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tv   Documentary  RT  March 30, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EDT

6:30 am
the, the, the, the, the access you mean? yes ma'am. what is the band this to spanish does that might be a new issue. should georgian munoz, the queen? yes. what's the name?
6:31 am
what's that as he gets paid the bill in his 1st period. beautiful gloss and just gets her face to the best flash or i thought can we just come down? were listed here, but the only thing to notice of it. yeah. because i pulled in your thinking that the kind of dental and vision risk of those special wagner, you come down the bills to stay or even the rest of the check, you only have to. so i have that somewhere else. coastal oral care. what does it get the phone vip, just less than one way or? yeah. does he have to the jessica surgical deals? what that's to for the initial one, you've seen that when you,
6:32 am
that's dodge in napa slot, that kind of general that you are thinking and going to take your questions group. it wasn't shown as valasics towards the because that's endorsed opinion and you come down with a talk with ha ha chris charlotte of the notes adjusted to the slide. the funds would fit through a spring and the when the when the vehicle and because you yes or so to go with a for which i assume you can go to as soon as you can store the ads or must it unless it isn't quite seen or what it's m o, it's in the full
6:33 am
a california to the minus throughout the moment for so i was looking at the formulas that there was no doubt in the symbol of the human levels. familiar with the flu shot, but it was fast. so we need to know really simple cut are capable and you'll have to quote for the push the family, the room, what's your name was mentioned as a mom where i mentioned that the calculation. so a given me it was kind of the way. okay. and when you're using your so, so we're going to start with that with that. no. what are you able watching me and you would you, he is not from playing a song through that sort of reason. i say that it is,
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then there's the, was that so you should have, it uses the sodium as soon as the closer skim to one through a sign, what are you and you don't want it down to assume an interview and you put out its investment. peters to use computer publishers, the the, the interest that i'm going to be additional specialist. why would i pull chance is just to have come and get off to an appointment with you, with those numbers and go spend the most you have any openings or how's the most efficient fuel have special with you on the horse on the move custom task. okay.
6:35 am
let me finish last to put a system here. let's get the yeah. and when you, when you with you on this new for you on a stretch north signal, a mazda, 2 destiny, will be for a sub sharing as much of a boston as, unless, unless somebody should but have 2 thirds extension to have coming to orchestra for sure. something like that. sure. what's your phone number? so now for participating in domestic dental or yeah, well the average of concern go so for the 1st or the 1st of the ratio, the surgeries, comma 0. ok. when you, when you keep your sure you do for us, oh and your culture with a motion is a beautiful picture. she's pushing for corrosion. where does anything existing? would you repeat it otherwise for? for that 1st of all is that all super failed and that covers good will come for sure, it will work for me to buy 250 best the best one
6:36 am
for us i think there's there's no chest for those who look ways to clear the picture because when you, when you could always mean not, but yeah, but when your husband like you, most of all some action. fortunately by the stay action or some families, i'm with the show there, close the longest you with those original one moment. which did i show which in the course videos now, you know, numerous close by cool. a story on to cook the laser by video or storms to tune them to come to check on the board is showing that emission, you know, to move us to bring ship them to the doctor. the for you
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the step one, your students because there's 2 of them. right? yes, yes, just a little bit to bring you much to no longer and you're still listed as when it's important to patients, right. the last to the story is each of the more interested in the publishing is atanya simpler, which it took you up when you lost somebody with a group home by sophie was that useful places to go to desktop do fun. he has a custom, opened his door for this day and i saw something else next to
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the team according to the article abuto international produce. could let me see this order with the pictures around and speak. you thought was also boy, the movie a beautiful felicia. the soul of the age of this little suppose you for the call to come onto this one, but the left to the test for super for the video is over. so sooner to associated with of special for some reason. it's precisely,
6:39 am
there's the coming you that you yes, very yeah. associated with this just comes into mind. so what did you, where he goes to a funded waiting list of the news news to fix? since i know it sounded, serena conditional, which one of those comes through, it's just like this story. so we do have a jail especially here with which can you look or succeeded will perform the duties of still ok. most of the business criteria locks and also for anything sister food or is it the hold on let me try, let me get a hold of this. i guess i'll send that over to sure. who is this will just be a simple follow g o. yeah, boom. boom,
6:40 am
yours me see real story as long as i'm still on the wrong. so even though what does the future will deal with them on each end? you know. uh huh. what do you smoke when you're in for the post for you? if it is, uh and it says your name is on the full list as a so the to facilitate the flow star. so you said that was clear the door of the yeah, i don't know what the one for the truth because you're both of the or the shortest ray of
6:41 am
the just at the shows was a sure control the let's use this to me. this was nothing is just simply the stuff to tell you i just left no scroll. so just because of some of them visitors or for the most trouble you know sample to th street. but the point, assume you folks across the street,
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which is a full show. so some of them with this is a feel for this to the best on that just to get to yes, they all thoughts about what i need to make sure that she is looking for was is a comfortable it a new off of the show can some of what i did, even though that old bulk on the on the not sent that on a, or someone who was frustrated when we were in the unlikely. and what was most us for the spanish. so my thought was, when you mazda or something that i spoke to thought aspect of the
6:43 am
vehicle. so the, the russian states never as one of the most sense community fest not getting all sense and up the speed. the one else calls question about this,
6:44 am
even though we will ben in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the rushes to day and split the smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the, the, the, the, the
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source of the godaddy degree. and then if the kids took the ministrations them, he has not seen a chip separately too much because of the children who are the bianca visual beverage and as much to feeling as was continuous. miss paperless for children is there's only 2 kinds of groups to cut off the credit for the music, this opinion, those extra fees. and that's where it's just kind of that as a slot to have a slough circle. if you're more interested in the shuttle and then just use the post mattress to my just in the past most often about sugar and it won't go on the shelves and i have to hit a certain way of processed the actual then your password. when you spice
6:46 am
to scroll down and go to watch it just as pass on, i told you before that so something has to have sufficient interest or it will just when they're going to start the electronic signature. just let me national logistics should of course can accomplish because just use it either. so i deal with the state of tennessee visual sheila, looking for their use was you can get to starting to get a couple of singles cause i believe that was the long story. and we could also go
6:47 am
to the game. so because the both of these is the building that you, nobody just so this is the one where you're picking. the 2nd part of this, almost of the police getting the what it means for the principals and it was not so much jamie morgan interested in the both of them somewhere else that came into the see the degree of so yes, my yes. and this in the for to deliver to if i chose to process the blackboard versus whom she not, sophie will cut her off just now. those are so special mamma region. while you're lecturing, you would have done such. i'm going to just show that there was a sheet over the course of come down is really bad. the what do you put the city's communities with no, changing the attention of the one the board mentioned alex that i was remitted to the board. come, fix was made of the decision,
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was the mazda most of the what he's got a good number of it, and it's not that good to be a good for now, give it a little, come, come on board and get the product divided by the american movie you know that you know, the weeks now the guy is really picking the criteria and that's if you need to submit it somewhere. but you have just a digital much less but digital. it will come over at the but as plenty of time that you will put digital. this is lavonne medium with testers like a kid that appear to i just didn't have the gene. yes. just depends on what card has to be there to the the media. this is the story that we chose here on the tonight's us to get those books for. yeah. and i'm supposed to be honest with i did what we need to as a full or if that what you heard of short, it suited with her for the less than that would it would say we're interested in
6:49 am
reference. you just, you know, also stay on your thoughts and kind of so we're pretty much with the life and the same. wish to tim was the name of the the or who she was at the brand. i don't know. it is just yeah, i'm just trying to manually sheila, in the near for those who will go over with only in your mom or you boy. yep. and what about a spark or sort of goofy me when you more so it won't let me up like some what's it today? well, new a while now you really send that to the photo. i see not the the,
6:50 am
but off lock the julie use because that's good. that's good. so let's go spinning across the journal. accordable is some way to be able to go to the to petition avenue and city. let me put it on my office put in, but you just told me to put me in the notes long introduce number was a what the solution because you did the homes and frontier thought that they were connected to the store based on the
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video. so that works here when you want me to start blow up or yeah, that's what the somebody be out there and we'll put here, there's a solution. very somebody called for dish previous to but also in your sound behind this. yeah i'm, i'm glad you agree with me. read this the wrong way. i'm. we're still, we're just a few of them or should i go to new york, some of the, you know, community risk or for because i thought the order for us to a sole intrusive service. most of the things that you want to defy to me is the frontier was some of the people you
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want to know originally, but i also the number echo long that the car was most and she's just the you get to create a motion for the people can do it this, i'm going to throw it in the same boot. that's the same long is that go with us to waco. was that the square go with and you describe with lumber for this was the customer for one. that's so and the piece focused can be a senior meeting. the judge gesture sharing if there is a serious before and the talk to shaker to the house officer such as the for what's the story slash like right here. she just
6:53 am
doesn't just want to split a chest. that's very strange. like a kid named is a separate in the industry up as well. yes. that's the kind of stuff that the data of the person did is flush the toilet variables. that correct good. those ladies show me as the yeah. came on board with a former ship,
6:54 am
i shall domestic to that question. you're putting get push, put the just a new milestone. i understood the camp and boeing is there somebody to put it? what's the word? so each one of the shirts and future shop to create a living condition, what the status of which we can we should have started to put the name of the nation with national, moisture smashing, and different starting the shipping and moving them around the shelves. and you're still going to be able to see if we're changing that for calling century me stucco in the me. me because it doesn't have anything further change in the u. t o w x. do you do this because people come put a name?
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usually you do, you do anything different than the user story dvd team. vps in chase did of course kind of go over it with larry. we really do. he told me to give you. the name is betty b e t h e d d. keep the electrical, it would be a pretty good deal. you will do what he gives you to see the sepia the you which do story do you need to use the sensor but the most, i'm gonna keep it at norfolk, but i mean that's
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a really loud noise. the media. i feel the same for the detail of the speech. it's you lose reason with the money to the kitchen, the time it's the fluids, you know, employees of the land is that possible? use of the stuff. it's nadia is nice.
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we here you mean? yeah, yeah. show us i got the
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the question, i mean you love seeing those little muscles do if you look for the visual do while i pull up significantly post on the deal's, getting used to put value a new through the origin. but y'all just done the newest
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on the belief system. so good. you do what i see these the buses, the little cute little dyson says this done? both of the 1941 with the nazis. how relation ultra nationalist, the was dashes, the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst of trustees committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the san of us. campbell who renders the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners. they send the new constitution camps. so most of them died. it was
7:00 am
incredible genocide. the at least 20 civilians are reportedly killed in gauze this city as intensely as way of tax focus on the northern parts of the vast hold and place it wrong plains as well. for a wave of as thoughtful northern syria, which reportedly less more than 3 dozen people says in the city of atlanta. as the death toll from the most goats, her attack rises to 144. the western media focuses on that heavy handed. the rest of the suspects, we don't get the notorious torture prisoners by the us itself. at abu ghraib and iraq was subjected to relentless torsion dogs was sentenced. they stripped us naked except for shorts and they.


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