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tv   Documentary  RT  March 29, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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6 stream levels of food and security, there is no alternative to the large scale delivery of a buy land. but despite these agents and overwhelming needs, hostilities and access impediments continued to hamper our efforts to get life saving assistance to civilians and goals that are at the scale needed to save loyce to more and more west in the states. i say that israel is using hunger, has a weapon. israel must stop solving civilians and children and let sufficient humanitarian age into gaza. honda as a weapon of war equals a flagrant violation of international lo hunger must never be used as a weapon. and that is why, among other things we are committed to ensuring that more humanitarian aid comes to the goal is to strip. israel denies old allegations saying a does not for a straight can, is really government spokesperson clashed with the u. k. 4 and the secretary over the issue. he later has been suspended reports of late due to his replies. and after deleting all his post people in gauze they were in desperate to humanitarian
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need. we continue to juice royal to allow mo, trucks into goals. there is the fastest way to get to you to those who need it. i hope you are aware there are no limits on the entry of food, water medicine or shelter equipment into gaza. and in fact, the crossings have accessed capacity. test us. send another 100 trucks a day to korean shalom, and we'll get them in. well, israel does what is one page, humanitarian angel plans through his age dest, populate his rock fine gases house. and one of the reasons i'd say is america fully supported scheme of the list ally and there were some to move when the un special at the door on they opened pipes palestinian territories submitted a report on israel's alleged acts of genocide and gaza. the state department dismissed the allegations as unfounded. also listened to me that you as claimed that the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire is not
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binding. as a result was seen no tooth on the ground and plus an increase in is really attack. so israel coverage and supported by washington seems to feel ok during level calls and concerns and fears and actual indications are that the station on the grounds industry, including people starving to death, will only keep the t rating unfortunately. many thanks for your company this friday that sold for me for now, but don't go too far. you didn't know now we'll be here with all the latest news updates in about 30 minutes. bye for now. the the room. where do i do this? by the way of doing it, you know, so we're going to the point. if i just wanna say there's
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a good show as to just gives us who've been abused, let me just pull you up. thank you. moment the full scale of what the way mean? he is, i'm not sure, but the, the was you're still the sort of monitors just click the were the custodial visitors to adjust those room for a phone to tell you. and yeah, i mean, it doesn't support. sure. so that i sit by itself french. if i do this, but it's fitted with comfort, leisure lane. that's what i'm cool this. what could i get it for the fall if it got to the door and you guys with the you know what the one was on the new vehicle. um, but the last claim
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is nothing less than what i sent the question. yeah. the associate just with the glue. nothing you do with the she had a suspend. all of them. is this the, i think the how much uh, national board and them do i do understand and i'll just do the, the, the go to the show that of course i sample in the cause just aging chip on yesterday. you know, you're not going to go to your solution text or something that's not going to go over the word him. i don't was available in but anyway, but it was like i thought, as far as well outside the home is which is the kind of option to send
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it back to me. the other thing is, and you send me the lady that works now, but he is making them will just uh, is this a sample of the guy, steve? i am the answer. it is a problem. your goal still pretty good to the face to it was a very nice little unsure flush or how does that are for though i was wondering why or which is a little bit the way to store stages to use it for the vision or was it easy to use it though, but there isn't any but really the chalet. yeah. come with one of them is chemo. the 15 would be to who i knew the
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slow and i've come associated videos, right? well, i'm only showing the bullet one is this to me, but anyway, just what the jackets, lots of the way and the reason you know, most so easily able in the highlands is this to me, i'm with bush them as much as the most of a game don't and how much of the for me over the phone? sure. it's and you kind of the sure how's it goes? what year were you serious? are those you all know that it was always the last monday visit. that was for the holding of the month for commenting with much competition as well as i find myself in month 12. i placed it back up to the next page, but a lot of herself who i didn't do so otherwise i don't know he was that's why he would have to he. so i ordered by one. so i just don't know that even though it's got to be the same nose live, sewage is nothing which if i had looked at that with you, what would you had even this issue comes up with the new uh,
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suggest living is about a file. what does the page i have that will be associated? thank you. so by using the search, the mortgage to the option to use, will they have one more guy? was this the one who stood news? oh good. let's do for feeling pretty much the issue with moving things. so it seemed pretty much the same pretty much was this is all about the disability services. the can you barely to which the he is always the better way? that's because both of them that you know, doesn't need to adjust them. let me say i'm so that's not gonna like, that's what i want to do the most. what am i seeing those? sure thing you will phone on your number. i shall cli probably fairly
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mean you know what you mean? yes. the thing in the end of this machine was requested on the phone please. we need we to cause like a bully, like i'm leaving which can for unions to cut the spin. let me look at the, we thought i'd like to shoot thoughts on some of the items. the thing that i want some of the, the inverse there's so pointed out the form that you the, the for
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the field, the scores or to increase the, the manuals of this is this just because there's definitely associated with it or something. point one is the data to, to double at ocean's anyways, you see where the, when the money used to go to what i mean to them. so just put them in some category. category is some of it, okay. if you have any data as low as low, but then you for those with nitrogen, we just didn't you have to do with the since, but i mean there was a, a, okay, but can you list when the, some of them you pull across the floor? i was in the pool really in use of and i see this,
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it goes if you split but you see the place it also, but i think it's something esna solution to is almost i'm just so you will pay me for the both of you of session which is a group like, i've, you those, the splitting every, just waiting to him. is this going to put him on the paper? teach? was it going? she is needing the deed done boss for that can be working with the system. you have to. yeah, it was the sheet to the if you need me the others when you get both of those moving was the when the level that sort of thing and, and also some ideas. so yes, the new ones know that the, the, the sub domain name and the history that you've some models bleached or when you send it to us. but it's the premium level. the conditioning at the comments are the most. oh no. so we're kind of going just the split, the cool thoughts,
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super confident being with us pop up in the middle, next video with the disabilities you though what you're less specifically with them and then move that. i'm still, but we, i mean, is, i mean they're coming does most of my girls some way lower near always you give away this, your guys let me know a global 3 of by the middle of this is the part of the students don't go there. oh, busy, so basically a boy, oh yeah, very, very close. westgate is you thought i would, is that it would have just the monthly was. why specially little for us ma'am. when will they be civil? let's go buy more or less the most she the brand of what does it mean? yes. for both. what do police go to jacob? i mean it was physical, but it seems and they to be a busy though. we just say to show
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a gorgeous the the be sure that would be great to me. yeah. interest person is always easily than usual. the door completely of, of, of dealing with the moving for a little bit if, what's the most that deals off on the, but you have the do the file. and if the not something that i'm, if i want you to do for me, let me uh, give me the so i'll follow up with the other thing about you. the question with the way is a comply to ask is that i have, i did the days, ways i did to there's a bunch assignments. almost one is i've got 4 different useful. if you've got somebody to tell us professionals with you, the 3, the most uh the most. uh, yeah, we should have been official, good videos. i me. so if i say do is, or the business best way to go from there was one of my, besides the sort of limit. otherwise the, the, the
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new, the new slow. no, the man no us. no, sir, no, no charge was 001. the 1st one, the
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one that i've already knew it was only simpler way. otherwise you're being yeah, yeah. you wanna come and get them out there. do you want to give you an individual or you just want to see what you want your senior level for you or somebody else? or you said chris contrast as cuz i was just wondering separately the one listen with social was the book,
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which is really enough for the menus go to the board. just below the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the same assistance, must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say even twist, which is the sort of order i just feel special to the shooting will the shooting that same thing is going to, that is a little bit, you know, we still to the printer where they're waiting on the events customer, then all of you, when your friends are in the middle of what's going to finish lawn chairs, hospital, a web browser window,
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and also to see there's other things that came on the 1st things that would be put to you and you're going to have a way that it is difficult to let me see this in your words and the more you posted it. as on it is this alberto annoying, if you like to be a pleasant moment for the photos and see what are the issues fitness the i'm not sure was familiar to issue a simple junior. the bustle almost done by my model, number of what i'll do, go with a week potential. so i'm still some of the prospects throughout it by me and include them, couple of contorting and get ready to go. how do you know both of them? i don't know, part of the lawyer was the federal law, which with them, especially in your and you'd like to get the most likely solely up at the top of the law. it shows through mass us literally with somebody so, so we know what else to dispute with me because i mean you had to learn more about
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us much a little but that's mean i know even though for me at the football on me, i mean yeah. then what school brings us a few years, i'm the controller easily intelligent and showed i knew publisher to present the father's color. so we just wanted this even though that that is now put in there. so it's gabriel boy because they really existed. and so that was done more like i should leave you still when it's through go up on. is that a point here between now and then leave it? there are 2 of us use, it will do the supposed to for the you able to be what does able dentist are purchased in the summer? move on, do i think all of the things i mean because it doesn't work. so lots and lots of potentially there's not, excuse me, so there's
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a lot of customers to launch. he'll have to do. just want to keep all the different. this one progressing pretty much. he said the only thing for storage was always the one you were still no wonder why he wasn't entering another push chest on that and let me in for support of disabilities coming to you. and here's your district who yourself what was it? it was, it was probably just, isn't that going on? you know, did you want me to stay on the,
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the test? the whole family, of course, the issue to share the others because they just what we just think of everybody wants introduce, pick it up by giving you for the cars. the notion i prefer to be go, are you ordering for useful cards? 2 visas. of course always that's always show carthage where you can use these as you get by piece a lot of the the cool thing is scheduled for going to
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a former school solution which of course you will be surprised. i'm going to show you what it is showing as process over when your boss, the produce the mature, more of good or change. not more significant when i'm gonna show some type of questions. so i'm not gonna touch them or shut, but also i'm going to show where those are connected to some kind of issue that's in the union. so what does it mean? not cisco is stumped on you and your daughter is really not a one of them. is this the government and up in humans there's money and will over to do things just don't you think he was a little escape or he did the
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for the most money the visions solution. so she's a little over the risk the destination. uh, was pony is a with little disappeared. oh no. so based on the low july vehicle a vehicle. uh, both of this does need to be most ashamed of g. last name is i'll shoot you a j. the 78 by the condition of the interest to me and don't look i will do. i'm the same for 200 on the opportunity but the if you do it the but the which the business has, well, it's by them. couldn't resist any units, would be subject to predict what's the year 2000 is less than a year to move these maya again this year june.
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the 1st 1000000 issue is there would you be more dish hillsboro those he just leaves though. i mean that was an issue and that must be if it was me wondering if it visually with no on the beach boys. they told me that i was in this the system of disease. and almost because the so the come start does come part of my to so i've got a couple of neighbors that might have since dinner. martinez looked suggestions or idea. it's a purpose what it's the glue neighbor is if go to the window. so there's just no way this is about the season you can go to try to compare is
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quite just unable to store them in the when you put the most of them of items with other image to buy to motion check motors, pictures. so when uh, the country with a video, steel is loading in there just across via on the right in the internet. the best of the choice. what the potential for the body as i have, as a lot of them, you can put them. it doesn't have to do like the internet teach. want them to stay with us. citizen simply as to snap the letter on the museums. nobody's dismissed. so as to know, yeah. you will complete the promise of a blessing. so i'm just putting it will be just fine, but don't the
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newest of the senior georgi change on which pretty of the other little pretty typical. bunch of goodness think it was the see. i'm not sure what was the most appreciate and the city and punching was the problem. then we use the the waiting on your just on the, to the disclosures to split up over the machine. you know, kind of let us know you may have to let us know, can you still, you know, hundreds are stuck on the list. once the customer says, initiating the machine, the sharp stick, unplugged the machine cell phone, shut the front of me that in at the chairs disney. mm hm. yeah. but any message on this, on the zillow cadillac put us down to the but i know that the court of appeals with his reason was spinning of a pause. obviously,
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i suppose it would be similar to me for the best value of the subscription to the question was the nephew. so we can use the piece of the new mobile to ship the machine to georgia do days stuff. and so 3 to go in the regular must go school, but they don't start to see the should be minutes or less out. i'm not sure. what did you say? so goals that price, otherwise you for the lease global, i don't mind, you know, as much as possible mornings cuz there's some coffee, money them up i, b,
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g i, b jones goes to that uh not super easy solution. correct? cool in the community to your boss support. well, it is lilian logan. oh steve domini avi's landlord. goal. oh, nice one. was in the individual. yeah, definitely. more than more than that. visible as best to which of the flags go to
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the the
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that's as you mean. yeah. the big the band list to go ahead. the assumption somebody should but have 2 thirds of the struggle with uniform dental of somebody. even if i video storms to, to go to check on board is showing that emission here and we left ship them to talk the movie a beautiful solution. the 1st one was in your total for the so with this, the
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headline stories this, our western representatives once again, lock rushes requests for a un security code. so the page on the 25th anniversary of the nato was military intervention. and you get a moment we'll discuss the issue with the russian deputy and foster to the united nations also ahead india essays. it's exchanged various initiatives with you frames, foreign minister to resolve on switch with russia. attempting suggesting the attempt by key up to a when you tally over and may have come up. short skepticism is also heard among the indian public. 20. i don't know india as add things to take care of while.


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