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tv   Documentary  RT  March 30, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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not country who survived the, the 78 days of nato bombing, and then of course, the aftermath were many more people died. and they said, we will never forgives. and we will never forget. but you think that you and you've mentioned some of the countries involved, that the western powers that took part wish that they could for a guest thought it was just essentially put under the rug. exactly. that was uh, behind uh, the reasoning french and best of the planes that's of serbia was not aware of the fact of the meeting. so what i should be able to consult with. so there, and this was a belief and flight because some of it was very much interested in the holding these meeting as well. the west prefers to sweep the story under the rock where people can do more on the legacy of the native bombing of you can slow avia, which was at a peak 25 years ago. we've got low special costs which lined up throughout the way to learn all or the way i can protect thousands
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of innocent people to diffuse a powder keg at the heart of europe. to stand united with our allies for future generations. never to see those in europe. the issue is the way to do this by the way of doing it. you know, so we're going to the point. if i just wanna say there's a good show as to just gives us investigators, let me just pull you up. thank you. moment of them, we both got a what do i mean he is, i'm not sure. but the,
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the was there was a 4th test, just clicked your bully comfortable, you suspicious just to just to go to the phone, tell you and yeah, i mean, it sounds cool. show sort of, i stopped by a friend to do this for this video. come up later, randy for them. cool. that's what can i get it for the fall if you could because if i don't you guys with the yeah that what the one on the new vehicle um but then you know those color must play the if there's nothing else, you know what else if there's also a place to buy
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a new associate, which has to of the clue nothing you probably do with the she had to suspend all of them. is this the, i think the much, uh, national board and i'm you know, i just didn't know this is, i don't know if that's the, that's the piece because one, they're like, oh, that's what i said. the cars just age. ship one actually, you know, he's not going to go. yes, there is a text or something that's not going to go over the word him was and but anyway, but it was like i thought, as far as well the side i could do though, i don't think i told her whom lee is, which is like kind of stop show this to the bathroom in the really and you spend the, the lady that works now, but he is right. and then we'll just, uh, is this some phone calls that goes through my, you know, the answer. it is
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a problem. you will still pretty good to the face to it was a very nice little unsure washer i for the i was wondering which units are a little bit more story prestigious to use it for the vision was it was the single vision and use it for but there isn't any, but really the julia come with one of the be a scheme of the 50 would be to who i am, the floor and i'm almost ashamed. but he is riot. let me know which way the bullet one is this to me, but anyway, just put the jacket length of the way in this reason. yeah. yeah. normal,
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so easily able to hide this to me. i'm with bush them as much as the most of a game. tillman, and how much of the shows and you kind of the sure how's it goes, what year were you serious or those you all know that it was always the class of the lizzie. that was the closing of the month for someone didn't want you to much competition as well as that. i knew myself in month 12 of face if i got to the next page, but a lot of herself who i didn't do so otherwise i don't know he was that's why he would have to he. so i ordered by, well, so i just don't know that even though it's got to be next a certain, those layer sewage is set up in chords you by. he looked at that with you. what would you had even this issue comes up with the new uh, suggest slowing isn't gonna file what was the best way that we can assist you in any case. so by using the search, the mortgage to the option to use what they have from
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a guy who use this on the phone. we'll start news oh, let's do for feeling pretty much visual with moving things. so it seemed pretty much exclusively for those 3 others to us and it wasn't much was use as well. i thought they just know that she has services the can you fairly soon? yeah, but you know, he is always the better way. that's because that's the right thing and we need to adjust them. let me stay and see that. no, no, but uh, like i said, i wanna go down the scene to sure thing your phone on your number. i shall cli probably probably mean, you know what? i mean, yes,
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the thing in the end of this machine was requested on the phone please. we need to collect a bully assembly which confirm your needs to cut the model. if it has been, let me look at the village of stomach issue, which i will not some of the item. the thing that i was on the stairs cell phone is off the the, the rules the
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field scores or to go to increase the manuals of this is this just because that's what associated facilities of point one is the data to, to double at ocean's anyways, you know, i see by the way the meaning used to go to what i mean, who them? so just put them in some category categories, some of it. okay. if you have reviews, love as well, but looking for those with nitrogen, we just didn't. you have to do with the but i mean there was a, a okay, that can utilize when the, some of them you pull across the pool. i was in the pool for the daily news of unless you've visited hours, if you sleep. but you see the crazy thoughts, i think it's something esna solution to as i'm listening to just so you will pay me for the low cost of my you substitution, which is
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a group like i've you those to just put you in here just waiting for 2 years he's going to put him on the paper. i teach the interesting and submitting the deed done boss for that can be working with just me up to you know, play with the sheets and that will if you need me. the other is the kind of when you get both of the moving was the, when the number that's going to get it all sort of. so maybe it's so yes, then you on the, the just looking for a name and the just the was bleached or when you didn't do it. so basically if any of that was there, so can you explain your thoughts or comments or the most? oh no. so what we're kind of going just the split, the cool thoughts, super confident being with us pop up in the middle, next video with the disabilities you though, what you're less specifically with them and then move that. i'm still, but we,
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i mean, is, i mean they're coming, those of us on like go some way lower near always just give away those. your guys let me know a little bit, but you know, this is the students know who they are. oh, busy. so busy available. yeah. very, very close. westgate is you thought i would, is that it would have just a month, a was especially in the 1st name. when will they be civil? let's go buy more or less the what she the brand of. what does it mean? yes. for both. what do police go to do? because what i mean, most people purposely relate to the a busy though. we just say to show a gorgeous the. be sure that would be. she's going to me. yeah. and she was supposed to be as long as he's only been vigil for the door completely of, of, of dealing with the moving for a little bit. it was
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a must have deals off on the but you have this, i go do the swell. i'm able to put on the me and that's nothing that i may want you to do for me. they me definitely dig of the, the, with the self on the. but the other thing about you, the, as far as you can with the way is that compared to ask is that i do do do do so if i did to there's a bunch assignment was what was, what was i've done for these things though. you've got somebody that patella's scheduled with you. yeah. the death i'm not gonna deal with the most. uh yeah, we should have been in visual goods videos. i me. so if i say do is, are the business best way to go from there because what i'm a besides the sort of limit. otherwise, the, the the, the
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the, the news, the man you know, us as a no show i was my 001 of the, the
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the worst of the way there is, you mean? yeah, you're getting, i do wanna come and do it about 30 or giving it or do one of the way. just want to see what about your senior upholstery and valley. you said chris, contrast as cuz i was sent over this morning separately. the one that samantha marshall was the book, which is really enough for the things go to the board. the
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russian states. never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community invest, not getting all sense enough in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia, funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say a request for check the
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status of the deals special to the shipping? well, the shooting, the same thing is going to do that as well. did you wish to put it through? is there some way donald didn't play items customer, then all of you were your friends in the middle of what's going to finish lawn chairs hospital my boyfriend is here with him and also to see these other sheets. the 1st thing that would be put to you and you're going to read that it is difficult for me to do this in your words. and the more or the positive is on your lives is a bottle annoying. if you like. sylvia was him only for the photos and see what are the issues fitness, the not show us. i mean, you have to issue
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a simple junior low in the bustle, but almost the phone line. what are the bear with me? i'm not sure. so i'm still so many of the prospects through the apartment and the museum category category, and you just audio. how do i move of the product? you know that it wasn't really what's the viola, why would show them, especially in your and you'd like to get the most likely show up at the top of the it shows 3 muscles. literally. somebody supposed to be me. know what else to dispute with me because i mean, he had to lose to manually above the thing. and i know even though for me at the football out to me, let me know when you're done with school getting lots of your ears. i'm the other categories leave doesn't show any publisher to present the fathers color. so we just bought this game and those out that that's you know, put in a sort of gabriel boy that really, really exists the and so the more we got your lives, joe, and instead of go up on,
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is that a point here? the way to live with our a, to a very simple do the supposed to for the you able to be what does the still purchased of the summer moving towards that goal is if anybody else i mean, because it doesn't go to the shuttle who lost a lot to potentially due to post on, excuse me. so let me get that for you as well as customers to hello sheila these people video for them is this the one thing that they're dressed and bring in with you since you're looking for storage ones or would you want us to move on to anything more than sure you know that for
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sure. so then let me think, okay, so total despair is gonna be in the usual district who yoga. so what was it? it was, it was able to say, for example, when you know the only prostate you on the, the test, the pamela cause, the issue to show you the others because they just only use that because everybody wants introduce, pick it up by giving you for the cars the machine i prefer to be go,
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are you ordering for used cars to work of course the show culture where you can use these as you get by piece and left on the cool thing is scheduled for going to a former school solution which of course you will be surprised. i want to show you what it is showing as best as over when your boss, the police have mentioned more of good or change, not more significant. well, i'm gonna show some questions, so i'm not gonna touch them or shut off on the news too . just let me know if there's any issues as to why those are connected to some
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kind of issue that said i saw, but again, you know, so what it is, i mean it's the cisco is still valid on your thought is really not a one. this them, cuz i'm going to end up in humans, those money and will open it up and explain you think you were some little escape or she did the for this extra nationally, the visions solution. so if she who is at risk the, you know, comes to the mission, i was pony is a, was good little gus a bit and also based on the go join, a vehicle will discuss newby was ashamed with the most things. i'll shoot you a game during the 70. if i have the condition of the interest to many gentlemen,
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i will do i am the same for 200. i'll know by giving you the category of the if you do it the, the, which to be seen as well. it's by them composers in units would be sufficient to produce the year. 2000 is near to lose my unit this year and the 50000000 this year is a would you be more dish hillsboro those i think is mostly age for though i mean that wasn't the issue and that must be if it was me wondering if it visually was know on the beach,
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it was the boys and i was use the system of these different mileage, the quote. and then that's because the, so the come part does come part of my to show us the folding tables that might have since dinner machine is look, suggestions, or idea. it's above us. what it's the clear. and if it is, if go to the window. so there's, there's no way this is about the end of season. you can sort of try to compare is quite a new system in the when you put the most amount of items that are them as human to buy to motion check smart devices such as in uh, the country with uh from us. it is theater is loading in the east, across via on the rain in the winter. that's the best of the choice. what the potential for the body. as long as the loan, you can put them. it doesn't have to do at this stage. want them to stay
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with us and this is simply sniffed the letter on the museum, somebody's dismissed. so let them know. yeah, you will complete the promise of a blessing. so i'm just putting it will be just fine, but don't the do is go to senior georgia. change go on. which pretty of the other more. pretty cool, but your goodness think it was the see. i'm not sure what was the most appreciate and the city and punching was the problem then use the, you know, the waiting on your, just on these mostly items the through the disclosures to go with you know, so let us know kind of let us know by so you know, you guys don't want us to,
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can you still in the 100 the least thoughts the initiating the media watching the 1st i want to come to that. so again, uh, shoot myself publish at the bottom that e in at the chest, disney. mm hm. yeah, but any message on this, on any of those stuff, there's a little catalogs and what else don't the but i looked across the field with this reason. what has been of us obviously as the be signature nice for best answer. so both of those are the subscription to the question was nothing so we can use the piece of the
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mobile to ship the machine to george just 2 days of stuff and so 3 to go in the way deal up must go school. but the booming, i see the she minutes before my so i'm not sure what do you guys will go with the price otherwise you for the maurice global. i don't know as much as the board is because there's some corrupt you may leave them up. i did you stop, i be just going to that i'm not super easy solution. correct. cool in the community to above support. well, it is lilian log and oh, saved only navy's landlady. give me a goal. oh, nice. once in the beginning, you're going to do more than most a dish or visible as brush will switch the flush
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the toilet from the
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the the the what is part of the, the employee would post good. isn't the deepest view of us in that, in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex?
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might the present good? let's stop without pieces. let's go to the product. as the big the band list to go ahead, the assumption somebody should but after the civil war 2 to cancel the somebody even if i video are students to to come to check on board is showing that addition here and then we left ship them to stop the movie available solution, the 1st one was in your total for the so with this the
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the stick them with them for me to put them put we get into the side of celia was this because it did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g, if i teach the way, know for me teaching the scholars that should thoughtful i knew that has something to look forward to with that the she's my, it's uh, ocean but she's moving let's move i'm oh no, i'm really starting from 1st months and mostly mom, big louder to move lisa with the completing animal just i get i as well as to the lowest, the dates. i'm going to study to the progressive rock. i used to give a shot finish. this is just so just for good news, i'm a fraction of when you come seem to do friday is the mentor. you ordered the people for over the for sure. i'm shown in the temperature of the induction to some of
9:00 am
this the, the usa blin, some way out of line assess new delhi, slamming washington's. we're locks on the rest of a p o position lead to long before in the national election. the wrong claims as well. for a wave of ad on some move in syria, which reportedly more than 3000 people that in the city, even though the death toll from the most goes howard of time wise is the 100 on sophie's told the west, the media focuses on that heavy handed over, put the stuff we know we have to to present as far as the us itself. and having grace in a room was subjected to relentless torture dogs with sentences of the nature of native excel.


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