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tv   News  RT  March 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the usa, berlin, so way out of line sus, new delhi, slamming washington's with locks on the rest of a payoff position. lead to lots of people in the national election. the wrong claims as well, for a wave of as far as on move in syria, which reportedly more than 3000 people that in the city. even though the death toll from the most goes heart attack, life is to $100.00 on the west. the media focuses on that heavy handed over to the stuff. we know it's free of torture, prisoners by the us itself. and i've been great, you know, we were subjected to relentless thoughts, docs with sentences, base trick us native except for insurance. and they pulled the bicycle to us
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through stony grenades that task and even fire. it's not going to be an issue funded on special coverage of the 25th anniversary of nathan's folding of yugoslavia. we explore the optima of depleted uranium shells. music game, flashes deputy you in on this case the well just turning, applying not the consequences of the same direction but still felt they still felt by people leaving their medical ecological infrastructure. what are the sales people right now? 25 years after the segregation, the 10 12 pm here in moscow when you're watching out the international within the very latest world news update is good to have you with us. on top story this, our new delhi has bloss at wilma ox made by a washington official and the rest of a key of position figure one months before india's national elections. the us state
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department is way out of line and its statements pertaining to the arrest of cadre wall in the id department's attachment of congress funds. it is, in fact the solar on the indian judiciary, which has seized both these matters to the indian nita added that focusing on the hands of buying that. and donald trump capital incursion cases would be more appropriate. so if the us is concerned about, the lexington is having a level playing field is coleman's full of those of us state department specs. husband matthew miller on monday, who said washington and coverage is a fat tron sparren's. and finally, a legal process for bins catch me while the take me to so i'm kill positions that go was arrested last week on corruption charges. angry seems around it on the streets of the indian capital, the position protest this class with police earlier this week. supporters of catch me while attempted to march to the prime minister's residents demanding his release on police, moved and making a number of the rest sound using was
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a kind of to break up. the crowds pro government demonstrate is also gathered for accounts are raleigh pretensions wise as the country supposed to go to the polls for next month general election. we have some full, my indian um boss of the month to staff who told us the us this concerns the world is no longer here. now a very likely for to down by the government or this. so, you know, they have activities onboarding to the comments and we have a very strong, you know, independent judiciary and the case is all being caught in the quote. so i also, so i don't think it's just very, very um, you know, and very much to the don king, they should not have commented about why they're doing it. maybe. uh, you know, but us seems that it is relevant to me. it's right to make comments on other democracies, the u. s. has, has been at the head of the global in desperate need of a different one to resist this. and so i think that is, uh, you know, uh,
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definitely of the concerns then. uh, but as far as india and other control, uh, other countries are concerned. uh, the new no lives the most people. yeah. it because of the what the coverage. uh, what is the economy the govern to open it because the choices is not the same as it was, it cannot continue as its boards. and i think it's a pretty uh, the thing was, should i say other countries, the emerging or the majors? because emerging economies and other countries are beginning to also have a similar view that most people not at the, is the reinforcement. it's, it's the new norm in today's blood and indian students at the london school, or they can all make saves. he has become the victim of a smear campaign for supposing his native country's government, according to science, him serrano, his kansas city was targeted during the recent and students union election. he said he was brand new, the flashes specifically banking the policies of indian prominence. the new rental
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modi on his routing politic the b j. p. o. c is around the right. the news when he was caught on camera picking up an indian slot that was thrown on the ground during the protest by a separatist square in london, we all sat see i'm surrounded himself, what he'd like to say to his critics, a pc, but i'm not able to digest well virginia is the most that it. a is of the decision maker into google? excellent. and these people are not able to, i just decided they didn't. yeah. oh, yeah. you mind as of, of bill the bali gord, 19 of i never read in all the nations. it'd be worth looking up to india for him. and then i'm going to be part of the undecided india on the lulu steven agent of global global. but it's just, these people are unable to die just and visit the daughter she paid for the money. and that means the more the goal. and that is maybe some physically the actually the fundamental plans to somebody who's come fan of use me because a lot of my id and the limits of the left. we next team is elements in london. i
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was running for the odyssey sort of unit into the license for the police and the secretary and of these people who came on and talking to me. they started giving all my foods those the i went to the idea is it goes on the positive part, being the discounts payments back to the needs of the multiple elements. the business campaign is the very best to my big syndicate that has be decided to be organized. this got to be that i'll be based on all sorts of and being done by the loans. what's going on around city? i do. yeah. you're in the, i'm the movie here in the room is oh, glad all these people collectively monitor this. you've got being abused me around as accused, as well as being behind a deadly as to why can be, are the hours of friday on the northern syrian city. of alaska, so long strongly condensed the incidents which resulted in the death of some $38.00 people including military personnel and civilians. these attacks are
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a clear violation of international law, as well as a violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. this is a serious threat to regional and international peace and security. the aggressive attacks on syria are a blatant and desperate attempt to continue and expand the crisis in the region is really airstrikes against the state of syria or a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons. but what's important to note here is that israel's attacks against syria are nothing new. over the course of the last few years, there had been hundreds of air strikes, targeting facilities from civilian infrastructure to military infrastructure, as well as the report of the talk. yeah, these are strategical areas. israel claims that is carrying out these attacks, specifically to hinder iran and iran back groups within the country. israel claims that iran is providing weapons to non state actors within syria. and they, in turn, transfer those weapons to live in on when we take into consideration the syrian
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presidents sharla side says the is really claims are just an excuse to carry out these attacks that these are baseless. and israel's attacks within the country are not necessarily targeting iran back courses, but they are targeting syrian military personnel. it's targeting civilian infrastructure, broader context of all of this is that israel is engaged with a conflict and war with gaza since the 7th of october. there has been a great matter of discussion as to whether or not that conflict in gaza would spread in spite well out of control affecting other countries in the area. earlier this week there had been attacks and airstrikes by the is really air force. but what makes this one that much more significant is the general tone of israel. it has not commented or provide a details on this specific air striking attack. but what it has said is a matter of concern because it says, is real, will not comment on for media reports, but looking at the general context, the fact that there is a risk is all out war winds of the region. and israel is provoking that is
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a matter of concern for everyone in the region and globally, the russian security force. they say they prevented another sir attack and the south of the country, the speed detained, the 3 foreigners from central asia, explosive and chemical components. with caesar, the residence of the suspects, they faced charges of preparing a terrorist attack and on now being investigated. meanwhile, another victim of last weeks must go. terror attack has passed away, bringing the death toll to 144. a number of casualties has reached 551 people with many still being treated by doctors motion investigate to say the full gunmen were quotes while trying to flee to keith. slips them could be investigated. committee continues to work on collecting and to stop using evidence of the suspects, guilt establishing their accomplices and organized as of the terrorist act. both of those accused of committing a territory. stockton was revealed during the initial testimony on subsequent
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interrogations, that their actions both at the stage of preparation and often beyond attacking the croakers city, who were coordinated by a man who presented himself under a pseudonym, according to the coordinator. the terrorists, after committing the crime, were directed towards the russian ukrainian buddha in order to get the keys where they would receive the reward they were promised. the investigation proceeds looking into the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in arranging financing, the terrorist act nipple, which a russian overseas have now detained. a 9 suspects. he has another native of to jake. he's done. officials in my country are fully cooperating with the investigation of to also say the terrorist received payments in both cash and script. so current c from ukranian national. this is the scene of the masika on the outskirts of most so many people are laying flowers in children's toys outside the chas. ruins of the crow. cuz cons, that whole dozens of white balloons were lost into the sky and memory of the
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victims. russian orthodox priests have held a memorial service, the victims off the tragedy on fire and delegations to rush i have come to the memorial to conduct all right, victims of the tragedy, auntie political correspondent, equal pace, good enough was at the sight. and both as this report, even though a week has now passed since the barbaric act of terror here at moscow's crocus, a concert full people are still continuing to come to this mix shipped memorial, bringing flowers, laying down candles, leaving notes and tories to show their respects to the victims of the horrific attack. and earlier today, dozens of and bachelors and other foreign diplomats were here as well. taking part in a collaboration, a ceremony knitter of silence was held and then they also laid down the flowers and paid their respect to the victims of this roof attack. i think you of these things do go to show that despite the political differences or you fear so why
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release all human role model and well, terrorism is truly a mutual threat. it's a threat tool. that's why it's so it's really important to exactly establish exactly which forces are behind this horrific attack request live now to connie, what, how can danny back right in the nation senior defense analyst on strategist. many thanks for joining us on the program today is good to see. you know, many forward officials have gathered at the cro cosign today. how so the international community responds to acts of terrorism like this, which you say, as i see, all the dash 2, you know, really come down to this, tell us the bank. and we of course has this is especially, and the reason we have this insight close us to the us and people for the us off a leave and just need dirty that the kid about a night, the tech side, the, all this into the community has to pay attention that you know,
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that's what i see and what type of invest. yeah. and we have to be a spect what a president would be an extra the uh, gave us fairly strong sense and then we really appreciate that as a, as a stronger. you mentioned that the brother was nice and behind these fine we'll be facing just punishment. and regardless where they are and who it was that it didn't that i shouldn't be. i did defined and promised everyone involved. i think that stated them for all present with this has to be uh, you know, really and appreciate it because to the title of his uptake for the ever doing we did, it has to to, to appreciate what position they put it and say, how do you feel about the initial response that we saw from some west and officials to the massacre, instead of 1st offering condolences. they meet at the tribes focused by one who they believe is responsible on the front of these. uh we got the uh, the, the 1st minute of the day, of course. yeah. so,
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so because this is directly across the united states of glen ices, but we are, uh, the, but the, uh, really of a space. well, that has to be d as a how a did they find out, does that they could actually had to drive escape to watch you. great. so it means like we must believe or what i said investigation. uh, you know, i to state and the police dis, just out the door by some other countries thought you could as well. again, i think we did the emphasized on now what i see, i did, of course, in the u. s. embassy and most or no, or the android smartphone iphone on the brother in mostly, uh, in english. yeah. but at the same time i just, i just, i guess go to outside of us. it said that this book last uh, 2 days ago. and i can see the check on the orders is very strong today. even the email of our headphone has been, uh, you know, uh no, it's been everything. so i think this is a very, a good a secure, uh and uh, you know, uh, the protection of, uh,
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1st name would be an address yet to all the people. we have to stay within the border more and more. and what kind of a psych do you, do you think this incident might have on russians relationship with other countries? is it possible that such an immense tragedy could melt? some of the ice that we've seen, i mean french in chalet and football players to, to 11th of silence for the crow because victims before that much a well, this one. uh, it's very hard to say, but i think of our fall or whatever it is to getting the event. we are up here a standing process. but again, the issue of a party to go issue or heavy, both the good news or from other countries and everything is that the, not the story that they have to solve, especially using the ukraine cut off as a place up to, you know, to destroy or decides that last year. so i think this idea get uh on the i the issue, but again, oh, whatever the president would be interested in finding out the book this, i think this is actually the more is being voltage above the,
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the more people that understand or den just it is the day that people inside the country could actually, uh, you know, control by either or outside countries be destroyed or something inside. so i think this is a good next and for us. yeah. and i hope this is going to be a good listen for the other company as well, how to send them the voters out the st. the people that come in and come out or anything. so speaking to us today, connie were hand contained by creating donation cd defense on the list on strategic thank. i appreciate it. thank you for the mainstream media has focused on the heavy hyundai, the rest of the terrace suspects. a former c i, a chief of russia operations came to that. no such thing would happen in the west. i'd like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and rush and what's going on in the west. and even though is something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. so as society is rule of law and treating
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suspects, even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, to manage and respect, which is totally, oh, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia for the full, my c, i, a officials claims signed the face of his country's own history of detaining and torturing thousands of innocent people during the so called war on terror. american military prisons, blanket guantanamo bay, and abu ghraib became notorious for the atrocities committed within the walls. we've been looking back at that dream legacy and hearing from one of the victims the
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i was just visiting my wife's parents, house in dunbar, come in from bugged out, to settle a disagreement with my wife. on the morning of october, 31st in 2003, the area had been called on both by the us forces. later they stopped the house and apprehended me even though the residence told them always not from the area and had no relations with the racket resistance. my head was covered with a plastic bag, and my hands were tied behind my back with flex costs. before they put me inside demetri homepage, the
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dog was subjected to relentless torture. dogs was sent on us. they stripped us naked except for shots and they pulled icy watch all of us through stunning grenades at task. and even 5 nights on the nation. i witnessed the mileage of too many, no section one with a book to the hearts. and the other was shot with a pump action rifle. the most annoying thing was tripping us in a cage and being beaten by 2 servicemen. i guess the plastic stick because we're blindfolded him on the reprehensible of uses. they made 2 naked prisoners stamped and touched each on the the
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so being presidents, alexander village safe, his country is now facing a normal pressure of its position of military neutrality. his statement comes on the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of yugoslavia. we're going to special kind of forge of one of your ups docket space. we have to protect thousands of innocent people to the fuse of powder, to get the heart of your to stand united with our allies for faith. my generation never to see those see in europe, i get the thousands of civilians were killed and 1999 when the us sled blow palo the country
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for 78 days. some subs is still suffering from the consequences of depleted uranium shows that we use fine data. he's on tease, show the defense key with the full story, and the other 2 persons of a dear of yours. we have just received news from our report. i have reached tenant that the enemy aircraft of the crisper nato forces wants to be silent, sex on the territory of kosovo, and reduction around 8 pm. as you heard, and there are certain was given for the bell great a few minutes ago. the natures i'm hoping of you could solve your may now have been confined to the dusty pages of history for the west. but here in what's now serbia, the suffering continues. it was looked at or,
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and the chemical war that has been done against my country. the 1999. it was the original ecological catastrophe. a lot of uh, very toxic income sort of good news. things were in the air and the saw. it was the water during the bonding during my phone call, so i'm gonna talk to you about also in the north to serve you. what i so as a doctor is, 1st of all the, there is much, much more on project all diseases. but also that the tumors more address and the results of therapy were less fortunate than it was before. that's the 1st thing. then we saw that it was thoroughly d. i'm a man twice as before. then we sold a dyslexic anomalies, of kids among animals, veterinarians was the 1st who said that something was going on. then we had also a larger number of wildly new diseases. you know, the depleted uranium, react, sonya or even the system. so we don't even know how many consequences we can
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connect with the bombing and, and i turned gushing and depleted uranium during its illegal campaign. nature forces attacked with munitions that contain to police is the geranium across $91.00 site. so some $31000.00 radioactive rooms, being foliage now well, need to his claim. dover know that there was no loss thing. impact the u. s. u. k. work stoke houses may see that the health risks from the chemical toxicity of such weapon. now move in 2 decades on so that is looking for conclusive offices itself. so just as you own your car, because there are studies that suggest there was an increase in cancer patients after the bombing, for example, due to the high concentration of uranium in the air. we know that radiation is one of the risk factors for cancer development. and there are probably some correlations with the number of people following, you know,
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one of the study found children born between 19992015 were exposed to a top 6 fact that making the move unable to malignant diseases with the countries institute for public health showing that children was suffering from blood related to move brain team is on solely team is i'm, there's also evidence to show that when the depleted uranium on hit the ground, they may have contaminated the soil to meaning anything wrong and not so it could also be contaminated, the rest of propaganda is ready to fall could assist uh here today uh, told us that the dp you'd annually is very good for eyeglass agriculture. and that the, because they know that the 100 percent growing people with the cancer off the not the bombing and the they do charge of that. so that is the reason because people
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uh eats bad foods. and that is or isn't that because we have a lot of meat that's a lot of 2 things that that, that i, that, that they speak about. the budget is, i know some people that the who had the, who has a concert that a young lady on the people as a and the it's, it's because they're pretty good. i know it's, it's a, it's a very clear, a fuel cell results. what did happen before the bomb being inductive on being, it's very clear because it in uh, as far as i can see, there is certainly many consequences festival. we see an increase in the number of deaths of our fellow citizens. many of our young people are getting cancer. it is forbidden to study and talk about the home fullness of uranium. i think that the big power is preventing studies, which would provide proof that we can already see it in the numbers, kansas and other diseases. a rising to 10 or a 100 times higher to spell it out. it's not just her in so if you have
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a long term effect. so being felton nature's. oh, so just easily we too. they were exposed while on duty late to fully ill dying when they returned home from countries where they need to had use depleted uranium. what day to day they've committed horrific crimes and it is still committing critics of crimes. since the depleted uranium material is still in the ground, that is a direct consequence of bonding. also we have about 400 italian soldiers deployed to cos. i'm going thought your order to dive and more than 3 thousands or 4000 of them a that they've got disease. there is in uh there are hundreds of processes against easily against natal. uh, by the families of the valley of soldiers who are trying to get some kind of satisfaction because there is no officer and nato is pretending that it has nothing
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to do with the depths of their old soldier soldiers. what is interesting is that american soldiers deployed their allies in the, into the dangerous areas, and they didn't go there for themselves. the liver, kidney damage, long bone, and all the organs, cancer issues with having children breathing problems. these are all some of the known side effects from ingesting or breathing in pos schools from depleted uranium . now more than 300, it's highly in veterans who develops cancer as a result of dot exposure have had that day in coats. there also those, those who have had less exposure to what has happened to them. and that includes the ethnic helping and some very people that nature claims it was protecting by forming you can solve you need because the to say it's been assigned to so that you know, because of these, that kind of information about the big data i know for that i mean
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complex needed to be with the random piece of the i, binding of the sink of people in the room being. and then all the sudden he has said more or less. i mean, after the fact the suppression of getting in the cash on that day. yeah. and, and the thing is where sink or time for the consequences of being. and these are, was as shopping for them because they say they were thinking they would say. ready the medic, um, i lot went wrong being good for hanging management and she says the situation is even worse now, i think. and then she brushed the laurel and a lot,
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and because the me says something, as in roaming and consequences and a, as far as mounting evidence, nature continues to knowing it's cause such issues. those who speak out about the impacts of depleted uranium labels as being pro from kansas, but the facts speak for themselves. now, despite the clear evidence of the long term impacts, the us, nato's biggest ally is sending depleted uranium munitions to ukraine, creating potentially even more misery for decades to come in. the areas that they all used to a jeep is key for all the in belgrade. serbia, which is a recent attempt to discuss the off the mouth of the nato bombing computers, la via, has been blocked by western states of the un security council. moscow say this
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simply wanted to raise awareness about the topic without pushing for any sort of binding resolution. rushes that between you and envoy, dimitri poly on skate, explain more to my colleagues, even though now. so once again, our discussion of the security council on nato is actions and you can slow up here, they've been blocked. why are western powers in your views so reluctant to, to even reflect on not episode of their military intervention? i think the phrase, they, i free the tools that we will come out. they don't want the world to least some, once again to the details of a, that's a horrible new to become pain. i'm totally unlawful. new to the company in the, the conductance against against. so you've got a lot of you, they also don't want us to highlights the responsibility of their leaders at the time of need to leaders. that's why they want to, to shut the miles of everybody. they are not interested in the spot in the real.


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