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tv   News  RT  March 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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collapsed in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the, the headlines in the essays exchanged various initiatives with ukraine spar administered to resolve the conflict with russia. producing their times by k of diplomat to wound new delhi may have come up showed that even the public knowing to his story, i don't lose the india as that is the things to take care of quite a ways you have to date a wrong condemns as well, for an overnight, so as far icon, northern syria, which was the last who am i suppose the people dead in the city of and that number of victims of most goes dead. these harris hi, last friday, 2144 stuff is what the media 1st allegations
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a could have been an inside called private credit, the system for pm here in moscow. and this is all the international with the latest wealth news out. take them very well. welcome to you. on top story this out is the 2nd day of the ukrainian forum and assess trip to new delhi and met with indian council pos is key of 6 to wherever the country longstanding ally of russia. and it's the ministers hoping to when people are of the reaction on the streets suggest, said may have is, would costs out. i'm going to say well on this. but the thing in the, as that the, the things to take care of, i am not available, but i think i can get you to and there is a very close and i also viciously so initially much more, more focus on this. yeah. then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in get today. sorry. i don't know easy way ways you have to delete the those lawyer intellectually. people today?
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no, i don't think so. why should the india pay attention to such people who have this kind of stand? but the last visit is aimed at promoting president the landscape pays formula. something that's being described by russia as detached from reality and comments, wouldn't be in the, in, for a message. it suggests new delhi has its own reservations of our discussions focused on the ongoing conflict and it's wider ramifications exchanged views on various initiatives in that context. this is about for several with victor india as a form in a cell, but also the for several. was it will be talking new queen in official to india ever since the war new queen started 2 years ago. well, it all seems that he's here to put in action was between more the isn't lensky now a week ago, 5 minutes. and the reason why he had a telephone conversation with the president of ukraine, this form of the usual bilateral cooperation, fried,
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but also stocks and looks like polinos here for exactly that no b for randale support for the upcoming b stalls that will take these later to the yellow sometimes the dates on the side is the end for the will take place in switzerland. looks like you create has realized that if anyone can broke a piece between ukraine and russia, it is india because of the strong to size that it shares with law school. it wants to into, in small school to negotiate piece. not interesting because on this line, ukraine has had such problems with india and the complete change of tone and stand in an interview that followed by gave to a local newspaper here in india. and he went on to say the new clean is ok with in the online boston one really because that sounds like a complete new tongue. in fact, yesterday he went to the mahatma gandhi memorial before coming to india. and he
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spoke about how, mahatma gandhi, where the founding fathers, india, his non violence, is somehow related to the resistance of new cream. well, that's his perspective boss, and that's is what he did yesterday today is going to be the day of talk. so when he's going to be meeting his counter found dr. ashtray shown good, also the deputy n a c, but has the also was all the criticism ukraine has written down all the slide. i doubt every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of the outside. for me, it would be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point fingers, the repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. what's wrong with india, china, and so forth. the problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps. these countries have weak intellectual potential, unfortunately from low intellect to
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a problem with global palerose sooner than ukrainian foreign minnes stuck on the box. which knew that he, yesterday he went on to say that you can use india as a problem for global says if it's possible for international. why isn't it looks like your queen wants to use in the powerpoint voice to negotiate between russia and ukraine to be a peace make up to, to copy is clearly the rest of the strategies. haven't worked for ukraine and india you silently and always been saying that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is only possible to dialogue in diplomacy that perhaps is now making sense to ukraine. much more fuel clean doesn't realize is the very fact that sockless ships, ships. i'm built for nights they'll build a one decade with trust and that is what india shares with austria and then a power to attempt to drive
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a wedge between india and russia. the plant in foreign minister brooch, these bony issue of new delays, longstanding territorial dispute with beijing. hey, suggested chinese relations with russia couldn't be detrimental to india is a future national security. that's the bringing a guess. now let's discuss this. the issue with the head of the sewer as well, of institutional exams are markovich many thanks for joining us on. the program stays good to see you. so what do you make of the ukrainian diplomats suggesting a ton is relations with russia could swear to an india is national security. if anything, new delhi will be with set tips to suppose concerns. i don't think at all the value will be receptors to this time though. if you're creating an intrigues, um, since it's very obvious, that's one of the main beneficiaries from the farming of the multiple of the world or the emerging multi polar world order coming from this multiple the moment we are witnessing right now is india is new delhi and not only russia and china,
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and i read about insects, every country on this planet's once to reassign it's silver and it to once through a half of summer and political system and also follow its own rules. its own civilization, its own cultural codes. and i guess, especially premier embodied who was the proponents to the of the restoration all seem to civilization and hindu culture and religion. those wherever you, well, that's the western ideology of the rules space, order of the so called west of human rights and of cause, all of us on the west and hit germany actually means the india has to fall before the united states in every aspect. when it comes to its own culture, um its own arms, its own views on human rights. and of course,
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india can be sovereign in such a waltz. and staff for you daily will refrain from adopting due subterranean propaganda points. a crane it seems, is struggling to win the sympathy of india and other countries in the global south that have just tried to maintain that neutrality throughout the past 2 years. is there anything that kids can do to change their minds? i don't really think that jeff can do anything right now. a sense as we all know ukrainians. um that's a deeply hard to feeling sofa indians during the last 2 years. when does that to the engines on? no, it's intellectual capable enough. that's they are actually not parts of the yeah, western club. and that's they actually attacked um india for following its own
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political course during the conflict between nato and russia. so they have a very bad carts in that situation also because um yeah, that's actually intensified. it's trade relations with russia, it's um, by buying um, russian crude oil for discounts and reselling it so europe. so basically, india has a lots to gain from the current situation and can actually improve its own standing in the walls of fluids, fluids, um pro russian neutrality. it's currently um, following of course, does this powder disputes with china? but i guess that's um, most politicians in new delhi are actually cool headed enough and strategically for printing and off i'm to realize that they are also beneficial ways. so for multiple all the older and both a russian victory and ukraine and of the end of uh,
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west gemini. so that's this very far, the conflict on the border area with china and the himalayas of the monkeys are actually not more important than the farming of those multiple world. all right, so therefore i think um, yes actually has a very bad times in this car and um, the elliptical struggle. so the simplest is i'll send you guys to speaking. so today is great to hear your thoughts on the situation. alexander markovich, head of the super rough and state. many thanks. thank you for the invitation that send to the latest in the middle east. now it wrong, i have a kids as well as being behind a deadly asked like early on friday on the know the syrians, if you ever left. so it's a wrong, strongly condemned the incidents which resulted in the death of at least $38.00 people, including military personnel civilians. these attacks are
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a clear violation of international law, as well as a violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. this is a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. the aggressive attacks on syria are a blatant and desperate attempt to continue and expand the crisis in the region. ok and across the story for as a, as correspond to the austin act. and it's done bully austin. thanks for joining us . i spent several hours since he's well report to be talking to the last of uranium farm industry has already expressed this condemnation of the incident in one of the dates house. do we know not at this moment? what we know for a fact is israel's attacks against the state of syria are nothing new just earlier this week there were a series of airstrikes targeting different positions within the country. and what makes this one a little bit more significant is of course the broader context of the general
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middle east and the sensitivities that go along with it. what we know is fairly limited. we do know that of course, there were members of the syrian army showed a local media report suggest as well, of fighters were also killed. members of the iranian revolution, a guard quarter were also killed. so these, the position in which israel sits on is that it is combat in iran and iranian back forces within syria. and is using that as means to justify its attacks. however, serious position on the matter is completely different. syrian president bush or, or less that says of the is really as strikes are just as an excuse for israel to carry attacks against the syrian, the military targeting syrian personnel. and this is a matter of concern because as those attacks do continued civilian infrastructure is also damaged. reports also suggest that civilians were killed in these airstrikes and this has been ongoing for the better part of the last few years.
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hundreds of airstrikes later. this is where we are today. the general position has not changed. now b is released have not necessarily come out and commented on the issue. the only comment that they did provide was they would not be commenting on for media reports, which is why local media reports are more of a more important in this context. because very little information is available now, with all of this taking into cause a bit into accounts, cameron's position is quite clear, damascus, his position is quite clear as one a rare. sho. during an interview with the syrian president also said that it, israel's position is essentially insulting to the state of syria. that's it is a violation of international law. it's not take into consideration the territorial integrity. and this is also in line with moscow's position as well. the uh, form ministries press department and director of information myers. i hold on a said that is real, is not it's a binding by international law. it says that it is gross conduct using as the
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excuse of iranian, by forces within the country as a pretext to carry out these attacks. and the broader context of this is just as important. on the 7th of october, israel waste warren gaza. it started attacking the state of lebanon. it has been tearing airstrikes against the state of syria. and the general feel has been over the past few months that this conflict between israel and gaza will spill over to the region in areas and countries on attacks like this. a firm that fear and the general position of israel is, of course, the fact that iran is supplying weapons to the forces in syria and israel sphere is that they will be supplying those weapons to the forces in lab and on. but the reality is if his real does not practice caution, then all that were within the region is all buttoned. habitable yes, and many thanks for keeping across those details for his own. he corresponded yesterday to him. reporting from stumble wasn't mascot space and investigative
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journalist, vanessa bailey believes, as well as to expands the will to ensure its own survival of this, the thought came into in conjunction. uh, coincidentally, was an altitude or thoughts from the northwest and atlanta against weston, alaska. so there was effectively a deal, it's hot, one from israel in the east, and one from i'll tell you the in the what. and of course, we've seen the collaboration between the extremist on groups in $530.00 or including isis and israel against the syrian government sicilian arrow bomb in. i'm always including russia. so what we're seeing here, i think, is israel's attempt to eliminate or to target hasn't the law offices to weaken syria, which of course, it sees as it's nemesis in the region on the backside of the resistance access to a large degree and to expand the war because israel has lots of orange draws or
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against the a relatively low swift resistance force. it's losing the war in the northern occupied territories. and now what we're saying is the expansion of the war, deeper into 3 entire truth is around needs victory. it's isolated itself from the united states recently and with nothing yahoo! so there's a shoot for us up to the un security council decision. it needs victory to survive in the region. this is a week ago today that tara came to most guy in the death toll from the attack on a past concert whole last friday has not risen to 144. well, doesn't still remaining hospital. meanwhile, moscow is digging the pines and ukrainian involvements into the as far as the 2 investigators have been gathering evidence that the apartments of one of the terrorists, according to russian, will start to use. the attack is received. launch payments in both task and crypto
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currency from new prey, less than lower force moves has also detained another suspect to is allegedly involved in funding the attack. washington, meanwhile, keeps insisting here has no involvement this by producing no evidence to back its claims. something the russian foreign minister has described a suspicious, the south thoughts of giving you some one that is on the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of these alignment states. and that's no one else should be a suspect. and above all your crank, oh, the speak directly and regularly about this country and it's not involvement. it is becoming obsessive. we have repeatedly said that we're not making any final conclusions until the investigation is fully completed. we simply have no ride through a lot obviously, especially since those people who carried out the stairs to tack tried to flee to crane before the words attained. the west of suspicion we active in persuading us not only publicly, but also in context or as diplomatic commissions that we should not suspect to crate to. the americans have stressed and every possible way that they warned us on
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march 7th of this year. following them on march age, the british embassy issued this thing and warrant on the, on the interest is warnings to their citizens horton. moscow advising them not to attend mass defense as for contacts with things and children's services, they're generally not publicized, but in a recent interview with the director of the federal security service impressions for board. think of a set that there had been such contacts and there has been a warrant in it, but it was only a very general nature which is the way calling from the poor. so attack and most go is still loading the victims, but that's no stop some west and media report speculating, the kremlin could have stage the whole thing. i'll see you shortly. the ben sky has been delving deeper into the story. it's not even a week. the clerical peroration is still underway, so 2 is the process of trying to identify those killed by ball bearings. the death toll is still rising. and yet the grace period, if that ever was what is over well and truly ofa. because now,
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instead of remembering the victims of rushes, douglas terror attack in 2 decades told i'm looking to find a way to pick them. blame on the criminal and up hooton's little green man about to be joined by little blue med stay tuned. coming to social media posts near you, i am clueless. just noting the phenomenon, but those claims have been thoroughly debunked by the man who was accused of being one of those little blue men. it's pretty slow now when you come in, if you wouldn't wish that's not right on the annual, i'm being vilified. they use my image without my consent. and in such a light, i can find the right words to the trainer was shown on television. everyone started writing about it and making collages. i had to read all of this. when it all started with way down between the ice, the sorrowing went off. we went towards the center of the ground floor, but the crowd turned around. apparently our men were waiting for us there. we used
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to emergency exit, however well, but perhaps should be the end of it. it's not trolls across the western world to still to, to pick it a wound is fall from the field. that's questioning where the, what happened to croakers fits the holy most go was straight to buying the kremlin itself. the terrorism to put it bluntly has paid off for putting so much that people was inside knowledge of accused to security apparatus of orchestrating some of the attacks wall street journal took those accusations even further if a suspect, the serial killer is a large, the 1st thing to do when there was a murder is to check his ally by mister bolton is under indictment for war crimes. and his bloody track record makes him suspect. number one, there can be no common cause against error with russia when the world's most accomplished, tell wrist rules the kremlin. pom dolph. in the opinion section by cnn. i'm the wall street journal. what was written? is it a soul, a 3 big a russia?
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there are others to do k tapley. this suddenly went to a piece brandishing accusations. but this was an inside job. as being fact. those shop please that point the finger, the russian security services, are no more than the run the civil loony. so you provide new evidence to back up the claims. in fact, well, russia was casually assessing the situation. i'm looking for the perpetrators, the us and other nato allies was so crystal clear, base attack, cut the fingerprints of all. yes, all over it reminded by the group of attack outside of moscow just a few days ago that isis remains potentially potent force. and one that we have to continue to deal with this was a terrorist attack that was conducted by isis. mr. prove the understands that he knows that very well. however, that didn't stop so many governments deciding that instead of offering condolences,
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it would twist the noise even more suggesting that russia would use the attack to its own benefits. yes, it is attacking a concert hall in moscow clearly show that the putting regime is focused on conquering neighboring countries and organizing hybrid operations. instead of caring for the wellbeing and safety of his own people, russia's store and ministry spokesperson with spilling blood at such comments. on your side, but apparently he is pretty cool. never will be able to be allowed to use the landscape. but this is a strong, big even before that we have no particular illusion. it's about a lot of common sense. i'm conscious of the starting in fine. minnesota, however, his latest statements raised the questions, is he relation to head to us and we say regularly that zaleski is not in good health, because he's deeply dependent on psycho tropic is wrong. i have been to the substitute as for the stadium for administrators. inclusive check is made up of all chemistry taken tests as costa mesa, so just state measurements. so i want the internet is full of pro is also full of
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people who show their opinions aloud and pride without ever thinking about the impact that can have, especially when they're whose opinions loc eddie solely evidence at the time with many families in most school burying the dad and others, a waiting for news of those missing. it seems to be your want price. the west and media outlets big west and media outlets have given oxygen to such views. it's hard to imagine often, $911.00, that similar views would have made it to print. and this has to stay both a mass found in the international court of justice and all that, as well as to allow more humanitarian a the into gone. so the quote observes the palestinians in garza and no longer facing near risk of famine, but the farm and assessing in the state of israel shall ensure with immediate effect that it's military does not commit acts which constitute
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a violation of any of the rights of the palestinians and gaza. supposing all i have not to was the middle east bureau chase, maria fand ocean. now maria, get to stay today. not that the headquarters cleaning. i can clearly see a major threat as on the horizon which is brings up to speed on the car and see what his, how are you in the situation and gone. so please, a whole year after months of warnings, the run now says the famine is spread and guys are especially in the north, more than $1000000.00 guys. and so facing an extreme level of food and security, at least 50 people, most of them children have died due to mal attrition and dehydration. local health ministry claims with a un human rights saying the true death toll from starvation is probably higher and it is set to rise. and all that is man made as israel prevents a from entering bang clay. you just heard there is another i c, j will the old during that tremendous hearing aids must immediately float to know
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then guys are yet another urgent call to israel. in money on the ground, nothing seems to change its most optimistic estimate is real, has only allowed in $2.00 guys or less than such a 2 percent of the pre war level of goods. i'll give you some figures now. the un says to me, to mess of demand, at least $500.00 trucks should make, they wait each as every day. the war has been raging for 174 days now. meaning if the flow of 8 is okay, we'd expect to see a total of $87000.00 vehicles sent to the palestinian clave since the beginning of the war. there we, i would say less than $160.00 trucks now and to this trip daily. and since the conflicts started just 16000 trucks were sent there, versus at least as i said, 87000 needed. what else? importance before the war, gas, or had its own foot production in agriculture?
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now with infrastructure destroyed, no domestic production at all. so the aid must have been increased, but we see the opposite is well, that controls land roads, block c a. the ross and alternative ways of course, and they have also been tested. but ad drops, for example, are in sufficient to provide relief for a 1000000 of people plus, a proved to be extremely with dangerous. at least 5 people were killed from age packages falling on them and gaza. c deliveries is another option, but 1st it takes days for a shape to reach the street while the amount of supplies may carry equals one conway of 10 to 2 minutes or in trucks that are much faster. so where is the point and the results of this port that the u. s. committed to build in gaza to get 8 by c, but it will take up to 60 days to finish. the words is clear, gases cannot wait that long. they need to eat and drink now. so land roads are the most efficient experts say, let's take
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a listen. let's move in one point. 1000000 people in goals are facing stream levels of food and security. there is no tentative to the large scale delivery of a buy land. but despite these agents and overwhelming needs, hostilities and access impediments continue to hamper our efforts to get life saving assistance to civilians and goals are at the scale needed to save life. to more and more west and the states, i say that israel is using hunger as a weapon. israel must stop solving civilians and children and let sufficient humanitarian aid into gaza. honda is a weapon of war equals a flagrant violation of international lo hunger must never be used as a weapon. and that is why, among other things we are committed to ensuring that more humanitarian aid comes to
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the goal is to strip well despite the rising global pressure and complaints from humanitarians, israel denies old allegation saying it does not restrict a last week for example, and is rarely, governments spokesperson clashed with the u. k. 4 and the secretary over the issue . he later has been suspended, reportedly due to his replies and off to deleting all his post. let's take a listen. people in goals that were in desperate humanitarian need. we continue to just royal to allow mo, trucks into goals. there is the fastest way to get to you to those who need it. i hope you are aware there are no limits on the entry of food, water medicine or shelter equipment into gaza. and in fact, the crossings have excess capacity test us. send another $100.00 trucks a day to korean shalom. and we'll get them in. well, as roles does what it one speeds,
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humanitarian aid on military activity like plans to invade, densely populated rough, fine gases south. and one of the reasons experts say is the fact that america keeps fully supporting its key middle east ally. and the reason to move earlier this week when the un special were wrapped up the on the ok, poly to palestinian territories, submitted a report on israel's alleged acts of genocide and guys of the us state department dismissed the allegations as unfounded. while the document is describing the sufferings of guys that is due to these really offensive, including humanitarian aid being blogs, civilians detained the excessive use of explosives. not of the parent that use happened and according to the white house. also recently, the u. s. claims that the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire is not binding. as a result, we see no truth on the ground. and the surgeon is really a tags. so is road covered and supported by washington seems to feel ok,
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ignoring global calls and concerns and sir is an indications are that's the situation on the ground as a result, including people starving to death with only keep deteriorating, unfortunately, back to you. so yeah, thank you. for the update that starting mid least bureau chief maria for notion of ass. thank you. so what is the is like to keep on top all the situation in garza and everything else. so if you could check our website all to come up next is documentary time on auntie international and for more needs make sure you join me again in 30 minutes. thanks for watching because of the okay. i just let us know supposed to take some of them visitors from you the.


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