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tv   News  RT  March 29, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the indian saves exchange the various initiatives with ukraine foreign minister to resolve the conflict with russia suggesting that attends by cam simply not to well news that they may have to come up. sure. with the export going to the i don't know india as committed the things to take care of ways you have to date it wrong, condemns is around for an open like the as to what i call northern syria, which were point to the next semester or say people bed in the city of atlanta, the number of victims from the dead leads her attack last friday times to 144 sounds. as western media twist the knife trying to pin the blame. so the trying to they on the kremlin itself, the
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very welcome. this is on the international with the latest news from across the globe. it's a pleasure to have you with us. our top story this uh with is the 2nd day of the crate in foreign ministers trip to new delhi. he met with his indian towns a boss as k of 6, where the country longstanding ally of russia. but it's the renaissance hoping. so when people loza reaction on the street suggests he may have his work cut out and say, well on this, but the i thing in the as the to the things to, to get off. i am not available. but i think i can get you to and there is a very close and i especially so initially much more, most of us on the issue then you can do, you know, you can find ministers in yesterday. sorry. i don't know, easy way ways you have to delete those lawyer intellectually. people today slow. i don't think so. why should the end up pay attention to such people who have
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this kind of stand? but they put amounts, visitors and that promotion presence the landscape pays formula. something that's being described by russia as detached from reality on cold like this when the indian foreign minister suggests new deli has its own reservations in our discussions focused on the ongoing conflict. and it's wider ramifications exchanged views on various initiatives in that context. this is about for several with victor, india as a foreign minister, but also the for several was it will be talking you, queen, you know, for sure to india ever since the war new queen started 2 years ago. well, i don't see is that he's here to put in action. was between more the insulin skin all week ago for i'm going to send the range and what do you had a telephone conversation with the president of ukraine. this of the usual bilateral cooperation, fried. but also he stops and looks like pulling mugs. yeah. for exactly that
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no b for randale support for the upcoming piece stalls that will take these leaders in the yellow. sometimes the dates on the side is they have, but the will take place in switzerland. looks like you create has realized that if anyone can woke up these between ukraine and russia, it is india. and because of the strong, full size that she has with law school, it wants to into, in small school to negotiate piece. not interesting because all this why you create and has had such problems with india. and none of this is a complete change of tone and stand in an interview that's quoted by gave to a local newspaper here in india. and he went on to say the new clean is ok with in the online boston one. really because that sounds like a complete utah. in fact, yesterday he went to the mahatma gandhi memorial before coming to india and he spoke about how mahatma gandhi was there, the founding fathers, india. his non violence is somehow related to the resistance of new cream. well,
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that's his perspective boss, and that's is what he did yesterday today is going to be the day of talks when he's going to be meeting his counter, found dr. x ray shawn got also the deputy and a c, but has anybody else, walter? all the criticism ukraine has written down all the sly, i doubt every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in your benefit because of the outside. for me, it won't be good to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point figure, it'd be repeating union and say, oh they're, they're doing the same thing. what's wrong with india, china, and so forth. the problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their steps. these countries have a weak intellectual potential. unfortunately, for low intellect to a problem for global palerose, sooner than ukrainian environment is secondary box,
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reaches new data. yesterday he went on to say that you can use india as a policy of global, says, if it's possible for international. why isn't it looks like you're queen wants to use india's policy voice to negotiate between russia and ukraine to be a peace make up to broke off the scale the, the rest and strategies haven't worked for ukraine and india neutrality and was always been saying that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is only possible to dialogue and diplomacy. that's the haps is now making sense to ukraine. much more fuel clean doesn't realize is the very fact that the boxes shipped ships on route built or whatnot. they'll build a one decade with trust and that is what india shares latasha. that's what an indian diploma to all, kyla and now how much were revealed to delhi was certainly not impressed by statements that they come out to view cray ahead of the diplomats visits in,
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in the past. uh, they'll create insight, dental recording into pro max uh they take a video offensive sterns. they look quite political, up and down, going to the extent of bleeding and living in the event of booting to the was my chevy of a and i shot part if you look at the statements of the craving for them. but as that has been making now in new libby, it looks like they have come to understand that it is going to do nothing to see that it's relationships within that time tested trend, namely the shop. and they also come to realize that the data, speaking of principals died, which is the funding day. and there is a national security. interesting, that's the security and stuff. and i'm all i, the fully for guys decided to buy oil from our side funded from facebook guy susie to the main system with the discount or the i think the today has something to realize that it has sticking up the deeper and supposedly funds that i spent as the
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conflict between our shuttle claim dispenser and the i believe they, the planes western allies have already tried and made efforts to dissuade up us reading the i to you know, criticized, be critical of, uh, an auction situation. i think the stand against that are shop, but that's all how fucking all and the power to tend to drive a wedge between india and russia. the ukraine unit for a minister broach the phone, the issue with new delhi as long standing territorial disputed with staging. he suggested trying his relations with russia can be detrimental to india's future national security. the head of the super world institute, alexander markovich, have styles over here, cranes attempts to win. indeed, i don't really think that jeff can do anything right now. a sense, as we all know, ukrainians um 5 for deeply hard to feelings off. um indians during the
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last 2 years when those types of indians on outs, intellectual capable enough that's they are actually not parts of the yeah. western club, and that's they actually attacked um, india for following its own political course during the conflict between nato and russia. they are now losing most of the help from the west. and then you know that they only can continue their struggle against russia with west and weapons with west the money. so this money is no ending. and therefore they are looking for your thoughts as and since the desperate style. now even trying to states and civilizations like india, which states secretly hates as they have shown in the past. so therefore, it's just a very cheap gamble of idea of creating the machine which will fail for sure. off the western sanctions for many european pharmaceutical companies out some of the
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russian markets, india has please feel facilitate to feel the lucrative gap area. i discussed the developments with the president of west of bios on these days as many as 20 indian companies hubble where they embraced the new marcus to little problem which is used to be procured from invest in countries from euro, which now india is started supply and of course india, the one of those that is the, the do, the pharmacy of the word. so it is basically the products, but not all materials that can, you know, started supplied. and of course, the big, big opportunity for india and to somebody in the enough on the company's account a present on the russian market and how many are looking to set up shop there and stop producing inside russia or itself as far as the sending the products anything almost 1520 indian companies already working in the show as was manufacturing in russia. when the buttons, large company in russia has one of these set up. it's manufacturing this, but yeah,
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little thought it didn't. origin, citizens them for a lot of factories in russia and they're doing quite with and how easy is it for these companies to set up and rush of what sort of legal, other adults do these companies face impression and what are the solutions to these problems. see, i mean, uh, each country has their own set of rules and regulations. russia as a quite a rigid, but that's a good, you know, honestly just absolutely. okay. i didn't get the digital, i'm so slightly relaxed. so you just have to follow the local routes, which are, you know, quite distracted. and that's an opportunity because the many companies would come in, but you know, facing district in twos. so and then companies have that has this experience because they're exporting the products in the us and, you know, i don't see the could be any, any, any categories which in your cod supply, having in didn't. pharmaceutical industry is very mature be chemicals. bid biotech
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is ready to supply all kinds of materials, talk enough drugs to russia. for those peculiar times, if we look at the world as a whole, we have all these sanctions on several countries. we have this trend to the globalization . many countries are now focusing less on external sources, which is a risk really because they would show that they could just be cut off just like that. so what's will take on the future for pharmaceutical companies and nations lined rusher in india in that regard of crazily. each and every country is shifting to us, being independent through the independence can also be to to a limit. maybe it can become 90 percent independent on raw materials. one technology. still the technical some global dependence is always there. so it's, it's a good effort to be independent. but v vi should or forget that the committee, the, to the independence, the global, it depends the on the is be day. oh,
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turning to the latest in the middle east. now it wrong has a case the as well as being behind a deadly strike. early on friday in the northern syria and city of atlanta to wrong, strongly condemned the incidents which resulted in the sub at least $38.00 people, including military personnel on civilians. these attacks are a clear violation of international law, as well as a violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. this is a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. the aggressive attacks on syria are a blatant and desperate attempt to continue and expand the crisis in the region. just earlier this week, they were a series of air strikes, targeting different positions within the country. and what makes this one a little bit more significant is of course the broader context of the general middle east on the assess activities that go along with what we know is fairly limited. we do know that of course, there were members of the syrian army killed,
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a local media report suggest as well. all fighters were also killed. members of the iranian revolution, a guard quarter were also killed. so these, the position in which israel sits on is that it is combat in iran and iranian back forces within syria. and is using that as means to justify its attacks. however, serious position on the matter is completely different. syrian president bush or the left side says of the is really as strikes are just as an excuse for israel to carry out attacks against the syrian, the military targeting syrians, personnel b is released have not necessarily come out and commented on the issue. the only comment that they did provide was they would not be commenting on for media reports to hans position is quite clear, damascus, his position is quite clear, is one a rare show during an interview with the syrian president also said that if israel's position is essentially insulting to the state of syria, that's it is a violation of international law. it's not take into consideration the territorial
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integrity in the broader context of this is just as important on the 7th of october, israel waste warren gaza. it started attacking the state of lebanon. it has been tearing airstrikes against the state of syria, and the general fear has been over the past few months that this conflict between israel and gaza will spill over to the region in areas in this country. events attacks like this or from that fear. and the general position of israel is, of course, the fact that iran is supplying weapons to the forces in syria. and israel's fear is that they will be supplying those weapons to the forces and living on. but the reality is, if israel does not practice caution, then all that were within the region is all buttoned. habitable. my calling rachel will spoke with syria and security analyst, a ton of abraham, who believes, as well as trying to recognize a major conflict in the middle east. and this is a very hard psych,
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a i guess the some festivities of the syrian army is that i always are taking the most important sites as the see them out of me to undermine that syria and military capabilities. and that is every takes those as they are fighting, giovanni or bruce, and they've got his old are they are thought of getting some, his beloved ruby since high city. and i don't think that this is eh, to somebody. this is not the true. so now is it a, is it trying to the rich america come fix and that means that you spend the, if they are trying to run away from the appropriate and in guess which are under no . and so really they are unable to find that is amusing for success to ation. and guess that they come up, come to new in water in the home or in other faces. and they are unable to me. absolutely incomplete vip to the income, as unable to make peace was what was the best solution for me? i mean, if any of the solution is to run away for what, for, i don't know if that a big war in which united states would be involved with. and is that
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a public way forget about appropriate inc, as and so, and if any off of what he just came up to, this is a very dangerous game and pause then. maybe he's is on the brink of a very, very big war. this strikes by israel and coincided with a drone attacks on a level by terrorist groups that were based in the syrian city of it live. what do you make of that? that indicates a kind of quote of the nation mental version between is it i and between 2 arista groups or who are fighting the city, an ottoman investigator and government inside syria. and we have seen in the past the years of the world with it and see area, we have seen many incidents. what's in the face, really the for the nation and go for ration. the green is that i and between is that i mean anthony's as agencies. and the thing is that taurus and grooves, no. isis was on the very, which is still don't meet that is from the about. that is of is that i,
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they didn't that, that is what i thought the effective see the, an automatic attack of savings if you have us. but the, what the meaning of that, why is they are not that protecting is that i so this is the kinds of people can i see it is a 100 and less that they say that we are fighting. busy or isn't, but indeed we are supporting terrorism. i'm be using did or it isn't. and did want us to groups as a boy for achieving shows that you felt and jo forget to get it goes in syria and that you play enough gas that and able to have this all around the world. it's a week ago today that tara came to moscow and the death toll from the a tank on a past concept whole last friday has not risen to 144 while doesn't still remain in hospital one hero. from that night, 15 year old is 9, the child has now been all those by rushes, the pre, musty for saving thousands of lives. it was one of 7 teenagers who was comp time this co agreement attendance between them. and they managed to help more than 100
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people safely out of the venue. while the russian investigative committee has been gathering evidence of the apartments of one of the terrorists in digging deeper into caves, links to the massacre. according to investigators, the attackers received the launch payments and both cash and script, so current saved from ukraine. another suspect is also being detained. a was allegedly involved in funding the attack. washington, meanwhile, keeps insisting he has had no involvement, despite producing no evidence to fast case claims, something the russians foreign minister has described a suspicious example accumulation. one that is on the west is actively trying to convince everyone that this is the work of these alignment states. and that's no one else should be a suspect. above all ukraine, the speak directly and regularly about this country and it's not involvement. it is becoming obsessive. we have repeatedly said that we're not making any final conclusions until the end instigations, fully complete. it was simply have no ride true, lot obviously,
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especially since those people who carried out the stairs to tack tried to flee to crane before the words detained. the west, especially active in persuading us, not only publicly, but also in context or diplomatic commissions that we should not suspect ukraine to the american source, trusted in every possible way that they warned us on march 7th of this year, following them on march 8th. the british embassy issued the same warrant on the, on the interest is warnings to their citizens horton. moscow advising them not to attend, must be advanced. as for contacts with anything children's services, they're generally not publicized. but in a recent interview, the director of the federal security service impressions for board think of a set that there had been such contacts and there has been a warning, but it was over a very general nature just a week on the from paper. so let tag and last go, it's still morning, the victim said, but that's no stop. some western media report speculating the criminal and could have stage. the whole thing i'll tell you start to do, but sky has been building the put into the story. it's not even a week the clear
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a corporation is still on the way. so 2 is the process of trying to identify those killed by ball bearings. the death toll is still rising. and yet the grace period, if that ever was what is over well and truly ofa, because now instead of remembering the victims of rushes, douglas terror attack in 2 decades told i'm looking to find a way to pin the blame on the criminal and up hooton's little green man about to be joined by little blue med stay tuned. coming to social media posts near you. i am clueless. just noting the phenomenon, but those claims have been thoroughly debunked by the man who was accused of being one of those little blue men. it's pretty slow mind when you come in because you wouldn't wish that's not right on anyone. i'm being vilified. they use my image without my consent and in such a light i can find the right words. this video was shown on television. everyone
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started writing about it and making colossus i had to repeat all of this. when it all started with way down between the ice, the sorrowing went off. we went towards the center of the ground floor, but the crowd turned around. apparently our man were waiting for us there. we used to emergency exit, however well, but perhaps should be the end of it. it's not trolls across the western world of starting to pick it a wound is fall from the field back questioning with what happened to croakers fits a hole in most go with straight to find the kremlin itself. the terrorism to put it bluntly has paid off for me so much that people was inside knowledge of accused to security apparatus of orchestrating some of the attacks wall street journal took those accusations even further. if the suspect, the serial killer is a large, the 1st thing to do when there was a murder is to check his ally by mister bolton is under indictment for war crimes.
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and his bloody track record makes him suspect. number one, there can be no common cause against error with russia when the world's most accomplished, tell wrist rules the kremlin palm dolph. in the opinion section by cnn. i'm the wall street journal. what was written? is it a solo 3 big a russia? there are others to do k tapley this on. we went to a piece brandishing accusations, but this was an inside job. as being fact, those shop clues that point the finger, the russian security services, are no more than the run the civil loony. so you provide no evidence to back up the claims. in fact, well, russia was casually assessing the situation. i'm looking for the perpetrators, the us and other nato allies, was so crystal clear, base attack, cut the fingerprints of all. yes, all over it reminded by the griffith attack outside of moscow just
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a few days ago that i since remains potentially potent force. and one that we have to continue to deal with this was a terrorist attack that was conducted by isis. mr. brewton understands that he knows that very well. however, that didn't stop some governments deciding that, instead of offering condolences, it would twist the noise even more suggesting that russia would use the attack to its own benefits. yes, it is attacking a concert hall in moscow. clearly show that the putting regime is focused on conquering neighboring countries and organizing hybrid operations. instead of caring for the wellbeing and safety of his own people, russia's store and ministry spokesperson with spilling blood at such comments on your snow boots, he has plenty of cool smell, will be able to out use the landscape. but this is a strong bid, even before that we have no particular illusions about the lack of common sense. i'm conscious of the stony inform minnesota. however, his latest statements raised questions,
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is he right in the head to us and we say regulate that. zaleski is not in good health, because he's deeply dependent on psycho tropic drugs and by hesitant substances. but the stadium for administrators should also check it's rita. all ask him to take tests costa mesa and such statements for the internet is full of trolls. it's also full of people who shout their opinion loud and pride without ever thinking about the impact that can have it specially when they use opinions. lock. eddie solid evidence at the time when many families in most school burying than others. a waiting for news of those missing, it seems to be your want price. the west and media outlets big west and media outlets have given oxygen to such views. it's hard to imagine often, $911.00, that similar views would have made it to print. a horror of last friday's tire attack. has we opened the base in russia about reinstating the death penalty?
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the countries regulations officially still this capital punishment as a means of justice. the practice was defined save for hibbits suited with more tory, i mean 1996. we gauged current feelings on the streets of mosca. i feel positive about this because it seems to me that some people cannot be fixed, such as pet of files, terrorists and so on. and i really don't want to pay taxes for them. then the lifting the moratorium is a big step back for our country a step into dark times. when we say that we will lift the moratorium. we are encroaching on the very right to life, which is inviolable. i support the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty because there are categories of people, such as terrorist, pet of files, rapist traitors to the motherland who are not worthy to live after their committed crimes. more over, they are not worthy to eat all paid for by my taxes. the person is being punished
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for the acts that he or she has committed. then another person may not commit these acts be afraid and restrict themselves against negative acts for society. i am against it because there are situations in life when mistakes are made. i don't want to think that this happens. i am in favor of people being kinder to each other and understanding more about why this is happening rather than resorting to some drastic measures like the death penalty. the question is quite complicated. it needs to be carefully studied because there are pros and cons. but for the most part, i am against it because it will be too easy to take the life of a person who has committed a serious crime. i think they should have tone for their mistakes. my colleague, mike, a quote, a put bass complex, topic out for the base with expos, from some nations where the death penalty is still practiced. so i believe that an eye for an eye to sort of tooth. if someone could, someone i loved,
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i would like to see him killed and that's a good justice because it is editors for other people more to, to kill me. i don't do that because this one really is not just a simplistic one. that is, don't call me that would be someone for one to start on say for dot, the dependency is the set up the steps or do we have to come in and don't you're going to my country business i, we have cost. so it's, i mean, the collected deal do fan so many different options. the post, if you execute somebody, you know, a 100 percent, they are not going to commit another crime. it may be a good a less than for others to not commit a crime because they know what the punishment may be, but we know a 100 percent of those who are committed and executed. they will never commit another crime. and the time that you see car tales,
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interest groups often asking for the release of their colleagues if they're still alive, they can be released, but back out on the streets to commit other terror acts and other atrocities. but let me push on that because sometimes we how would i do more? so i would, i think that gives us or that you know, you know, there is always a chance that them, you know, said person may be convicted. the possibility i spend and mom ended on drug breezy, on account of it was school kid that i had many government and i saw the person that was sent us. we did, i would do this. do i still have this strongly that you want people to say in the us we often get to the conversation? well, if you are interested, i'm just assisting yes this, this is, this makes sense. but if you have a good system, uh good just to assist you, that would never allow this things to happen. and then um, uh i the lease, uh the risk is minimal and you would never have 100 percent justice. but at
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least if you have the 99 percent, that's great because the otherwise you would have 99 percent adjusted by lifting criminals coming i tried doing without fear of a strong punishment. we've done series of people suggesting that putting criminals behind boss for life is a when is when most suitable punishment on a creek death, the prisons have become, at least of the united states, more comfortable than their own lives, outside of prison. in many cases, our prisons have television sets where they can watch their favorite shows. they have gems where they can work out. they're getting fed 3 times a day. they do buy snacks to, to eat in prison. but they have a pretty comfortable life in us prisons versus, you know, the death of their victims and the grief that their families will live with for the rest of their lives, to embrace and be able for 25 years or maybe longer. and keep in mind and
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protect in mind and keep them my life is costing the taxpayers a lot for people who actually don't deserve what i send the program on a touching though to an ordinary day for 2 goals and a local school in law sco ends with an emotional surprise when that were united with the father of the 6 months of pod, let's take a look to the relatives. someone is now in the special military operation, so you're probably waiting for your loved ones, right? no one come out here and tell us do you know where you are? that is station know. when did you leave around the beginning of october. in fact, you know.


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