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tv   Documentary  RT  March 30, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
sending when you have western commentators who have never lived outside of the industrialized. so called 1st world lecturing countries in the global south about emissions with us, all from a piece of scope of which we will be in the hot seats in 13 minutes to, to keep you up to date with the very latest. well, essentially the, the way to do this by the way of doing it, you know, so we're going to the point. if i just wanna say there's a bunch was, it just gives us who've been abused. let me just pull you up. thank you. moment of them both got a what do i mean he is, i'm not sure. but the, the
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was, there was a sort of the test just clicked here before the custody of his visitors to just those go to a phone tell you and you. i mean it sounds cool. show sort of i suffice stuff, brent to do this, but it's fitted with confidential randy for them. cool. that's what can i get it for the fall if you got to the door and you basically said yeah, that was the one with the new vehicle. um, but the young and those color must clay. it is nothing else. you know what else at the place? yeah. and those machines are just a little of the clue, no thing you probably deal with though she had to suspend all of them. is this the one of them? uh, i think the how much uh, national board and the dental this is uh
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the i saw sending these guys what a mess is up. i show that of course i said the other day because we just need to ship on. i said, you're going to go, yes, there's a text or something that's not going to go over the word him was and but anyway, but it was like i thought, as i saw as well as side though i don't think i told her whom we is, which is the 2nd kind of stop show this to the bathroom in the really and you spend the, the lady that works now, but he is right. and then we'll just, uh, is this some sample. how's that guy, steve? i, you know, the answer. it is a problem, your goal still pretty good to the face to it was a very nice little unsure flush or how does that i for
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the for the for the way over here. and is there a little bit more storage stages to use it for the vision or was it easy to use it for but there isn't any. but really the julia come with one of the be a scheme of the 50 would be to who i knew the slow and i'm almost a shame, but he is right. well, emotionally, the bullet one is this. to me, it is a way to deal with the jacket length of the, of the way in this reason, you know, most so easily able in the hundreds of this to me i'm was bush them as long as the worst of it came to me. that's how much of the sure
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how's it goes, what year were you serious or the always the trustworthy living that what the version of the month for someone doing with most companies as well as i knew most of the month, 12 of facebook up to the next page, but a lot of which know who i didn't do so otherwise i don't know he was that's why he would have to he. so i ordered by will. so i just don't know that even though it's got to be next so no. so there is nothing towards it, but he looked at that with you. what would you had evening associate. he comes up with the new uh suggests line using the file. what was the page i have that would be associated with you. so by using the search, the market leads to the option to use what they have from a guy who is this the one who starts news? oh, oh, let's do for feeling pretty much the issue with moving things so same pretty much
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exclusively for those of his thoughts. i just wasn't much was use as long as i thought the disability services the can you fairly soon which the he is always the better way. that's because that's the right thing and we need to adjust them. let me say i'm see the now the, like i said, i want to go down the scene to sure thing you will phone when you finish the shockley probably probably mean, you know what you mean? yes. the thing in the end of this machine was requested on the phone please. we need to collect a bully, i'm leaving which needs to cut the model. if it has been,
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let me look at the village of stomach issue, which are on some of the items. the thing that i was on the list as a cell phone is off the the, the rules, the field scores or to increase the, the manuals are,
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this is this just because there's, that's what associated facilities of point one is the data over to the ocean city. was, you know, i see by the way the meaning used to go to what i mean, who them. so just let me have some category categories, some of it. okay. if you have any data as well, but thank you for those with nitrogen, the excuse me, i think it's, uh, but i mean there was a a okay. but can you explain that solution to him? you pull across the floor. i was in the pool for the daily news of unless he'd fishing that was it used to but it used to decrease it also, but i think it's something esna solution to is almost, i'm just so you will pay me for the most of my own of position which is a group like i've you, those to just put you in here just waiting for to him. is this going to go to him or the grantees?
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the question is all since the meeting of the game dunbar for thinking about a new york game with the just me up to you for you the sheets and that will if you need me the others when you get both of the moving was the when the number that's going to get it also. so maybe it's a yes then you on the, the just looking for a neighbor and the just you, if some was bleached or when you didn't do it. so basically if they knew that was an interesting at that, the comments are the most well, and i still wonder, kind of which of these, with the course which super confident being with us pop up in the middle next video with the disabilities. you though what you're less specifically with them and then move that, i'm still, but we, i mean, is, i mean they're coming, those of us on like goes away, knowing any real issues, give away. that's your guys. let me know a 3 of by the middle of this is the students don't go there.
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oh, busy. so basically a bu. yeah. very, very close. westgate is you that i, that i would, is that it would have just a month, a was especially in the 1st name. when will there be civil? let's go buy more or less. the what she the brand of. what does it mean? yes. for both. what do police go to do because what i mean, most people purposes and they do need a busy though we just say to show a gorgeous key. the be sure that would be, she's going to make you an interest person is always easily than usual. the door completely of, of, of dealing with the moving. well, it would be and it was a must have deals off on the but yeah, there's a little do the swelling the next time that, i mean, why don't you to do for me name me uh, do you have the cell phone though,
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but you have the you think about you, do you guys want us to buy some way to throw is like a but a ask is that i have, i do do do do so if i did to there's a bunch assignment of those ones. i've got 4 different useful if you've got somebody to patella's professionals with you. yeah. we definitely do what sir. we don't know. so. yeah, we should have been in visual good videos. i me. so by saying i do is, are the business best way to go from there was one of them besides this sort of limit. otherwise the, the, the, the, the land you
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know, us as a little charge was 001. the 1st one, the new
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only simply for the year you're coming, get about 30 or give you the dual or you just want to see what about your senior upholstery and valley. you said chris, contrast as cuz i was just wondering separately the when some with the actual was the book which is really enough for the things go to the board just below the,
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the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. best english i'll send send up the in the 65 with this new speed. the one else calls question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the tenant said this was what question did you say? even closer to the
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black, did you mean? yes, the big the band live to go ahead the that he will the quite a session semester. but after the civil war, 2 forms all participating in the most to cancel the familiar with if i video or students to to go to check on board is showing that emissions on here. and then we left for the children to talk was really available solution russell was in your total for the was this the
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russian states never as outside the science community best ingles, all sense and up to 5 must be the one else calls. question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush has proved, inc, and split from ortiz both next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say steven, twist, which is the sort of fitness deals special?
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does the shooting will the shooting that same thing is going to do that as well. good. you know, we're still going to put it through. is there some way donald, during putting out events, customer letting all of you mean your friends and a little less going to to finish lawn chairs, hospital where the pleasure with them and also to see these other sheets. firstly, that was important to you and you're going to read that it is difficult to mislead this in your words and the more positive and that is on your lives. december 1 on the piece. sylvia was him only for the photos and see what are the issues, fitness, the naturalist. i mean, you have to issue a simple junior low in the bustle, but almost done by my model number of what i'll do bear with me. and i shall say,
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and i'm still some of the prospects that by me in the museum category category, and you just ready to go. how do i move of the order quantity of the what's the viola? why would show them i see, and you'd like to get the most likely show up at the top of the line. it shows 3 muscles loose and me so, so we know what else and just bear with me because i'm using a try to use to learn more about other much a little but the thing and i know even though for me at the football it's me let me know, when you're done with school can use of your is i'm ready, brother categories, really intelligent and showed, i mean, you probably should say the, so let's go under. so we just bought this game and those out that that's you know, put in a sort of gabriel boy that really, really exists the and so the more we got your lucio and instead of go up on, is that a point here to when i put it on leave it on to
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a very simple data supposed to have you able to be work thursday more than this to purchased of the summer. moving towards that goal is if anybody else, unusual. i mean, because it doesn't work. so lots of the lots of potential we can do to test on, excuse me. so there's a lot of customers to hello sheila these people in this one progressing pretty in with you since you're looking for storage was always you want us to know anything more than entry. you know, for sure some of them, i mean, we've got a sore throat of disabilities. can we use the usual district who use as of what
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was it? it was, it was always just visit the unit and the only prostate you on the test the course, the issue to share the others today just to really just stick and everybody wants introduce pick it up by giving you for the cause of the machine. i prefer to be go, are you ordering for use? of course what
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the, the easiest thing that's always show you where you can use these as you get by piece and left on. the cool thing is scheduled for you to a former school solution, which of course you will be surprised. i want to show you what it is showing as best as over when your boss, the police have mentioned more of get an oil change, no more significant. well, i'm gonna show some type of questions. 2 of them are simple, so i'm using the search here available to show me where those are connected. so some condition that said i saw about
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a union. so what does it mean or not? cisco is emma still value in your thought is really not a one, the images, the collections and up and you almost those. and then there will little bit of do things starting. you think you were some little escape or she did the for the most money the visions solution so she's a little over the risk the destination uh was pony is a with little disappeared. oh no. so based on the low july vehicle a vehicle uh, both of this does need to be mostly shamika g. last name is i'll shoot you a j, the 78 by the condition of that and it's of interest to me and don't look i will do . i am mistaken for total loan forgiveness,
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but the if you do it the but the which the beeping has, well, it's by some composition units and these, the district. what's the year? 2000 is something we have to move these maya of the beginning this year june. the 5th is a way to be more dish. you have all those. i think it leaves though, i mean that wasn't the issue and that must be if it was me wondering if a visual was no on the beach was the boys and i was in this, the system of these people might. it's the quote and almost the quizzes. so the
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come by the thought is come part of my to show us the folding tables. it might have since dinner machine has looked at it gets shows that idea. it's above us. what it's the clue maybe even if it is, if go to the window. so there's just no way this is about the end of season. you could actually accomplish quite just unable to store them in the vine you for the most amount of items. the width of them is similar to the motion just north of the pitch. that's when uh, the country with uh, from the city is deal with is loading interest across via on the rain in the winter . that's the best that's related what the potential for the body as i'm not zillow or him. you could put on the doesn't that a z y 2 things. one is teach. want them to stay with us. and this is simply as to snap the light on the museums. nobody's dismissed. so as
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to know, yeah. view hook up with the promise of a blessing still exist, but then it would be just fine, but don't the, it was good. so she knew georgia chico on which but yeah, yeah. the bunch of goodness think it was by the end of the see. and i said, all of them, all, those are pretty serious and the city and punching was the problem then use the just on the use mostly i in this the through the disclosures to spit out over the same way. so you may have almost all, can you still in the 100 the least thoughts the effect that this was the initiating
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the media watching the 1st one that comes out. so we're looking at uh, machine publish. i thought, i mean that the images didn't. yeah. yeah. but any message on this all across new stuff, there's a little little catalogs and stuff but the but i didn't get the correct no. i felt that there's reason was suspended of us obviously as the be signature nice for best . but in terms of the picture, suspicious to the question was nothing. so we're going to spend the winter of a piece of the mobile
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shift for years, almost virginia, georgia, just 2 days stuff. i'm so 3 to go in the way do let's go school. but the see the issue is lot less out. i'm not sure what he said. so we'll go with that. i sounded way through florida. but my, these global, i don't want to be as low as much as the borders because there's some cut off. do you wanna leave him up? i'd be do you uh, i'll be doing scores to that. uh, mostly but easy solution. could i ask, who is the book related to a buffet with the discipline log in to see the it is my goal was to use once in the morning. i get this will be a good time for from working with a dish or visible session. it will switch the flag the to
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the wrong zip. so the
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the, the, the position i would suggest in belgrade was suggesting that we send americans and the bridges on the drain and put on your bill. is us on
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obama, most of dining probably now. now a lot soon, but as to when it's here, all the on use will tell you that it will save you from esl classes in the middle. so these are what are normal file posts. most most, most of our thoughts in this one is not as a guide on a source or say, don't mushroom around noon. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than the something is active uranium, but still, it's radioactive. it has toxins that killed the laptop. you want me to go and see. so here's the ceiling. again. let's see the echo seats. the boeing good. i don't know those image mold was suggesting we. pharma fell great, but bill collars are what they were just the
1:00 am
each the at least 20 civilians are important. they killed in gaza city as intense is really a tax focus on the northern part of the embattled enclave. a ron blames israel for a wave of an error strikes on northern syria, which reportedly left to more than 3. it says that the people dead and the city of alas, as the desktop of the moscow terror attack rises, $144.00. the western media focuses on that heavy handed, the rest of the suspects. look back at them, it's 4 years or 12 prisoners by the us itself. at abu ghraib and a rock was subjected to relentless torsion dogs was sentenced to the base trip. as a native except fall short and they pulled ice one.


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