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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT

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for doctors and teachers about 20 percent of them the committee did oh, out of gaza. i was seems to be able to, to, to take, to finish my university to go off of a country. continue my studying in a good way. but actually out of the business, why? because of the and now what i want to be, i want to be a free man. that's it. all that wants to go out of goes a life we have the program on attaching those. no ordinary dates to goals and a local school in most go ended with an emotional surprise when they were we're knighted with the saw those off to 6 months apart. so let's take a look of the relatives. someone is now in the special military operations. you're probably waiting for your loved ones, right?
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no one, come out here and tell us, do you know where you are? that is patient. no wonder truly. around the beginning of october. in fact, you know, kids, i'm not the only one who's going to be teaching a lesson a far as people go, sir, and return on week to date. the young people have been since has also come here to talk to the, anyone close to kids in the military. anyone right there only because that is there any plebeians of a colleague of mine who worked together then he volunteered 6 months ago. well,
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today he's back on leave. here he is not the, it's hard. i haven't really adapted. just got home last night and still difficult to look at the situation around me here because so call, nothing's happening, including explosions for 6 months we were used to the situation over there. so on the list still feels a bit while to me. i can really feel the support of the whole country because you minutes hearing aid is coming letters. there's really a lot of stuff coming close to sweets. all of this is a company like constant, very warm comments from people send the whole country has banded together in the situation, and that is worth a lot. well, coming away next, rick sanchez with the next step is out of direct impact. and you can do a me again for more days in 30 minutes. see you then the
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hi everybody. i got a program know, barring the holidays occasional and family days were now every day. that's right. we used to be a weekly now we're a daily. we hold no punches, which is why we do it. we think we're necessary. look for it. all right, here we go. true from number one. always say own out. so is there entire management team? it seems, will tell you why. group on over to baltimore's collapse bridge is causing global supply chain issues. and we're going to talk a lot about infrastructure and supply shit chain issues, trip bomb number 3. you may know him as p. diddy. police are looking at him as they investigate a sex trafficking ring. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. the
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. okay, let's get started. there's a couple of things that have occurred late that i can't help, but make us all take notice and even ask, oh my goodness, what's going on? first, a plane door falls off mid flight from a horribly now beleaguered airline manufacturer who's been caught red handed, putting profit's way ahead of people by taking short cuts and it's manufacturing, ad inspection process. and now that c o of that said company is out. the boeing ceo and dade calhoun as a now and so you will no longer be c o a boeing. he will in that role at the company. at the end of this year 2024. he has just a one of 3 top executives departing. the company including its board chair and head of commercial airplane. yeah, that's the, you know, they callo and he says that he's stepping down from boeing as the military contractor. that makes more planes as well as passenger jets,
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is re shaping it's management. and then there's this boy, everybody's still talking about this thing. this is the video that has now been shared all over the world. it's the bridge as it's collapsing right there into the, into the water after being struck by a cargo ship. apparently going to have to where we're being told that because of this that you're seeing right there is going to have a severe impact on shipping. along the east coast. the remnants, in fact, and baltimore's francis scott key bridge, has cut off all ocean routes to the city's major port. and that is expected cause severe disruptions to about transport, ad logistics, which experts are now saying is going to cause a ripple effect on global supply chains. is just one more problem for americans. infrastructure crisis, which seems to be growing by the day. and this is important, and this is why we want to talk about this. because in fact,
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according to the council of foreign relations, us infrastructure is dangerously overstretched and lagging behind. many developed countries all over the world, especially by the way they point out. they point out china the, the roads, the railways, the electrical grids, the internet providers, this, this, much of this stuff was built decades ago in this country. and it's struggling to keep pace. it's also having a severe financial burden on the country. there's a study done by a transportation analytics firm. it's called in rick's. if you wanna look it up. they found delays caused by our nations traffic congestion alone. much of it, which was designed like right after world war $2.00, costs our economy about $87000000000.00 a day. $87000000000.00 a day that we would have been able to generate have we had, if we had a system that was more updated. why, well, inadequate uh, inadequately maintain roads, trains, waterways,
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great costly delays and stoppages. like what is happening right now in baltimore, for example. and civil engineers are now warning that structurally deficient bridges all over the united states has equated water plants and are posing serious uh, safety risks. not to mention the risk of catastrophic failures such as bridge collapses in banbridge's. and then there's this, i found this number kind of scary, 44044000 us bridges right now that we drive over, had been inspected and a big had been declared to be in poor condition. we have 44000 very poor condition bridges in the united states. hello. so the u. s. is losing billions of dollars because of bad bridges and roads and dams in antiquated airports and the like. why
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not the. busy spend billions of dollars to fix it, right. am i crazy? or is that the obvious answer? well, the answer to why we don't do it is in these numbers and i want you to take a look at them as i put them in. are. all right, take a look at how much money that is taken out of the pockets of tax payers in the united states. a doesn't go to fixing their bridges on the roads, etc. but instead it's sent to other countries. this is nowhere near a total list by the way, it's just the basic numbers that's released a year and a half ago since then i understand they've continued to go up and up and up. and this doesn't include non budgeted items like what's happening right now. and 1000 ukraine. $74000000000.00. put it back up. let's look at it. put it back up. there it is. ukraine. $74000000000.00. israel. $3300000.00 every single year without fail. ethiopia, $2200000000.00. did you know we were $72200000000.00? the d o b? i didn't know that that can't stand $1400000000.00. and of course that's
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a part from the 2 trillion that's spent there during the 20 year. we're to trillion . yeah, that's what, that's what i said in case you didn't hear by the way, same could be said about a rock. same could be set about. yeah, i'm an egypt, jordan. all are guaranteed more than a $1000000000.00 a year every single year of your tax dollars. as your bridges had. busy roads remain in disrepair and money and we were looking at this and thinking this looks crazy by the way, don't be fooled when you look at this list by uh, the word humanitarian in there who monetary and aid compared to the amount that we spend on military needs in this country that often goes to contractors. the money we give to countries for humanitarian assistance is much, much more or, or pardon me, much, much less. here, let me give you an example of what i'm talking about. just one military contractor, for example. let's choose lockheed martin,
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one in 2020. the us government spent $75000000000.00 on lockheed contracts. you know, how much we spent that year for international development world wide, you know, humanitarian stuff. 44000000000. that means one company, one company in the united states, got more in one year 75000000000 and then the whole total of all the amount. it's gary and aid that we give world wide. i thought you'd want to know these things because they freaked me out when i looked at it. and when i started doing the research, joining me now is misty winston and steve go. both the radio hosp political commentators who've joined us here in the past. i don't know, mostly i'll let you give a a for shot at this situation that i just explained. i couldn't stop thinking about this after watching that bridge collapse and wondering how many others we might see collapse in the next couple of years as we continue this. that more and more money to places like a great a and it is um,
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those numbers when you laid all out like that are incredibly terrifying, especially given the number of people who are driving over these bridges every single day. it is. i think we just kind of take it for granted. at this point. i was watching an interview and somebody said, you know, it's not something i even consider. i trust that you know, and these roads and these bridges are going to be safe for us to travel and very clearly they're not. and you're right, we're spending all of this money on other countries sending money to other countries. when right here at home, we have significant issues. this is not a small problem as you just laid on the numbers very clearly. we have so many bridges who are in disrepair and we're going to continue to see things like this. things like ease policy and with a trained enrollment over and over and over again until we address it. see how much of this is the politics? i mean if, if i was a congressman or a fight. busy as a senator congresswoman heck, a a may or uh, you know, the governor of the state. i wouldn't be thinking, what can i do to make sure we have money that's appropriated towards the things that directly affect the people who live in my district in my state?
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do they not think that way of what we pass these huge infrastructure bills about every 5 or 10 years? do you remember when obama took office and joe biden was put in charge of handling all of that infrastructure money? where is it gone? our airports are disappear, our bridges are adjust repair our, our roads are filled with bottles. i was just recently in this single surgery, i was in moscow, russia, their roads are far and above ours. and the international airport you see across the world makes ours look like that, you know, ridiculous 19 fifties versus why or 3rd world countries able to generate the resources to build mall. there are also airports. is it, is it one or the other? shouldn't be one of the in other words. okay we, there's some people think we have to spend money, ukraine. i think they're crazy, but let's suppose you think we need to spend money, you credit. if you set it to your crime,
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then you can fix your bridges or can you do both and why not? it was for borrowing money to send it to be. busy many of whom paid us, we can't do both because we're borrowing money from the chinese so that we could run a massive debt that we can then send to others around the world without taking care of our own here at home. and it's not just ukraine, again, you looking at the, the investments they call them that we're doing around the world. yeah. not investing here at home. and, and i'll put one other in russia among others, are play big in south america in an effort to build the infrastructure there and building relationships there while we ignore these other countries, other products that are owned at our own risk. yeah, but we do, misty, we do spend money in many of those countries. i know historically being hispanic, that uh, you know, my heritage is from latin america and we have done a lot of things a lot in america, but it's not infrastructure more often than not, it has to do with c. i a covert operations and these things are expensive and
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military operations like building military bases like some of the stuff i've seen lately in guatemala, for example. missing. yeah, well unfortunately in this country i think we've established an economy that revolves around death and destruction and chaos rather than building things. right . and i think that that's really kind of the, the approach that we've taken in that to the core and to the point of your question of, can we do both a very clearly not. and i think that unless i'm not some kind of an isolationist, i'm not opposed to helping people across the world when something catastrophic happens. or, you know, any, anything like that. if there's an earthquake and haiti, i'm all for, you know, and lending 8 and support. but we, we have these kinds of issues taking place at home. i think that we need to address those 1st. we need to clean our own house. first. it's kind of like when you're on an air, an airplane, and they tell you, you need to put your own mask on 1st. i very much feel like that's where the united states has right now. what do you make of this? uh, steve situation. uh, i mean, in baltimore where apparently now the federal government is trying to do clean up and this clean up is getting very expensive from what i'm reading. that port is
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closed and because that bridges sitting there, not to mention the vehicles that may have fallen in and some of the other debris, other ships now can't pass. and there's several ships that can't get out and ships that can't get in. this is one of the top 5 largest ports in the united states. they're talking about it having a very serious effect on the global supply chain. what do you make of that as well, and i don't trust any say we're hearing from the by the administration or the government right now. the fact that they could declare it was an accident. there was no terrorism, it was an accident before they even have all the cars at the bottom of the water is kind like there's constant. we're going to tell you what's happening before we even know what's happening and break like you. i'm a lawyer by background. why are we not even talking about the holding fee of the cargo ship owner, the insurance company for the cargo ship owners, at least partially responsible for this? why is joe might write the blank check? we're going to fix is we're going to pay all of this. i think. did you have
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a car wreck, you expect the person who caused the car wrecked at least tonia some of the cash to do the repair? so i will say, i mean, judging from the videos that i've seen, it looked like that poor guy, this captain lost control of the ship. i don't know why he lost control of the ship . he lost control of a ship. you see the lights go out, which means suddenly his engine's failed, then you'll see more smoke coming out, which means he's pressing the engine, which apparently is failing again. and as you're watching this thing just before it happened, it does appear. i'm not saying there may not have been some foul play involved, but it definitely looks like that ship was uncontrollable or not under control at the time that it hit that. hit that bridge misty. but what do you make a difference to type problems before, right. keep in mind this, the shifted to the other bridges. this is a ship that's have electronic problems. other countries of say, i don't want you coming to our port with this ship. why didn't we do the same thing? now, it's a fair question, mr. to you. well, and they, we also just recently learned about the company that charter,
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that cargo ship was recently hit by sanctions, by regulators for blocking employees for blowing the whistle on, on safe working conditions. so, and again, this is something we see time and time again. we solve very similar situation with norfolk southern and the east policy in ohio trained development. there is this a kind of a legacy of behavior here. this kind of a policy, it seems with these large companies where or they will do anything and everything to avoid accountability, to avoid regulations, to avoid providing safe working conditions. and i think that that's, we're going to continue to see that because essentially these corporations regulate themselves, they're able to just pay off politicians and break the system in their favor. and this is the result of what we're seeing there. what does it take for americans? and we're going to talk about this on the other side of the break. what does it take for people like us, you know, people who have a good faith belief in our system to finally try to understand what we need to do to get our government to start spending more time on us and not on some of
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the other places where they are spending it, or is it even possible for that to happen? that's what we're going to be talking about right here. stay with us. we're going to be coming back with both of our guests and we continue this discussion regarding what we're now learning is the very sad condition of our us infrastructure. don't go away, we'll be right back. the russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior said this was for the question, did you say a request to change the the 1941 with the nazi's health situation, the ultra nationalist, the you astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they build the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the santa of us come
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with her and the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send in the constitution camps. so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide, the quarterback. i'm rick sanchez. here's the question that i, that i'm thinking. as of whereas we're having this conversation, steve misty. and if the american people were told individually, let's suppose i just came up to you steve on the street and i said, steve, reach into your pocket and give me 30 percent of all the money you have today. and then i came back tomorrow and i said steve reached into your pocket and gave me 30 percent of the money. yeah. and then i came back the next day and said steve or mr . region to your purse or your pocket and give me all the 30 percent of all the i
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did this every single day for a year for year, for year, for decades. in fact, which seems to be what we are doing right now to the american people. and essentially said, i need that money because i want to send it to whatever company country x, for example. at what point do you think that individual or collectively speaking this country, we as citizens, will finally say, hey, stop, i'm tired of giving you my money. why haven't we gotten to that point? can you explain it to me, mr. new drive 1st as well? i think honestly, we are getting to that point and i think that there's been a, it's an accumulation of events. i think over the course of many years, but i think in recent times i think be a disaster. and maggie was a big wake up call for a lot of people. the city of lineup was in ashes and the united states government offered to send them $700.00 per household, not per person, per household. meanwhile,
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we're sitting billions of $1.00 to $1.00 of the most corrupt countries been on earth to the bottom here, zalinski to launch this a proxy war against russia and unwinnable proxy weren't. i think of that. a lot of people are now starting to question these decisions and question where this money is being sent. now are we there yet fully, of course not. and is it going to take some time for people to awake into this reality? probably. but i think that honestly, there are a lot of people that are starting to get to that point, but it's starting to get there and being there are 2 different things. how do i keep us from getting there? i'm just gonna finish out and finish that thought out if you could miss you before i go to see how do they keep us from getting to that point. why, why, how do they keep the blinders on us? well, and in an incredible amount of propaganda, i think the united states is easily a, one of it's not the most propagandized country on earth. and i think that there's a lot of effort, time, money and resources put into a line to the american public, manipulating the american public. and they've done a very good job of that. even with the situation in ukraine. they had a lot of people convinced this is a good idea, something that we needed to do. and we've seen support for that weighing over time
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. unfortunately, i wish it was something that would hold and that people would not kind of lose focus on these types of things. they often do the next time a work comes around. they will be easily persuaded to support that one as well unfortunately. but i do think that over time we are starting to see more and more people are kind of snap out of that delusion pickup on the steve, go ahead. that i think sees exactly right, is the propaganda and an american people are not paying attention. you know, if you look at a poll and you ask your voters, should we spend several dollars on x, y, or z? they'll be overwhelming support. because emotionally, that sounds good. if you ask them to receive tax dollars on that, they, they overwhelmingly oppose it. or somehow this disconnect between tax dollars in federal funds. there are no federal funds, they're only our funds. and i believe reg, if we would just move alexis data april 16th the day after tax i, maybe we would have a revolt in this country on our money is being spent. instead, they put it about as far away as they can from tech shapers it sometime in november
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. so maybe people forget to easily. all right, let's go to another story. now, this is making international news. the story of an internationally famous american musician who you probably know, which is why i want to catch you up on what is going on with sean combs, who you likely know as a p. diddy. look at these federal agents reading his homes in los angeles in miami. it appears that they're looking for information about sex trafficking ring. we're led there by one of combs ex girlfriends who contacted the police, accusing him of sex trafficking himself. preliminary reports seemed to suggest that chrome was doing something according to some alleged reports. similar to what jeffrey epstein was doing with suggestions that he was also attracting young women to his homes, as well as rich and north famous people. imagine that police have also sees cones, phones already as well as some other items on his property. and it appears that they are now following up on bombshell complaints from somebody women who have
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charge of sean combs subjected them to vicious beatings and sex trafficking and raped and $135.00 page filing. one of the women says that cons punched and kicked and stumped on her and forced her to have drug fuel dinner course with other men during arrangements he dobb did freak off. oh wow. misty i know you're probably choking it with all of this. so i'll let steve give it a 1st shot. and what, what does this come from? i mean, what does it say? i don't even know where to go, steve. so i'll just give you the mike, my friend. well, 1st of all, i just think all the people who benefited from the free gossen alleged sex trafficky, they should sleep easy address well at night because based upon the epstein the follow up, nobody's going to be prosecuted. nobody's going to be investigated. he did, he might get in trouble, but all those who were participating and benefiting from it, we haven't seen the 1st rate. the 1st prosecution on anybody run the upstate list.
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that to me is more disgusting than anything and everything i've seen did is our government covering it up. you're going to see the same thing with the do you think? so here's the people who are involved. if they are actually wealthy and rich are probably wealthy and famous and have and are influential. they'll get a lawyers and they, we won't be able to touch them once again as seemed to be the case with uh, with epstein uh, misty and warranty. yeah. 100 percent. i'm a prosecutor. that's the right side. yeah. yeah, exactly. yes that's i was, it was gonna address that as well unless, and this is a long standing open secret in hollywood. i consider the music industry to be very uh, entrenched in the hollywood scene. and we know that this is taking place. there's been numerous documentaries, in fact one called an open secret. there was the one just recently called quite onset where it's this happens on a regular basis. i mean, this is, this is not a new saying, and i think that with this obviously, i think in my opinion, did against being used as kind of a fall guy here. and it's going to be used as a distraction to prevent anybody else from seeing any. and so, so, so both of you were telling me, pardon my innocence here,
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that this kind of crap is really prevalent. busy but it's fully, it's not an isolated incident that when people get so filthy rich that they don't know what the hell to do with their money and or famous. and they get giant mansions. they use them for this kinds of things, and it won't be the 1st time we shouldn't be shocked. is that what you're saying? oh, yes, it looks like he did. he may have been following the ups the playbook of was the video taping. was he getting blackmail? information on the rich and the powerful using it for economic benefit or other benefit. i mean that we've seen the blueprints at epstein laid out how many others are following that. yeah. be these alleged to be doing it. how many others? yeah, i, by the way, we, we ought to be very careful, has not been charged is being investigated when your home gets rated and they're talking about sex driving. obviously we have to pay attention to a story like this. but there is a possibility that this is nothing but a lot of his former girlfriends who are saying these horrible things and many of them are suing. i mean, should we give that some some,
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some thought here as well as to be fair and i think it to be certain maybe, but i think that it's more than not. it's more than just some former ex girlfriends because listen, we do have to be very careful when it involves a former partner of any kind. you can have, you know, the, the kind of vindictiveness that comes along with a bad break up or things like that. nothing at this is what it is, but you do have to just be kind of aware of that and skeptical, but it's not just started. this has been a long standing rumor for a very long time in hollywood. the justin bieber is an usher. there's been these kind of rumblings for some time around, did you? so i think it's more than just some uh, you know, some angry ex girlfriend. well, you know, i spend most of my time following, you know, politics and geo politics and that kind of stuff. and i don't know a lot about this, but the more i hear about it, the more i hear the people are saying it's a lot more prevalent that we might think. and maybe this is the time for somebody to go in there and take a good hard look at what happens in this hollywood ish kind of environment. steve, i'll give you the last word 30 seconds and i'm just glad i've always treated my ex
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is very, very well. what is it tears, did you say no one's into that. oh said like a true irish do. thank you, my friend. we appreciate your time as to you too. we'll be looking forward to having you again very soon before i go, i do want to remind you of our mission. it's simple really. we, we, we try to de, silo the world, try to stop living and little boxes where people only agree with each other to still live in boxes. we try to share the information as it comes in with you and create conversations. i'm rick sanchez. i'll be looking for you again right here, where we have to provide a direct impact the
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the indian se, then to exchange the various initiatives with ukraine's foreign minister to resolve the conflicts with russia. suggesting the attempt by here to win new delhi as love may have time, not sure which was even the public appearing skeptical india's because it takes to take that all the way ways you have to date it wrong claims as well for an overnight as to why con, northern syria, which reportedly left on the policy people did in the city of the number of civilians at 5 victims, while the from the deadly power tac last friday and most good times to 140 full southwest. the media twist, the knife trying to pin the blame,
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so that's fine. just a on the kremlin. it.


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