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tv   News  RT  March 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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just and lead to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese. the headline story is this are in the essays, it's exchange quotes, various initiatives with ukraine's part administered to resolve the conflict with russia. suggesting the attempt, like you have to, when you deli over may have come up short skepticism is also heard among the indian public story. i don't know india as it has the things to take care of why it weighs here today. around blames israel for an overnight or a strike on northern syria, which reportedly left almost 40 people dead in the city of a level. and also had on the program, the number of fatalities from last fridays, tara tech, and most go close to 144 people about the some western media assets attempt to in
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the, for the tragedy on the front limits. the just a few moments into a brand new day here in the russian capital saturday, march, the 30th welcome to the news our on our t international. my name's the 2nd day of the ukrainian foreign ministers trip to new delhi has wrapped up. dimitri cooler by met with his indian country part on friday as key of 6 to move the country a long standing ally of russia. but if the diplomats hoping to win people over reaction on the street suggests he may have his work cut out and say well on this, but the i thing in the as the to the things to take care of. i am not available. it's a but i think a natural to yeah, and there is a very close and i especially so initially much more, more focused on the issue then you can do, you know,
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you can find ministers in yesterday. sorry. i don't know, easy way ways you have to delete those lawyer intellectually. people today. no, i don't think so. why should the india pay attention to such people who have this kind of stand? mr. kula bus visit is named promoting presidents and landscape piece formula. something else being described by russia as detached from reality and comments from the indian foreign minister suggest new delhi has its own reservations to in our discussions focused on the ongoing conflict. and it's wider ramifications exchanged views on various initiatives in that context. this has got a box for several with victor, india as a foreign minister, but also the for several was it will be talking new queen in official to india ever since the war new queen started 2 years ago. when it all seems that he's here to
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put in action was between more the insolence you know, week ago, 5 minutes and the range of what he had a telephone conversation with the president of ukraine, this bottom of the usual bilateral cooperation swede. but also he stops and looks like fully mugs here for exactly that, you know, before in del support for the upcoming fee stalls that will take these leaders of the yellow. sometimes the dates on the side is the end, but the will take place in switzerland looks like you create has realized that if anyone can broke a piece between ukraine and russia, it is india because of the strong to size that it shares with law school. it wants to into, in small school to negotiate piece. not interesting because on this why ukraine has had such problems with india and the complete change of tone and stand in an interview that followed by gave to a local newspaper here in india. and he went on to say the new,
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cleanest ok with in the online boston one really because that sounds like a complete new tone. in fact, yesterday he went to the mahatma gandhi memorial before coming to india and he spoke about how mahatma gandhi was there, the founding fathers, india, his non violence is somehow related to the resistance of new cream. well, that's his perspective boss, and that's is what you did yesterday, but has in the off the walls are all the criticism. ukraine has written down all the slide. i doubt every barrel of russian crude oil delivered to india has a good portion of ukrainian blood in it. if your benefits, because of our suffering, it won't be going to see more of your help address to us. it's not enough just to point fingers, the repeating union and say, oh, then they're doing the same thing. what's wrong with india, china, and so forth. the problem is that they are not analyzing the consequences of their
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steps. these countries have weak intellectual potential. unfortunately, for low intellect to fall before is global palerose, sooner than ukrainian environment is stuck on the box, reaches new data yesterday he went on to say that you can use india as a problem for global said if it's possible for international why isn't it looks like your queen wants to use india's policy voice to negotiate between russia and ukraine to be a peace mika toko. coffee is apparently, the rest of the strategies haven't worked for ukraine and india you silently. and it's always been saying that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is only possible to dialogue and diplomacy. that's perhaps is now making sense to ukraine. much more fuel clean doesn't realize is the very fact that populace ships ships. i'm not built for nights they'll build on one decade with trust. and that is what india shares latasha. well,
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we got reaction from venturing indian diplomats go up mohawk tra, they told us, new delhi was not impressed by statements that had come out of ukraine ahead of the diplomats business in the past. uh, they'll create insight and uh, recreate into pro max uh they take a video offensive stern give a quite political, up and down going to the extent of bleeding and living in the apartment to booting to the was a motion to the of our shots. but if you look at the statements of the craving for them, but as that has been making now in your libby, it looks like they have come to understand that in that is going to do nothing to see that it's relationships with the time tested trend. namely the shop and they also come to realize that the data sticking out principles died, which is the plane day. and that is a national security. interesting, that's the security into stuff that i'm on the fully for now is decided to buy oil
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from our side, the splendid, concise boot sizes into the main system. with this account it takes the i think go create and has come to realize that it has stick to not very buttons for like phones that i said is the conflict between the shuttle claim dispenser. and uh, what, what, i'm the, the, the okay is western allies. i'm already tried and made efforts to dissuade us. we didn't have to, you know, click the site because it took a lot of action ventilation. i think the stand against that our share, but that's all hard fucking all well in, on a part of the attempt to drive a wedge between india and russia, the printing foreign minister broach the thorny issue of dealt ease, longstanding territory and dispute with a jing he suggested china is relations with russia could be detrimental to india as future national security. the thunder of a vienna base think tank,
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whoever told us he died, superman well managed to win into i don't really think that just can do anything right now. a sense as we all know, ukrainians um that's a deeply hard to feeling sofa indians during the last 2 years. windows that to the engines on. no, it's intellectual capable enough that's. they are actually not parts of the yeah. western club, and that's they actually attacked um, india for following its own political course during the conflict between nato and russia. they are now losing most of the help from the west. and then you know that they only can continue their struggle against russia with west and weapons with west the money. so this money is no ending. and therefore they are looking for your thoughts as ends. still desperate still now even trying to states and civilizations
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like india, which they secretly hates as they have shown in the past. so therefore, it's just a very cheap gamble of idea of creating the machine, which will fail for sure. okay, to another over a headline. stories around now is accused israel of being behind a deadly or a strike. in the early hours of friday on the northern syrians, city of a level to run strongly condemned the incident which resulted in the depths of some $38.00 people, including military personnel and civilians. these attacks are a clear violation of international law, as well as a violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. this is a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. the aggressive attacks on syria are a blatant and desperate attempt to continue and expand the crisis in the region is really airstrikes against the state of syria. are a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons. but what's important to note here is that israel's
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attacks against syria are nothing new. over the course of the last few years, there had been hundreds of airstrikes targeting facilities from civilian infrastructure to military infrastructure, as well as the port of the talk. yeah, these are strategical areas. israel claims that is carrying out these attacks, specifically to hinder iran and iran that groups within the country. israel claims that iran is providing weapons to non state actors within syria. and they, in turn, transfer those weapons to live in on when we take into consideration the syrian presidents, shortlist that says the is really claims are just an excuse to carry out these attacks that these are baseless. and israel's attacks within the country are not necessarily targeting around back horses, but they are targeting syrian military personnel. it's targeting civilian infrastructure, broader context of all of this is that israel is engaged with a conflict and war with gaza since the 7th of october. there has been
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a great matter of discussion as to whether or not that conflict in gaza would spread in spite well out of control affecting other countries in the area. earlier this week there had been attacks and airstrikes by the is really air force. but what makes this one that much more significant is the general tone of israel. it has not commented or provided details on this specific air striking attack. but what it has said is a matter of concern because it says, is real, will not comment on for media reports, but looking at the general context, the fact that there is a risk is all out war winds of the region. and israel is provoking, that is a matter of concern for everyone in the region and globally it's been one week since the terrorist struck moscow in the attack that killed 144 people. russian authorities have since been digging deeper into the possible role of ukrainians. special services in the heretic events that crocus city hall slips them. the
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investigative committee continues to work on collecting and establishing evidence of the suspect, skilled establishing their accomplices, and organized as of the terrorist act. both of those accused of committing a territory stocked and revealed during the initial testimony and subsequent interrogations. but their actions both at the stage of preparation and often beyond attacking the crew to city who were coordinated by a man who presented himself under a pseudonym. according to the coordinator. the terrorist, after committing the crime, were directed towards the russian ukrainian buddha. in order to get the keys where they would receive the reward they were promised at the investigation proceeds looking into the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in arranging financing the terrorist act. no, russian authorities have now detained a 9 suspect in connection to the nature of, of such a gets down. investigators earlier stated the terrorist receive payments in both cash and crypto currency from quote ukranian nationalist. washington maintains
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that ukraine had no involvement saying the attackers were acting on the order job as lubbock states and no one else. one that you parliament lawmaker has gone against the western normative, splitting the media smears to implicate russia in the killing of its own citizens, or attempts to conceal a more probable explanation. more than $130.00 dead in moscow, in terror attack planned and paid for by ukraine. hence, the monkey story about propaganda paid for by russia. because we must continue to hate them because our children will soon have to die on the battlefield. to protect the financial interests of the west in the late marcell degraff. well, moscow is continuing to mourn the victims, but that's not stop. some western media outlets speculating about the kremlin apart and we could have stage. the attack are too short to do been skis,
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being looking into the charge for the clerical operation is still on the way. so 2 is the process of trying to identify those killed by ball bearings. the death toll is still rising. and yet the grace period, if that ever was what is over well and truly ofa, because now instead of remembering the victims of rushes, douglas terror attack in 2 decades told i'm looking to find a way to pin the blame on the criminal and the pollutants. little green man about to be joined by little blue man. stay tuned. coming to social media posts near you . i am clueless, just noting the phenomenon. but those claims have been thoroughly debunked by the man who's accused of being one of those little blue men who float and when you come in for those, you wouldn't wish that's not right on anyone. i'm being vilified. they use my image
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without my consent. and in such a light, i can find the right words. this video was shown on television. everyone started writing about it and making colossus. i had to refute all of this. when it all started with way down between the aisles, the sorrow and went off. we went towards the center of the ground floor, but the crowd turned around. apparently our men were waiting for us there. we used to emergency exit, however well, but perhaps should be the end of it. it's not trolls across the western world to still to pick it. a wound is fall from the field. that's questioning where the what happened to crocuses, a hole in most go with straight to find the kremlin itself. terrorism to put it bluntly has paid off for me so much that people with inside knowledge have accused his security apparatus of orchestrating some of the attacks. wall street journal took those accusations even further. if a suspect, the serial killer is
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a large, the 1st thing to do when there was a murder, is to check his ally by mister boat and his under indictment for war crimes. and his bloody track record makes him suspect. number one, there can be no common cause against terror with russia when the world's most accomplished, tell wrist rules the kremlin a home dose in the opinion section by cnn. i'm the wall street journal. what was written? is it a solar tree big of russia? there are others to do k tapley to suddenly went to a piece brandishing accusations. but this was an inside job. as being fact. those short please that point the finger russian security services are no more than the run the civil loony. so you provide no evidence to back up the claims. in fact, well, russia was casually assessing the situation. i'm looking for the perpetrators, the us and other nato allies was so crystal clear base attack had the fingerprints of all yes, all over it reminded by the risk attack outside of moscow just
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a few days ago that isis remains potentially potent force. and one that we have to continue to deal with this was a terrorist attack that was conducted by isis. mr. brewton understands that he knows that very well. however, that didn't stop some governments deciding that instead of offering condolences, it would twist the noise even more suggesting that russia would use the attack to its own benefits. yes, it is attack on a concert hall in moscow clearly show that the putting regime is focused on conquering neighboring countries and organizing hybrid operations. instead of caring for the wellbeing and safety of its own people, russia's store and ministry spokesperson was spilling blood at such comments. goodness, not particularly, he has of course, never will be able to out to use the landscape. but this is a strong bid. even before that we have no particular illusions about the lack of
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common sense. i'm conscious of the stony and for a minister. however, his latest statements raise questions, as he writes in the head, we say regulate that zaleski is not in good health, because he's deeply dependent on psycho tropic drugs and prohibited substances. but the stadium for administrators should also check and see to all ask him to take test automation such statements or whether the internet is full. of trolls is also full of people who show their opinion aloud and pride without ever thinking about the impact that can have, especially when they're whose opinions loc eddie solely evidence at the time when many families in most school burying the dad and others a waiting for news of the was missing, it seems to be your want price, the west and media outlets. big west and media outlets have given oxygen to such views. it's hard to imagine often knowing a level that some of the views would have made it to print. charlotte to been ski,
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taking us through that now as the nation morton's, the victims of the crocus city, whole terrorist attack members of the russian indian easy and friendship. community held a memorial service on friday at the russian embassy, and jake talked to r. t correspondent, rebecca, and not be to pull the reports you know, to asians joy and representatives from the russian embassy in jakarta to show solidarity over the devastating most quote her a tax on march 22nd brought together by the independent non political organization. russian. you the nation friendship community, the youth war and the brutal acts of care that targets the villains. during this malware lane ceremony 3 years were lifted as the afternoon attract at various elements of society, organizations, and individuals and their losses. our loss and their grief is our grief. we want to
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show our so there's support for them, especially because we see how new western media, especially discriminate between sarah, it's actually in russia and let's say the 2015 terror attack in paris, for example, where everybody, it seems like the whole world stands with paris and brush here right now, it seems like the west is trying to ignore russia or silence russia, or we try to politicize this issue. therefore, we want to show that we actually care about the people. this is not about politics . we care about people and terrorism is our common enemy and we have to fight them together. and then the asia itself has experienced rudo a power attacks in the past. so these youth share the cane that russia is going through as they gather the sand, prayers of health for those injured. and that primarily as of the death will be given the strength to face,
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but their result times one shared message that's being delivered here is that russia is not alone as indonesia spends with the country in this trouble titus. so the reason why i came here because i think everyone know about the star g, g, a and it's, it's pretty far what happened, although we are far away. but we filed, how do you solve the terrible events of us as a nation? we must show originally that are the especially that russia. it's our old rogers. we have a lot of history between the 2 of us and as a nation, we should show our spec until they receive event. and the way across the country is definitely a start attack. in decades, young people here in unity shop are sunday their prayers thousands of miles away, hoping that full patients will never have to experience such horrors. again,
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they are going to be pull reporting from jakarta for r t. what's the thing with this theme we heard from russia's permanent representative to the a c on grouping? he sees rush, it works closely with indonesia and other countries, all the association of south east asian nations. they fight the threat of targets. you can see. busy for this event has been initiated by non government organizations or from indonesia. well, it's a to the reflection of the warmest feelings towards the russian people in general and to the, to what's the 3 families of the victims. in these a 46 situation, we very much appreciate these initiating well actually i'm as well uh, we are ready and uh i can see there is very, very important to continue our corporation with us on the income button,
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the episode data, all stories. we also have a specialized platform, some specialized for much, for these kind of discussions. so during working group on counterterrorism and on translational crime, it is meeting in just a few days on the 3rd the way from we have a dialogue on the i c d security related issues. and we are in the process of finalizing the work and plan planning on those issues. a very important issue from my perspective, every year, the experts from a law enforcement agency sofa, a member states of kevin opportunity to participate in training courses organized for them in the russian federation. actually, of course, our corporation covers many more areas, many more issues. i'm afraid today we cannot talk about all of them,
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but i hope that we will be able to continue our discussion invitation. lahardo. as of last, friday's territory has reopened the debates in russia by reinstating the death penalty. the country is regulations officially the list capital punishment as a means of justice. but the practice was the factor prohibited with a moratorium in 1996. we gauge current feelings on the streets of most of the i feel positive about this because it seems to me that some people cannot be fixed, such as pet of files, terrorist and so on. and i really don't want to pay taxes for them. lifting the moratorium is a big step back for our country a step into dark times. when we say that we will lift the moratorium. we are encroaching on the very right to life, which is inviolable. i support the abolition of the moratorium on the death penalty
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because there are categories of people such as terrorists, pet of files, rapists, traitors to the motherland, who are not worthy to live after their committed crimes. more over, they are not worthy to eat all paid for by my taxes. if a person is being punished for the acts that he or she has committed, then another person may not commit these acts be afraid and restrict themselves against negative acts for society. i am against it because there are situations in life when mistakes are made. i don't want to think that this happens. i am in favor of people being kinder to each other and understanding more about why this is happening rather than resorting to some drastic measures like the death penalty. the question is quite complicated. it needs to be carefully studied because there are pros and cons. but for the most part, i am against it because it will be too easy to take the life of a person who has committed a serious crime. i think they should have tone for their mistakes already or my
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colleague mike ok, watch a post this complicated topic off for debates with experts from at some nations where the death penalty is still practiced. i believe that uh and i for an i had to sort of do it. uh, if someone could. uh someone i loved, i would like to see him killed. and that's a good uh justice because it is editors for other people not to to kill me. i don't do that because this one really is not just a simplistic one. that is don't call me to put this on hold on to start on say for doctor banassi is the one i set up the sub. so i know we have to come in and don't you're going to my country business. i will call. so it's, i mean the grab the deal do fan so many different options. the post. if you execute
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somebody, you know, a 100 percent, they are not going to commit another crime. it may be a good a less than for others to not commit a crime because they know what the punishment may be. but we know a 100 percent of those who are committed and executed. they will never commit another crime. and the time that you see cartels and terrorist groups often asking for the release of their colleagues if they're still alive, they can be released. but back out on the streets to commit other terror acts and other atrocities, spelling the cost on that. the concern that we how would i, would i us or that, you know, you know, there is always tons of emails that person may be convicted. they know ended up possibility. i spent a month in under, on prison, on the account number one, school kid that i had many government. and i saw the person that was sent us. we did, i would do this. did i still have to strongly do you want me to say in the us we often get through the conversation? well, if you are interested and just assisted yes this, this is,
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this makes sense. but if you have a really good system. uh, good just to assist you. that would never allow this things to happen. and then um, uh i be at least uh the risk is minimal if you would never have 100 percent justice. but at least if you have the 99 percent, that's great because otherwise you would have 99 percent. and just just by lifting criminals coming, i tried them without fear of a strong punishment against me. some people suggesting that putting criminals behind boss for life is a when is when most suitable punishment on a creek desk, the prisons have become, at least of the united states, more comfortable than their own lives, outside of prison. in many cases, our president television sets where they can watch their favorite shows. they have gems where they can work out. they're getting fed 3 times
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a day. they to buy snacks to, to eat in prison. but they have a pretty comfortable life in us prisons versus, you know, the death of their victims and the grief that their families will live with for the rest of their lives to embrace and be able for 25 years or maybe longer. and gibbon and protect them and, and keep them alive is costing the taxpayers a lot for people who actually don't deserve. ok, returning to the middle east, where in an attempt to stave off a must from and the international court of justice has ordered israel to align more to monitoring aid in together in the quote of subs the palestinians in gaza and no longer facing or near risk of simon, but the farm and assessing in the state of israel shall ensure with the immediate effect that it's military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the palestinians in gaza. get another urgent
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call to israel in months on the ground. nothing seems to change often months of warnings. the one now says the famine is spread and in guys are at least 30 people . most of them children have died due to malnutrition and dehydration. local health ministry claims with you and human rise, alerting the true death toll from starvation is probably higher. and all that is man made as israel prevents age from entering the in clay at most optimistic estimate, these will, has only allowed and took as a less than such a 2 percent of the pre war level of goods. the un says to meet mess of demand, at least 500 trucks should make their way into guys every day. a total of $87000.00 vehicles must have been sent to the ink wave in 5 months of the war. in reality, less than $160.00 trucks now enter the street daily and.


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