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tv   News  RT  March 30, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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the most of them died. 6 was incredible genocide, the at least 20 civilians are reportedly killed in gaza. city as intense is really a tax focus on the northern part of the embattled enclave. a ron blames israel for a wave of air strikes on northern syria, which from quarterly left more than 3 dozen people dead in the city of a level as the death toll from the moscow terror attack rises to 144. the western media focuses on the heavy handed arrest of the suspects. we look back at the notorious torture of prisoners by the us itself. at abu ghraib and a rock was subjected to relentless torsion dogs was sent on us. they stripped us native except for shorts and they pulled icy water on us through stony
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grenades at task and even 5 nights on the nation. and our special coverage of the 25th anniversary of nato's bombing of yugoslavia. we explore the aftermath of depleted uranium shells used against serves prussia as deputy un. and basset are says the world is still turning a blind eye. the consequences of a decent direction. i still felt they still felt by people leaving their medical, ecological infrastructure, whatever. i felt even right now, a 25 years after these aggression the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. as we start in does a city where at least 20 civilians have reportedly been killed as the idea of intensifies as airstrikes on the northern part of the enclave. some disturbing of
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footage from the palestinian civil defense shows the aftermath of the bombing. people carry, draped bodies from the scene is really strikes at several parts of the city, killing and wounding mostly women and children. according to local authorities. they say that confirmed palestinian desktop has surpassed $32600.00 since october 7th. a washington is back pedaling, on its recent decision. the sanction is rarely settlers and they occupied westbank . that's after israel. as finance minister bessolo smell, trips threatened to to collapse the policy and in economy a media reports claim the us sent a letter to the israel, a finance ministry earlier this week, clarifying. but the sanctions abided and administration imposed on settlers earlier this year were not intended to pushes rarely, banks to close the accounts of targeted individuals. a washington previously urged israel to do more to prevent settler violence, which is called an obstacle to peace in the middle east. can i sit member some show
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rockman sees the move as a recognition of israel's power and authority. there are 2 important lessons here. first week that a firm stand of the sovereignty of the state of israel is not only duty, but it leads to a world power to understand it has crossed a line. secondly, as a law smart reach knows how to place the red line without blinking. well done. well this comes as the lord god and nearest, the 6 month mark, public support for israel and the us has recently plummeted. even as the white house stands firm on its backing of the military campaign. an increasing number of americans want an immediate cease fire. pro palestinian demonstrators are rallying against the re election of president biden. the active is in new york, disrupted the biggest fundraising event and the democratic parties. history calling on joe biden to stop arming. israel hundreds also took to the streets waving policy
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and in flags and the chanting slogans. american muslim lawyer has on shibley's says washington stated intent to sanction is rarely settlers was not actually genuine. it's not surprising at all. the biden is right now funding and enabling the genocide against the palestinian people. it's clear he has no regard for the blood of pallets, little shoulder and he's bought and paid for by he is really lobby and it's clear that his initial sanctions was just a small little insignificant p r stunt because he knows he's going to lose the election he's lost the support of the heart of american m a. so american swing boat across the country, there is a nationally trending abandoned bite and campaign, which i'm probably part of that is committed to a band and bite in this upcoming election. he will lose the election. i think he was desperately trying to take some measures to try to win some support. but obviously he's recognize it's too little too late and he's caved in. now even further to the,
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the just really lobby that is buying out the american politicians like biden, to act against the interests of the american people against a human rights against justice in further interests of the is really pariah genocidal state. i mean, is it essentially makes the sanctions work less and meaningless? and you know, it stated that he did that in response to is way of the leadership threatening to punish. tell us to mean banks. but the solution is spite and really wanted to hold the sellers. and remember the full conflict started because israel is occupying palestinian land in violation of international law. it is killing on civilians that are palestinian. it's given the 2nd class status to palestinians under is really control. they do not have equal rights. it isn't a part of the state. the solution would be to for biden, to increase the restrictions, increase the sanctions, and immediately actually cut off all military aid to israel. in order to get it to comply with international law, not to capitulate and given to their strengths and their demands. israel's high
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court has announced a controversial ruling making the ultra traditionalist hire them community eligible for the military draft. the move was welcomed by israel, a military cabinet member and against the issue is not the high court of justice or the ombudsman who does their job faithfully. but our need for soldiers during a difficult war and the need of our society for everyone to take part in the right to serve the country. the high court ruled the obvious today, the time has come for the government to do the obvious. it's time for action. while the israel la opposition generally supports the high court's ruling prime minister, netanyahu his administration fight to keep the faith based exemption bull trip over rocks. parties make up 25 percent of net in the us coalition, government's losing their significance and for it could mean it collapses were legislators and of course, decision will prompt the heritage community to leave israel and mass leader of
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israel's ultra orthodox party. shots has warned that the conflict could escalate the people. the ruling of the high court of justice destroys the foundations of the jewish identity of the state of israel. the judges of the high court of justice want to saw off the branch of existence of the jewish people. the people of israel are engaged in a war of existence on several fronts, and the high court of justice judges did everything tonight to create a fratricidal war. as well, the entire coalition was abused in late december of 2022 on the premise that each popular is committed to the others in supporting the ambitious office on your is just this minister and the big. and the leaders of uh shows and united dora uh, this was uh the, uh, uh, sold off the, uh, uh,
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3 musketeers all for one and one frame. however, the slim, of trailer box, it was a how is it called? because nathaniel could not get these uh uh, plan uh to be legislated and the war salvage. and the car would be, um, uh no. see that. uh they did not get anything in return for the simple or from the done. yeah. oh and he's program. so now they may very well bring about the downfall of the government. hopefully for them, a new elections will give them a better position right now. they have nothing to gain by the survival of the government. or ron has a choose to israel, of being behind it, that they are striking the early hours or friday on the northern syrian. the city of a level to run strongly condemns the incident which resulted in the depths of some
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$38.00 people, including military personnel and civilians. these attacks are a clear violation of international law, as well as a violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. this is a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. the aggressive attacks on syria are a blatant and desperate attempt to continue and expand the crisis in the region is really airstrikes against the state of syria or a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons. but what's important to note here is that israel's attacks against syria are nothing new. over the course of the last few years, there had been hundreds of air strikes, targeting facilities from civilian infrastructure to military infrastructure, as well as the report of the talk. yeah, these are strategical areas. israel claims that is carrying out these attacks, specifically to hinder iran and iran bag groups within the country. israel claims that iran is providing weapons to non state actors within syria. and they, in turn,
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transfer those weapons to live in on when we take into consideration the syrian president bush are lots of says the is really claims are just an excuse to carry out these attacks that these are baseless. and israel's attacks within the country are not necessarily targeting a run back horses, but they are targeting syrian military personnel. it's targeting civilian infrastructure. the broader context of all of this is that israel is engaged with a conflict and war with gaza since the 7th of october. there has been a great matter of discussion as to whether or not that conflict in gaza would spread in spite well out of control affecting other countries in the area. earlier this week there had been attacks and airstrikes by the is really air force. but what makes this one that much more significant is the general tone of israel. it has not commented or provide details on this specific air striking attack. but what it has said is a matter of concern because it says is real,
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will not comment on for media reports, but looking at the general context, the fact that there is a risk is all out war with regents. and israel is provoking, that is a matter of concern for everyone in the region and globally, the russians security forces say they have prevented another terror attack in the south of the country. the f. s be detained, its free foreigners from central asia, explosive and the chemical components were seized at the residence of the suspects . they faced charges of preparing a terrorist attack and are now being investigated. meanwhile, another victim from last week's moscow. terror attack has died in the hospital bringing the death toll to 144. doctors are still treating thousands of casualties . russian investigators say the 4 gunman were caught, well, trying to flee to kill slips them. the investigative committee continues to work on collecting and establishing evidence of the suspects,
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skilled establishing their accomplices and organized as of the terrorist act. of those accused of committing a territory stocked revealed during the initial testimony on subsequent interrogations. but their actions both at the stage of preparation and often beyond attacking the croakers city, who were coordinated by a man who presented himself under a pseudonym, according to the coordinator. the terrorists, after committing the crime, were directed towards the russian ukrainian buddha. in order to get the keys where they would receive the reward they were promised. the investigation proceeds looking into the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in arranging financing, the terrorist act nipple which russian authorities have now detained a 9th of suspect. yet another native of jacob stan officials in that country are fully cooperating with the investigation. moscow also says the terrorist received the payments in both cash and kept the current state from ukrainian nationalists in
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washington has been vehemently denying that his allies in kiev were somehow involved. according to the western narrative, islamic state terrace acted without any foreign support to attack the crocus concert hall. however, some european politicians are not buying that story. more than $130.00 dead in moscow, in terror attack planned and paid for by ukraine. hence, the monkey story about propaganda paid for by russia because we must continue to hate them because our children will soon have to die on the battlefield to protect the financial interests of the west and the late and the mainstream. media has focused on the heavy handed arrest of the terrors suspects, the former c i, a chief of russian operations claims. no such thing would happen in the west. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on in russian. what's going on in the west, and even though it's something like this happened in the united states,
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there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would just be saying i for an i. and, you know, they deserve whatever they get that sort of thing. but that's not really civilized society. civilized society is rule of law and treating suspects even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, it's humanity and respect, which is totally, oh, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia, but the former ca officials claims fly in the face of his country's own a history of deeds painting and torturing dozens of innocent people during the so called war on terror. american military presence like at guantanamo bay, and apple gray became notorious for the atrocities committed within their walls. we've been looking back at that grim legacy and hearing from one of the victims the
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i was just visiting my wife's parents, house in dunbar, come in from bugged out, to settle a disagreement with my wife on the morning of october 31st in 2003, the area had been called oles by the us forces. late did i stump the house and apprehend me even though the residence told them all was not from the area and had no relations with iraq and resistance. my head was covered with a plastic bag and my hands were tied behind my back with flex costs. before they took me so demetri hung be the
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dog, was subjected to relentless torture. dogs was sent on us. they stripped us naked except for shots and they pulled icy. watch all of us through stunning grenades at task, and even 5 nights, i mean nation i witness been mailed. you have to many know section one with a book to the hearts and the other was shot with a pump action rifle. the most annoying fee was tripping us and the kids and being beaten by 2 service man, i guess the plastic stick because were blindfolded him on the reprehensible of users. they made 2 naked prisoners stamped and touched each all the the
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view as has been detrimental and did not benefit us at all. it has the damage to us . i won over the 1000000 so the rock is to a gravity honk by the us. one of my children had to quit school due to put in and he also had diabetes. he's brought us almost from also the most of my daughters quit school and my wife divorced me because of my time in the present on the gods can take revenge. and i want is to get psychological help as i cannot get a jump in america make up for the loss of my children's future and my chronic illness. the serbian president, alexander village, says this country is now under a normal pressure over its position of military neutrality. the statement comes on the 25th anniversary of nato's bombing of yugoslavia. thousands of civilians were
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killed in 1999 when the us led block pummeled the country for 78 days. some serves are still suffering from the consequences of depleted uranium shelves that were used by nato. cars are to charlotte dimansky with the full story. as soon as the 2011 deer of yours, we have just received news from our report increased and that the enemy aircraft of the grocer, nato forces, wants to be silent, sex on the territory of kosovo, and we talked you around 8 pm, as you heard and there are certain was given for the bell great a few minutes ago. the nature is, i'm hoping you could solve your may now have been confined to the dusty pages of history for the west. but here in what's now serbia, the suffering continues. it was of, nope to or,
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and the chemical war that has been done against my country in 1999. it goes original ecological catastrophe. a lot of, uh, very toxic income sort of good news. uh, things were in the air and the saw. it was the water joining the bombings. you're not the only one concern the donkey. i'm but also in the north to serve you. what i, so as a doctor is, 1st of all that there is much, much more oncology go diseases, but also that the tumors more or less and the results of that will be, were less fortunes then it was before. that's the 1st thing. then we saw that there was the man twice as before. then we saw the generic anomalies of kids among animals. and that is, was the 1st, who said that something was going on. then we had also a larger number of wildly new diseases. you know, the depleted uranium, react, sonya or even the system. so we don't even know how many consequences we can
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connect with the, the bombing and the nitrogen gushing and depleted uranium during its illegal campaign. nature forces attacked with munitions that contain the police to geranium, across the line to one side. so some $31000.00 radioactive rooms being foliage now well, need to, is claimed over, know that there was no loss thing impact and you end zone nuclear watchdog has admitted that the health risks from the chemical toxicity of such work but not move into decades on survey is looking for conclusive offices itself. so he says you and your quick cause. there are studies that suggest there was an increase in cancer patients after the bombing, for example, due to the high concentration of uranium in the air. we know that radiation is one of the risk factors for cancer development, and there are probably some correlations with the number of people following l. one
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study found children born between 19992015 were exposed to a toxic fact that making the move hon timberlake meant diseases with the countries institute for public health showing children was suffering from blood related to move the brain tumors, and solely to live i'm there's also evidence to show that when the depleted uranium on the ground, they may have contaminated the soil to meaning the editing room and not so it could also be contaminated. the rest of propaganda is ready to fall could assist. yeah, she or day i told us that the dipping. you'd annually is very good for august agriculture. and that the, because they know that the 100 percent growing people with the cancer off the not the bombing and the they do charge of that. so that is the reason because people
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uh eat bedford and that is or isn't because we have a lot of meat that's a lot of to the readings that that, that i had said that uh they speak about the budget is uh, i know some people that the who had the, who has a concert. very young, very young people as the and the it's, it's terrible because they're pretty good annual it's, it's a, it's a very clear, a fuel cell results. what did happen before the bomb being and after the bomb being, it's very clear because they didn't. uh, as far as i can see, there is certainly many consequences festival. we see an increase in the number of deaths of our fellow citizens. many of our young people are getting cancer. it is forbidden to study and talk about the home fullness of uranium. i think that the big power is preventing studies, which would provide proof that we can already see it in the numbers. kansas and other diseases rising to 10 or a 100 times higher. still, it's still just hey,
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and so if you have a long term effect. so being felton nature's o soldiers, it's really hit to they were exposed while on duty late to fooling a old dying when they returned home from countries where they need to had use depleted uranium. what day to day they've committed horrific crimes and it is still committing critics a crime since the depleted uranium material is still in the ground. that is a direct consequence of bonding. also we have about $400.00 italian soldiers deployed to close on the thoughts in order to dive and more than 3, thousands or $4000.00 of them a that they've got disease. there is in, uh there are hundreds of processes against easily against natal. uh, by the families of the valley of soldiers who are trying to get some kind of
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satisfaction because there is no answer. and nato is pretending that he has nothing to do with the depths of their old soldier soldiers. what is interesting is that american soldiers deployed their allies in the, into the dangerous areas, and they didn't go there for themselves. never kidney damage, long bone, and all the organs or cancer issues with having children breathing problems. these are all some of the known side effects from ingesting or breathing and particles from depleted uranium. now most of 300, it's highly and veterans who develops cancer as a result of that exposure have had that day in coats. there also those, those who have had less exposure to what has happened to them. and that includes the ethnic albanians, the very people that nature claims it was protecting by forming you can solve, you need to say the science of the euro. because as these,
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that kind of information about the a big doctor. uh, i know, uh for uh, any products that you guys, any winter ran a piece of the i financing cuz people uh the, the room being and. busy all the sudden he has some more or less after booming after the practice regression of the timing in the cache on the west side. yeah. and, and the thing is to where sink are dying for consequences of being. and these, the ones that show them because they say they were thinking they were to say because the american law went wrong being good for hanging management. and she says, the situation is even worse now. i think of the situation long
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and long and because the remains or something and in no mean yeah. and consequences the in the yes. as far as mounting evidence, nature continues to deny its cause, such issues, those who speak out about the impacts of depleted uranium, all labeled as being pro from kansas. but the facts speak for themselves. now, just following to clear evidence of the long term impacts, the us, nato's biggest ally is sending depleted uranium munitions to ukraine, creating potentially even more misery for decades to come in the areas they all used. total attributes, key for all faith in belgrade. serbia, russia is racing attempt to discuss the aftermath of the nato bombing of the this lobby a has been blocked by western states that the un security council. moscow says it's
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simply wanted to raise awareness about the topic without pushing for any sort of binding resolution. russians, deputy you and envoy, dimitri polanski explained more to my colleague, you know, new. so once again, our discussion of this security council on nato was actions in yugoslavia. they've been blocked. why are western powers and your views so reluctant to, to even reflect on not episode of their military intervention? i think the phrase, they, i free the tools that we will come out. they don't want the world to leave some once again to the details of the that's the horrible military campaign and totally unlawful. we went to the campaign that the conductance against against to yugoslavia. they also don't want us to highlight the, the responsibility of their leaders at the time of need to leaders. that's why they want to, to shut the miles off. so everybody, the, i'm not interested in this,
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but the, in the reality, we started every meeting of the security council during this week. we've highlighting these procedural, russo follow a french colleagues and the 14th of the votes of the agenda of the meeting. and we also squeezed the phrase or 2 about nato's aggression. i guess you guys slide here. so instead of having one meeting on monday of church, they actually had the whole week. okay. people in serbia just to pick up and something you said people in the country who survived the, the 78 days of nato bombing. and then of course, the aftermath were many more people died. and they said, we will never forgive. and we will never forget. but you think that you and you've mentioned some of the countries involved, that the western powers that took part wish that they could for a guest thought it was just essentially put under the rug. exactly. that was behind their reasoning, french and best of the cleans. that's the survey,
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it was not aware of the fact of the meeting. so rational beings consult with serbia . and this was a belief in flight because serbia was very much interested in the holding these meeting to. and while the west prefers to sleep, the story under the rug will be bringing you more on the legacy of the nato bombing, a biggest lobby of which was in full swing 25 years ago. we have more special coverage lined up throughout the week right here on our t. we are to protect thousands of innocent people in the to the fuse of powder to get the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for future generations. never to see those in europe. the
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next on the whistle blowers john kerry, also talks with a manual. lewis who blew the whistle on the handling of prisons and personnel during the cove. it pen demik, do stay with our 2 international by coded and governments responses to cove. it will continue to be a subjective debate for a very long time. did the virus come from a lab? was it a biological weapon? did it leap from an animal to a human? these are all questions that will likely never have a clear answer to. but what do we do know? is that for leadership at all levels of government and in the private sector resulted in the unnecessary illnesses and depths of an on told number of people. and there were very few places where the situation was worse.


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