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tv   News  RT  March 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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stretching past, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the palace. 38 people, including civilians and military personnel are reportedly killed by is really our strikes on the syrian at the city of a lot of the pressure reveals the moscow terror attackers receives money from ukraine while the russian foreign minister of questions of western attempts to whitewash yeah, because of the accumulation one was the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of these alignment states and that's no one else should be a suspect. and above all ukraine. it is becoming obsessive. your brains, foreign minister concludes day one of his visit to india in an attempt to new delhi, even after a series of i'm flattering and outright offensive statements from t. f plus washington scrambles to cover televisions back up with you on special
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wrapper tour on talis time. accuses israel of committing a genocide in gaza. i find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that that trash showed indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against palestinians as a grouping guys as being met. i can't help but note history that i submitted comments that she has made the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international. we start with syria where israel has reported they bombed the city of aleppo, killing at least 38 people. many of the victims are said to be civilians. however, some report suggests the 5 that 5 fighters from the lebanese has the militant group were also killed. syrian at stake media citing and unnamed military officials say the as rarely strikes happened in conjunction with drone attacks by terrorist organizations on civilian infrastructure in
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a level. 3 and officials have not confirmed how many people have been killed. israel has not yet commented. all right, let's cross now to international affairs, research or analyst. let me studied. let me, it's an alarming development this friday morning as well as bombed in another country in the region. what's your immediate reaction to this news? good morning. if it's, it's not the 1st same action, it's not the 1st time that is right is hitting an a site in syria and especially around airports if it was in damascus, or if it was in liberal as it happened last night. and it would not be the last one, i think, you know, each time is right and is being squeezed or, or, or being attacked or saved in applying. it's as in the sense the war stars have been subbing over to bears. it tries to whitening it to bit the
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a conflict. of course it's in his interest. and of course, it's after the failure of the last attempt of natania or to have the american absolute support for his government has said diplomatically now, maybe a is there is trying to live in england to bid the conflict and putting more pressure on in other phones if we're good, so let me see is really strikes reportedly coincided with drone attacks on a level by terrorist groups based in the syrian city of italy. but what do you make of that? i mean it's, it's a very surprising to coordination. it's comes from a group that is considered by the united states as a tourist go, it came at the same time. it was a combined actually, it was drawings coming from the west of april, exactly from and it's from it's live province. so i think is there any
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um operation or corporation between the 2 phones? i believe always. uh no sir. i has some in the leap of the is riley, uh intelligence. and from the 1st stage they wear it saved in their hospitals. so we do not really, um we, i'm not surprised if we see any and you called the nation in such a tax. why would a israel bomb syria now you think it with, with all the, everything else that has going on the war and does that mutual cross border strikes with hezbollah and milton, with his blood and lab and on you know, at the north and borders is right it has been a serious concern for it and it's in yahoo now and also the uranium presence in
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syria that is, as a mini, if it's a brain king supplies for his beloved. so they, in such a protects, they could go to any site and syria and just bump as solver and country. and nobody in the whole international community is raising your voice about it. i think it's, it's, it's kind of 1st and i mean, after all, what happened in syria, of course it's not on the news anymore, but i think it's a huge concern when, when another country could just go and do anything, it wants. and solver and other country. and yes, i believe it's a concern for is right. it's the presence of varying and activities or traces of military activities in syria. but we cannot just go in such protects and, and types of mediums and tape facilities in another country.
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how do you think, how do you expect to see syria responded to these later strikes? are you not serious? all westcan den such strikes both to and we are, but we have our representative on the un security council. but i mean, we know turkey is due to parts of the notion of the syria and the sooner i has a has it's a province there. american has basis in the east of syria. so i mean, we are still the, was continue with the economic worth continuance on syria and we are, we are and not doing our best days. and, and there are other issues that takes the lights away from what's happening is here to, to the more in a crane, it's the war in gaza. it's been nice streaming of people everywhere. so i think such as we believe it's small incident in
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a country that suffers owner id more than now. in the case of the war, they will not give it such an importance. all right, we're going to live with their international affairs researcher and analyst the needs to do. thank you. thank you. all right, so as they can deeper into key of selection development and last friday's moscow terror attack, the investigative committee says the a saelens received money from that ukranian nationalist investigators have been gathering evidence at the apartments of one of the terrace. the attackers are said to receive large payments in both cash and accept the currency from ukraine or benefactors have not yet been named of the field that you all need is that the slid the when you're the initial results of the investigation fully can some of the plans made sure of the service sections, capital, preparation, and financial support from the organizers of the crime instead of what the investigation has confirm dates on the income of significant amounts of money. and
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cryptic comments is from ukraine to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack, which we used in the preparation of the crime. and now the suspect involved in the service, the financing scheme has been identified, done detained, to the investigation, will request that the court take a preventative measure against him in the form of remodeling custody of the basis for this coming of facts. we could claims previously from the head of the russian f s b that ukraine has links to these attacks, the 0 that was the way, what did you cry and supposedly need to do to prove its worth, the commit sabotage and terrorist attacks. and that's what the ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly on those. why didn't you specify the us, the u. k. and ukraine and those 3 countries were behind the terrorist attack. the 2nd solution while i think so, we are currently talking about the findings that we have. and there are some
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general developments. this is a jigsaw puzzle and adds to that puzzle. we already know that those attack is what apprehend they just, they were fleeing most go through app for him to diamond brown screeching, which is close to you quite. and that is evidence coming out from the speech that they were looking to had in 2 queens, but they have contacts that and they were hoping for window to be open so that they could cross the board with that. but also say this is a take. so the latest piece of puzzle we've had say, is from the russian investigative committee saying that there was substantial evidence that the currency was funded from ukraine to the attack is on the faith and use that for me to fast her attack. in most cases, to try to can i just touch on, on washington in all this, it keeps insisting key of authorities had no involvement, no awareness of this attack. what's being said, and how does this information relate to that? not? yeah, that's why it wasn't very long off though we were seeing what was happening occurred
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the city whole that we had a statement from whitehouse saying ukraine was not involved in this attack that really quick off the law in denying that also say that not involved and we've heard that line over and over, not just from washington, but from other questions of the last 7 days. it's clear that these claims are categorically false. ukraine wasn't behind these attacks. u. k. was by these attacks the united states was and by these tests, in fact, the united states warned russia about the possibility of these attacks. so let's just pick up for them is moving for a 2nd. this morning came at the beginning of march. it was basically the end of this website, the us telling the citizens to lead c u. k website said something very similar on the hip, says the americans that they pass all this information to the serious fest basic, well, actually what you gave us was very known. concrete happened to say it was quite general knowledge, essentially wishy washy. nothing we will say to the one as
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a result of that. let's don't forget, this is an incredibly complex investigation, an investigation. the russian authorities are conducting here. what in the crime that the ones with the evidence that the ones piecing this possible together on. i think it's easy to forget sometimes of west and governments can make all the assertions that they will see what they know if they know sifting through the material, working out exactly what's going on. and that's exactly what we know. russian authorities want to use because they want to know that they holding the white people accountable for this horrific attack. and federalist attacking at 20, he is a place in russia to the russian foreign minister says washington's constant assist insistence that kid was not involved in the moscow terror attack is somewhat suspicious. example, the accumulation moment is on the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of these language states and that's no one else should be a suspect above all ukraine. go up with this. speak directly and regularly about
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this country, and it's not involvement. it is becoming obsessive. we have repeatedly said that we're not making any final conclusions until the investigation is fully completed. we simply have no ride through a lot, obviously, especially since those people who carried out this terrorist attack tried to flee to crane before the work detained. the west of suspicion we active in persuading us not only publicly, but also in context or our diplomatic commissions that we should not suspect to crane to. the americans have stressed in every possible way that they warned us and more to 7th of this year. following them on march 8th, the british embassy issued the same warrant on the alter, the interest is warnings to their citizens horton. moscow, advising them not to attend, must be advanced. as for contacts within the intelligence services, they're generally not publicized, but in a recent interview, the director of the federal security service impressions for board think of a set that there had been such contacts and there has been a warning, but it was over a very general nature on our us intelligence officer and whistle blower, john kerry apo says moscow has an undeniable right to uncover cubes,
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alleged involvement in the terror attack that we should go where the evidence points and the evidence is pointing to crate. know, does the evidence say there was official involvement at the crating government? not yet, but it's worthy of investigation there. there's a reason why these attackers were not suicide bombers, which has been the norm in the past. there's a reason why they were fleeing in the direction of ukraine, and i think that, that the russian government has every right in the world to investigate these questions. and to get to the bottom of this, i wouldn't, i wouldn't close the door on anything. if the information was d classified to the point where the us government felt comfortable turning it over to the russian government, then why not release it to the public so that we can make our own decision?
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why not say this is what we gave the russian government so we can see if the state department is lying, that the information they turned over was indeed actionable. i would bet my next paycheck that it was not actionable. crane's foreign minister, i spent a full day in new delhi in an attempt to enhance relations with india. a longstanding ally of russia dimitria to labor is scheduled to sit down for tots later today with his indian counter power turner part, as well as the countries and deputy national security adviser. we have some locals in new delhi. what they think about claim is visit and his previous criticism of their country's stance. i think a guy showed in days of very close and i also show suite. so initially, much more, more focused on this. yeah, the new ways here today to meet those lawyer and electricity people today. no, i don't think so. why should the india pay attention to such people who have this
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kind of stand thing in the as that of the things to take care of? our t correspondent, runjun sharma as closely following the train in foreign ministers visit in new delhi. this is colleen boss, for several wizards as a foreign minister to india, but also the fall, several residuals. we talk ukrainian official to india after the war and you can stop here for 2 years ago. now, he's saying that he's here in india and because he wants to materialize, he wants to put in action. the agreement that mr. moody and mrs. lensky is had. now remember, off the russian president is re elected bill prime minister of india. and the reason will be, he had his full swish dawson mc officer that they spoke about the usual things they spoke about trade but after time, but also the dummy the summit. and it looks like that. he's here to talk about that quite a bit. is here to really you'll be saving the all support for the upcoming be stops,
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but we're in there. we need give it. that is something to be we'll have to see. but what we are seeing is that the account changes to 10, or as far as volleyball is concerned, as far as ukraine is concerned. we saw that on the 1st day he was a to the mahatma gandhi memorial. inside of the forthcoming, he spoke about how, how fund on the news media founding fathers, he tried to make a name the correlation with new cream. one doesn't understand why he did so yesterday was about that today he's going to be meeting with this down to bond dr. shankar but also the deputy n s a now he attends to cozy up to india. he's giving interviews to local newspaper as a way he basically went on to say that ukraine is full can with india vine, russian oil cleaning because it's almost like a complete utah with all the system to closing up to india once it remember that
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india with nor to forget all the criticism of the new cri house. so all the slides . yeah, every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in it, of your benefits because of our suffering. and it would be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point figure, it'd be repeating the union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. what's wrong with india, china, and so forth. the problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps. these countries have a weak intellectual potential, unfortunately. so low intellects to now the form is through ukraine. call it by saying that you can use india as a very important to global slash. also that india has of a follow for voice internationally. so you'll see that change in the way the 4 minutes. so you, when it's talking about india suddenly perhaps you realize that if there is anybody,
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it is india who would perhaps be able to rule copies of the upcoming these talks. but when they do that, that again means the question nacley is in yes, chest off. know as soon as possible, she friendship with russia. so the you tuned for him and a so basically here to win india sauce. but one to really understand that friendship spots should be a new booth for nights. the 4th time i'm with trust, and that's something that india has been just you, a veteran indian diplomatic child. the whole tread told us, new delhi was certainly not impressed by the opinion statements that proceeded dmitri to labels visit in the past. uh, they'll create insight, dental recording into pro max uh they take a video offensive sterns of a quite political, up and down going to the extent of bleeding and living in the apartment to booting to the was machinery of our shop. but if you look at the statements of the craving
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for them, but as that has been making now in your libby, it looks like they have come to understand that in data is going to do nothing to see that it's relationships with the time tested trends. namely the shop and they also come to realize that the data sticking out principles died, which is a fine day. and that is a national security. interesting, that's the security and stuff that i'm on the fully for now decided to buy oil from our side funded from facebook licensing to the main system with the discount or the i think the today has something to realize that it has stick to not be put in support related funds that as part of the conflict between the shuttle claim dispenser. and uh, what, what i believe they, the claims based on the ladies have already tried and made efforts to dissuade the
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bus rating the r 2. uh you will click the site, be critical of uh, an auction ventilation. i think the stand against that are shop, but that's all hard fucking all the crane is also demanding 5000000000 euros from the you. the money has been locked up in a european bank, despite previous pledges by brussels to hand over the some of the key of the funds are actually profits from russian assets illegally seized by the u. 2 years ago are to contributor rachel marsden wise and, and there was a lot of stance there recently among european union leaders over their decision earlier this month to use the profits on brushing assets. and that includes the state assets that are currently frozen in europe to help you great. find themselves on the back for finding a way to get russia to find both sides of this conflict with ukraine. just one tiny detail though, it might just be kind of a legal and apparently euro clear, which is the brussels based financial holding company that's managing these frozen
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assets and their generate revenues is so concerned about that risk that the u was decided to let it keep 5400000000 euros in profits generated to date, to deal with the 94 lawsuit against it from russia already. which is why when you decided that the profits on these russian assets would ultimately go, the key of it would only be on cash generated starting in february of this year. even though those prophets have been filling up the coffers and brussels since the onset of the conflicts back in 2022. but yeah, it's telling brussels they don't really care about their excuses. and that's pretty just a huge problem. the 5000000000 euros and profit from these 2 years is equal to one year of an i m f program. so it's a lot of money. i never heard that 5000000000 euros is a buffer for euro clear. it's too big an amount of money to be a buffer at any possible risk. how does it really give a damn about brussels and euro players, trivial sugar daddy problems like maybe it actually can't afford to keep shower and
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you credit with cash suggested they have to resort to stealing other people's money . rushes in this case. but jeff doesn't want to hear europe's excuses for putting their foot down on the fire who's of cash when he a already oh, is billions to there either or the western sugar daddy, the international monetary fund or the i am asked see specifically 2900000000 dollars this year and $11500000000.00 of the ex 7 years plus and both times another $3300000000.00 an interest between now and 2031. so it has more than enough problems of its own right now. and would really like to make some for europe as well beyond what they already have. of course, now i'm not sure if i'm reaching if nonsense are public finances, which makes up the other 50 percent of the expenditure come from the financial assistance of our partners. it is not our approach to simply expect that we will
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receive help from our partners for decades. experts say that on the contrary, it will be a very difficult period. and the fact that we are used to receiving help from partners will make it very difficult for us to return to self sufficiency. it will be difficult for us in any case in all matters of economic renewal. without exception, of course, we will be used chief diplomat, yoseph burrell underscored earlier this week that the e u is now acting in its own interest really widely better late than never. i guess it's not a matter of a junior at o. c. d alone. he's not the met the or supporting ukraine because we love your grand young people. it isn't our own interest, at least also in the, in the interest of the us as a global play. yeah. so one who has to be perceive as reliable bar, not a security provider to day allies. but the way we've called the us to open then to approve the supplementary budget. so apparently those self serve you interest also
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now include holding onto a slush fund, the cash in europe that has been sold by the u as kind of a fundraiser for you crate. perhaps you have something to do with russia straight up going out, were all this is headed to show new reading, and this is another statement in line, but the movement towards destruction, of the legal foundations of drifting and international law therapies are well aware of the damage such as the decision can bring both of their economy and to the reputation as a reliable guarantors of the in while ability of property damage will be negligible . the persons who will be involved in making such decisions, the countries that will decide this, that will become the objects of prosecution for many decades. i think the europeans understands. we will challenge this decision. perhaps this will not be a matter of one year, but if decades will not believe it like that. the u. s. has been 80 on the you to basically steal russian assets. yeah, just go rob the bank guys. everything will be fine. so instead of doing that,
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which is something obviously really overtly done, the seems to think that instead just still in a profit, well not touching, the principal would be a lot more clever. and that it's even more clever to say that it's all be done for ukraine while dumping all the cash in to the giant slash funding covers the behinds is everyone involved in brussels. first and foremost, your players get a 3 percent profits on these assets or on the revenues generated by them plus a 10 percent safety net to deal with potential future lawsuits against it, which it has in till 2027 to spend or else it has to hand that over to the you and then who knows what will happen to it, but the 5000000000 today. well that could just be kept free and clear. so it sounds like e was found a way to create a giant virtue signaling. charity of sorts for ukraine was conveniently high administrative fees and even the beneficiaries,
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ukrainians in this case are angry with it. sounds like yeah, a another resounding success for the big brain bureaucrats and brussels. the international court of justice has ordered israel to allow more humanitarian aid in the gaza to prevent a mass famine. the quote of subs the palestinians in gaza and no longer facing only a risk of famine. but the fam and assessing in the state of israel shall ensure, with the immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the palestinians. in garza, the nearly 6 month war has displaced almost the entire population of gaza. most of them are now sheltering in the southern most city of rossa on the border with egypt, which is refusing to take and refugees on us despite the fact that the idea is preparing to launch a full scale assault on rasa is local journalists, criminal satari, with more it's a torsion on the ground and go far as mo,
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done to that, that's perfect. of the more than 1500000 defendants are, should turn to drop off. and would you walk down the street to see how all the crowd to see? so all of us know what people that are overflowing good things that have hundreds of thousands of families who are seeking safety enter and they have been lacking any kind of humanitarian aid who enter that has entered is minimum and is not me. think they are, they took the minds of that community and it's not me think the basic, the pads of the community for food or water or stuff. nice whatsoever, or that how has never been accountable for the crime that we are committed to out there to study since 1947 up to this particular dates on the fitness adoption. that is a would be comfortable and at the national community, afraid to hook the account up until the ground that they, that were committed. how, what the fitness understand. and hopefully that's something different and positive
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would be happening in defense that south africa island. so many other countries including pressing, are willing to see is that him comfortable. so they, she and that i liked and the time it and they believed and hope that this would bring about some change all earlier this week, a report on israel is alleged acts of genocide and gaza was submitted to the un human rights council by francesca opened a z u and special robert tour on the occupied palestinian territories. but she said she received the death threats while compiling the document. the report itself details how dozens are suffering from the israeli military a sold. it describes the blockading of aid that the detaining of civilians and the excessive use of explosives to destroy residential buildings. here's what else francesca open a csi has set. i find that there are reasonable grounds to believe that that threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against palestinians as a grouping. guys as being met specifically is right. let's go meet the 3 acts of jo
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side with the requisite intent, causing seriously serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group. deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to, to bring about its physical destruction the whole or impart and imposing measure as intended to prevent the birth within the group. however, when grilled by palestinian journalists said eric had about that report, the us state department promptly dismissed the genocide allegations as unfounded. let me ask you what have you and did you see or read the report that made by francesca at albany. ready in geneva, where she cited where she actually, what she showed was a funeral as far as she's concerned. refutable evidence that a reading gate and genocide, the did you see the reports? what does your comment? i did send a report, let me say a couple of things about it. first, we have last for long standing i for
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a last name period of time to pose the mandate of this special wrapper tour, which we believe is not productive. and when it comes to the individual who holds that position, i can't help but note um history that i submitted comments that she has made and comments she made in december that appeared to a justified the attacks of october 7th. so i think it's important to take that into account, but with respect to the report itself, we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. but at the same time we have are deeply concerned by this number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions do everything it can to minimize those civilian casualties. my colleague nikki aaron spoke with a site erica himself. he says washington is defending israel because of its own role in the war. in gaza, united states of america would probably.


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