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tv   Documentary  RT  March 30, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
the, the the, okay, i just let us know. so the syndic some of the music for you the goals for the
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silver? is this the, the access you mean? yes ma'am. this to image says that my e and is the shade just the munoz, the queen. yes, what's the name? what's that as you get paid the bill and you build it beautiful glass and just give us a place to invest plus or or can we just come down?
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we listed it but the only thing and the rest of it. yeah. because i put me on the front of the, the kind of dental and vision with us come down as a special wagner. you come down on the bills to stay. what did you video for us? a check. you only have to select the some west coast of oral care. what does it get that the thumb vip, just less than one way or? yeah. does he have to the jessica surgical deals, what that's to photo and visual, the one eastern dot one meal. but that's dodge in napa, just let the client jam or that you or to me, and i'm going to take your questions grab it, wasn't showing as boss, of course the, because that's endorsed opinion and you come down with the talk with ha ha chris
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charlotte to the slide, the so what sort of fits or what's the, who nick, i can see if i do that. yes, that's the thing for which i'll assume you can go to as soon as you can. so the judge must it unless it isn't. what's in your words, it's in the full of california to the minus 2 bathroom, all of this. so i was with a formula that there was no doubt in the symbol of the
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human levels familiar with the course. sure, but it was there. so we need to know really simple cut out to the boeing your quote for them with that on your personal family, the journey we mentioned astra mention the items are calculated. so a give them mean it was kind of the way. okay. and when you're using your so, so we're going to start with that with them know, spray, are you able, watching manual would you or he has not come up with based on sort of so the reason i say the the was that so you should have it you should go through the ministers to close the scheme to one to assign what
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are you and you don't want it don't to assume an interview and you're put out as industrial peters, the discount bridge, overtures, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialist from device co insurance is just to have come and get out of california, only see what goes into a spectrum issue. hattermio customer how's the most efficient fuel, how special you are on the horse on the west coast. investor. ok. good point in going you finish last week or so, so let's get the yeah. and when you're bolling me with, with you on this new for you on a stretch north, she's moving my to this new will before reception has been showing me 1st. unless,
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unless, unless somebody should perhaps get there is a crunch a to you're coming to orchestra for sure. something like sugar, which if one of the show eligibility and domestic mental or yeah, well the average of content go so for the 1st or to to, to push that the ratio the surgery is gone. when you get ok when you, when you get there. sure, we actually do for us. oh no 100 wasn't most of these beautiful insurances, which includes your photos or does anything additional video wise for further facilities that also fails? no. covers good work on portion with one from 2 to i do think the best the best the best i can do is there's no chance to for those who look ways to clear the picture below when you when you go,
2:37 am
i mean not but yeah, but when your husband, what a kimball, so awesome. all right, you. fortunately, the selection awesome fan looked i'm with the show there, close the longest you with those original one moment. which today sure which of the course videos now, you know numerous close by cool. a story on to cook, the laser play video or storms to tune them to come to check on board is showing that emission on your team will allow us to bring ship them to the doctor, the easiest for you to the step on your stalls. because there's 2 of them. right?
2:38 am
yeah, move yes, just a little bit of putting you much to no longer. and you're still listed as when it's important to patients, right? the pretty much tell you just to see if you chose my way to find you more interested in you share the publishing is atanya simpler, which you took you up when you lost somebody with a group home by slow fee. is it just replacing the desktop? funny is the uh, the, the desktop for this thing. i saw some next to the team according to the google abuto international produce. could let me see what the pictures for the speak you thought was
2:39 am
a little boy, the movie, a beautiful felicia, the soul of the age of this, this was close to you for the call to come onto this one. the left, 2 messages for super, for the video is also seen a sales associate with special for someone. and the reason besides that was the coming you and she guess area associated with commissions anyway. and so what did you, where he goes to appointment waiting list of the news news took some time. there
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was someone sitting in a uh, conditional which another moment or 2 back looked into the cool windows consumers. just curious. we do have a jail special. you're here with which can you look or succeeded wilson or coordinator castillo, as most of the business criteria locks, and also for anything sister food or is it the hold on sending and all that's inside the boost, i guess i'll send that over to she, which is who is this? will just be a simple follow g o. yeah, boom, boom. yours, me see we story more them song is really long. so even though what does the future will deal with them on each end? you know, uh huh. was useful when you were in was it was for your can is uh, and it says your name is on the line as well. this is
2:41 am
a deep diversity. what to do it. as of this last policy, you said that was 3 of the door of the jack on the one, the one which is supposed to be the or the shortest spray of the work. and then we just have to show some of the store control the
2:42 am
let's use this is for slipping, is just simply the, there's to ship here just let us know. so just because or take some of them visitors or for the most trouble sample to agree with the point assume you hope so the the goes to show me which is a purchase of some of them. we use a feel for this to the best of not just to
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get to yes, they all sorts of ok. i need to make sure that she is looking for was my is a come from the annual offer to the shogun. some of what i originally did, even though that old bulk on the on the now it's not a or system issue, especially a symbol new in the unlikely. and it was most us because i was pretty serious spanish. so my thought was when you miles or something that i smoked, it thought aspect of the
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vehicle. so the, the, the renters i do this, but it's a bit of a cover letter. gosh, a little bit to me and i know even though 3 of the most cool guys is it's a few. i know where you liked it. that was the issue. and normally for, for to bridge,
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the simple do this was to be able to be like for us to be on the right in the midst of the, in the course of the godaddy degree. and then if the kids took the media solutions done, us not, he didn't give simply too much because of the children. we want the visual beverage and as much to feeling as was continuous misspelling to support your decision on the color of grids to cut off the credit for the music disappearing those extra features. and that's what it says about the slot to have
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just left circle. if you're more interested in the shuttle and then just use the post modest, you might just get the past most often about you get it more glad to share more tonight to hit a more of this process and then your plan is a short on his bus. nice go down and go to lunch just but adams woke up as fast on adult bushel slaves that traditionally quit. so somebody has to have sufficient interest to a move just to start the strike on your toner issue. just one minute.
2:47 am
national logistics should of course, can accomplish because over those districts it either so i deal with the state of tennessee or sheila, looking for the you get all the rubbish but for some reason, oh, that's a good story and we could almost think i'm good. i'm good, you know, then they gave me because i'm so glad the both of these is the building that you really just such as the i'm the only way, are you picking this cup out of this all, most of the police getting in the what that means nice principles and it was just not so much can email the decision, the both of them some way if the game is really to to see the degree of. so he asked them now yes, i'm assuming go to see me of which is the we're going to see if i chose to process the window board for. so can she not sophie, how do i access now?
2:48 am
those are so special mama region. while you're lecturing, you would have done such and yet i just showed that there was a sheet on the 4th of come down is very bad the what do you put the city for mediates waste. now, changing the dimension of the one, the boy mentioned, now that i was remitted to is the blue book. i'm 6, was made of the decision, the mazda, most of the, with needs got a good number of hours. if not that good to be a good for now, because it will come, come on board and get us to another, provides a variety of a good deal. the magic movies need, you know that you know that we know now the good. i have never been thinking because i gave you most of you need to submit it somewhere, but you have just a digital image slash, but just so it will come with the pleasure. sonya dime label for digital is, is slow, run easy with doctors like a kid that appear to do to me. i'd be genius. just depends on what card has to be there. the, i believe a, me, a,
2:49 am
this is the story that we chose here on the tonight's us to get those books for. yeah. and supposedly always what size is what we choose up to. or if i want you to kind of show it to her for the more familiar with see with these references rivers you just, you know, office play on it, which is kind of so we're pretty much with the lights and the sandwich tooth was that we move to the or who said call was at the i the know it is just yeah. the disposal menu was sheila in one of those duel glover and with only open your mind while your boy. yep. the
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spark or so the goose team here for numerous so it won't let me know. thanks more to today. well, no worries send that to them. you know, on the side or see that's not the the but also after the julie is because the sign in this was spitting across the ticket or the cold or both of them would be allowed to participate. and no one should only put it on move in, but you don't want to pursue an announcement. the
2:51 am
introduce nimble with credits for the, for the solution because usually the homes are for the thought that they would fit into the store based on the deal. so that works here when you want me to start bought the yeah, so the company built the claim over here. there's a solution. very somebody called 5 years previous to bowsman yourself behind this? yeah, i'm glad you agree with me. we just the way we split cuz we were just has to as low as the customer who you know, can review this correct for us to a sole intrusive motional thing
2:52 am
is that what you want to do to me is the frontier was somebody it was before you know what the do me a but i also the back of the car was more since just the you get to bring to a motion for the people can do it. this. i'm going to throw it in. yeah, that's the the shape going is that go with us to like go with it, the square go with and the square foot length for this was the customer for one. that's so and the pitch focuses q a senior meeting the
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k. and just to assure sure, there is just read this before and the doctor shaker. cute the house officer such as the for what's the story slash like our national she's just not sure. what's the name of the journalist? just a chest. that's very strange. like a kid named is a separately in the industry up as well. yes, that's the cause of stuff that the person believes finals flush the toilet this morning. this fails
2:54 am
with those libya. shame is to get to that came on board with a former ship. i showed you, i'm not sure except that question. you put the job force, put the just a new milestone area. i'm not sure what the campbell and is it asked them i to produce them. i wonder why it's doing the shirts and future the shots to create a livingston mission. with our science and gauge mission, i was trying to put the name of the nature of a national moisture. she's actually a different starting the shipper to move on the shelf book when she was still there. yes ma'am,
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for the whole day. the food chain that fucking on him sending me stucco in the me. when you pick this is that don't you with the resolution she and this you did. ringback that she will hold up with x do. she didn't need to do this because, but the people come, but they mean, usually you do, you do anything different than the user story dvd. you get to choose 10 of your way to get to the car and you called name is h b, e t h e d d, keep this in the electrical. it would be a pretty good dispute. even though would you will he give you the cd? cbs the
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see would you, which do supposedly did you meet the sensor? but the most, i'm gonna keep it at norfolk, but i'm your massive really loud noise, the media circulation for the detail of the speech. it's you lose reason with the money to the kitchen. you find the groups and you know, employees the cause of the land is the prospect
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of the stuff it's. nadia is not as much but we here you mean? yeah yeah. sure. as simple as a chat is good or
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the the
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1941 with the nazis health creation, ultram nationalist, the was dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off the seizing pallet, they built the scene of us concentration camp. a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us. campbell, who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners. they send them a consultation temps. so most of them died. it was
3:00 am
incredible gina's time the at least 20 civilians are reportedly killed in gaza. city as intense is really a tax focus on the northern part of the embattled enclave. a ron blames israel for a wave of air strikes on northern syria, which from quarterly left more than 3 dozen people dead in the city of a level. as the desktop from the moscow terror attack rises to 144, the western media focuses on the heavy handed arrest of the suspects. we look back at the notorious torture of prisoners by the us itself. at abu ghraib and a rock was subjected to relentless torsion dogs was sent on us. they stripped us native except for shorts and they put.


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