunch more? she was see me another blow for sure. both of which has sort of, she knew over to someone about the pulled up pretty good of the problems, particularly your vehicle interested of. so what do you think the interesting part was bills i deep georgia. see just for us, find it. you can learn more about it, but i was told it was like you could reduce the music on the face of for most commercial. so
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let's see if we do both of us. here's the. ringback the the blue link to our process and i think the process of finding us to go as human. this is us these though it is the by the way, the
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kind of fight on this. oh, there's a lot of pressure on numerous former jones. yep. i me, shots from what, that's what the deal is. i could have somebody open these prints via general for you just for got some of the discount, almost emotional, inflamed or be able to develop more just got into another little depth of homes that you should he might of this year to should have purchased a lot of good i believe you're still stuff i'm giving you call when you have obama stuff. when you want me to talk to folks from you this and you know in a similar state of the room, it's a little more cold, but i couldn't room. yeah. and you know, she's a little, somebody's on me, but usually, and you know, she's kind of me the short 3, but the, the nimble genuine, the federal government really. but that is the vitamin use. the
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old daughter olivia boulevard is for the partial. and the pretty more good on the on definitely going to cover it, the more your good honestly, because you're the one i was looking at is the bottom solution for, for, for much in a month. but i know it's funny as them usually. and you're gonna click on those clips, it'll be just best to work on the course to maria. so those are kind of are still going to should have that level he is on that, of course. and those are gonna have that with those orders. mastercard, which is a little girl that prepares come pick the new one you would like me to look at them as well, because i'm pretty sure it's on the complex gunfire with them complex more and much
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less than that. but i'm still looking at the time that it done come to, oh ok. see here, which course those courses more on performance cuz i think i think this is outside of what you're going to perform a spanish spanish form. because miles even the grid. i'm not going to apologize, but we're still in the blue e a solution with a new reference to load as possible is that it would show up just because of the useful to put the money up just because i because of them i thought of the mobile
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open bring it was would you say check out the window and i don't mind the assets, the partial, my name is the same. you basically difficulty visit the condition. the 2nd problem for the smart example which has come from when you have to use the crib. does boil, boosted in root, insure by from the table that shows. so here's the thing. come on, let's come up with a so that has to be solution that was always per month. plus the mean is it the one you showed the brand new information? got the new quote from us because it was 10 years mission, national of supplementary. if i'm to the phone, we're going to just look at the show and we believe most the garbage of a refrigerator, musicianship moses mission fair with fortress behind these boys. on the more from officers going to groups on us with our lives are putting in the
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email the orders of what to do is to on the other for numerous. so the 1st one was if she got the distribution here, look good right here. so we have to, we would have to phone to see. so you know, just use is just the washer was, was on the moon, the, the was it of just give me a plus i get one new ones that are well, but that's what your thoughts on was it will, will watch, will move forward, you know, go to a new noise unit, to put it all for us, it to me,
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you know the look of or is or if there's a few early to go to choose who you might be a vehicle. so that the true know right.
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gosh, that the thing is it's fresh or we just fine or let's just continue to see the movie or with tom. yes. the let me ask the because of got, you know, pretty what the fuel sort of level. but the brown i'm, i'm to play is what i think was the score, say smart and see on store 3 point in the middle. and if there's a bad use more i, yes, a, does this modem or will it will compute something? is the, this is patricia lee, but i've seen them around me, but thing with that single it you have to move when the deal a blog with impulse. diana, who do i need? just go to chicago assuming which to shuffle, which was you know,
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a lot of them both parties the mushroom owns the vineyards in west ocean city of novels orange stores. oh yeah. go to kind of, i mean if i'm just very smug around the place for them to continue conferences, becker's, the jenny boardroom, this, the best megabyte that we're used to move was the board mean? yes. from you less look yourself. the commodity goes back about the image and the stuff that come on there. so pushing past just the full chassis. otherwise, when we get back to the phone, you might just be the one of me. so i should because you've been on the for the 3. i'm, i'm interested in your when you pull chairs backwards presents, is that gonna ship up able to ship the junior and the the, the ever you have the animal that yeah, yeah, yeah. the so just need to fill those to me or is it just all buses?
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felicia, exclusively on it, the bus this, the sport to maternal and we can police because the other girl, when you get a message for the muscle as a pretty good actually thing with the basic up a little bit actually it was less of the game was published and funding i terminated, so some of them because it becomes very, you know, to consider the concept of bull, susan investment, the a ship with some of the. yeah, new blue of ships completely new g was yeah. you purchased coupling energy and ask the boy populous invest offers or do you have me on the way people stand the photo shape? looking for some of those 3 stories the boss included. none of us company was i asked the 1st and last and i'm going to do a bunch of phone them. it's a smart way to store them in some we've just seen of the do said i wish to brand new spaces and thoughts that i saw some of these i'm interested. i always recommend the funds give some circle to commission. i spoke with a vision, referral storm. you're supposed to have them go with the bus. sorry. yeah,
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there was a little black pushing 1st cuz i don't just go by with the who just will. yes, you're going to will just got the initial specials, total mission. i have some ideas here. we thought it was, this was the most pressure i was the but sensitive storm. we all kinds of storms smart it replaced with luke about them is i'll double the city book about 50 miles the less plus the fullest you can you come temple because of the time comes deal with the powerful government blessing is almost the super hold comparable brain pollution you really found? suppose the story is doing a brand new. we're still in the news i signed up for so far because the deal was through it. what about what was the email with a little sketchy, that you what the issue is?
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you have to pull, move along the lines. so you're saying, oh gosh, you've got the machine that the smart piece you. what's the bottom left of the hooks? computers are yeah. you don't, you're on we'll sort of restore you for some i'm so i'm pretty sure the bulk of the furniture that should be less of a format. scratchy, with the mute. liabilities is mark basically if i get what it's looking for philip the to the surface that in your box and you called me last night, but what most of the, the more than 3 lives a scheduled for you, the doctor, which has given you a smooth proof of sanitary protection for them, i'll take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision with no real live indians. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as
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a chosen few fractured images present? it is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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clearly so said, sometimes they don't need the original, not the most new. i'm about chances for the, for the so that's that's what was most, apply it to me and use i need to talk to somebody on the the the, the class the. busy the to you was there was actually able to to do, i have good, it was personal. she's a go by someone, one of us and the shipping. armando state elizabeth is about, i know of course your religion moses amish will be difficult at the george compared
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to that as a graduate of school. we live in excess of the actual server because our musical to close deals that can use deal somebody to love chester of the browser to show where you propose, send me to cosco, get the job on the so is up and we just muse are so much may have dealer from hospice day of approach like a couple 0 most booked. but when you're sort of assignment as a very specific believe the thumbs up chest is the one that is the template. and with a book i just sent it out. let me do that. them into conflict, jennifer is ice of feeling me. what is the problem? seeing what kimball is yours because both 5 them for the talk. i asked them what was the problem to what you like. a visual i will store the severe all of the will to point me in the car to them. bob, which could buy more. i'm out to the glass just lately for somebody i what i canceled our capability to agree with the additional commercial garcia. what was easy, the notion of the,
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the the only is yes. yeah. well just because i hope i can do more room, you guys do. so if i were to not do a filter to use it, so don't know what's the issue you need to do the form i was due the yesterday i'm under a 100, i'm sure there's enough mentors. the search. you're such a village george. now go ahead and look at it. so as a split, 2nd for glover and the part of able stablish the wind quarter. you've heard of
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a platform the sum of color cartridge or is this blast to be reserved for conflicts to confirm others needs just to the washer and yours is a sophomore year for me. yeah, i'm not sure what i'm going to do. who is here to talk about farm shelves, to swing voters? somebody has a question. yes. going to go see you let you know? yes. why no gosh, full. or the guy suit? i'm a choice. yes. go leave you my the go to mr. of him, of, for near the mr. winter or but there's my, you're still on the new mind with the wishes to you. me. i used to do this for so much to get them was able to restart 3 of them. which the method of doing yes, there's also already so the programming skills is under the brasmer voice where as long as they go to eventually a full list between you to me says it was a move and while the listing was a number,
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but it was cut off at the beginning and initially implemented and then you know, was easier just by city. i couldn't get it more to say to me cuz only thing you still got me is that and you're not doing the one i'm you should the least possible name wayne. but some of them, when you see him put out the car, was brand new mind to do. and then when you just for getting in the web, no mean you more than a religious for opportunities that they will reduce a woman. because every to, for the whole i'm so the answer to visit our lease was waiting for the interested in attending
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together. so i'm just going to do most news, some of the least interesting lots here. this is patty is continuing with the lose. the thing was, is reduced all the super useful. how do i feel? pretty sure most definitely the most part was the default when you're rolling the
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homework for the sure that i want to do. i am said yes. tell me that you're not to do this and there's probably a good please. i was just as soon as i remember seeing the particles, it was comfortable for you to just all the
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time. i didn't go shopping and i was pretty sure it's a visa. yeah. but all i is, is we ask you why the dog i am for us to know i go to the phone with us for the most part is, is the model and then used to go to the summer. so particularly often i should not have a look at i should like, well you can restore 1st of all what she quoted the
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beautiful beautiful was it the most yeah, i'm sort of because all of the volume the deal is the other seemed just but almost a business, if it was like you're going to put those notes alone and i got a new, you're not good because of i am a new born chest of commerce, which give me this, this tell you that literally they fired from the suction leave. because because of the time of the moist, what's me about not, i mean not, i mean the cost of them both got it for the the,
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the model for the middle of a some of the most affordable plan for the brakes replaced which is the father that lives in is almost there, which i found more information over to the, to the most of the smaller this is the percentages of the of the vehicle. the question is to some done to someone the actual motors mile between
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them on the boat, or is that the car so you as not those covers without the cheese for you as measures and the long number of seats available. that's assessable to bring up and perform. trips producer of visuals are con, the seasonal. so now it does have your most dismissal girl as far as versa, as though it's actually a processor. broken federal minister is a 0, is loan goodness. and we're still on attendance or so
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we just got to the store said somebody don't let us do a system for the stairs. but the whole new level of security on both ends will increase. i remember just mean the year for that it shows most of the g sounds of stuff she's not going through the sheet that are very good. it's good of stuff on her board to sudden via notice and awesome and sort of. so just if the size of the price is sufficient, i'm divorced on this other. so i sure the suppose the amount is on here which are used to the g.
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custom. all of those special this month, the sugar so much real great. and then i can i see the, the secretary defense lloyd austin declared, well, hosting is, is rarely, counterparts b, u. s. israel military relationship is unshakable. as israel continues at slaughter of palestinians and gaza,
10:00 pm
the historical records notes. the american administration is a name co conspirator, to jennifer the. the west is especially actively persuading us not only publicly, but also in contact, start diplomatic commissions that we should not suspect. the crank persist, top diplomatic lumber, washington's repeated dismissal of ukraine's possibly involvements. and the tests and type in moscow. a suspicious and obsessive choices of last week's terrace attacked in moscow, west and significant amounts of money on crypto currency from ukraine, which was used in preparing to commit the adjust. stay plus the leases according to the bushes, investigate the committee as the warrant, gaza approaches the 6 month market. we have from an in the museum volunteer. we chose to keep helping palestinians in the, in buckled enclaves despite this hospital being bump.


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